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Everything posted by Diragor

  1. who doesn't. Would be cool to have some asian zombies as well Jokes aside. Wanted to ask is the work on 1 block height pathing done. once asked if it only works like crawling through a 1 block high hole on the ground or does it also work when the hole is 1 block higher like a window. would be awesome if they can break windows and crawl over the window sill
  2. About the "Zombies can fit through 1 block high holes" wanted to know is it only for holes at ground Level or will it also work for 1 block high holes. You can see hatch bases everywhere with a corridor and a hatch on the ground when opened will block the way on ground level so you can attack the zombies with meele. I wish they could crawl over a block. This would be the best!!
  3. Sounds like the Demolisher I wish for a damn fast zombie with low health but great block dmg. That would feel terrifying. imagine a special zombie with really long arms like and he's running on all four.
  4. This is a damn Zombie Dog! His fur is probably gone and his skin is rotting. Thats why the color is like that... it looks damn awesome and stop crying over such small things that doesn't matter.
  5. Well I must say he's not wrong about it. I loved that snowing too. It added variety to the world. Now you always see the same world with the same textures. I wish snowy days would come back. But I wouldn't quit cause of the lack of it^^ I want to see where the game goes
  6. Yeah I often think about the ps4 version of the game where you could have snowy days in the forest biome or it's damn foggy. One of the a19 streams they did they've shown the full auto shotgun in the snow biome and changed the settings to be very foggy. You could only see like 3-5 blocks far and I loved it. Thats real survival horror *-* I want that in the weather system
  7. For me it sounds like having wasteland inside burned forest biome like a bomb went down there creating the wasteland with radiation zones and around the burned forest cause of all the heat. that would be nice. they do look pretty similar so its not a big deal anyway
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