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Adam the Waster

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Posts posted by Adam the Waster

  1. 13 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Excellent work Faatal!


    I can't wait to get my hands on this feature whenever A20 EXP hits. I personally edit my forest biome XML's to add wights, cops, and soldiers to nighttime spawning, so this shall prove to be... interesting.

    i think that should be a thing you can do without doing XML files but oh well. 

    I always messed it up. i Got it fixed but it was still a Pain. 


    maybe they could add a "Spawn setting" and a "Zombie level" setting

    you can crank the zombie spawn setting to. 
    0 ,1x, 2x, 3x, 4x, 5x or 6x Day

    0 .2x 4x, 6x, 8x 10x and 12x Night 
    (able to flip around if you wish or Able to make it bases Day or night spawn)

    and Zombie Type setting 
    so this setting would allow some more zombies to spawn in more areas, more stronger or even special zombies, Say if you pump it up to 1, you could encounter a Burned zombie in the Woods, or a solder and maybe a spider zombie. (this is how it would go)

    Normal (like the bases game, no harder zombies spawn in open world but some special zombies can spawn at night and feral zombies)

    Advanced (more types can spawn in open world or even in buildings but not crazy types) you can find burnt zombies, hazmat, fat people, Bikers, and more normal zombies in groups even spider zombies at day time)  Night time more stronger zombies spawn (feral or not) and can even find different specials any time like cops during the night or even A screamer!

    Hardern: weaker zombies spawn in more groups in the wild and with more harden zombies. like soldiers, Almost all Special zombies can be found during the day even zombie animals.  at night Almost every zombie can spawn as a feral version and can live even when the sun rises. AND zombies during blood moons stay as well Even if you die. and they will come all night long! HAVE FUN!

    Accessibility is always a Plus in my book. becauses if your like me with a Peanut brain, it would help out 


    13 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    Oh, I wish. But Madmole said that there are no plans for it currently. If smelting really was out of the picture though, it would solve A LOT of problems. Aside from obvious performance/gameplay/time gains by making the forge like a workbench (but with mods) , all the brass items could just be gone and just get "brass" from radiators, doors, etc. Lots of redundant things gone that can make way to new items and even new mechanics (not really, but smelting gone = performance you could use for electricity or farming or even more base raids).



    hmm i don't think getting brass is that bad. (I buy a lot of bullets as well, Mostly special grade)

    but i think it would be nice to have brass in more salvageable like electrical stuff, sense brass can come from copper and alot of electrical stuff has copper but lets say in the 7DTD WORLD it only brass. so Why not.

    i was rather happy when i found that pipes with they yellow valve on it can give you brass but it was not enough for a Hungry M60. other things like sinks don't give much ether
    so why not!

  2. On 4/6/2021 at 9:46 AM, BFT2020 said:

    Just wanted to point out that pipe weapons existed before Rust (Fallout 4 released with pipe weapons).  Improvised firearms were not invented by Rust - Fallout 3 had the Rock-It Launcher (later changed to Junk Jet).

    alot of games had pipe like weapons. 

    like Metro, and even old movies like Madmax had makeshift guns. idk why people say fallout came up with it. EVEN THOUGH THE ONES IN FALLOUT WOULD NOT WORK! *cough cough pipe bolt acton COUGH*

    But i wonder what the pipe pistol will look like 

    On 4/3/2021 at 5:02 PM, Roland said:


    Using the trader is completely voluntary. Cancel the initial tutorial quest and you won't be directed to a trader AND you also won't get the four free skill points. Only a millennial-lover would want to take those initial four skill points and wreck the pure survival experience.... ;)


    i mean why would you not want to pay the traders a visit
    LETs go over why they are so nice. 

    Trader joel AKA Randy savage hes madmole so he is going to be nice. 
    Trader Jen, she had meds and is kinda awkward BUT SHE NEVER HAS MY STIMPACKS! Also Snowdog likes her for.... other reasons
    Trader hue (IDK HOW TO SPELL HIS NAME!) he does not like it when i @%$# on the ground. WELL I CAN DO WHAT I WANT!
    Trader Rekt: A cranky old bomber that likes his corn... a little too much. and for me HE NEVER HAS FOOD! jerk.
    trader bob:.... he has nice hair and sounds like madmole (hope he gets a new voice! I CAN DO IT FOR FREE :D  

  3. 13 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    Hang out there at night in game and fire off a few unsuppressed shots. :D 

    Been there. done that.

    If i could. i would put Feral wights on a pike, I would Bath in Condors and cop acid, I would wear the screamers Hair as a wig. I AM THE WASTELAND!

  4. 15 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:

    It's long been known that the burnt biome is, to a certain extent, being merged as a part of the wasteland in A20. As a result, will clay patches now be present within the wasteland biome?


    Also, will the radiated zones encompass the entire biome, or just towns, or perhaps instead random splotches across the map? Will it be possible for the player to survive in the wasteland, or will the tactic from now on always be to get in and get out as soon as possible?

    i mean if you dig in the wasteland deep enough you will hit dirt then stone, kinda like the snow biome but a bit less so. 

    and i think it would be cool if there were times where rads came around more often. and sometimes less. and hell why not add some radioactive areas in the normal biomes, Via Water, Barrels, zombies or god knows what (my hope is microwaves :D) 

    and maybe some areas would have rads in the wasteland and some not so much. 

    either way i just hope we can live in the wasteland when that comes, around end game i always set my bases up there so more zombies come and try to attack. 

    Plus it looks cool with the new trees and stuff :D

  5. On 3/30/2021 at 11:33 PM, Aldranon said:


    Best to suffer in silence... like I do.


    Na too boring 

    1 minute ago, Matt115 said:

    that's why spider zombie is jumping everywhere and feral is the fastest : both of them are barefoot so they don't to worry about creasing their shoes 😅

    they ran so much on class, broken rocks, sand, Glass and other stuff, there feet have harden to the point where they are shoes!

  6. I partially agree to a point. 

    back then items where much harder to find and you pray to god some days you get to unlock that hunting rifle. 

    but i think it is for the better. you still have to look around and find stuff. that trash pile MIGHT have that book you're looking for.  Weapons are a bit more common but sense they will add NPCs and more zombies. that i hope are much more deadly. and with zombie AI changes it makes sense. 

    but its still a Scavenging game. EVERY once of loot counts and when i play. 99.9% of the time im overecomber sense im greedy and i don't like to invest much in to weight since i would rather find more stuff to hoard then hold more

  7. 18 hours ago, Urban Blackbear said:


    I know its unlikely to happen, that's why I put it in the "If wishes were fishes" section of the forums. Maybe if there's enough wishes it'll get noticed. :D

    you never know. they may want to add more SMGs but who knows

  8. 49 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Well  i can't agree - in waw der riese heads of zombie looks rly diffrent that in shi no numa or verruck . Ofc in later maps they looks more this same ( exceptions : origins- gasmask or more or less rotten and outbrake and firebase Z. ) But even a colour of clothes can make a big diffrent like in die rise or the gigant - so make just smal change like zombie soldier in beret or with diffrent camo could change a lot or bussisnes zombie with white or black suit . I can agree with l4d2 head but  clothes change a lot - fallen survivor looks diffrent and is worthy to hunt him - police zombie after the last stand update can drop nightstick , doctors and patients in no mercy hospital are something "unusual " and you can  spot diffrents. 7dtd is  slower so it is easier to see 3 this same  looking zombies hiting a wall . I know i know it easy to complaying and it is just time-consuamble to make new models ( i wish i could help but i just don;t know how make characters - ofc it can be make in Fuse but it will be looking  to cartoonlike and 7dtd is on unity so  new character creator which looks rly good will only work with unreal engine - it won't have a option to transfer model with texture to another engine)

    I know each map had a set head and body model and you can get zombies say wearing a Gasmak on a captain outfit  on Origins 

    58 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:

    Based on what I read in this forum, it is probably more likely she looks like that after running away from SnowDog.

    I would too

  9. 44 minutes ago, Urban Blackbear said:

    I'd like to see an additional SMG added. As far as I know there's just the SMG-5 which is nice but doesn't shoot the higher tier pistol rounds. I'm also having a hard time finding an SMG-5 for some reason. Been using a Q5 version that I made myself for about 40 game days now. Maybe a MAC-10 could be added that shot .44 rounds (usually chambered in .45ACP IRL)? Interested to hear feedback.

    i would like to see that too but sadly SMG is classed as Pistols and it would add too many for that class. Plus they said they are basically done with weapons (i think) after pipe weapons  

    But i would love to see the SMG-5 be turned into a a new SMG like maybe a Uzi with a Wooden stock and maybe a Grip on the front. it would fit in better as a Pistol class and it would have a little makeshift look to it. 

    Original Israeli UZI Display Submachine Gun with Wood Stock – International  Military Antiques

    But if they did want to add more SMG i would go with this

    "Pipe SMG" it looks like a Makeshift pistol but its burst and it holds like 3 extra rounds

    "MircoSMG" A mac 10 

    SMG-5 MP5


    Assault SMG. Bizon 

  10. LMAO just shoot them. highground beats all

    43 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    there are 2 things i learned about the snow biome in a19 so far... nothing there for me and the kitty cats will bite off the hand that feeds them. :)


    as far as too op... nope they are not, the snow biome is not meant to be a warm walk in the park just as the desert is not easy neither and we all know that the wastelands is a no no for the new under geared characters. these areas are designed to be harsh for a reason (time will tell).


    so if you are in any area that is not part of the forest biome and not getting geared up.. you are treading out on thin ice on your own. enjoy and live long (if you can).

    I wish the big kitty spawn in the forest and desert 

    That will show them Forest dwellers.  WASTELAND FOR LIFE!

    11 hours ago, warmer said:

    Who thinks any one of us could actually take out a mountain in melee combat? I don't see many hands being raised.

    will enough Prayer, Armor, a Tier 3 melee weapon or even 2, and the most important


  11. On 3/30/2021 at 3:06 PM, Matt115 said:

    New HD zombie model i like that :) it could be a little be more bloody but it still cool :0


     its not as bad as Big mama or the striper zombie

    at least with big mama she has a Patch of skin rotted off. but the striper/Party girl looks like she just had a Hard night with Snowdog

    1 hour ago, Doomofman said:


    It's one of things I'm surprised never happened (maybe it's just way more work than I think) is having the same zombie model with different color clothing. I'd like to think all the zombies have unique enough silhouettes/animations that randomising their colours would hinder players in identifying the different types

    Imo i think if the zombies all had random walking animations that would work nicely 

    its rather odd when you see 4 boes and they are all walking like they had Lead shoes on
    like Boe could walk like Steve or do the cripple walk or the Waddle (not spider zombie walk though)

    they tried the color cloths thing but it didn't work. so they just make presets (idk what alpha i was not around during it)

    but games do well with them imo due to speed of the gameplay and there model

    take L4D, all the zombies have just random cloths and random faces but the gameplay is so fast you can't really tell unless you take a good look at them
    same for Cod zombies. the zombies have alot of Details but the head is placed on a Body with the cloths or helmet but again the gameplay is fast enough so you really can't tell. unless you take a look at them at the end of the round
    WWZ though is a whole nother level of Speed

    7DTD is a much more slower past game, there are fast moments like at night but when its day time and they are walking at you, you can take a good look at them  


  12. 3 hours ago, Darklegend222 said:

    Regarding the loot and gamestage progression:


    1. Will biomes detect and adjust loot tables accordingly?


    2. Can we get a gray gamestage number beside our current gamestage that shows what it has been modified to while in said biome?


    3. Will POIs hace realistic loot like not finding stone spears and stone axes in shotgun messiah or working stiff tool crates?


    4. Will the canned "food piles" contain more than just water and be SLIGHTLY more realistic? Sightly as in increased food chance and more empty cans. (I just died of hunger because every container had nothing but water over the course of 4 POIs).


    5. Can we get wood spikes buffed during the first 7 days since it is considered the "primitive" age? Then debuff them after the first 7 Days has been complete?

    thats so players can't find say a shotgun on day 1. i love that sense its a Barrier i either have to buy a shotgun from Mr Bread mole, Cranker boomer, Snow Dogs waifu, Mr i see people @%$# on the floor every day, and guy with too many Tattoos. 

    I hope they do add sliders though so say
    "hey foods to easy to find? Lower it"
    "too many zombies?" Lower it
    "Too many Mountain lions tearing your face off?" Lower it
    "too little ammo" raise it etc

    what kind of luck do you have, i always find food. and worst comes to shove. that stripper zombie always got some Meat for me. not like food poisoning is super deadly like Dysentery back then. 

    and no. the spikes are fine. you can uses a old building or as OBI did, TAKE THE hightground! 

    5 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Hey as long as we don't start seeing lumberjacks in the desert and cowboys in the Canadian biome, I'm happy with whatever TFP conjure up.

    they are getting rid of the cowboy. OOF

    and now at least if you do see a Lumberjack in the desert or wasteland you could say that is someone dresses like one. rather then a Zombie that looks like he was suck in a fridge for 200 years and is in a 108 degree desert. 

  13. 13 hours ago, MechanicalLens said:


    I think what he's missing is the hint at frostbite.

    No madmole said something like

    "we want him to fit in with more biomes"

    so i think he can spawn in the forest. thank god the forest is like eden lol needs some more danger

    1 hour ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    This is a horrible idea.  How gamey can this possibly get?  If u cant survive the weak, small , 1st seven day horde, turn down the difficulty and then turn it up after day 7

    or you can just get on a roof and start crying for dear life lol 

  14. 4 hours ago, AtomicUs5000 said:

    I love all the new models and I love all the junk intellect stuff they added. Melee combat is still pretty basic, but I have to say it is much better than it used to be, AI pathing is way better than it used to be. All the stuff that a lot of people complained about to make the blood moon more difficult I greatly appreciate (digging zombies, swimming zombies, aggro vultures). Weapon/tool/armor mods were a great addition.


    My favorite part of the game was always the very first days. So many times I restarted just to experience it again. It was sometimes intense and a real struggle. I've broken sweat trying to find that cooking pot in the past. 
    I'm not going to get into details with the skill system (yet again). I'll just say I'm disappointed with them. At this point I probably wouldn't mind if there weren't any skill points at all and the character you build randomly depends on the books you find.
    Building simplification I'm not that upset about. What I hope for in exchange though is that there is more defined progression. People need to experience several blood moons with only wood and then slowly progress into stone and beyond. It should feel good moving up in materials. The progression with weapons and such was out of whack for a while, but it's pretty decent now. I'm hoping they find a good way to have a player progress into being able to handle different biomes as well giving the player a real need to enter different biomes.
    For years I've been craving special zombies with unique behaviors and abilities. I sometimes wish they could just forget about the whole bandit thing and focus on providing this.
    oh... and I'll never understand the helicopter idea. Maybe, just maybe, if we had giant maps I might think it was a good idea. I just don't get it. Ziplines make the game too easy for players, but a helicopter is fine?

    Back when i first played it on xbox i was scared as hell. and it took me like day 30 something to get a good weapon. 

    yeah i agree with you on the skills. i don't think its bad but its also not great. 

    *well said about building* but i still like my scrap (no clue why Lol)

    and yes new zombies are always great. though we are getting a new one this alpha he will not have his ability.  and i do want bandits and NPCs but i hope the game does not turn into a COD style where zombies are just in the background and humans are everywhere. i don't think that will happen but you never you. 

    and yeah i really don't think we need a Heliy. they gyro is fine and its hard to uses. (i may have crashed into dishtong too many times to count) and it fits in the game. Zips lines i always kinda forgot they were going to be a thing.

    8 hours ago, NukemDed said:

    its just change bro. that makes most of us uneasy.

    imagine how different 7dtd 2 will be from a19. that makes me exited.

    how can the same process make me uneasy and exited at the same time?

    apart from me being a bit weird that is...

    answer? i dont know and cant be bothered working it out


    im still enjoying the ride as it changes.


    when it settles down, i will learn to mod it, and then the true fun begins. i got sooooo many ideas.... 


    I guess you're right about that

  15. 6 hours ago, Roland said:


    What you like someone else will hate and vice versa. At least you were around to play things before they changed so have fond memories of those playthroughs. That's what I do, remember the old versions fondly but take the new version on its own merits and most of the time it still is a lot of fun.

    Agree but some alphas do things better then other. maybe once the game goes gold someone can mod the game to more like old 7dtd but have many of the new things. 

    but then again i like to play the game vanllia and only mod a game if i have too *cough fallout 4*

    I just don't want them to Water down the game so much. i love many of the new things like the new idea for armor sense Most of the time. you will not wear say Biker boots over Any other boot armor. and the new armors look cool. i just hope they got more and i bet 90% that they do

    11 hours ago, geengaween said:

    I mod the game to spawn 8x-16x the amount of zombies. There's also a mod where you can make them die in 1 hit to the head but are immune to body damage. You can even cut off all their limbs and they'll stay alive trying to bite you. All the simplifications seem balanced after that, since you've got 100 zombies in every chunk and they're all trying to kill you, you don't have much time to worry about stat numbers.

    well that mod just sounds like hell. but you do you. 

    i like to uses the things the devs gives us but there are some things i disagree with what they do.

  16. 8 minutes ago, MechanicalLens said:


    Not only that but Alpha 20 was publicly open for the first 10,000 people to log in and... oh? What's that? You missed it? A20 won't be available to anyone ever again, it's closed off for good, so... better luck next alpha I guess? ;) 

    Black Guy Crying GIFs | Tenor

  17. 1 hour ago, meilodasreh said:

    I would say let's give it a chance.


    I mean everybody seems to think about it the overexaggerated way like:

    -There is only one thing/item left called "stuff"

    -you have three options: "build stuff", "upgrade stuff" and "consume stuff"

    -questing goes like: "left click to start quest", "right click to complete quest"

    -[implement funny but ridiculously wrong assumtion here]


    It isn't like that.

    I feel it will turn out as a healthy clean-up of the upgrade paths.


    thats true but why lower it.

    i mean the Metal wood, Yah that was unlesses 

    i still think it should be 
    Wood, Brick Scrap/metal, Concrete, steel 

    it makes sense for a Apocalyptic world

    and i should have not said Oversimplified. i should have said "Simplified"    

    sense its not like they give the option to upgrade to steel instantly
    I just hope it works out 

    1 hour ago, MechanicalLens said:

    Here's an idea. A separate model should be made for the gasser zombie. Every holiday season when the patch rolls out that temporarily adds the holiday themed items into the game, it should also include the alternate model for the Hawaiian zombie that is just him in a Santa outfit. ;)

    and little screams follow him 

    And he drops coal

    and he will Fly at night. Why? idk

  18. I am not hating on the game, i just want to voice my little issue with the game. if you have been on the forums for awhile you might have seen my post about ideas and such for the game and me giving feedback on stuff. Although i have only played the PC version for maybe 3 years now I have played the Xbox version for a Long time (not anymore cuz its broken but nothing TFP can do), So please don't take this post as Someone who does not know what they are talking about or making points that make no sense (AKA being a game journalist) *This is a Disclaimer sense the title does seem a bit harsh IMO sense i love this game but i want to voice my Opinion*

    So my main problem with 7DTD now its that its getting "Simplified". Now making some things more simple is fine, like the item levels for tools, weapons Armors etc, but some things just seem like they are diluting it for the sake of it. 

    Take Survival for example. Back then you needed a Pot to find water. if you drinked dirty water you got dysentery. infections where a bit Harsher and weather was also Harsher and Ammo was much more rare. in fact it was best to craft or buy ammo from Mr Joel. But now its much more simple and not for the Better imo. Pots are really not needed for water it only ups the speed. the times when you don't have a Jar and only a can moments are now gone, Dysentery is so Rare now, I was pleased when i drank some @%$#water and got sick. Food kinda always had it easy but during A18 (or was it 19) Canned foods where the way to go sense if you ate any other food you had a small chance to get sick. it was Short lived and ALOT of people hated it, As did I. but i think now it would have been ok if some of the basic foods did that while more complex ones didn't.  Back then we had a changing temperature. if you Were in the Shade you would cool down and if you were out in the sun you got warm. and each biome had its ups and downs in terms of temperature. And ammo AND guns are so easy to find that they had to make a Filter depending on your level on what you find. though ammo is a bit more common then it was in A15, 16 and 17. 

    Also i think more diseases would be nice to add some danger 

    Next is Perks, during A15, 16 perks and skills where a bit more Complex (not by alot but some) there was LBD in A 15 and 16 and it was Gutted (RIP LBD rest in Peace). and the Best way i can describe the Perk system now is how it was in Fallout 3 and NV to Fallout 4, it was turned a lot more simple. now it based off "What skill you want to have/Base" It's not what perk will help me survive" to "What skill i want for *Blank*" What i wish they did was a Mix of both Learn by doing and the new way of perks. 

    say if you're someone like me who likes to uses a Mix of weapons, Most weapon damage is not based off of Skill its more based of the perks. if you go to intelect you are really good with a stun baton but bad with clubs. you like to dismember zombies? Put more perks in *Blank*  

    I really don't know how to describe my feeling for Perks in text 

    Next is Weapons, Back when i Played it was a reward to get a gun. for about 14 days At most i had a Handgun but ammo was rare. i had to uses my bow most of the time. Now i LOVE having extra weapons in the game. but it seems like they want you to uses guns over even most melee weapons. Some melee weapons are Very weak like Knives and IMO when i uses a Blade without perks i mostly uses the Machetes the other blades become crap unless i have nothing else to uses (and that's rare) 

    and some weapon classes take up better roles then others. For example Snipers and ARs. there is no difference aside from damage, fire rate and Mag size 
    What about snipers deal more damage from a Far while ARs deal more damage the longer you fire, Shotguns are king really. once you get a auto shotgun Nothing is Scary and if you put slugs in it and get the shotgun perk, nothing stands in your way. the game should be a bit more Harsher, Like shotguns deal Alot of damage but are loud and can draw in more zombies.  

    Next is Biomes. I HATE what they did with them. Now my feeling may change when A20 comes out but for now. i hate how it is. The forest is like the Garden of eden. Now the spawning in the Forest is a good idea but in random gen. it is so dumb sense the forest is the biggest AREA while the others get the shaft! do you want to see a Forest on the coast? thats really rare. i like the randomness of seeing biomes mixed and not placed in a way that would look unnatural. again its another thing thats is hard for me to explain 

    Building. I already talk about this alot but i feel like they are gutting building becauses why not. Now i get it make things simple is ok but at what cost. NOW they want to get rid of renfoced wood and want to go with (wood, stone, concrete and steel) So many tiers are gone. thank god they still have metal building frames but i wish it was part of the based building tier. and so many are gone now somewhere kinda useless like wood and metal but Scrap looked good for the game and its setting. IMO. and also Most people build with rock now at the beginning over wood. and its really easy to upgrade to brick. IMO the tiers should go (Wood, Reinforced wood, Brick, Scrap, Reinforced scrap, Concrete and steel) 

    and the Windows! they messes with the windows! WHY! back then you had to upgrade each board on the window. then you could add scarp and then Steel.  now you can just upgrade one window and get all boards that are very weak and the zombies don't have to break each board off instead if they break it the whole window is gone. bruh! 

    Next is Armor... wait no i like how they are doing the armor. i just hope they add some more like military gear and stuff

    Next is Animals, this is going to be short. i think alot of animals need some TLC. like Bears they look funny when they run same for wolves and pigs. and i still think some of the more exclusive animals that spawn in other biomes should spawn in others like Mountain lions can spawn in the deserts and forest to add some more danger and Coyotes can spawn almost anywhere. and Snakes can spawn in the forest. 

    Last is zombies. I don't like what they are doing to the radioactive zombies in a way. i think its good they can make room for new zombies but at the same time. why can't they just make a Radioactive zombie to fit in the role all of them did. like a burned zombie but he is as strong as a Radioactive moe. heals himself and others slowly. emits rads to damage your max hp Stamina and food an water. but are rare unless in wasteland or in much later days.  Also although its not confirmed but, i don't want them to get rid of the Feral wight. they could do alot with it, like make it a super zombie. 
    Also i kinda wish some zombies did act differently like spider zombies can hop over walls if they see a wall like a Castle wall. they can just leap up there, 

    Overall i really don't know why i made this, maybe to get it off my mind or something idk. have a good day

  19. 7 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    Found out why madmole struggles to release the Kraken for new alpha builds...




    Can't get it off 7 days to die. ;)

    how i feel whenever a Game updates come out for anything i like

    7DTD, ARK etc

    I hope it goes not come out on May, cuz ill be Hooked to Genesis 2. electric boogaloo  

    still waiting for some extra 7DTD news on twitter. im watching you Madmole....


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