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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 1 hour ago, Roland said:


    That is not what I have heard and it also is not how clothing with effects currently work. If you put on lucky goggles you don't have to wait 5 minutes before you get the benefits. I'm pretty sure it is going to be that you get the benefit as soon as you put on the clothes and lose the benefit as soon as you take them off. If Madmole said something different than that please show me because that would be a radical difference in how buffs work in the game.


    Madmole doesn't see it this way. It is one of the things in the game right now that he absolutely hates. One of the driving forces for the new system was to make it so that everyone looks good in whatever they are wearing and the multiple layering and subsequent clipping of clothing and armor would be gone. If you think about how things stand right now, everyone pretty much looks the same anyway since armor covers the clothing so that you either have a steel armor look, scrap armor look, military gear look, leather armor look, or padded armor look. Sure there is more variety if you never wear armor since there are a lot of variations of clothing but then you have to sacrifice armor for variety. There will be a lot more outfit variety that includes an armor rating than the current armor kits and with mixing up types you will get a large variety of looks-- more than what we currently have when wearing armor.

    I said thats how it "should work" 

    my bad 

  2. 11 minutes ago, Roland said:

    You are going to be changing outfits more often in the new system because each piece will have a unique benefit and sometimes you might want to swap out an entire outfit rather than a piece here or there. Swapping out a 10 piece outfit would be quite tedious. Hopefully a quick swap function will be added somehow but even so 10 pieces vs 4 pieces (while a lot more complex) might not be more fun-- nor will it force tough choices. If I can only wear 4 benefits at a time I will be making choices less often than if I can wear 10 benefits at once-- and that may be just a bit OP anyway.

    I think that so to make things a Tad more balanced. the effects take about 5 mins to activate, so you don't just throw on one thing, and another and another, etc 

  3. TBH i really like the new armor idea

    it gives alot more uses to many older cloths, be honest in terms of gameplay what do you go for? Some scarp boots or goth boots... my guess is scarp boots sense it gives you armor armor is pretty useful over being cold/warm 

    But i do think it could have some nice little changes

    Some changes i would do
    Every class should at least have 3 armors to fit a play style and some as a mix

    Nerd armor looks..... Very... Stupid... suggestions to make it looks a little better

    • shoulder pads could have some wires and other parts to help with batons power
    • Cloths should not look stupid.. add some Pants.. fully sleeved shirt 
    • chest looks fine. but maybe add some coils.. idk
    • Helmet

    A skin system for armors so you could make them look like other armors. you don't like the look of your Nomad gear? Add a Skin too it and it looks different but acts the same. the Skins look like all the armors from the game but it goes by light and heavy. so you can't put Nerd armor on your farmer armor

    Some extra ones like would be nice 

    • Millitary (jack of all trades for combat but not as good as some others) (Light)
    • Scrap (seen on artstation) (heavy is my guess)
    • Runner (Good for missions/on the run/Parkour) (light)
    • EOD (explosives damage, better resistance, better with hammers and M60s, and RPGs) (heavy)
    • Hunter (Gives extra meat, good for animals and could have a skull for a helmet, Better with spears and bows) (Light)
    • Ghillie (a Mix of a ghillie suit and a Ninja outfit, good for stealth) (light)
    • Wasteland surgeon (Helps with healing items, and gives boost to near by allies) (light)
    • Marksman: (Looks like a Old fashion Hunters outfit but with metal, vest and a mask, Better with marksmen rifles) (light)
    • Gladiator (looks like a football gear mixed with gladiator gear, Gives a small buff with all melee weapons) (heavy)
    • Batter: Looks like Baseball gear but makeshift better club damage. (heavy)
    • Gunslinger: Looks like a western Outfit but makeshift... Better pistol damage) (light)
    • guerrilla: Better with Assault rifles, mix with a little steath and a cigar on the mask place (can wear ether the mask or the hat gives same buff) (light)
    • Armored suit: a Mix of cop armor and a Nice suit, gives better trade deals and better with Magnums and a little buff to clubs. (light)
    • Hazard: a light version of Nomad armor. Gives buffs in speed and storage, but little in protection (light) 
    • Riot gear: great for standing your ground, even agents the bloodmoon hordes, Gives buffs when defending and better damage with Pistols and Shotguns. (heavy)

      faction armors are skins you can get and wear them over your armor
      still goes by light and heavy
  4. 14 hours ago, Khalagar said:


    Because businesses.  For quite literally every single question you have, you need to immediately ask and answer the question "Who is going to pay for this?" question. With TFP the question will be "Is this going to generate enough profit to cover the dev time spent implementing it?"


    So minor annoying things are usually back burner issues that devs might "sneak in" time to do, but things like adding dozens of unique marks for zombies or adding in dozens of new zombie types is well within the "This will require actual effort and we will need to evaluate time investment vs return on investment" etc etc etc.  And especially when a company is getting bigger like TFP where you will have dedicated teams for some tasks who aren't getting input from everyone else, and developers don't get the final say  / much say at all in decisions and the "money men" of the company mostly just say "do X" and they just do what they are told to

    i would agree but at the same time the Zombies have been through..

    Im not even sure how many redos, and Plus the models aren't bad im not saying scrap cuz i love them them, Just clean them up so they don't all look like there guts have been torn out (because seeing 10 solders with guts everywhere looks stupid) , just place the vest over it, now i know its not as simple as "LMAO just photoshop it". but they could just do a little change

    Hell maybe even uses the guts for the new gore system for when you shoot the chest, Broken hands for arm cripples, Broken jaws for Knuckle rub attacks, etc

  5. 3 hours ago, Guppycur said:

    Yeh the cool special looking things on these new zombies will even further showcase the lack of zombie diversity in game.  It'd be cool if there were regular mundane zombies but when you see 50 soldiers coming at you and they all have the same vest tear and same exact guts bouncing around, it'll really highlight just how badly the game needs variants.


    Don't get me wrong, they're cool looking AF, but I'm still right.


    My *recommendation* would be to take a zombie, say the soldier, make ONE version and then have different children on the mesh have the variations, then on spawn roll a random number to decide which child is shown and which is hidden, so that you can have multiple variants using the same model.  One child has the guts, another a bite wound, another a clothing tear, another a sidearm, another a rank insignia, etc... all hidden, then on spawn it decides which 1, 2 or 3 of those children get shown, and voila, instant variants.


    I know this method already works, because science tells me so. 😃 

    i updated them


  6. On 9/23/2021 at 8:52 PM, Listening said:


    So this is going to going to be controversial, but shouldn't be. There is currently a couple of POI's that are of concern, but the Strip Club is the biggy. I've been considering this post for some time but on seeing some of the A20 previews it seems like they are making more variations on this POI and therefore time to step up.


    Note, I am the father of young women who love this kind of game. But I dont feel comfortable with the mysoginistic imagery of the Strip Club. Corpes of women in cages exaserbate the impact of a place that is all about objectification of women.


    A test for this sort of thing, in my mind, is to consider if the game was designed by women would the POI have made it in. Fairly sure it wouldn't.


    I do sense that TFP's do have some awareness of the issue. Female characters are getting better outfits; Stripper has actual clothes, nurse getting a typical gender neutral outfit rather have some cliche from the 50's (although every female character now has very large breasts which is also a real image issue for women). 


    Please consider this feedback seriously. While the expectation is that the games market is male why put up barriers to females. More players equals more sales and a better community.


    If you read this and agree please speak up.

    "Hop in, we are going to find out who asked"

    its a small joke in the game bruh, Calm down.

    and yes if you didn't know stripe clubs are a thing ya know. i got like 7 of them around were i live, its not my cup of tea but oh well.

    also the game is rated M for mature. Your fine with Trader bob being a @%$#, heads being chopped off, Killing dogs, But a place called "the boobie trap" OH THAT TOO MUCH!

    enjoy your soy milk

  7. 14 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Yeah! Something like this:


    They could add a grenade launcher as a Tier 3 explosives weapon... :cool2:

    na add a 4 barreled launcher

    1: flamethrower
    2: Grenade launcher
    3: RPG

    58 minutes ago, bachgaman said:


    I believe that any explosive weapon in the game should be very much weakened, it should either do much more damage to blocks (not 5), or do much weaker damage to zeds, or should become very expensive. The best thing is it all at once. The presence of super strong and cheap pipe bombs breaks the game completely

    i mean grenades makes sense because its the fragmentation that kills you. Not the explosion, same for pipe bombs, TNT is deadly due to the amount of gunpowder and because of that it could blow a hole in your wall. Hell it was for mining before people found out you can throw it at people. 

    and for me i hate using pipe bombs, i go for Molotovs or Frags (TNT if im feeling risky or bored).  

    Impact grenades are cool but at times i forget they are..... impact and i end up with no legs

    I uses the RPG but only frag rounds, cuz i don't have anything big enough (aside from bears) to uses HE. 

  8. 10 hours ago, SrslyGTFO said:

    So, the new spider zombie. Joel let it slip in the stream that it climbs. Is this true, or was he mistakenly thinking of the old A15 mechanic? Since Joel is NEVER wrong, it climbs, right?? :D

    hope so. cuz right now i call him the grasshopper zombie. 

    Also hope the spider zombie shoots webs... (don't ask wear from)

    3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    That’s a good point.  When I made my comment, I was thinking more of the T0 stun baton which will fall in the same category as the stone weapons for the other attribute trees, then I just included thr T0 firearms

    i wounder if we are getting a tier 3 baton? 

  9. Sense i saw the new feral Wight, I was kind of disappointed because it really didn't bring back the "oh $^#^ WHAT IS THAT" it looks like Boa but tan and no shirt. SO I MADE my own! 

    I did Photoshop it and here are the following images i Used


    New gore Block (for eyes)
    New screamer for mouth

    Wasteland Behmoth (mod link here https://7daystodiemods.com/wasteland-behemoth/ ) For Body 


    Sweet dreams!

  10. 47 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    Another question.. are there any plans for a tractor or a weed whacker or some kind of item/tool for quickly removing grass? a lawn mower maybe? maybe even like a scythe for ploughing fields?

    also are we ever going to get any tools that allow us to harvest farm plots faster?

    they said yes, heres some pics


    7 Days To Die Map Generator - Maps Catalog Online7 Days To Die: How To Gather Wood And Small StonesTalk:7 Days To Die - Internet Movie Firearms Database - Guns in Movies, TV  and Video Games


  11. 4 hours ago, Doomofman said:


    My understanding of it (and I could very well be wrong) is that what you call the burnt zombie is a regular zombie and the burning one is the feral version. So if that's the case they would both likely only spawn in burnt biome, hordes and the few remnants they appear in

    yes but ill make it cave man style

    Imagethis one spawns only in POIs, blood moons, and burnt forest sense it would be more of a special zombie
    Imagethis one can spawn anywhere sense its not specials

    im asking @faatal if thats how it would Work. (I love both models of the burnt zombie and would love to see the bottom one when im walking in the woods) 

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