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Everything posted by Diragor

  1. Yeah I got it there too, but it's like a pixel only so very hard to hit. Just wanted to mention it so they may fix it in the future
  2. Hey I'm frustrated cause I can't upgrade blocks that are under wood or iron spikes. cause the upgrade hitbox is the full 1by1 bottom of the spikes. could this be changed somehow? Like the upgrade hitbox is in the middle of the spikes
  3. You don't have to loot at all. Buy them from traders, get them in zombie bag drops it's just slower so you have more from the game can you all just stop complain and test it before you argue
  4. Really Love the idea with Learning by Looting, but one thing bothers me that I want to adress. I played this game on PC since A17 and got 1300 Hours so far. And NEVER in my whole playtime in 7dtd was I crafting a single weapon (only Stone/Wood weapons). Weapons in loot are so common that you never have to craft them. I wish you would make them WAY more rare so crafting will be more improtant. Higher the chance for parts and lower it for finished weapons. Otherwise this wouldn't change my playstyle at all. Just loot a bit and get easy access to weapons. Sure it would change some things like forge, workstations, cooking and stuff like that. But the rest is too common in loot
  5. Kill vultures and you're fine with rotten meat. I only Farm these corpes on the First Day for a bone knife, after that I get enough of the ressources elsewhere.
  6. Am I the only one who doesn't like it to buy everything. It doesn't feel like survival if I use Trader or vending machines. So I ban them from my playthrough every time^^ I only start questing when I reach a point where I no longer need to survive^^
  7. I hope we get more late game content too. just building a Base and waiting for BM is not enough. adding bandits and later on, a storyline, is goign to be the greatest addition in this game How about the animations, cutting off hands, arms, heads and so on (Also shooting off parts off the face)? Will this be further upgraded as well. Cause Zombie Tom Clark got the parts of Reanimated Corpse when cutting it off. it looks so funny xD
  8. Ahh you mean the opposite of what I thought. Well you could just punch the ground , I think they got a developer tool for that. you can plus and minus the ground
  9. You don't need that actually. Just place blocks on the ground they will level it out. I did that for my base. covered everything around with blocks, the ground was perfectly flat under it And than you can pick them up
  10. I want to try my First Permadeath Game, but without using Trader and on Hardest difficulty but 100% exp, loot and stuff. I don't hate myself that much xD An Option for that would be nice, but would be a pretty low priority thing
  11. Could you guys make this possible at some point? Maybe in an A20 or A21 Patch. This Would be too good *-* Imagine the night is over but you still have Hell on earth cause of screamers all over the Place. They should get a High spawn chance of 20% in the Last 30 minutes of the BM Night. to give some people Headache xD
  12. THANKS! Finally I can use them as Floor :)))
  13. Wait, so forcing them to crawl isn't messing with their pathing? If thats the case, I will have so many new base ideas. Thanks for showing this *-*
  14. Okay how about that? Screamers spawn thanks to the heatmap. How about Vultures spawn sometimes randomely when seeds are planted. So you can loose your crops. Also make rabbits and chickens able to steal your crops let people suffer.
  15. I have lotl fully upgraded and yeah I have more than enough food, but still need to invest something to get that said food and thats nice as it is. You just can't balance out farming without food spoilage, cause no matter how hard they make it to get seeds or crops, just build more farm pots and you're fine again. Thats why I'm fine with it and you should too. this game isn't about super realistic farming, it's about fighting zombie hordes.
  16. I Love the farming change. It's more balanced than before and I like the randomness from getting seeds from farming. They did a good job and I'm glad that food doesn't spoil. That would be more survival-like, but more frustrating too...
  17. Vanilla version (no mods) So the problem is that some of the seeds I put on Farm pots are not growing. I placed them all in the Sun but only a few of them will grow while others won't. I tried to replant them, still not working. Then I took the Farm pots away, replaced them and then it was working once. Cause after it I placed more Farmpots near them and now only 5 out of 120 plants are growing. We are at Day 32 and still don't have a food source cause of this bug. It's frustrating to farm eggs and meat all day cause the farms won't grow properly.
  18. Well I looted and dismantled a lot of cars (over 100 already) and not a single bottle of acid was found. Wasn't one of the patches making the loot rate of them lower. I think thats fine but damn I wish to find at least one to know if it's worth dismantle the cars or not^^ Edit: Okay right after sending this I got one bottle of acid from dismantle. So you were right but damn is it rare
  19. Short question About that specific Book. Adds a chance to harvest acid from cars and medical equipment Does it mean chance to get it from looting Cars or does it mean from dismantle the car?
  20. I always played on nitrogen maps without Trader. The Trader kills the Sandbox feeling of the game cause he's forcing me to go for specific POIs. Also buying at the Trader feels like cheating. Thats why I hated playing DayZ with friends. Always looting, seeling at Trader, Buying stuff and repeat. Please I wish for a no Trader button when generating the world so I can force my friends and family to play without it.
  21. I wish zombies would just go beserk on loop bases..When the AI realizes that it can't reach you and always loops it should start hitting the blocks. Thats what Night of the Dead does and it's a good idea for 7dtd too
  22. If you don't want to fight the BM then disable it. fighting BM is the whole point of this game^^ Also it's pretty easy even without cheesing bases. Just use some traps and a well done design and they won't even dmg any blocks beside blades I would just Love it when the vehicles can run over anything even in BM but then it should do a great amount of dmg to the vehicle. I am totally looking forward to the dmg update for vehicles. Are there any new infos for it? getting a flat tire or the battery dies.
  23. I got that too once in a building where I got this at a power box. But nothing opened xD
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