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Posts posted by MechanicalLens

  1. 1 minute ago, Roland said:

    Ive been cleaning it out once or twice per day. That might seem like soft mittens to someone who is checking the dev diary every 5 minutes but for those who check in every few days the dev diary will appear uncluttered and that is fine for me because I am really doing this for the benefit of the developers to be able to easily see the relevant posts for them and they are not checking every 5 minutes. 

    Approving every post would be more work and also kill the freedom of posting. It is simple for me as I read to check and then mass move anything out. This way people can make their comments  even their jokes without being stifled. They just need to know that it won’t be staying in the dev diary for long. 

    Im not really worried about it Mech. It’s definitely something I’m not going to smite people over. 

    Understood. Forgive me for being rather, shall we say, picky? I want to make it perfectly clear that I do not believe you cannot do your job. By the looks of things, everything is running quiet smoothly, especially nowadays. But one thing you have to know about me, if it isn't abundantly clear already, is that I believe in order above all things. Of course though, personality is allowed to wriggle through; I'm not used to that, but I am slowly adapting in that regard. :) No offense was intended, so I hope we can walk away from this with some solid bridges connected that were not there before.

    I've also just realized that I am very much nearing my 3,000 post milestone. 😄 Nothing remarkable, and some of my posts can be sorted into the quantity category rather than quality, but it's something for me to pop the metaphorical champagne bottle over nonetheless. 😄

  2. As for myself, I am a creature of habit. This also means I am adaptable, and adapt I shall, if I have not already. If not, all I ask is you give me time to adjust. I'll fit right in soon enough, again, unless I already have. We'll have to wait and see, won't we?

    6 minutes ago, Roland said:

    No. The devs are fine with hearing feedback to their announcements. You’re trying to hard to make this some kind of actionable infraction. I certainly don’t want you to send ten reports if 10 people post their praise/worries/criticism of something revealed by Madmole. 

    Best is to just ignore what others post and the mods will move them out if we feel it’s warranted. 

    Everything will be moved here. I’m not going to take time to sort posts into different buckets. Here they can be read and commented upon and discussed further. The only posts that will be deleted are spam or that break the rules such as flaming, doom and gloom, or being abusive if others. 

    Understood. Again, my sole intention here is to make sure we're all on the same page. Yes, I'll throw my opinions in there occasionally, but those can be simply ignored. :)


    Instead, just take that as a piece of advice for other users rather than as me "attempting to enforce rules". Anyone typing in "this is a fantastic new zombie design" could be summarized with a heart reaction. :)


    Nonetheless, I'll leave my trust with you and TFP. Have a good one.

  3. Just now, Roland said:

    It’s pretty simple. Direct conversations with the developers stay. The developers set the tone. If Madmole wants to talk about base design then base design posts stay. If you have a question for the devs then post it. If they answer and you want to answer back....great. 

    Don’t worry about what others post. If the mods and devs feel it can stay then it will and if we want it moved we will. All you need to worry about is asking questions you want answers to and responding to them if they respond to you. 

    Nobody is in trouble here and I don’t anticipate giving out infractions or bans for this. I’m simply letting people know that I’ll be cleaning out conversations that don’t involve the devs directly.




    On a side note, perhaps to save yourself and other moderators time you could impose a system on the A20 dev diary where every post made by a standard forum user must come under moderation approval before it's released publicly (or moved or simply deleted)? But then again if you see this suggestion creating more trouble than its worth, then by all means move on from this reply. In Pimps We Trust.


    I am grateful for the lack of consequences, but this is little excuse. The truth is Roland is in order to keep a machine working properly you have to monitor it with an iron fist and not a soft pair of mittens. Don't take this as a challenge, just something you may want to keep in mind lest the A20 dev diary ends up becoming a clusterfudge must like previous dev diaries. Think about it.

  4. 12 hours ago, Roland said:

    What stays is predominately direct questions to the developers and direct comments and reactions to what the developers say.

    What I assume by "reactions to what developers say" are posts that provide legitimate constructive criticism, a point, or a question from a post that a developer has released in the A20 dev diary. The reaction emojis exist for a reason; a simple bit of praise alone do not contribute to the parent post and would only serve as clutter for others to sift through. No-one wants to see another user praise a new zombie design, especially if they do not have a lot of spare time on their hands, unless it's feedback that adds value to the original post. Am I correct in my assumption?

    Any questions you can answer would be appreciated. What I am attempting to accomplish here is create a stronger mutual understanding between moderator and standard forum user.

  5. @Roland Would you mind posting a thorough explanation on the intention of this thread, and what will be and not be acceptable within it? (ie someone sharing their base might get said post moved to images and videos, or not, unless this thread exists as a dumping ground.)


    Perhaps to keep things neater, just my suggestion, this thread should only contain A19 discussions and anything that doesn't fit into that box can be deposited in a currently non-existent thread dedicated to "disposing of the trash".

    For example, the post above ("I'm the Party Pooper") has no relevancy when it comes to A19, or 7D2D for that matter. However, it is insignificant enough to deserve its own thread under Images and Videos. Should such posts be deleted, or again, does this thread exist as a waste disposal site for anything miscellaneous as well being the location for the majority of A19 talk?

  6. 3 hours ago, Shumi said:

    Rude, it’s a female avatar. I’m going to give you a knuckle rub.

    Yes, I can also see you also enjoy the finer things in life. We shall become great mates; I can tell.


    Tho your moves won’t have any affect on me as I’m lesbian. Sorry mate.

    A person who is physically female who has Snowdog immunity? Count your blessings. 😂

  7. 5 hours ago, Roland said:

    Junior Moderating also doesn't belong there. Instead of discussing how wrong his post was you could have just reported it and let us handle it. But you clogged up the thread even more with your desire to enforce stuff on others. Forgiven sure. But please in the future just report or even just ignore and let us decide if it should remain or not.

    Apologies from my end. I used to moderate a couple of small sites back in the day so sometimes these habits just resurface. I'll leave it up to people in charge next time.


    And yes, I admit that I've always been a little bit power hungry, ambitious even. Nothing wrong with that, I just have to learn to wield such desires properly and respectfully, and above all else, not around here. I'm working on it.

  8. 1 minute ago, Promethean Winchester said:

    I didn't post them here, I posted them in the alpha 19 discussion forum when I intended to post them here. Foolish error on my part

    Well, they don't really belong here. Where you posted them before was just fine, or perhaps try Images and Videos. :)



    Apologies for Promethean's and my own human error @Roland. Care to move our interaction elsewhere? 🙄 🥺

  9. @Promethean Winchester Your images were obviously moved for a reason. If the images you just posted above are indeed the pictures you were talking about beforehand, then take two seconds to think about the situation. It's not rocket science. Your images were moved, so reposting them here is counter-intuitive. Even I don't repost messages that were migrated elsewhere, and that's saying something.


    (If I'm misunderstanding the situation though, feel free to inform me.)

  10. 3 minutes ago, Roland said:

    Nope! And thanks to you, there will continue to be posts generated that end up here.

    Well, at least you're persistent, I'll give you that.

    But as far as I can see, as long as public comments are allowed in the dev diary, this thread's position isn't entirely official*. Perhaps you should consider hammering that nail in the coffin @Roland? I'll try to be better of course, but I highly doubt that you're going to keep all of the goslings in line.


    *That doesn't mean I won't attempt to respect it. But what would really seal the deal is that "stamp of approval" I spoke of above.

    And I'm being honest Roland, unless you want to move comments here from a ton of users every single day and thus making more work for yourself, if I were you, I'd take my suggestion quite seriously, alright?

  11. 8 minutes ago, Demonoid74 said:

    Have been doing missions from the traders to unlock all the traders in my game...I am based near the first trader it sent me to Bob...

    Then got a mission to find trader Joel , Then trader Jen...and last night while playing and finally doing enough missions to get there...

    It gave me a mission to find ANOTHER trader Jen...


    Is that normal? or a bug? seems odd and annoying that I might not have the other trader in my world

    The trader to trader quest sends you to the nearest White River Settlement that you haven't received the quest for. For example, in my last world I got a quest from Trader Joel down to Trader Rekt down South. Once I had graduated tier 2 quests, I went to see Rekt, who offered me the quest for Trader Joel back up North. Not accepting the mission, I went back up to Joel and took the quest from him, and he took me to Trader Jen about 2 km East. She was obviously the only trader out there because when I completed the tier 3 questline, her quest led back to Joel's, and again, Rekt was at Joel's, so I had to go back to my first trader to accept the quest.


    Make sense?


    Edit: I misread your comment slightly. Again, the trader to trader quest sends you to the nearest trader that you take it from that you haven't explored yet via the questline. Your world might have 4 Jens and you might get a quest for each one after the other; coincidence.

    I'm pretty sure all RWG worlds have at least one of every trader by the way, or at least that had been my experience so far.

  12. 9 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Ah, thats the information I was looking for. Obviously "MechanicalLens" and "meganoth" are two of those alternate accounts and you are just faking this conversation.


    Oh wait, who am I then? Just a split personality of Adam? Why don't I remember anything about that? Is this the twilight zone? 😉





    Adam, are you talking to yourself again?

    In all reality though, we are all figments of Roland's imagination. Years of monitoring these forums have slowly got to him, turning him senile. 😂

  13. @Roland Quick question. Is this thread's sole purpose to contain purely A19 discussion and all off topic posts will be snipped off and deleted/deposited elsewhere, or will this thread be fairly free reign (within reason) much like the dev diary before it? (Ex. If someone wishes to discuss a fight within the UFC or the MMA and the conversation is naturally limited to a few exchanges, will that post be removed from this thread or will it be kept in.) In other words, what is the plan? Recycle bin or dumpster?

    Edit: those posts, not "that post"

  14. 16 minutes ago, Jost Amman said:

    I'm worried about the Microsoft transition because probably the Elder Scrolls will become very bland considering how MS handles game development. Look at what they did with the SoD series, SoD 2 is just more of the same. I was hoping for something more but Microsoft won't "risk" trying new things, if you know what I mean (money first!).

    If you're worried about Bethesda considering what Microsoft did to developers like Rare, then yes you have every right to be concerned unfortunately.

  15. @Jost Amman It's certainly not the end of the Elder Scrolls series, Microsoft has already addressed this. However, they hinted that Starfield will most likely be a Gamepass exclusive title, and in general it'll be a game-by-game basis on which games head to other platforms and which ones do not. An interesting development is that Bethesda will be keeping their name under their games and won't be replaced by Microsoft in that regard, so I suspect that a good chunk of their games will be released on all platforms, with the majority of the profits heading directly to Microsoft. Will they all receive timed exclusivity on Gamepass? Possibly.


    Also, surprisingly enough, Microsoft is honoring Bethesda's deal to keep Ghostwire Tokyo and Deathloop as PS5 (and PC?) exclusives for a limited time before they head to other platforms, assumingly Gamepass.


    It's not the end of the Elder Scrolls like I said, just a slight changing of the guard. :) And if Microsoft pulls a fat one, well, we can tell them to stop and inform them that they have violated the law. ;)

  16. 8 minutes ago, Roland said:

    I like this, I like this. The dev diary being used for its intended purpose and any discussions relating to the alpha can be deposited in its own separate official thread. Since nothing is changing technically, I'll be packing my suitcase and moving on over. :) Good job Roland, honestly this should have been done ages ago. (I know, I'm the one to talk, yadda yadda yadda.) Although @Roland, while I agree with this decision, it'll need to be enforced, otherwise in about 48 hours it'll all be for naught. Perhaps the closure of all discussion outside of TFP staff and mods for this thread is in order, and we could all migrate over to the link you provided?


    See y'all on the other side. :)

  17. 1 minute ago, Blake_ said:
      Hide contents


    As we crawl into a sacred tomb in Skyrim 2, our character comes into a dimly lit room with a coffin in the center, illuminated by candles that continue to miraculously burn after 20 long years. Our character lifts open the lid of a coffin to uncover... Master Chief.

  18. 4 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    There are many companies within the Zenimax's ecosystem. Microsoft just purchased a big chunk of the Videogame industry in one move. Just like that. Trader Rekt's got nothing on this. 

    But it does compel them to abide by certain restraints. And that translates to Microsoft dictating the business model if they so choose.

    I definitely see Microsoft going the way of Sega but, at the end of the day, perhaps Amazon and Google aside, will end up becoming the sole choice for gaming. I'm not trying to drag this out, but I definitely see Sony and Nintendo not surviving the coming decade or two.


    Good thing I own a beast gaming PC. :)

  19. 1 minute ago, Blake_ said:

    Cool. That is good news because:


    Zenimax's Bethesda Game Studios has never released a stable game in like ever and currently lacks the soul to make an ambitious risky project and morph the concept in the middle of development. Microsoft also lacks soul but has money. 


    Result: faster releasing Bethesda Game Studios' games and better quality and less bugs and better support. 


    What's not to like, really.


    It's like if Shotgun Messiah buys Shamway Co. Both have questionable marketing methods with some ups and downs, but the end product ( a shotgun shell with a weird smell) should be cool in the long run. Mmm.

    Microsoft certainly has one major advantage, the only advantage that matters really, over Sony and Nintendo, and that's money. Microsoft is a trillion dollar company, while Sony does not even make the top 50. (I'm unsure about Nintendo.) If they wanted, assuming Amazon or Google don't get them first, I can certainly see Microsoft eventually purchasing studios such as CD Projekt Red, Rockstar, among many others.


    It's a good move on both Microsoft's and Bethesda's parts though. I can only see a beneficial outcome coming from this, if it's that noticeable at all. We might just end up with another Minecraft situation.

  20. 3 minutes ago, Blake_ said:

    I see. Well body shots with stone arrows can take a fair amount of time because the head is hard to hit when they are clipping/jumping. I love those moments. The efficient hunter in me says to build a tiny tower of a good 6 blocks foundation and fine enough height to avoid jumps and stuff, but sometimes we don't have the luxury and have to improvise with cars and big landscape stones.

    Then I'm lucky (or unlucky) that the mountain lion didn't budge at all during the, um... process.

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