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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 27 minutes ago, BobbyLee298 said:

    @faatal a question about water, is it going to flow?

    say you dig a hole and you make a trench to a pond with the water travel and fill up that hole while lowering the water level in the pond?

    just curious to see what you guys are aiming to do, even tho the water development just started

    I highly doubt that. I believe madmole stated at one point that such a feature would result in players griefing each other with massive amounts of water.

  2. So the Buried Treasure perk increases the quantity of loot in buried chests, yes? Well, I've found that it doesn't count for T1 buried supplies. 😕

    11 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Let them work on the basics of the new system, there's always time for bugs/exploits later... 😉

    Come on, the infinite water exploit has been around for so long it'd might as well be declared a feature at this point. ;)

  3. Fantastic.

    What's also amazing are the memory spans of a lot of the members around here. Was this thread not clearly designated to hold off-topic talk (from the A19 dev diary)? If I were moderator, they would have all received swift and harsh consequences by now. But it's whatever, at least I'm following the rules.

  4. 44 minutes ago, unholyjoe said:

    you toss a grenade to catch a groups attention and then toss them another for the big bang. they are suppose to go to a thrown item and that should qualify. if a mistake (doubt it) then i prefer it stay that way... more bang for the buck. :)


    Just be a troll and make the change where zombies run away from tossed grenades, pipe bombs, etc. ;)

  5. 6 hours ago, hiemfire said:

    @MechanicalLens Iirc you're looking for "corner bars". Have you checked the "Fences and Railings" block's shape menu. There is a corner railing that might do what you need it to.

    Those are railings, not bars. When upgraded, railings only have a maximum of 300 health. They simply would not do.


    It doesn't matter though. It's more of an OCD thing.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kalen said:

    The eyes aren't what the used to be.... damn getting old!

    And yet you are perfectly capable of reading lines and lines of text... With delays in responses lasting upwards of half an hour or more, maybe I'd believe you. 😛 I believe the issue is that it is against human instinct to look up. ;)

  7. 1 minute ago, Kalen said:

    Context?   Has there been breaking Tetris news that I've missed?   Or is this just a random thought for the day?

    Other than Microsoft announcing Tetris Effect: Connected a few months ago, which is basically Tetris with good graphics (I couldn't keep a straight face while saying that, sorry), no, not really.

  8. This quest location is way, WAY too far away from the trader. It's absolutely ridiculous, do y'all expect me to walk all the way over there? Absolutely unbelievable... This needs to be rebalanced ASAP. Does anyone else see the problem here? And no, it's not me being lazy. I'm not, I promise you.



    In all seriousness though, I love that traders are within towns now. :D My five quest options were of the following distances away: 55m, 101m, 72m, 191m, and 182m

  9. 2 minutes ago, Kosmic Kerman said:

    I'm sure you've seen this but Fataal responded to your question in the A19 Dev thread. The bottom line is that the Devs will balance Zombie/Bandit AI when everything is in the game. My read is that people who are hoping for a return to A16 zombies are engaged in wishful thinking and are likely to be disappointed if they don't readjust their expectations.

    Truth is, A16 zombie AI could be much more easily manipulated than current. A YouTuber named Vedui has proven this quite extensively. Seriously, all you had to do in A16 was build a 20-30 block bridge with supports on both ends, stand in the middle, and the zombies would just gather beneath you and do nothing whatsoever. 😛

    Edit: Maybe closer to 20 blocks vs 30, but you get the point.

  10. To add to the post above, let's say you surround an 11x11 wide tower, with one block breathing room between the base and the pit, with 192 iron spikes, 3 rows across in the pit surrounding the tower. Iron spikes take 4 forged iron to craft, so that's 768 forged iron for the whole lot - that's approximately 1 1/2 stacks of forged iron. By default, it takes 12 iron (plus some clay) to craft one piece of forged iron, and unless I'm mistaken, iron that is put into the input of the forge comes out to be a 1:1 ratio. This means it will take 36864 iron to craft the required amount of forged iron to craft/upgrade those 192 iron spikes; that comes out to 6 stacks + 1,000 iron. As stated above, it takes a third of an iron spike to down a regular zed, and two thirds of an iron spike to down a regular feral. Best case scenario, let's assume that half of your spikes are used. In this scenario, that should net from between 200 - 240 zombie kills on average, assuming they're all basic and none of them make it through. However, to apply this situation realistically, let's say 10% of zeds are beefier than your standard Arlene or Darlene, so this drops the kill count to about 190 - 220, to be on the safe side. Total potential kill count will probably come out at around 200 zeds on average for 96 total spikes, if the scenario ends in a perfect streak of zed carnage. This is unrealistic however, so expect some zeds to make it through your defenses, walk around areas where spikes have already been taken out, or multiple zeds trample on a singular spike simultaneously, creating diminishing returns.


    Assuming however that you miraculously, through some strange and almost perfect coincidence, get approximately 200 zombie kills for approximately 100 spikes being used, on average. Are you willing to spend 18,500 iron per 200 kills per week? Up to you.


    Edit: To be realistic about it though, count down the total number of kills per week from about 200 to maybe 140 - 160 on average maximum. Again, you have to take into account zombies brushing up against spikes but not actually dying.


    Note: I was doing some crude math here, plus it is 2 in the morning where I am, so take all of these numbers with a pinch of salt, plus individual circumstances will vary greatly since entropy abound in these kinds of situations and order is few and far between.

  11. I did some testing with the current spikes we have in a creative test world and here's the crude information I've been able to gather from the limited tests I conducted. Apologies for limited data as I am exhausted this fine morning, but if anyone is interested I can perform more tests later, or if you prefer you can do it yourself.

    DIFFICULTY: Nomad     (<----- Doesn't seem to matter?)



    Wood spikes: 4 stages until death

    Iron spikes: 1 stage until death



    Wood spikes: 8 stages until death

    Iron spikes: 2 stages until death


    (*Basic zombie/feral zombie = Marlene, Arlene, Darlene, etc.)


    (*Both spikes have 3 stages until complete destruction.)


    Feel free to decide for yourself if spikes are effective enough to warrant usage. :)


    Edit reason: I tested some of this across multiple spikes. In other words, I was being a muppet. Ignore the past results

  12. 2 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Jay_ombie didn’t name or create this thread. I did. His just happened to be the cutoff post for my mass migration as I went back and cleaned house. 

    I altered the name slightly so that it won’t be so close. 

    Gotcha, realized that a little bit ago. I suppose I confused Jay's first post here meaning he was the OP. Nevermind, my bad. :)


    Thanks for that.

    14 minutes ago, beerfly said:



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