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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    modern version looks like a toy gun rly  few years ago my uncle bought simlar toy gun on festine .Yeez or "modern" tommy gun. It should be banned. btw what's go wrong after 2000 and 90% of modern guns looks like : everyone doing this same gun but little diffrent to avoid being suited XD rly what's go so wrong. Or even worst = "systems" so you have smg, bullbub LMG , sniper rifle  and assult using this same base . This so annoying

    im not going into the gun ban thing cuz that will causes a Forum war but!

    not all, it depends on the gun maker. Like some Modern Level actions have Polly stocks, metal rails, all metal etc. but some make there look like old ones but with better items.

    i was hoping the Marksman rifle would look like a AR15 sense they are simi auto and they fit well for a Marksman rifle. Maybe it would have a wooden stock, long barrel port, AR Iron sights, and some tape wrapped around it. but a Lever action is cool too!

    i wonder what primitive Sniper is? i don't think its that level action because then the OG hunting rifle would have no role. 
    the Pipe rifle should basically be a long tube with a stock, Bolt, Iron sights and a Front grip, it would have ONE shot like the old hunting rifle. 

    while the Hunting rifle would have 3 rounds and would have a clip on the bottom. the scope would be placed near the bolt like a real rifle sense you don't need to load it via the Bolt. it would be a Classic deer rifle. 

    and what about the pipe AR?

  2. 35 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well this have sense : in my contry you can find  small city with 3 supermarket and  almost any diffrent shop so... or small village with 2 small shops and 3 big factories and something between fort and church

    Came to Poland and you will see a rly strange things like : working airport without passagers , roads to nowhere or rly good asphalt road with led lamps etc in forest . Or 10 benches( i'm not joking , it was even in local newspaper)  near rly bad road nowhere but there isn't any in logical places like park . Or flat with only ground floor ( yeah it is still flat because of reasons ). Rly it was looking like created in broken random world generator 

    whats wrong with people!

  3. 3 hours ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    Listen, I live in Appalachia so I can't throw a rock without hitting a church. One of them even handles snakes. That doesn't mean a game can't have a little more balance.

    oh that makes sense. NM


    1 hour ago, Demonoid74 said:

    7 Days to Die 2 : The Electric Boogaloo




    an actual Pimp Simulation game...




    A combination of the above 2! 


    That is what I think the other project is! ;)

    madmole has left us :(

    its ok snowdog... we will get him back soon!

  4. 1 minute ago, SnowDog1942 said:



    Whats worse is the silence from Madmole.   Not that I personally care if he interacts here much or not but I believe the last time he was detached from an Alpha was 17 and we saw how that turned out. 


    I'm hoping that the new baby (what ever the new game is) is not making him neglect the older sibling that still needs TLC :(

    Sure you don't.... we all love madmole


    Just now, Matt115 said:

    well he looks rly cool and improvment is just... like change a sword into a machine gun

    he just looks like a Hobo hunter!

  5. Ok Part 3. Some changes 


    Tier 0: Junk rifle: same role as the other one but with mods like simi auto or full auto you can change the fire rate! The point of the Junk rifle is to uses some more of the "off branded ammo" stuff like junk ammo (all types), Nails at a full auto rate and Darts.. example. darts can be charged up by holding the shoot button (whatever it is for you if you are a weirdo). 

    it would uses compressed air to fire, even though it uses air! its pretty loud! 

    Can add suppressor and it a nice mixed weapon but don't expect it to Save your skin too much duing a blood moon! 



    tier 1: Hubcap Launcher: What if you got a crossbow, some hubcaps, some old parts and a pinch of Insanity? well you get the hubcap launcher! if you are a Loser you just place Hubcaps as deco sense you can't uses them for mines anymore! Well what if you Slap them bad boys in a large crossbow fliger thingy! it can have 1 shot but can added more to the "Mag" its just gravity that brings them down. the thing about these though due to their shape, when fired out they move to a point where instead of a blunt object. it basically turns into a Flying Saw Blade. if you don't like that zombie running at you? just shoot its legs and cap it i the head! it can even go though other targets.  OR if you don't like your hands! you can load a Hubcap mine to throw it at a zombie as a Poor man's grenade launcher! make sure your not too closes though 



    Tier 2: Hell bringer: What if you made a flamethrower but its NOT a flamethrower but instead it was a goo launcher? no? well too bad!  this weapon is a chemist best friend! with a Mix of special blends you are able to do many things with it!

    • Goorot: this goo blend is a mix of Acid, Paint, oil and glue. this acid makes a small greenish red goo puddle that basically makes zombies fall apart like legos! there legs may break off, there heads, there arms, or they can just be a Disabled to the point where they can't move! it works well too agesnt cars as well! 
    • Goo-brun: this Harsh blend makes you not love to smell Napalm! this stuff is fire but on another level! it fires out like a fireball but it lingers on the ground longer then a Molotov but its much smaller. Oh and the fire burns longer :D
    • Goo-turn: A Smell that is so bad it would make them zombies smell like roses! this smell makes other zombies attack another due to the smell! if you shoot say a solder, all the other zombies will attack them but they will get the goo too! and it will repeat! this blend though takes awhile to make and its hard to make!
    • Goo-tar: it acts like a Slipping slide! it can slow down zombie movement and can even Make them fall and ragdoll! or it can even Stun the zombies and they will be stuck until the goo is gone, this is the easiest one to make!      
    • flamethrower" this just turns it into a flamethrower and uses gasoline!
      (all of this is in the ammo section)

    tier 3/1: Stun gun!: this weapon is like a Taser but on Crack! it is much more lethal then one but you can uses it as a weapon! 

    this weapon uses 2 types of ammo
    Power: (Battery you loaded Load it with in ammo)
    and Rounds: (uses Junk ammo, can pick what type you want, in the same ammo tab)

    • 25%: this is a more lethal then a Taser but no were near useless! it does DPS with electricity and able to stun a target right in front of you and it you get a buff when you hit them with a Stun baton (Instacharge!). 
    • 50%: this has a Light chain that will slow down the target a bit less but will deal electrical damage DPS. does well against armored enemies
    • 75%: Fires a more High charged Shot that does more damage but less stun damage! But it does wonders agent Heavy targets! In fact! it can disable a Demolishers C4 charge. HA!  
    • 100% Deals more damage to the gun and Uses ALOT of power and the gun makes a Loud *Hummmmmmmmmmm* sound so if you think your sneaky... your not and expect company! this weapon will not uses Junk ammo but it will damage the gun and DESTROY battery power!. it fires a Net on the bottom that acts as a Mobile Zap trap!  but if you walk to far away from it. it will turn off due to the cable and it will break! (not the gun but the net) 

      this can deal heavy Damage and can set them of fire and can Slow them down but it drains battery power like Snowdog after being a stripper home! 


  6. 4 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well it sound a little bit as alternative type of shoting from second shotgun from painkiller overdose ! well just "goo" change into radioactive material and it would be fresh and immersive well green is more "happier" that purple. AND I HATE DIE RISE!  Just nope rly nope even XI an rest of chaos maps were better 

    i had fun with die rise. but it was missing PHD. 

    and idk about radiation. them zombies seem to like rads. 

    im going to update it soon cuz i got a few new ideas for int weapons  

  7. 27 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    NOPE !! for example Piat - french " rocket laucher" is just... something like glue gun with spring XD it just throwing rockets XD not launching just ... throwing XD so why don't do junk PIAT XD 

    i mean the rocket launcher kinda looks like one, Poor mans verson of a poor mans verson of a Rocket launcher

    and the goo gun is based off the Sliquifier from cod zombies. It fires purple goo that makes zombies melt and slip!

    the way the gun would fire, it would fire in a Blob of the goo of your choice. and it would fall like a Grenade. but cooler! 

    and if you wanted to, you can load gas and fire it like a flamethrower


    26 minutes ago, ShellHead said:

    I think they meant “thrower” as hose, not lobber.

    you’re describing something more like a grenade launcher with chemical payloads, not a sprayer which was what they were talking about

    think about it as if you threw slime on the ground... thats how it would fire!

  8. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Tier 0 : it sound's like  idea for volksgewehr but with nails

    tier 1 : hl ravenholm in nutsell XD

    tier 2 :  just add M202 FLASH - Wikipedia

    tier 3 : No. It 7 dtd not wolfenstein  . How you would add a WW2 german bunker in USA?! Railgun? okay . Cremator gun? Vietnam vibs . But no chance for tesla! 


    and tier 2 is better imo then just a flamethrower

  9. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    I'm all for wacky.

    Angry grumbing

    Ok Part 2. the other one is gone so... yeah!

    Tier 0: Junk rifle: same role as the other one but with mods like simi auto or full auto you can change the fire rate! The point of the Junk rifle is to uses some more of the "off branded ammo" stuff like junk ammo (all types), Nails at a full auto rate and Darts.. example. darts can be charged up by holding the shoot button (whatever it is for you if you are a weirdo). 

    it would uses compressed air to fire, even though it uses air! its pretty loud! 

    tier 1: Hubcap Launcher: What if you got a crossbow, some hubcaps, some old parts and a pinch of Insanity? well you get the hubcap launcher! if you are a Loser you just place Hubcaps as deco sense you can't uses them for mines anymore! Well what if you Slap them bad boys in a large crossbow fliger thingy! it can have 1 shot but can added more to the "Mag" its just gravity that brings them down. the thing about these though due to their shape, when fired out they move to a point where instead of a blunt object. it basically turns into a Flying Saw Blade. if you don't like that zombie running at you? just shoot its legs and cap it i the head! it can even go though other targets.  OR if you don't like your hands! you can load a Hubcap mine to throw it at a zombie as a Poor man's grenade launcher! make sure your not too closes though 

    Tier 2: Hell bringer: What if you made a flamethrower but its NOT a flamethrower but instead it was a goo launcher? no? well too bad!  this weapon is a chemist best friend! with a Mix of special blends you are able to do many things with it!

    • Goorot: this goo blend is a mix of Acid, Paint, oil and glue. this acid makes a small greenish red goo puddle that basically makes zombies fall apart like legos! there legs may break off, there heads, there arms, or they can just be a Disabled to the point where they can't move! it works well too agesnt cars as well! 
    • Goo-brun: this Harsh blend makes you not love to smell Napalm! this stuff is fire but on another level! it fires out like a fireball but it lingers on the ground longer then a Molotov but its much smaller. Oh and the fire burns longer :D
    • Goo-turn: A Smell that is so bad it would make them zombies smell like roses! this smell makes other zombies attack another due to the smell! if you shoot say a solder, all the other zombies will attack them but they will get the goo too! and it will repeat! this blend though takes awhile to make and its hard to make!
    • Goo-tar: it acts like a Slipping slide! it can slow down zombie movement and can even Make them fall and ragdoll! or it can even Stun the zombies and they will be stuck until the goo is gone, this is the easiest one to make!      
    • gas: this just turns it into a flamethrower and uses gasoline!
      (all of this is in the ammo section)

    tier 3: Telza Rifle:  Have you Ever tried to do the Urge to kill with arm? OR HANDS! OR ANYTHING OTHER THAN A BREAD SLOT! Well its not that bad. but this Bad boy uses A car battery as ammo and depending on the durability, it will add more or less ammo  ! When you Change the ammo type instead you will get a % 

    depending on what you set it too, well change how it works

    • 25%: this is a more lethal then a Taser but no were near useless! it does DPS with electricity and able to stun a target right in front of you and it you get a buff when you hit them with a Stun baton (Instacharge!) mu
    • 50%: this has a Light chain that will slow down the target a bit less but will deal electrical damage DPS. does well against armored enemies
    • 75%: Fires a Large arch that is shorter range but does alot of damage, it makes them move a tad bit slower but that's not the point! it does heavy shock damage and can even set the target on FIRE! but its low chance!
    • 100% Deals more damage to the gun and Uses ALOT of power and the gun makes a Loud *Hummmmmmmmmmm* sound so if you think your sneaky... your not and expect company. rather then a Arch!  it shoots a Small ball of energy that does a LOT OF DAMAGE! but even with a level 6 battery. you may have 6 shots.... better make it count! 

    Side things.

    Decoy bomb: this acts as a time Pipe bomb but it lures zombies to it then it will go BOOM!. its much Harder to make and needs time to prime. 


    34 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    well you can keep truck in your pocket right? so just put mortar on the ground : achtung ! feuer! and again put in  your pocket and go into your WW1 journey

    so a PLATA?


  10. Just now, Matt115 said:

    NOOOOOOOOO!! Better is to add rly intelect weapons as artilery weapons like 1. tier catapult 2 tier trembuchets 3 tier mortar 4 tier howitzer you now : calculater trajectory range etc

    well.... i hate to break this to you but,,,

    How the hell would you carry that?



    1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    I'm all for wacky. But what you suggested in your post were a "Spike rifle or a Junk rifle" and now flamethrower. Sorry to say this, but none of those weapons are really wacky. In actual handling a spike/junk rifle would be just a normal rifle, only ammo production would be slightly different. 


    A hub cap mine launcher on the other hand would be a welcome addition to the INT line of weapons.


    I like that INT plays so differently and people have to actually find out that they have to use guns from other attributes to get the most out of INT.


    alright,... ill be back

  11. On 4/28/2021 at 10:44 AM, meganoth said:


    What I meant was that because INTs own weapons still let you use your hands you already have lots of weapons for Intellect, i.e. all the weapons of other attributes are useable for an Intellect player as well.


    If you are a strength player for example, it does not make much sense to have a pistol as well, because you can't use them both at the same time. But as INT player you can use your turrets AND and a shotgun at the same time.


    ture ture. but...

    Comeone! your telling me you would not want madmole to make a hub cap launcher to cut them zombies legs off.

    plus they can get wacky with weapons. 

    but i do understand
    (flamethrower would still be sexy though)

  12. 17 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Hey @Adam the Waster and @MechanicalLens as Forum Arch Protector in short FA... well you know how is going , you are choosen <Klassik mortal kombat vibs> as our forum champions to do glorious quest <clap clap from backgroud>. Your job is simple : convience @faatal and @madmole to add into 7dtd stip club called snowdog or  Knuckle Rub ( or both even better) and zombie girl in ragged japansse school uniform with cat ears and tail and one dirty thigs higs on leg and bare feet on another one ( well bitten above ankle because it will be looking ... estetic I guess? well i want to add to some my ideas to ! and well so a lot girls are weebs now so it will be immersive as hell!). So it will fullfile are fanservice requests and make are dreams alive . So , great champions  good luck in yours quest  and will memes  will be with you.. always. <clap clap in background again for ... the reasons >

    Ill do what i must.

    add a Church stripclub!

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