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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. And I'm back and I'm not banned nor was my account suspended. Your soft side is showing @Roland. Might want to step up your game a little.

    Or is this a subtle way of you acknowledging my relevance?

    1 hour ago, Astronomical said:

    Aw sounds like somebody's having a bad day? Don't worry bud maybe tomorrow will be better!

    Whether you like it or not, this is my character from now on. So get used to it.

    So tell me @Astronomical, you got family? Close family, perhaps?

  2. 24 minutes ago, Astronomical said:


    Well one solid argument I can think of for mods in crafting stations is the heat map. Assuming the mechanic hasn't been changed, more crafting stations equals more heat but improved ones doesn't. So you would have less screamers knocking on your door.


    Unless of course you're the kind of guy that likes screamers. 😉

    I often have 20-30 forges going at any given time late-game; my record so far has been 60. What does that tell you? ;)

  3. 2 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I already tried this, it's a chore for me... maybe you enjoy activities that I don't, I don't know.


    Anyway that's just a secondary issue and I don't understand what your point is... we already have the forge which has slots for mods who do the same exact thing I'm asking.

    It's like saying "let's remove mods from the forge since you can do the same by crafting more of them". It doesn't make much sense to me.

    You either use a system consistently for ALL workstations OR you don't use that system at all.

    Alright, you do you, to each their own and all that. Just whatever you do, don't make 3 cement mixers. It's the same reason why I would be against having 3 slot forges. Splitting stacks into odd numbers, now THAT is a chore. Splitting once, splitting twice, splitting thrice...


    True, but managing forges is, at least as of A19, just that little bit more demanding than cement mixers. You have to manage input, output, fuel, ingredients... Cement mixers, you just have to manage sand, stone, and cement, maybe some sand crafting as well. I don't know why, maybe it's just me, but between the two, asking for a mod that increases the production rate of cement mixers just seems like fluff compared to the anvil/advanced bellows? Just my perspective. Besides, consistency and all that; what about mods for the workbench and chemistry station?


    Now a mod to craft cement out of the cement mixer (but it taking longer than in the forge), now there's an idea... Coupled with your idea for the mod that allows to craft items faster... Nevermind, take back what I said. 😛

  4. 2 hours ago, Jost Amman said:

    Well, it's not exactly the same... splitting production to several mixers to gain time is a chore in itself TBH... 😕

    Nah, once you get into the habit of it, it'll become second nature to you. I always have 3-4 going. All it takes is a couple of seconds.

  5. 42 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    (I don't know who to ask this...)

    Any plans on adding mods to the Cement Mixer in A20?


    I was thinking maybe you could add a slot for a mixer engine so that we can craft concrete faster.

    Maybe even an input slot for stone that gets automatically used for whatever recipe.

    Regarding your first idea, you could simply make another cement mixer. 😛

  6. Meanwhile, after taking a temporary break from 7D2D, I hopped back in and got a day 1 bicycle crafted. :) I spawned on the edge of a town next to a small mansion I recognized, one with close to a dozen bookshelves inside. I cleared it out, set down my storage, and scavenged the place, immediately finding the bicycle chassis and bicycle handlebars schematics in some bookshelves. I left my temporary abode and I saw that Trader Rekt was right adjacent to me, so I looted his compound and discovered he had a working workbench and a working chemistry station. Following this discovery I raided the house across the street and came out with enough materials, including forged iron, to craft my bicycle before 15:00 hours. Gotta love it. :)

  7. 7 hours ago, Laynie said:

    I have huge sympathy for you dying to the dire wolf! I have died to it myself and laughed while my castle nerd boy husband died to it too. I highly doubt they will add a growl to it if there isn't one already, because of the fact that they are trying to get the game done. I think with the dire wolf, we will all have to just keep dying and laughing about it later when we remember the screams of our jump scare.

    For me zombie dogs are worse somehow. We were playing a dead is dead nomad game for our channel and I got wiped out by a pack of dogs on day 2, growls and all. lmfao 😅😂

    The worst part is if it's early game and all of your weapons happened to be on you when you died, and the dire wolf is spawn camping your death backpack. 😂

  8. So if you have any questions or concerns my good sir/ma'am, I suggest calling technical support. The number can be found above. 🙂 If you have any complaints, they will be immediately written down and then tossed into the nearest fireplace/shredder, yadda yadda yadda, you get the picture. Thank you, and have a nice day. 🙂


    Edit: Ahh Roland, thanks for taking out the trash. Just don't delete this interaction, it's made my day honestly.

  9. 1 hour ago, Ranzera said:

    Hmm, I got that backwards. All the responses were moved here. Splitting discussions is confusing.

    It's about keeping things tidy. Every so often a new member (whether they revisit the forums or not is another question) would complain about how they would have to sift through dozens of pages to maybe get one useful post from a developer. A lot of people simply do not have time on their hands.


    I'm sure something could be done to "tie conversations together", such as providing links to the original message in every post in which someone responds to it, but that would be an unnecessary amount of work on Roland's part when it doesn't matter at the end of the day. In about a week few, if any, people will revisit these specific posts.

  10. 2 hours ago, meganoth said:

    They are trying something new and will release A21 before A20. They found out backtracking is a lot easier.


    Seriously, MM already said A20 would have more features and the time till end-of-year too short. Look at the feature list and you wouldn't believe him anyway if he said they were targetting December 😉


    So June-July 2021 then. Gotcha. ;) 

  11. I haven't been doing too many quests this alpha. Have any people received quests for the non-remnant versions of the new stores, other than the T4 shotgun messiah? (Ex. Crack-A-Books, Pop-N-Pills, etc.?) I'm just curious if TFP allowed these POI's to be potential quest locations.

  12. 1 minute ago, meganoth said:

    How are they connected?

    What do you mean?

    Edit: Unless I'm misunderstanding things, most of the clothing/armor we have now will be removed and replaced with a more unified design and that being player outfits. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about that though. With the Savage Country POI's, especially the big ones, currently you can find any type of shirt, pants, shoes, etc. in them by the dozens. With player outfits, this would translate into a similar situation unless the majority of these lootable containers like shoe and pants racks were changed to be non-interactable deco items only, for example.

  13. 34 minutes ago, hiemfire said:

    Nice. Another knob to tune to adjust difficulty to taste. :)

    I wonder if this is going to be in place of something that is there currently or is in addition to what is there currently.

    Imagine setting the zombies to nightmare speed and you living in the wasteland biome. It'll practically be horde every night there. Something tells me I'm going to absolutely adore this feature. :) I was a bit gutted when they removed nighttime feral mode back in A16, now it has a second chance of sorts.


    I'm guessing these changes won't come into effect during horde night and the zombies will always have their GPS mode active?

    32 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Hah!  You're hoping it replaces auto-aggro rooms! You don't fool me!! :)

    I wonder if any predictability/roleplay will be added to this system? How about having Edgar sleep walk to the kitchen every morning to prepare his morning coffee? ;)

  14. 5 minutes ago, meganoth said:


    No. It could also be 5% chance per second of hitting.


    In that case, using a chainsaw would be a far more efficient solution of potentially extracting more honey anyway. If it takes longer to down a tree, and if the XML is designed in that favor, then you'd theoretically get more honey via time spent chopping or per hit vs a steel axe which only requires a couple hits / a few seconds to down said tree.


    If it's 5% per tree at random selection (i.e. this tree will give you honey, this one will not), then it literally would not matter if you used a fully modded level 6 steel axe or your bare fists.


    Of course though with it being such a low percentage chance you'd have to chop down thousands of trees to get accurate test results back. One experiment would be how much honey did you get on average by hitting 300 HP trees vs 1200 HP trees with the same tool, although such an experiment would obviously still raise a lot of questions.

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