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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 7 hours ago, n2n1 said:

    this is better... i didn't like "glowing speederman"

    Now i like three new models. Stripper, dog, and burnt.

    Gaser/gazer ... or whatever his name is - it looks bad. The old "guy in the Hawaiian shirt" is nicer.


    Why do these screenshots appear on the forum after the "social networks"? The developers do not consider the forum to be the main platform anymore?

    thats cuz i find them first and post them. or someone else does. Madmole ill wait for my paycheck (dukes only)

    Daddy needed a New Bicycle!


  2. On 10/28/2020 at 10:46 PM, thepcwiz101 said:

    Imagine that Alpha 21 (after Alpha 20) is the final Alpha lol. One can dream but then again the new and constant updates is kinda nice though.

     A29 is my vote. 


    6 minutes ago, Roland said:


    Correction....the last on topic post was last Tuesday. There have been plenty of posts since Tuesday but they have been re-routed.


    Congestion Ahead: Rerouting… - What's Up? Media


    is that a damn powerpoint?

    SMH roland you never change

  3. On 1/17/2021 at 5:02 PM, Space4Ace said:


    Nice job and all but, doesn't it look too much like the Resident Evil dogs?

    Just saying because TFP had a zombie early on that looked too much like a zombie from another game and were forced to remove it, right?

    Does it have to be a Doberman? Any zombie dog would be scary.


    Well yes and no

    It was a Unlicensed Model from another game. link down here
    https://7daystodie.gamepedia.com/Feral_Walker (yes i have a lot of spare time don't judge me)

    it was the feral walker. Not going to lie though its a really cool model and i do think if TFP wanted to add it they could but with there own twist i can see that zombie as a Night zombie. and with the resident evil thing, There are Many dogs in Resident evil. in one or 2 games i think they used a Doberman, i do agree with you with the "Any zombie dog would be scary thing" but theres nothing we can do. Hire me lol


  4. 6 hours ago, Jost Amman said:


    PLEASE STOP! You're awakening the Grammar Nazi in ME!! :spy::fear:

    well you're lucky i have been on my 7DTD hiatus. or else's you would see more of my god awful Spelling and Grammar! 


    1 hour ago, Vaeliorin said:

    I gotta be honest, I really, really dislike that dog model, and if/when it's implemented I hope I can find a mod that replaces it.  It's not because it's scary or bad or something, it's because it's just depressing.  It looks like a burned dog, and just conjures up all kind of images of animal cruelty.  I'd much rather have something like the picture Blake_ posted, because that at least looks like natural decay, as opposed to a dog being burned alive.

    i like it but i disagree with the dog breed choice. but i don't work for The fun pimps and it looks Really good!

    Fine with me!

  5. 2 hours ago, smokingpaper said:

    Who's pinky finger do we have to cut off to make a point that we need the option "Toggle to run" ?

    i uses a controller so.


    4 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    The old dog (a19) has correct colouring but weird shape (it's unclear if it's actually a doberman but the colour suggests so). It is also not that scary looking and its overall quality was lacking.


    The new one is perfect on the model part, with good sculpture and scary as hell, BUT the burned coat is weird to place in all biomes. I guess we can live with it. It's not a big deal. I mean if the "crawler" artist guy is on it, you can be sure that you will pee your pants at night with that puppy. 


    Hi again @madmole , long time no see. What are you working on at the moment? 


    I like the model but like i said i would choses something more generic. i would say Wolf but the dire wolf will be a zombie wolf 

  6. 16 hours ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    @madmoleplease give an eta for a20, being slightly vague is fine

    everyone else calm the f down. This isn’t meant to be an absolute date.


    you know. im not supposed to tell you. but i talked to one of the staff members (i can't say their name)

    and i can be banned for saying this but he said


    When its done


  7. On 1/13/2021 at 8:34 PM, Blake_ said:

    @madmole my dog companion is ashamed of that concept art (Bla bla bla i can't read)

      Hide contents



    Personally i would have picked a more "Generic" dog too fit the role. like a Wolf or even a Wild dog.

    what i would have done was make a Dog like a Lab or a Shepherd down to the Muscle, with little to no skin, bone showing, teeth Exposed and white eyes. and its skin has a rotten look to it.

    But i still Love the look of the new doggo model. tbh i didn't know what the new/current one was. A rottweiler?, A doberman, some inbred dog found in a trailer park? 

    But Great work art team!

    23 hours ago, madmole said:

    It won't happen. Decent melee and ranged bandits needs done yet and that itself is more than a handful.


    but how will the bandits melee work?

    is it more Basic where they just run at you and beat you with a stick? or is it more Complex (or at least whats the ideal melee combat you're team wants)

  8. 2 minutes ago, JCrook1028 said:

    So we have a special dog just for the burnt forest? I don't see this fitting into the world at large very well.

    i don't think its burned.

    thats just the way Doberman look. 
    the flesh is just showing. same with the skin. but i could be wrong

    I like it
    Dobermann - Wikipedia

  9. 3 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Or maybe something like this?


    yes but i can see it being more... "Junked"

    but i though bullpumps where harder to make... oh well. Maybe something like the bren where the mag is on top. 

    44 minutes ago, Astronomical said:

    Nice suggestions for the primitive machine gun. I like the side loader.


    Secretly though I was hoping for something more like this.. 😀





    bruh thats a rocket launcher lmao

  10. On 1/10/2021 at 4:03 PM, Arma Rex said:

    Most likely perception build. Assault is going to be fully-automatic. Wonder how they'll handle that, maybe take designs from Brazilian scrap submachine guns.


    i would hope it would look like this

    3D Models | MMORPG Forums

    it could uses 7.62 and could have maybe 10 or 15 rounds. 

    We don't have a side loader in game so why not? like a Makeshift sten? thats what it was basically

    A angry Tube with another tube on the side and some coat hanger on the back! and a trigger 

  11. 3 hours ago, KingSlayerGM said:

    40k is so close!

    "OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WHERE HALF WAY THERE!!!!!! OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    im sorry i had too


    9 hours ago, Roland said:

    Everyone is playing!


    We broke all our records this past week with 39k concurrent players. 

    im just waiting for A20 and just posting pics for A20
    and im hoping this alpha gives Alot of love to Intellecte class. IE stuff like a makeshift baton and a tier 3 baton. idk like a Tesla baton  
    i would like a range weapon class but i would not be sad if there wasn't. 


    HELP ME!

  12. 7 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Looks like you found the pipe rifle concept. I'm curious if it loads from the left or bottom since it looks like there is a spring where the loading gate would be if it was loaded from the right. Might be a single shot too, even with the mag tube in the image.

    the reason why i say it could be the AR class is due to the way you can shoot Leveraction. idk what its called 

    kinda like in Red dead. 

    ether way! it looks nice i would uses it as a day 1000 main weapon

  13. 4 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I can confirm that the pipe weapons are great fun to find and use. They are still WIP but even now their variety is exactly what the primitive era needs and they really have breathed new life into the early game. I don't think they will change the minds of those who are wanting the more powerful weaponry sooner but for those who enjoy the slower progression and finding primitive stuff of slowly building quality until the real weapons start appearing, they really make the game more engaging. I find myself excited to get ammo now and am using it up. These guns are pretty junky but they are fun. If you are the type who feels that using up ammo on poor weaponry is a waste then you'll probably have a hard time with these guns and may find yourself ignoring them in order to horde ammo for later when you can find good guns. But if you don't mind using whatever you've got in the present and letting tomorrow take care of itself, then they are great!

    but will bows still be useful?

  14. 16 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    I wouldn't mind having ALL the Zds climbing with their arms and legs ( not like the former spider climbing, lol). It is quite difficult to do right though, given the block collisions and clipping and all. 


    Yet a teleporting Zd that Zaps/travels inside a base in a foggy particle cloud would be awesome though. Imagine the jumpscare moments.

    Maybe when they are feral!
    Not normally
    (if there eyes glow they do this)

    i always dreamed of feral zombies being scary due to there agility and there persistence
    (able to climb walls (poorly but still able to), leap farther, able to Block attacks for the cost of their arm , hop on cars, , Roaring to lure more zombies,  When they turn into clawlers they Crawl themselves to you at a fast speed and Leaping! Able to infect you faste.  Having blood Red eyes and veins....

    That would make people S*^t their paints, that would madmole Hide, it would make me not want to go out at night, it would make roland want to knuckle rub himself to death! 


  15. 1 hour ago, meganoth said:

    Unofficial answers:


    3 - The behemoth is gone, but more boss zombies (like the Demolisher) seem to be planned.

    2 - I don't think the spider will be changed, but maybe a boss zombie will get that ability

    1 - I suspect the next video will be published shortly before christmas


    Your translation software has not worked well.


    too be fair the spider zombies climb was rather poor so i don't miss it lol

    i like the leap, the leap could be better! but it works 

    (should be named the grasshopper zombie)

  16. 21 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:

    As far as I know, all current armor/clothing items (minus plant fiber gear) will be replaced by outfits, and the plant fiber set will become an outfit. So yes, those clothing/armor items you mentioned will probably be replaced.


    Either the night vision goggles will become a mod (although MM already confirmed a while back that this will not be happening), or they'll be a part of a stealth armor set, if not removed entirely.


    I wonder what will become of the Needle and Thread book series though.


    Going on a side note, but speaking of book series, I'd like to once again outline how almost pointless it is to lock the M60, steel club, and steel spear schematics behind higher gamestages if you can just find the books to craft said items at any point in the game. :)

    i bet that needle and thread will be very handy now.

    and i do hope for some other armor like army armor for Ar weapons and bombs, Football armor/Athlete armor. for speed and charge attacks, Stealth armor for well.... stealth., Hunter armor for Hunting and bow users (it could look like the old hide armor but with a deer skull for a helmet)

    and maybe armor parts could have more uses. (Light armor parts, and heavy armor parts)


  17. On 11/27/2020 at 4:28 AM, Frontjunky said:

    we have very soft couch or corner sofa, but i want to see me or my friends sitting or laying on it, please implement this! Oh and i wish me a rubber doll....hey i am a lone ranger i have only needs :D

    na man thats what the zombies are for, just make sure you wear a rubber. ;)

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