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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 1 minute ago, Xtrakicking said:

    Loyalty? Starting to sound like a cult to me. Lol.


    I mean, I think it's perfectly reasonable that someone would quit if the devs take away what made the game fun for them, don't you think?


    Nevertheless, quitting a game due to one simple change almost seems a bit petty to me. Perhaps there were other changes that they cannot currently recall that they were also not a fan of- a snowball effect if you will.


    If you get married to any system in an alpha game, then you are just setting yourself up for disappointment.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Zark said:

    Unfortunately, A20 might be the update where I decide to quit because the climate survival I once enjoyed and loved has been stripped away.


    I loved having the amount of clothing slots because I like tweaking the settings to also make it a winter survival game. Having 4 slots will ruin this mechanic and the game for me. Ever since A16 or A17, the "weather snow 0.4" command that added a layer of snow depth no longer worked. That disappointed me because I enjoyed playing with the weather settings to add a unique level of challenge for my friends where there would be cold fronts and snow in the desert or pine.



    No offense, but really, this is what would make you quit? To each their own, but it is obvious that your loyalty is lacking.

  3. 4 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    Don't mind me, I've got the pop corn right here.


    I believe people with less than 10 posts are entitled to ban Roland, for they are pure souls not tainted by arthritic fingers. Just my extremely valuable opinion. 


    Speaking of which, I wonder what would happen if I blocked Roland? Maybe reported his posts? What would he do about that? ;) 😜

  4. 3 minutes ago, Lemmers said:

    But at that point, isn't this what we have already? Just without the weather resistance or pocket mod features.



    What I meant was on the right-hand side you would have your currently equipped attire, and to the left of that would be an equal amount of slots that you could place an equivalent type of outfit respectively; you would gain no buffs from outfits in these slots, maybe not even the vanity, it would just be extra storage space for outfits. That way it would be a little less of a hassle (in terms of inventory space) if you wanted to switch between outfits.

    5 minutes ago, Pwn3dg4m3r said:

    I didn't curse or yell, I simply voiced my opinion.

      I'm not going to sugar coat it just to spare the devs feelings, their big boys and girls they can handle negative feed back. 

         You may think I was being "mean" but I say i was being passionate, passionate about a game I and many other love and enjoy.  Being overly polite or massaging the devs isn't going to get them to see that the players are very much against the new armor system which is the #1 disliked change this patch by far.

       The whole point of this thread is to leave feed back for the dev team including negative feedback not just positive.  If you think i was being "mean" or down voting me cause I wasn't polite enough about it, I say does a diservice to the devs, especially since I even left a suggestion of how they could do a bit of uncluttering if that was the reason for this change.  If it was to simply just streamline the armor system then they need to rethink how to go about it before they drive off alot of the player base since this system will cause players to spend more time changing clothes than actually playing the game. 

         Why would i want to keep playing if now it takes me multiple days just to complete what once was a single days tasks cause now i spend all my time swapping cloths and making numerous trips to drop over an overly bloated inventory from all the amour sets i now have to carry.


    Perhaps instead of going into the whole "negative feedback" you could try to be constructive? Not everything is so black and white. In a civil manner you should illustrate the "issue" that you have with the current alpha, inform the reader why you are not a fan of said system, and offer a solution or a possible alternative.


    Also, handy tip, don't write text walls like the one above. The devs never read those; they simply don't have the time. Try to limit it to a bulky paragraph at the most. (i.e. about half the size of the one you produced.)

  5. 15 minutes ago, Xtrakicking said:

    I agree that I don't like how the streamlining of the clothing system sounds like, but saying it the way you're saying it will get you nowhere, bud.


    They may have one point. Sounds a bit modded territory here, but perhaps a "vanity" section for outfits would be nice, to go alongside your currently equipped outfit.








    Can we get a petting zoo POI in the game? :)

  6. Just now, Jugginator said:


    Well, that's certainly something lol! Sure you don't have any mods left in there?


    I reverted back to 19.2 and everything is back to normal. But I was finding 4x4 trucks, vehicle parts, books, ammo, food, etc. in all kinds of loot containers, tinted green, all called "ball". XD Now that everything is back to normal I've dumped them all. A green AK called "ball" that I found turned into a stack of wood, for example. But everything else is good. What a weird bug though. LOL

  7. On 12/24/2020 at 10:14 AM, Guppycur said:

    You once told this story about bandits riding up in their gun-mounted jeep harassing player bases... I know that was an idea in your head, but how close to reality is that?


    Bandits in a fight, I'd like to see that, especially if they were the nerdy types. What are they gonna do, throw their A levels at us?

  8. Could all painting be made equal? As of now many paint options consume a few if not several buckets of paint, while others only take one bucket. It's not the inconsistency itself that bothers me, it's just the simple experience of going from one paint texture to another and suddenly this new texture eats up 3x (or more) as much paint as the previous selection.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Not so far.


    Well then, hopefully the differing gamestages within certain biomes isn't so great that it cuts down on this stage of the game, or any stage for that matter. The game has been unbalanced for too long and we are finally entering a balanced, linear, orderly state. I trust that TFP won't butcher that experience.

  10. 23 hours ago, Roland said:

    I can confirm that the pipe weapons are great fun to find and use. They are still WIP but even now their variety is exactly what the primitive era needs and they really have breathed new life into the early game. I don't think they will change the minds of those who are wanting the more powerful weaponry sooner but for those who enjoy the slower progression and finding primitive stuff of slowly building quality until the real weapons start appearing, they really make the game more engaging. I find myself excited to get ammo now and am using it up. These guns are pretty junky but they are fun. If you are the type who feels that using up ammo on poor weaponry is a waste then you'll probably have a hard time with these guns and may find yourself ignoring them in order to horde ammo for later when you can find good guns. But if you don't mind using whatever you've got in the present and letting tomorrow take care of itself, then they are great!


    Will the primitive age be changing at all in terms of duration?

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