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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 12 hours ago, meganoth said:


    There was talk about boss zombies. At the moment there is the demo and a new plague zombie. Not sure they will continue though as they need to add bandits


    I think im getting them tingles now for doing more zombie ideas :D


  2. 23 minutes ago, TSBX said:

    Description from Twitter, for context. 


    "Hey Survivors,

    Here is a work in progress teaser screen shot showing off a new primitive pistol, a new Fat cop, a ton of updated and new environment art and a brand-new Random World Generation Algorithm. Great work by the entire TFP Team coming to Alpha 20 Stay tuned! "


    So, that's RWG, and it looks amazing.



    I have to see it to believe it!

    i require a New Nasa PC and a access for playtesting 

    will take 9 months for review ;)

  3. Also i still find it funny that in this world.

    every car pre-war that civilians drive are Sudan's

    (not counting army trucks, work vans, and Wee woo buses)

    no trucks, Jeeps, Creepy vans, SUV, Golf carts, Motorcycles or anything 

    Just S U D A N

    2 minutes ago, Laz Man said:


    Its not April 1st so ...... 😎

    Oh you made it to QA, congrats :D

  4. Just now, MechanicalLens said:

    I wonder if this image takes place in Navezgane or RWG?

    on twitter they also said that 
    "Hey Survivors, Here is a work in progress teaser screen shot showing off a new primitive pistol, a new Fat cop, a ton of updated and new environment art and a brand-new Random World Generation Algorithm. Great work by the entire TFP Team coming to Alpha 20 Stay tuned!"


    but its too good to be RWG


  5. 10 hours ago, Gamida said:

    Was watching a stream and there was a debate about the hunter mod. It is suppose to do 100% damage to living beings. So is it useless on zombies (animal ones included). Does it only work on the animals like the regular bear, deer, rabbits, chickens and such. Or was it included for PVP?

    i think its ment for animals. i always add it for extra damage.

    there is Blessed metal in the creative menu but you can't uses it in a non modded game.

  6. 20 hours ago, meilodasreh said:

    I step aside here also. Still afraid of going out at night, but when I do it's "meh...what exactly was I afraid of...it's all the same as during days but only with dark background".

    Well not actually, because there's a lot more direwolves and serious animal stuff spawning around, but considering zombies...well they're just faster XP-points because they run into my sledge instead of walking towards it.

    I don't even know if I'm fair here because I have towards 700h ingame now (which does make me not being a total noob anymore around here in the forum), and I forgot how terribly frightening my first touch (nights) with the game felt.

    But does this really have a point?

    Should I increase difficulty? Maybe.

    Should I reconsider my mind trying to include/compare first-time players with the same knowledge I gained with my "hundreds of hours" of experience? Definitely.

    What does this lead to?

    Everything you're good at becomes somehow easy for you.

    I pull my hat to the devs that they try to consider every playstyle and every level of experience the player has, and try (doing good as far as I can see) to adapt for everyone.


    Khalagar and Adam have a point...the game seems to have become too easy over time.

    But is it the game getting "lame", or is it us becoming better at what we do?

    We know all the - also not-so-obvious - game mechanics, so we as experienced players have that advantage that "noobs" can't even see.


    Nights should be terrifying again, I would love...but what would it mean for beginners?

    I recently had a short discussion with Promethean Winchester here (which I now understand better than initially), he also has a point.


    So to conclude this:

    I have great confidence in what efforts were taken considering difficulty chosen by the devs.

    Make A20 great again. (A19.5 would be apprechiated too if being released by...let's say now 😁)


    agree, i may do out if i say i died, but i still stay in my home. Now if im armed to the teeth and armored to the ball. then i got np going out.

    But i would love night time to be more deadly even for endgame players.

  7. 14 hours ago, Khalagar said:




    I really hope there's some more features to bring back that "new to the game" horror. I still vividly remember the first time I played the game and was holed up in a PoI absolutely TERRIFIED at the sounds of the zombies outside the walls trying to find me as I cooked my meat and light was shining through the windows because I didn't cover them up well enough etc. They of course ripped through the walls while I was crapping my pants and trying to hide on the stairs and break the stairs so they couldn't chase me up. Literally spent every night in that crappy half ripped down PoI crouch walking and hiding in absolute terror


    Now days I just go do quests at night  even with running zombies since they just don't seem to aggro or group up in enough numbers to be a major threat even early game. They just don't seem to have anywhere near the aggro radius they used to even when I've got forges and campfires going in what should be open sight


    Honestly, I would really like if there was just a feature to make the zombie senses SUPER sharp at night. It would be great if nights were absolutely horrifying and dangerous to go out in.


    Gimme dem roaming hordes that spawn in massively increased frequency at night and can sense noise / heatmap / cooking meat from hundreds of blocks away. Mini horde night every night!

    yes, yes to all of this, though i still don't like to go out at night...


    On 4/15/2021 at 3:56 PM, faatal said:

    Stealth still works. Feral sense is basically zombie hearing and seeing x2.5, which is mod-able in xml and may be tweaked before release.

    yeah something where i don't have to go play Geek squad to have fun! keep it up!


  8. 7 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    They'll surely explain everything to your children... after they grow up. :heh:


    (*old man's voice*)

    I remember playing Alpha One on my Commodore 64 back then, they were very different times ya know? *cough, cough*

    Now, let me tell you the story of how this game was born... :kev:

    Papa! I found this game in your old PC thing, it called 7 Days to die? whats that.

    now thats a name i have not heard in a long time

  9. 4 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    1. In your opinion melee is generally awful.


    2. I'm not judging here, but I cannot for the life of me understand why some people find it's more rewarding to grab a handful of common materials out of their storage and craft the best gear in the game rather than going outside and looting.


    3. Have you played Alpha 19? If so, you'd know that this statement couldn't be further from the truth. Unless you're talking about trader quest rewards; those will be properly balanced in A20.

    too be fair the melee is a tad bit clanky but not THAT bad.

    tbh the only melee weapon i don't uses is Knives only if i have nothing else to uses. and for animals.  I LOVE the Machete and wish there was swords but knifes are not really my style. I would rather uses a axe. at least i can chop more limbs off :D

    (nothing to say really)

    the loot from traders is not mad. TBH i would rather take extra cash then items at times. but at tier 5, i don't do quest. takes too long and im already armed to the teeth. if there are weapons though. i sell them

  10. I like seeing the zombies as they are but i think there should be like a generic, that you can't tell who they once were. kinda like the new burnt zombie, but instead of it being crispy, just VERY rotten Kinda like the crawler (my fav zombie) they could also sound like the crawler :D

    and another thing (its more of a OCD thing) but i think zombies should have random walks.  sense its kinda odd to see the same looking zombie walk the same way. why does steve not do the heavy walk or the cripple walk. 

    and another thing, some zombies cloths i think could be darker, like the new cops shirt should be a tad bit darker. Dairlen cyan shirt should be darker and bloody and steve's should also be darker

  11. On 4/12/2021 at 11:35 AM, Roland said:

    Let's see who can find me a link to a good cookie image with transparent background and I'll change it to the best one.


    Cookie Contest begins now. :)


    2013 Holiday Gift Guide | Christmas cooking gifts, Homemade cookies, Food  gifts
    Sense 7DTD lives Mason jars, why not a Jar of cookies!
    (if you want me to edit it to cut it out and turn it into a PNG let me know)

    15 hours ago, Roland said:

    Fast Travel between traders has come up before as a discussion point. I won't say who was for or against but I will say there was not a unanimous feeling about it. 

    depends on how its done, if its like fallout... no

    but if you need to pay dukes for it, then sure

  12. 11 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    @Roland , I wanted to request this from you since it's really crutial and a huge improvement to the forums. Can we get a "cookie" to react to posts ? I get it that there's the "sympathy" bucket of flowers, but it generally looks like we are mourning someone instead of a deep feeling of acknowledgement. A cookie would be the intense yet funny one we are looking for in more than one situation. As with every other one, it should represent a certain specific feeling, and it does.



  13. 13 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Excellent work Faatal!


    I can't wait to get my hands on this feature whenever A20 EXP hits. I personally edit my forest biome XML's to add wights, cops, and soldiers to nighttime spawning, so this shall prove to be... interesting.

    i think that should be a thing you can do without doing XML files but oh well. 

    I always messed it up. i Got it fixed but it was still a Pain. 


    maybe they could add a "Spawn setting" and a "Zombie level" setting

    you can crank the zombie spawn setting to. 
    0 ,1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x or 6x Day

    0 .2x 4x, 6x, 8x 10x and 12x Night 
    (able to flip around if you wish or Able to make it bases Day or night spawn)

    and Zombie Type setting 
    so this setting would allow some more zombies to spawn in more areas, more stronger or even special zombies, Say if you pump it up to 1, you could encounter a Burned zombie in the Woods, or a solder and maybe a spider zombie. (this is how it would go)

    Normal (like the bases game, no harder zombies spawn in open world but some special zombies can spawn at night and feral zombies)

    Advanced (more types can spawn in open world or even in buildings but not crazy types) you can find burnt zombies, hazmat, fat people, Bikers, and more normal zombies in groups even spider zombies at day time)  Night time more stronger zombies spawn (feral or not) and can even find different specials any time like cops during the night or even A screamer!

    Hardern: weaker zombies spawn in more groups in the wild and with more harden zombies. like soldiers, Almost all Special zombies can be found during the day even zombie animals.  at night Almost every zombie can spawn as a feral version and can live even when the sun rises. AND zombies during blood moons stay as well Even if you die. and they will come all night long! HAVE FUN!

    Accessibility is always a Plus in my book. becauses if your like me with a Peanut brain, it would help out 


    13 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Oh, I wish. But Madmole said that there are no plans for it currently. If smelting really was out of the picture though, it would solve A LOT of problems. Aside from obvious performance/gameplay/time gains by making the forge like a workbench (but with mods) , all the brass items could just be gone and just get "brass" from radiators, doors, etc. Lots of redundant things gone that can make way to new items and even new mechanics (not really, but smelting gone = performance you could use for electricity or farming or even more base raids).



    hmm i don't think getting brass is that bad. (I buy a lot of bullets as well, Mostly special grade)

    but i think it would be nice to have brass in more salvageable like electrical stuff, sense brass can come from copper and alot of electrical stuff has copper but lets say in the 7DTD WORLD it only brass. so Why not.

    i was rather happy when i found that pipes with they yellow valve on it can give you brass but it was not enough for a Hungry M60. other things like sinks don't give much ether
    so why not!

  14. On 4/6/2021 at 9:46 AM, BFT2020 said:

    Just wanted to point out that pipe weapons existed before Rust (Fallout 4 released with pipe weapons).  Improvised firearms were not invented by Rust - Fallout 3 had the Rock-It Launcher (later changed to Junk Jet).

    alot of games had pipe like weapons. 

    like Metro, and even old movies like Madmax had makeshift guns. idk why people say fallout came up with it. EVEN THOUGH THE ONES IN FALLOUT WOULD NOT WORK! *cough cough pipe bolt acton COUGH*

    But i wonder what the pipe pistol will look like 

    On 4/3/2021 at 5:02 PM, Roland said:


    Using the trader is completely voluntary. Cancel the initial tutorial quest and you won't be directed to a trader AND you also won't get the four free skill points. Only a millennial-lover would want to take those initial four skill points and wreck the pure survival experience.... ;)


    i mean why would you not want to pay the traders a visit
    LETs go over why they are so nice. 

    Trader joel AKA Randy savage hes madmole so he is going to be nice. 
    Trader Jen, she had meds and is kinda awkward BUT SHE NEVER HAS MY STIMPACKS! Also Snowdog likes her for.... other reasons
    Trader hue (IDK HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME!) he does not like it when i @%$# on the ground. WELL I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!
    Trader Rekt: A cranky old bomber that likes his corn... a little too much. and for me HE NEVER HAS FOOD! jerk.
    trader bob:.... he has nice hair and sounds like madmole (hope he gets a new voice! I CAN DO IT FOR FREE :D  

  15. 13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Hang out there at night in game and fire off a few unsuppressed shots. :D 

    Been there. done that.

    If i could. i would put Feral wights on a pike, I would Bath in Condors and cop acid, I would wear the screamers Hair as a wig. I AM THE WASTELAND!

  16. 15 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    It's long been known that the burnt biome is, to a certain extent, being merged as a part of the wasteland in A20. As a result, will clay patches now be present within the wasteland biome?


    Also, will the radiated zones encompass the entire biome, or just towns, or perhaps instead random splotches across the map? Will it be possible for the player to survive in the wasteland, or will the tactic from now on always be to get in and get out as soon as possible?

    i mean if you dig in the wasteland deep enough you will hit dirt then stone, kinda like the snow biome but a bit less so. 

    and i think it would be cool if there were times where rads came around more often. and sometimes less. and hell why not add some radioactive areas in the normal biomes, Via Water, Barrels, zombies or god knows what (my hope is microwaves :D) 

    and maybe some areas would have rads in the wasteland and some not so much. 

    either way i just hope we can live in the wasteland when that comes, around end game i always set my bases up there so more zombies come and try to attack. 

    Plus it looks cool with the new trees and stuff :D

  17. On 3/30/2021 at 11:33 PM, Aldranon said:


    Best to suffer in silence... like I do.


    Na too boring 

    1 minute ago, Matt115 said:

    that's why spider zombie is jumping everywhere and feral is the fastest : both of them are barefoot so they don't to worry about creasing their shoes 😅

    they ran so much on class, broken rocks, sand, Glass and other stuff, there feet have harden to the point where they are shoes!

  18. I partially agree to a point. 

    back then items where much harder to find and you pray to god some days you get to unlock that hunting rifle. 

    but i think it is for the better. you still have to look around and find stuff. that trash pile MIGHT have that book you're looking for.  Weapons are a bit more common but sense they will add NPCs and more zombies. that i hope are much more deadly. and with zombie AI changes it makes sense. 

    but its still a Scavenging game. EVERY once of loot counts and when i play. 99.9% of the time im overecomber sense im greedy and i don't like to invest much in to weight since i would rather find more stuff to hoard then hold more

  19. 18 hours ago, Urban Blackbear said:


    I know its unlikely to happen, that's why I put it in the "If wishes were fishes" section of the forums. Maybe if there's enough wishes it'll get noticed. :D

    you never know. they may want to add more SMGs but who knows

  20. 49 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well  i can't agree - in waw der riese heads of zombie looks rly diffrent that in shi no numa or verruck . Ofc in later maps they looks more this same ( exceptions : origins- gasmask or more or less rotten and outbrake and firebase Z. ) But even a colour of clothes can make a big diffrent like in die rise or the gigant - so make just smal change like zombie soldier in beret or with diffrent camo could change a lot or bussisnes zombie with white or black suit . I can agree with l4d2 head but  clothes change a lot - fallen survivor looks diffrent and is worthy to hunt him - police zombie after the last stand update can drop nightstick , doctors and patients in no mercy hospital are something "unusual " and you can  spot diffrents. 7dtd is  slower so it is easier to see 3 this same  looking zombies hiting a wall . I know i know it easy to complaying and it is just time-consuamble to make new models ( i wish i could help but i just don;t know how make characters - ofc it can be make in Fuse but it will be looking  to cartoonlike and 7dtd is on unity so  new character creator which looks rly good will only work with unreal engine - it won't have a option to transfer model with texture to another engine)

    I know each map had a set head and body model and you can get zombies say wearing a Gasmak on a captain outfit  on Origins 

    58 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Based on what I read in this forum, it is probably more likely she looks like that after running away from SnowDog.

    I would too

  21. 44 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    I'd like to see an additional SMG added. As far as I know there's just the SMG-5 which is nice but doesn't shoot the higher tier pistol rounds. I'm also having a hard time finding an SMG-5 for some reason. Been using a Q5 version that I made myself for about 40 game days now. Maybe a MAC-10 could be added that shot .44 rounds (usually chambered in .45ACP IRL)? Interested to hear feedback.

    i would like to see that too but sadly SMG is classed as Pistols and it would add too many for that class. Plus they said they are basically done with weapons (i think) after pipe weapons  

    But i would love to see the SMG-5 be turned into a a new SMG like maybe a Uzi with a Wooden stock and maybe a Grip on the front. it would fit in better as a Pistol class and it would have a little makeshift look to it. 

    Original Israeli UZI Display Submachine Gun with Wood Stock – International  Military Antiques

    But if they did want to add more SMG i would go with this

    "Pipe SMG" it looks like a Makeshift pistol but its burst and it holds like 3 extra rounds

    "MircoSMG" A mac 10 

    SMG-5 MP5


    Assault SMG. Bizon 

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