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Everything posted by zztong

  1. Here's two... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1St0zhFlBMMK8WJZq3SVH6__9xaaXZxWj?usp=sharing I could probably reproduce this, if needed. I just need to keep a copy of my custom POIs from the previous build where that XML element isn't included. Then put that folder in Prefabs and generate a 8192 world with the seed "Wilderness" with many Towns and many Wilderness POIs, rest default. It was throwing the error every time until I edited the POIs with the new version and saving updated the XML. In the same google drive shared folder you'll find a folder with custom POIs in it. Put that folder in your prefabs folder, then generate a world using B231. Seed: Wilderness Size: 8192 Towns: Many Wilderness POIs: Many ... and you should see the same exception.
  2. Here's two... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1St0zhFlBMMK8WJZq3SVH6__9xaaXZxWj?usp=sharing I could probably reproduce this, if needed. I just need to keep a copy of my custom POIs from the previous build where that XML element isn't included. Then put that folder in Prefabs and generate a 8192 world with the seed "Wilderness" with many Towns and many Wilderness POIs, rest default. It was throwing the error every time until I edited the POIs with the new version and saving updated the XML. In the same google drive shared folder you'll find a folder with custom POIs in it. Put that folder in your prefabs folder, then generate a world using B231. Seed: Wilderness Size: 8192 Towns: Many Wilderness POIs: Many ... and you should see the same exception.
  3. Crap. forgot the stack trace... DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder.spawnWildernessPrefab (PrefabData _prefab, Vector2i _prefabPos, System.Boolean _isTrader, System.Boolean _checkTownshipSafeBounds) [0x002df] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder+<generateWilderness>d__77.MoveNext () [0x00386] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0
  4. Crap. forgot the stack trace... DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder.spawnWildernessPrefab (PrefabData _prefab, Vector2i _prefabPos, System.Boolean _isTrader, System.Boolean _checkTownshipSafeBounds) [0x002df] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder+<generateWilderness>d__77.MoveNext () [0x00386] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0
  5. Crap. forgot the stack trace... DivideByZeroException: Attempted to divide by zero. at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder.spawnWildernessPrefab (PrefabData _prefab, Vector2i _prefabPos, System.Boolean _isTrader, System.Boolean _checkTownshipSafeBounds) [0x002df] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at WorldGenerationEngineFinal.WorldBuilder+<generateWilderness>d__77.MoveNext () [0x00386] in <a70e13923c11440db6ee31eb8c04b409>:0 at UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine.InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator enumerator, System.IntPtr returnValueAddress) [0x00026] in <544fca0986d54eca88fc7c56e2a8b4b4>:0
  6. Summary: (a short description of the bug) There appears to be a new XML element "PrefabSize" that is not present until you save the POI in the Prefab Editor. World Generation throws a DivideByZeroException when placing Wilderness POIs. Game Version: A20 B231 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Not relevant System Memory: Not relevant GPU Model and VRAM: Not relevant Screen Resolution: Not relevant Video Settings: Not relevant Game mode: RWG Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes - Custom POIs EAC on or off? ON Status: NEW Bug Description: There appears to be a new XML element "PrefabSize" that is not present until you save the POI in the Prefab Editor. World Generation throws a DivideByZeroException when placing Wilderness POIs. My guess is the code for non-Wilderness POIs still checks for the POI size in the old location if the XML element PrefabSize is not found. But, that the Wilderness placement code only tries to find the POI size in the XML file. And, since the element is new, our existing XML files for custom POIs does not contain the new element. Loading and Saving the custom POI does generate the new element, though I suspect y'all don't want bad XML to crash RWG. Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Attempt to build a world using Wilderness POIs that do not have the PrefabSize element in the XML file. 2) If one of those POIs is selected for placement, you should see the DivideByZeroException. 3) Have a nice day. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) RWG throws an exception and then appears to the user to be stuck. You have to kill it with the Task Manager. Expected result: World Generation or a nice error message saying "Cannot find the PrefabSize element in <xml-file-name>." Listing the name of the file is important for folks who have lots of custom POIs. Imagine somebody with the CompoPack installed, for instance. Rock on folks. Y'all are doing great.
  7. Sounds like KingGen cannot access a file named king_gen_config.txt because of some permissions issue. Perhaps KingGen needs read-write access and it only has read-only access? Perhaps you're running KingGen as a different user and there's some ownership issue for the file?
  8. Thanks for the video. My takeaway was that Tiles and Parts won't work, but otherwise KG maps appear playable. You talked about the effects of missing Tiles. Without support for Parts, I suspect some POIs will miss some content. For instance, you might see farm POIs without fields, would be my guess. Interesting. Thanks again.
  9. zztong

    RWG Water World

    Summary: I was testing some custom POIs (not in a western town) and decided to go look at the western town. I found a town that was flooded, plus a road that went under a massive lake. Game Version: A20 b218 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 11 CPU Model: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-8700 CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.19 GHz System Memory: 32G GPU Model and VRAM: nVidia GeForce GTX 1080 Screen Resolution: 3440 x 1440 Video Settings: Custom - Shadows off, not sure what else. Started with High or Ultra, whatever the default was and trimmed back a little. Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes - Pretty much daily when it comes to worlds and saves. Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes, after install, but not daily. Are you using any mods? Yes - My custom POIs are a work in progress. EAC on or off? - On. Status: NEW Bug Description: Wow, look at all the water. I must have left the faucet on. Seriously. There's a giant lake, which is pretty cool, but it seems to have flooded a western town. (See screenshots) Also, there's a road under the lake (but no tunnel). Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) RWG, Seed "ZZ2", Max Cities/Towns, Max Wilderness POIs, rest default. Custom POIs in the Prefabs folder. 2) Generate World 3) Load World, etc. Actual result: (description of what is occurring) See above. Also, relevant files (screenshots, logs, copy of world, etc.) found here... https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1aAYknG8eh7SszlLge-wYYsjxfkODzbiT?usp=sharing Expected result: (what you expect to occur) Big lake seems fine. Flooded town unexpected. Road under lake seems undesirable.
  10. How about a variation for a bit more realism? The car has a number of battery slots, say 12. Fill the slots with charged batteries and that's the fuel. To refuel, you either swap out the car-batteries or you connect the car to a generator/solar circuit with the wiring tool. It wouldn't be perfectly silent, but it could be pretty quiet. My RL electric car still has a little whine to the motor. You also still get road noise from the tires on pavement, hitting bumps, etc. I don't know how a wasteland kit-bashed version would sound, but my guess is it would be a bit more noisy than a modern production vehicle. I agree gasoline seems improbable, electric more approachable, but alcohol fueled vehicles make a lot of sense too.
  11. It's a guess. Stallionsden, and others, have done more with lighting than I.
  12. It would be nice if the Page Up and Page Down keys would move through pages in the Creative Menu. I'd like to be able to darken the opacity of the Creative Menu. Sometimes the background showing through makes it hard to see the objects on the menu, specially when the object is small or thin. The treePineBurntLrg and treePineBurntMed objects are a good example, as are some of the chain link fences, which are nearly invisible in some cases.
  13. I'm not sure I understand the question (not sure what you mean by "coloring"), but if the radii of multiple light sources overlap then performance suffers. I think that's true even in the case of a directional light like a spotlight, but I'm just guessing.
  14. In one sense, knowing that you're infected and knowing the percentage, you get plenty of warning to go stand by your bedroll. You also get to know exactly which medication will cure you. Would it be more suspenseful if at first you didn't know you were infected and that you never knew the percentage... unless you had the Physician trait. For percentages 0-5, display no state unless you are a physician. Show a physician "minor infection." For percentages 6-26, show an "infected" state. Or, show "minor infection" to a physician. For percentages 26-75, show an "infected" state. Or, show "moderate infection" to a physician. For percentages 76+, show an "infected" state. Or, show a "major infection" to a physician. For multiplayer, let a physician see the state of other players, perhaps with some icon above their head, coloring of the player's face, or something.
  15. Does it have a lot of lights turned on? What's the triangle count reported by the PreFab editor? (Or is it a polygon count? I forget and can't go look at the moment.) I'm sure Stallionsden has a bigger list of possibilities.
  16. One option towards realism (just spitballing here) would be to replace gasoline with alcohol and then remove gasoline from salvage. Leave alcohol only to be distilled by players or bought from traders. You could even have different levels of fuel to express different qualities of production, age, methanol vs ethanol, etc. It might even give folks a reason to buy into farming on a larger scale and a greater use for Super Corn.
  17. Oh, interesting. I never would have guessed years. I guess that explains a number of things about the vanilla POIs and the established traders. I was thinking either days or months. I guess it all depends on what you pick as a reference. The game coughs up usable gasoline via salvage, which doesn't have a shelf life measured in years unless it was all stabilized. The game also still has a working electrical grid (because POIs have lights) which I think would collapse in a matter of days unless zombies have an interest in keeping it fueled, managed, and repaired.
  18. Thanks for the review. I don't tend to make "dungeon crawl" POIs as that's not how I play or think about POIs. I also think breaking into POIs is normal.
  19. With that experience, I don't understand your criticism. You know there are different software development methodologies and project teams can tailor their process. You should know not to get hung up on version numbering/labels and that iterative approaches can be done without Agile sprints. They've got a hybrid approach going. They've been clear about their process and it isn't unprofessional. We could potentially translate their approach into the terms you'd like. For instance, you might say the version known as "A20" is currently in Alpha testing, with Beta testing (A20-EXP) expected to begin in a matter of weeks, followed eventually by the Gold version of A20 in probably a matter of months. They have the luxury of not having external interfaces and deadlines to meet so they can create contingency time on demand (up to the limits of their funding.)
  20. I tried to run KG with that configuration, but I didn't get the same error, probably because I don't really have all the POIs you have listed. Maybe comment out chunks of POIs and see if the error goes away? Then you'd know if it was a POI line that had a problem and you can start to narrow it down. I wish KG would tell you the line of the config file it was parsing. Or, maybe it has completed parsing by then.
  21. I find fast map generation speed is handy when I'm making test worlds. When making new POIs, I frequently need to make a quick map to see the test POI placed in a variety of settings and to test how it works. But when it comes time to make a world for a game, I'm completely cool with the generator slowing down and doing a better job. From memory, IIRC there was a conversation about roads where there was some mention of how KG keeps its speed up by only looking for paths every so many blocks. (I think somebody was trying to get a road to cross a natural bridge.) I'm not sure why I felt like saying that. I guess it just seemed like a possibly useful observation.
  22. Well, Zombies want brains and I'm all out of those. I'd like to feed the chickens but they just run away. They must not like cornmeal.
  23. Y'all control the code. Make all landmines appear and act like air blocks during the streamer weekend.
  24. 2.5 Days To Stream, 7 Days to Die ... It could be more catchy. We need a "D" word to replace "Stream."
  25. zztong

    Zombie Bane

    You might be able to get close to what you want with existing configuration options... You can change the size of the protected area provided by a Land Claim block. You can configure the game to allow you to have more than one Land Claim block. You can configure the area protected by a bedroll. You can configure the amount of damage the AI can do to blocks. Set the Land Claim Size to something large. I've no idea what the maximum allowed would be. If you set it via the "New Game" window, 71 is the largest preset they've given. If there is a max and its not big enough, let yourself place more than one Land Claim Block. If its bedrolls that suppress spawning, then you can change that radius too. Then, build walls around your perimeter to keep out the random spawns. Then you can have some fun of managing the maintenance of your walls. If you find the Z's are doing too much damage to your walls for your tastes/goals, you can change the BlockDamageAI setting so that Z's do less damage to blocks. serverconfig.xml <!-- Land claim options --> <property name="LandClaimCount" value="1"/> <!-- Maximum allowed land claims per player. --> <property name="LandClaimSize" value="41"/> <!-- Size in blocks that is protected by a keystone --> <property name="LandClaimDeadZone" value="30"/> <!-- Keystones must be this many blocks apart (unless you are friends with the other player) --> serverconfig.xml <property name="BedrollDeadZoneSize" value="15"/> <!-- Size (box "radius", so a box with 2 times the given value for each side's length) of bedroll deadzone, no zombies will spawn inside this area, and any cleared sleeper volumes that touch a bedroll deadzone will not spawn after they've been cleared. --> serverconfig.xml <property name="BlockDamageAI" value="100"/> <!-- How much damage do AIs to blocks (percentage in whole numbers) -->
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