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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Yes, a couple of Writable Store Signs of the same sizes as the Shamway Store Sign objects would be very cool.
  2. No, it's a Pimp Dream! (yuck, yuck, yuck) Seriously, I'd like to think those are interesting and compelling goals. I'd like to think specifying the number of traders and the scarcity of underground resources would be doable. Specifying the number of settlements potentially excludes significant Wilderness content and potentially comes with performance issues depending on how you want settlements to be assembled. Does an "infinite" city have one massive "downtown" district, for instance?
  3. That's where I landed too. I enjoy the convenience in not having empty jars, but loathe the inability to carry water away from a water source. But since I can mod the game to let me pull murky water bottles from water sources, I don't feel like fighting it. TFP's version of the game without empty jars is quite playable and the 2-day water struggle is interesting. I feel like I got an equally interesting struggle by removing all food and water from the starting gear combined with the water source mod mentioned above. I'm good playing either way, though I prefer my modded experience.
  4. I think it would be cool to be able to generate maps from real-world coordinates, such as saying center an 8km map on 39.3292° N, 82.1013° W. But the appeal is there only if it goes beyond the terrain. If it can match up game settlements with settlements on the real-world map then some of my solo games would use that. Obviously it couldn't do it building by building, but the rough shape of the settlement would be wicked.
  5. I recently learned that the jars only seem to disappear. They're actually teleporting to a planet in Starfield and now there's millions of them sitting there. Maybe if the Starfield players get their act together they'll make them teleport back.
  6. You could perhaps switch between road tires (less stamina on roads; less durable off-road), off-road tires (more torque to climb hills), and normal tires.
  7. 40 Traders? Is that an exaggeration? I usually get 10 on an 8k map. For some reason TFP set the min_count for traders to 10. The TFP rwgmixer.xml gives any POI with a trader tag a Bias of 20, which is huge. It adds directly to Score, so they're going to Score out at 21 to start. They're going to get first placement over everything when they fit the Tile being filled. By comparison, a Tier 5 will start with a score of 2. (1+5/5) Once they start getting placed, the Score formula's increasing placement counter will reign things in quickly for the Tier 5s as they'll fall to a score lower than a Tier 1. Traders have that massive 20 bias and it will take a number of placements to get the starting score of 21 (21+0/5) to divide down to a number less that a tier 1 POI that starts with a score of 1.2 (1+1/5). Given there are 5 traders and the big bias, I can see lots of placements, so sure maybe 40 of them. (Why haven't I seen that? I dunno.) Knocking down TFP's trader bias might help...? For my tastes, I'd think setting trader bias to 2 and min_count of 5 would be fine. (I only want 1 of each trader on my solo maps.) I haven't tried those values because once I generate a world to play, I edit the world's prefabs.xml file and switch the extra traders to my "trader x" POIs so they just become destroyed trader POIs.
  8. I'm not really sure. I mean everybody looks for something different in a map with different goals. Since A21.1, I've tried not to get in the way of that. I could certainly see somebody who didn't want preferred placement of the high tiers like TFP's default gives. I'm sure DF has unique needs. I say "rock on." I applaud your efforts. In terms of bias and weight, my interpretation is the TFP approach treads lightly on the numbers. I don't think they use weight (because it is a multiplier of score) and they use bias very little. I don't want to upstage or out-place the TFP POIs, so I don't mess with bias either (other than to test POIs). Their score formula has Tier/5 in it, so Tier 4 get 4/5 = 0.8 more score. That should give T5 the first crack at placement if there's a marker for it on the Tile being filled. If you want to level the tier, then I'm not sure how you do it other than to make a list of every POI and put a bunch of bias +0.2 kind of changes. I'd be curious to know how it turns out. (Go for it!) If the Tier 5s have to compete equally I suspect it might be more like A20, but I'm not really sure. The score formula wasn't know to me before A21 and I don't know if A20 used it. In terms of DF, my brief impression was that in order to get the story-unique POIs to place as desired bias was used with a heavy number, like 9. Other POIs got bias values like 2 and 3. That would get PEP POIs placed before Vanilla POIs, but a world usually has lots of spots to fill so I'm not sure I'd notice, but I didn't really try. I'm just guessing. I mean, if the DF players are happy then who am I to object? If they mix in my modlet, I won't have the same bias, so my stuff would compete like TFP's POIs, and if that's what's great for DF, then awesome. Outside of a DF discussion, when somebody wants to mix POIs from multiple sources, things can get complex for them. Some of us package our POIs in modlets and some do not. This confuses people and sometimes they think they have to take apart a modlet to install it. (Oh how I hope Steam Workshop integration make modlet installation seamless.) Of the modlets, some influence map creation. If they have multiple modlets that influence map creation and then those modlets can fight over settlement settings. At that point the player really doesn't have many choices if they aren't used to being arm-deep into the rwgmixer.xml details. This is why I quit putting map change config into my modlet, but I'm not suggesting everyone should do that. I just came to the conclusion that messing with the map was outside the scope of my goals. I could put map stuff into another modlet and leave my POIs in a more general modlet. I see this is turning into a ramble. (Sorry.) I don't ultimately know what most people want, though I do see lots of requests for contradictory or impossible things. For instance, people will ask for large maps with no duplicate POIs. Umm, impossible unless folks get cracking and create another 5,000+ POIs. (I'd hate to see the look on the CP Team's faces if somebody bumped up their load to something like 7,500 POIs.) Some people complain there aren't enough T5 POIs. Some people hate maps that don't place at least one of each T5 POI. I hope it's also clear I'm not picking on PEP. I wasn't sure if the OP was making a map for DF or Vanilla. I know PEP includes changes to world generation and bias and that other modlets don't. How best to integrate? I have no idea, but deleting a modlet's rwgmixer.xml file is sometimes a viable hatchet job for a player who doesn't get into rwgmixer.xml details.
  9. It's 100x100 tagged Commercial. There is only one TFP Tile that supports that size and it has only 1 POI marker of that size. It's up against competition. Those 100x100 POIs don't have lots of options. If it were tagged Rural you would have more chances. RWG maps use more Rural Tiles since they wrap cities and towns, plus the rural Tiles have 2 Markers of that size.
  10. Would your calculus be the same if it took 5 minutes and you didn't break any lockpicks. That is, you press the button, wait, it unlocks? How about if higher skill levels in lockpicking would shorten the time? I mean, I'd be cool with that. I'd get up and stretch my legs, maybe get a drink. It's kind of the same when I use AutoHotKey to make my toon beat through a gun safe with a stone axe.
  11. I'm lost. What kind of help did you need? I don't know where the original conversation is to be found. Is it this one? If so, while I'd love to be able to help, I have no idea what the answer is. I've never messed with the UI stuff.
  12. That's the way I know. If there's an easier way then I'd love to learn it too. That's the terrain tool. It cannot help you export POIs.
  13. As far as I know. I think DF is still in a testing phase so it might be a moving target. There's also a change to improve performance for the Intersection POIs/Tile that was reported by the Rebirth folks. That change should make things a bit better for everyone.
  14. If you can get to the World files, the Game's "Editing Tools" includes the "World Editor." It is possible to use that tool, make a selection around a POI, and export it to your LocalPrefabs folder. Then you can use the Prefab Editor to mess with it all you like.
  15. A21.1-ZZ017 has been released. This is a maintenance release that includes bug fixes and compatibility updates. If you're working with Teragon or an overhaul mod then this update is probably important to your goals. Otherwise, the bug fixes are block changes based on feedback from players, covering up missing paint textures, or other little things I may have found along the way. Note that the Custom-Blocks-Pack modlet has been renamed. It no longer tries to load first thing by having a folder name that starts with "00". This is important for compatibility with overhaul mods.
  16. The PEP rwgmixer sets a lot of values that in my opinion are good for Darkness Falls, which has unique map requirements. If I were making a Vanilla RWG world, I would delete the rwgmixer.xml file from the PEP modlet. Personally, I would also delete PEP's Prefabs/POIs/VanillaTagOverrides folder as I suspect the tags they're overriding are important only for a Darkness Falls world, but I haven't looked into the details of what they're doing there. Teragon is a different beast and I'm not tried to integrate PEP and Teragon. There would have to be a configuration file to use in Teragon so that PEP's wilderness POIs would get placed. I'm not sure if Teragon would override Vanilla POIs like RWG allows. Those are just my opinions. @Lemon Pie is the better source of information on PEP details.
  17. I've seen students bend a pick. (I just bend it back.) I could see where a pick could be broken, maybe metal fatigue. Oddly enough, in the lab I see our cheap practice locks break. I've lost two of those to students. I do like your suggestion that failure resets the timer. Yes, it is part of the game already, but the current timer reset isn't usually back more than 4 seconds. It could go further and then higher skill levels could reduce the time lost.
  18. I'm pretty sure PEP is distributed as a modlet. Just put the modlet in your Mods folder. Don't bust up the modlet and replace game files.
  19. My guess is the creators of the VR Mod just haven't created a forum topic in the Mods folder. I've been messing with it too. It's a neat perspective from which to view the world. Wow, doors are short.
  20. I agree the Fallout approach is more engaging, but if there's going to be a simplified non-destructive entry system, I prefer the 7d2d time approach, specially when we're talking about gaining access to final loot in a locked chest. It's just my opinion, but I don't find the Fallout approach to be superior because it comes with the same flaws ... picks break and lockpicking is the only mechanic. I think assembling a collection of entry tools into a kit would be better than having to replenish a constantly breaking collection of tools. I say this as neither I, nor any of my students, have ever broken a lock pick. Also, lockpicks are only one method of entry and most of the time I gain entry to my client's locations through other means -- usually a traveler's hook. But the game world allows destructive entry. In most cases, you probably wouldn't bother picking a lock because breaking in is easy and you don't have to worry about police, alarms, etc.
  21. I'm not really sure what to think. I spend points to increase my ability with clubs, my mobility with armor, or address stamina consumption with both. I'm not really looking to craft weapons or armor. I spend points to craft food, farms, and vehicles. Beyond crafting tier 1 pipe pistols and padded armor, I'm entirely cool with looting or buying weapons and armor. So I'd rather not increase the chances of getting a magazine for armor or weapons. I don't mind the magazine system, but my own point spending is kind of working against my goals. What I want to craft isn't necessarily related to the skills I take.
  22. I doubt MPL put the marker underground. There's an infrequent bug where the quest marker seems to "fall" to the lowest depth defined by the POI. There's a work-around for designers where we put the quest marker on top of some other block, like trash. My guess is the quest marker was placed on the ground and you've encountered that bug.
  23. There is an A21 version of my modlet. (I think that is what you're asking.) https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/1434/ I try to make a new releases for every TFP major and minor version. Sometimes they're more frequent then that as I might have bug fixes, compatibility changes, or even just new content.
  24. Nearly every POI I make has Parts. A part can be something like a horse trailer, a semi-truck, an HVAC unit on a roof, a ladder, port-a-potties, land mines, a tree trunk, a checkpoint with zombies, barbwire, barricades, beehives, billboards, bus stops, campers, culverts, deliveries, driveways that connect to tiles, sections of fence, firewood, guard rails, hay bales, pallets of construction materials, railroad cars, water towers, cellphone towers, storm cellars, tents, scaffolding, and more. Basically, any content that I want to have a chance of appearing, but that does not always appear, is a part. Parts are how I try to keep the same POI from looking the same from placement to placement on a map, or even from map to map. Without the parts, you lose a lot of variety, sometimes you lose some zombies, and sometimes you lose some loot. Here's the front parking lot of zztong_store_s_01 with Parts and without Parts. Everything shown with a blue bounding box is a Part. I've got some POIs with 20+ Parts. I'm not sure I understand the question. Is "mapmaker" a program like RWG or Teragon, or a person who is making the map? RWG and Teragon both have ways to signal. RWG knows to look in LocalPrefabs and in Modlets to find POIs. That's the appeal of modlets to me as I can deliver a self-contained ready to use package. Teragon needs you to tell it about modlets. A person making a map manually has to know the modlets and their tools. If they go pry apart modlets then they need to know what they're doing in terms of how POIs are built beyond just using the Prefab Editor to make the 6 files. They have to know the entire interface between POIs and their world builder of choice or they risk only getting partial POI content. I looked into this one. This is a very nice POI made by VoltraLux, and they were nice enough to package it all up into a modlet for you. Consider the contents: FILE CONTENTS 📁 MegaMall 📁 Config - 📄 localization.txt (224 B) 📁 Prefabs - 📄 MegaMall.blocks.nim (18.2 kB) - 📄 MegaMall.ins (22.5 kB) - 📄 MegaMall.jpg (7.4 kB) - 📄 MegaMall.mesh (2.6 MB) - 📄 MegaMall.tts (1.4 MB) - 📄 MegaMall.xml (5.3 kB) 📄 modinfo.xml (289 B) And note the "Config" and "Prefab" folders and the presence of ModInfo.xml. That's a modlet. If VoltraLux were just giving you a raw POI, you would have only seen the 6 files listed there in the "Prefabs" folder. In this case, the only extra configuration you're getting is the text for the POI in the Localization.txt file, which is an integration with the game's Danger Meter feature. If you were to just lift the POI's 6 files out and put them into LocalPrefabs, the POI would get placed in worlds and work fine, but you wouldn't see the POI's name in the Danger Meter.
  25. A modlet can come with additional configuration. When you copied houses/POIs from my modlet to the LocalPrefabs directory, you actually lost content. You just didn't notice it was gone. BFT2020 shows you another example where the modlet contains additional assets. LocalPrefabs doesn't support additional configuration, Parts, or assets. Unless you also included my modlet, those POIs would not have had any of their Parts. You likely didn't know to expect them so you didn't miss them. The Parts are found in my modlet's Parts folder and the last I checked a Parts folder in LocalPrefabs is not found. You may also not get some of the Tiles, or not get them as often, as Tiles can sometimes have entries in a modlet's rwgmixer.xml file. If PEP is the expansion pack, put PEP in your Mods folder because it is a modlet. The ~50 houses depends. Did they come as a modlet or are they each just 6 files? Modlets go in the Mods folder. Individual POIs that came as 6 files go in LocalPrefabs.
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