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Everything posted by zztong

  1. I don't know how it picks. I've been assuming it adds up all the probability numbers then generates a number between 0 and that. Or, you could look at it as putting a probability number of chips in a bag and drawing one. I'm not sure a larger placement blocks smaller placements. I've seen some of my decorations end up with trees in them. I've sometimes wondered if it is going block by block and checking to see if it feels like putting a decoration there. I don't really know and I've not tried to look at code for it.
  2. Perhaps, though the triggers seem too absolute. At least when it is stealth vs a sleeper there are factors that can play into if detection happens: your perks, your armor, the mods on the armor, the lighting, the trash on the floor, and proximity. With a trigger you're 100% detected. Now we can do things to avoid some triggers. Bypassing a door trigger is easy if you're willing to go through a wall, but then you may not be able to clear a POI until you go back and open the door. The trigger volumes are the ones I find sometimes find disappointing. I like the stealth game, but I do admit sometimes it is too easy. So... I could see configurable zombie volumes where we can adjust stealth. I also admit there are sleeper settings that I've never looked at that have something to do with how a sleeper perceives, I think. I could see configurable light settings that adjusted the light modifier for stealth. I could see adding a trip wire block that either made tin cans bang together or set off a grenade. I could see some zombies "screaming" when they died such that other zombies were awaken. I guess my point here is things like a trigger volume can be overused, and while stealth can be OP it is at least a mini-game that can be adjusted. EDIT: The trigger volumes and door triggers aren't immune to stealth, of course. If you plan an escape path, you can trigger, flee, hide, return and stealth kill the zombies. There's already a kind of penalty for stealth. You clear slower. On the other hand, you conserve ammunition.
  3. And if the encounter wiped out everyone, you get group-wide Perma-death.
  4. I know Stallionsden made larger Decorations. I just don't remember at what point he ran into complications. One thing I have seen is a Decoration being placed on top of another Decoration. One of my Decorations is the remnants of a small horde base. Sometimes RWG will place a tree in it, which kind of works, really. I'm told there used to be a feature where we could specify the biome for a POI in the POI's XML. I don't know if that worked with Decorations since Decorations are already biome specific and in the biomes.xml file.
  5. Ah yes, those are "Decorations" built in the Prefab Editor in the same way as POIs. You're right, that is certainly possible. Less clear to me, as somebody who has made Decorations, is how large a Decoration can be. I know @stallionsden has made larger Decorations and probably found some technical and/or practical limit. TFP's building remnant Decorations tend to have a footprint of something like 8x8.
  6. I wonder if the Player Creator might even be that tool. There are probably technical reasons why it wouldn't work, but the game clearly knows how to assemble the player choices and represent them in the world, even with various gear combinations. A related idea that comes to mind is that when a character dies, couldn't there be a one-time zombie that, well... was that character? Instead of dropping a backpack, the dang thing could keep carrying it around now in zombie form.
  7. We don't currently have the ability to target specific biomes with RWG, but if you mean manual placement then rock on.
  8. I would say "undesirable" or "unappealing." The artwork is well done and creative. It just isn't what I want to strap on to face the world. I might put it on for a laugh.
  9. There's a radio block in A21. You can see it at traders and in some other POIs. It would be trivial to make a recipe so players could craft it. You can build and find towers in the game, but the real question is what you would call an antenna. You know, the thing we like to put way up high on a tower for both safety reasons and to cope with the curvature of the Earth and extend the broadcast range. You can craft thin metal poles. The part I find interesting about the suggestion is some kind of map-wide communication. Many groups of players are chatting via Discord (or equivalent) anyways so it isn't a feature many people really need. But, if you were to implement it in-game, then you'd probably want (1) an antenna, (2) an amplifier/repeater, (3) some 2m handheld HAM radios and the ways to craft them. Unless you had a earpiece or turned off your radio, you could add 50 points to your stealth value whenever somebody said something. Regarding NPCs, I do kind of like the notion of something similar to the Fallout 4 Minutemen/Survivors camps. I don't think that's in the cards. Maybe you could do something with mannequin blocks and... okay, yeh, that's probably not very satisfying.
  10. I recall Not-a-Gamer Gaming had a Library POI. While they have withdrawn their POI modlet you can still find that POI in the CompoPack. I'm pretty sure there are a couple of other Libraries in the CompoPack, but you're right I can't think of a Library in the Vanilla POIs.
  11. I think the primitives should overcome some sort of penalty for not wearing any clothing in that spot. Maybe there's a greater chance of infection if you're not wearing at least primitive clothing on the body part that got hit? No shoes? For persons who haven't trained up for it, going without shoes outdoors is usually painful. The game could slow movement a little.
  12. I travel to the future sometimes for work. I've been fond of A24. All I can say is, "Wow!"
  13. I like it too, though I do wish it was possible to put something into empty cabinets and then have the doors appear closed. That is, reverse the current process, maybe with an ALT-click to signal the desire to swap the block from empty to full and create an inventory. It isn't an important thing though. I'd be for that. Most doors aren't even a significant barrier for a stone axe. By the time I'm picking locks an iron pick is tearing them up. It means some POIs being used as bases by players can keep nice looking doors rather than having to replace a nice door with a rough wooden one.
  14. I kind of like zombie respawn, as if zombies are moving about and keep infiltrating the area, though I'm not sure what frequency would give the desired feeling. Of course there are always random spawns and wandering hordes, so maybe that does make sense. Maybe no loot respawn makes sense. I'd not really thought about it, but with no defending zombies I guess that makes sense too. I suppose that means the feature to respawn chunks (or whatever they're called) should be off too.
  15. I've been playing no-traders lately and am approaching the day 21 horde. I do like the way it plays without quests and having to either find or make everything. It really slows the game down and it has some of that feel of the earlier alphas. I need to slow down the loot and zombie refresh. They're happening too fast which would make me range farther from base.
  16. You're probably right now that I think about it. Since we narrowed down the issue to the param1 part, I'll bet the XUi stuff is unnecessary.
  17. Unless 75 years have passed, the trees regrew, and the buildings eroded or were otherwise reclaimed by nature. Then again, the electricity is still on. Oh, the duality of the 7d2d world.
  18. Oh! I never would have guessed an exclusion. That's what I get for blindly using it.
  19. It's working. I had to remove the param1="Class" part of my Extends line in blocks.xml.
  20. Thanks Gouki. I'm still missing the connection between blocks.xml and xui.xml other than it must be the block name ... and the Vanilla dew collector doesn't match.
  21. I can't pick it up, but I have been destroying the old blocks and placing new ones. So this was the problem on the Extends line... param1="Class" ... not sure what it really means, I guess.
  22. I'll try your blocks.xml in mine and see if I get the same results. If not, I'll direct message you my email address.
  23. For clarity: blocks.xml <append xpath="/blocks"> <block name="zzUnfilteredDewCollector"> <property name="Extends" value="cntDewCollector" param1="Class"/> <property name="ConvertToItem" value="drinkJarRiverWater"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="cntDewCollector"/> <property name="Model" value="Entities/Furniture/collectorDewPrefab"/> <property name="HeatMapStrength" value="0.5"/> <property name="HeatMapTime" value="4000"/> <property name="HeatMapFrequency" value="1000"/> <!-- property name="WorkstationWindow" value="dewcollector"/ --> </block> </append> XUi/xui.xml <append xpath="/xui/ruleset"> <window_group name="zzUnfilteredDewCollector" left_panel_valign_top="false" controller="XUiC_DewCollectorWindowGroup" close_compass_on_open="true"> <window name="windowzzUnfilteredDewCollector"/> <window name="windowNonPagingHeader" /> </window_group> </append> XUi/windows.xml <append xpath="/windows"> <window name="windowzzUnfilteredDewCollector" width="{windowWidth}" height="378" controller="DewCollectorWindow" panel="Left" anchor_side="bottomright" visible="false" cursor_area="true" > <panel name="header" height="43" depth="0" disableautobackground="true" anchor_left="queue,0,-3" anchor_right="queue,1,0" > <sprite depth="1" name="headerbackground" sprite="ui_game_panel_header" anchor_left="queue,0,-3" anchor_right="queue,1,0" /> <sprite depth="3" name="windowIcon" style="icon32px" pivot="center" pos="21,-21" sprite="ui_game_symbol_loot_sack" /> <label depth="2" name="lootName" pos="39,-6" width="180" height="32" text_key="xuiDewCollector" font_size="32" /> <rect anchor_left="queue,1,-300" anchor_right="queue,1,0" pivot="topleft" pos="0,0" controller="ContainerStandardControls" createuiwidget="true" visible="false"> </rect> </panel> <rect name="content" pos="3,-49" > <sprite depth="0" name="bg" color="255,255,255,1" type="sliced" sprite="menu_empty" anchor_left="queue,0,-3" anchor_bottom="queue,0,0" anchor_right="queue,1,0" anchor_top="queue,1,49" on_press="true" /> <grid depth="12" name="queue" rows="1" cols="3" cell_width="75" cell_height="75" repeat_content="true" controller="DewCollectorContainer" required_item="drinkJarEmpty"> <dewcollector_stack controller="DewCollectorStack" override_stack_count="1" name="0"/> </grid> </rect> </window> </append> And the zzUnfilteredDewCollector can be placed in the world but is unresponsive. It presents no interface, cannot be picked up, etc.
  24. Thanks. I'll try that. I do see a difference. Our entries in XUi/xui.xml are the same, except that I tried to call on the existing dewcollector window, instead of making another entry in XUi/windows.xml as you are showing. So is the connection between blocks.xml and xui.xml the block name? If so, I don't get how "cntDewCollector" matches up with "dewcollector" in the Vanilla files. Maybe I'm looking at it wrong. Maybe the block's name is matching up with what is in windows.xml? I've got both your xui.xml and windows.xml code in place and have verified they are being applied to the game. The zzUnfilteredDewCollector is completely unresponsive. Maybe I cannot "Extend" cntDewCollector to define my own? I'm still lost as to how to connect a block to a UI. There's no obvious tag. The DewCollector doesn't seem to follow the other workstations in its definition, so following the examples of other workstations doesn't seem right.
  25. I'm not getting an error. I don't get any interaction. I started to look through the XUi configurations for the first time. I kind of see how XUi/xui.xml connects to XUi/windows.xml to XUi/controls.xml. What I have not found is how anything in blocks.xml connects to XUi/xui.xml. Perhaps things are connecting based on the block's name? I tried defining a window_group with the same name as my custom block, but that had no effect. I found an old conversation talking about this property for a block definition, which I adapted to try to connect the the existing "dewcollector" window_group. That property only appears on the "tableSaw" block, and it's value perfectly matches the XUi/xui.xml window_group name, so I tried the same but for a dew collector. <property name="WorkstationWindow" value="dewcollector"/> No such luck. I feel like I'm overlooking something obvious.
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