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Everything posted by FA_Q2

  1. .... Why would infection be ruled out. It is infection afaik, you can get infected.
  2. Am I the only one that finds demolishers far inferior threat to cops by a large margin too? Demolishers are really easy to take care of because you can control their explosion. Sure, they are priority targets and have the most hp BUT they do not explode unless I make a mistake. They ONLY explode because of things I did. It does severely limit the placement of traps but electric fences, the most powerful trap by a massive margin, are completely unaffected and blade traps are still useable just specific in how they must be placed. Cops, OTOH, explode based on HP loss, something that I cannot always control. My traps may whittle one cop down to exploding and that explosion can set off more cops. It is not entirely unusual for cops to chain half a dozen explosions. They are the reason I started adding electric vault doors to my walkways so I can cut one off and send the horde to a fresh one when the defense get wrecked from a bunch of random zeds exploding.
  3. A few wooden frames and you can easily clear basic pois at night day one. Just get some wood and plop a block in front of the doors. Place torches as you move through the POI.
  4. Worst time was waaaaay back in a16 when I first got infected. Spent 3 days until I died going through 3 towns doing nothing but looting containers for a beaker. Died doing that. Hours and no beakers and I play DiD. Very frustrating. Latest: Typically I start off doing a few digs because they give me some food to start and a few food recipes that will take me to the end game. Current game, day 10, one digging mission. Thought they removed them entirely as I did not see the first on till day 5.
  5. Well, whatever its called. The intel tree's new toy then 😛 So, why are you advocating for its change then? Apparently it does not effect you. The game does not advertise or push you to abuse the block and anything you can do with 2 frames and a LCB I can do with 3 frames. The large HP pool of the block is pretty irrelevant as they do not stack in your inventory and only one can be active at a time. Wood frames are far more useful. God I hate Bethsada's followers lol.
  6. I did not see the streams so the question may be answered already but what is the news on the new flying turret? Is that still coming?
  7. No doubt they are trying to complete all goals as best they can. Never was digging at the pimps, of the alphas I have been involved with this has been the best by far. Perhaps they will, your optimism is rubbing off 😛
  8. Obligatory is a strong word. I have no doubts they are going to release a solid product, I think the product is solid right now. I have very strong doubts that either an actual story is going to make it or bandits though. As I said I would not be upset with the devs though if the finished product lacked them and, dare I say it, I think the average player is much closer to where I am than to what you are talking about. The majority would not even know there were other plans let alone care. I could, of course, be very wrong but those are some major additions and they seem to be winding down to finishing things already there rather than implementing advanced changes. Sure, the changes to the RWG are major BUT that was always in the cards. The RWG has needed a real overhaul since its inception and there was never any question from the devs that it was going to get some love at some point. I guess we will see. I hope you are correct but us forum dwellers tend to forget how tiny a portion of the player base actually is and how different our perceptions of the game become because of that. iirc, A18 or 19 was, at one point, suppose to be the final alpha. Now we are talking bout a21. not sure how many major changes are left that are actually going to be made.
  9. Like I said before, time. To be honest, if you are running 3+ quests a day though you have broken away from what the game is encouraging to maximizing rewards and, as you have pointed out, balance is not made based on that playstyle. 1-2 though seems like something that is generally encouraged and does not require actually trying to maximize anything. We already have time limiting our quest spamming ability, you just do not have enough time to complete 10 quests a day. With a mobile trader, it is unlikely you are going to burn through a lot of quests because you have to locate the trader first. There does not need to be a pointer either, just find the trader again (any or any that belong to that faction if we had those) and then you can turn it in. Other methods should be involved too that I think need to happen if traders are changed or not. For instance, all quest POI's or POI's that have a treasure room should have a minimum of 3 variants. We are not talking about massive changes to the individual POIs but extremely small and minor changes that change the destination room and path. That way, any POI you are going to go loot, you may end up on the roof or in the basement. It would make approaching POI's after the first time more variant and less like a dash to the loot room whilst still giving you the universal destructive environment. Hey they could use the change to get rid of those silly lights someone leaves all over every single poi to tell you exactly where to go 😛 That would make speed running a poi more difficult without artificial barriers or even targeting that type of playstyle. You could still speedrun as well, only a few variants and knowing the general layout does not change, but at that point the game is not encouraging it, you are doing it because you simply like doing it. The average player is going to do more searching. It gives the rest of us a reason to dig around a little more in POI's that are well known to us as well as there will be a lot more variance with minimal work. It is far simpler to relocate 50 or so blocks than it is to design a POI. Most importantly, this change would, IMHO, be a positive change that really has nothing to do with limiting quests or scaling the benefits back but rather adds something to the game and has those effects as add ons. Also it would be something that would not take a tremendous amount of effort. Unfortunately I do not see them doing that though as most POI's are not envisioned with branching possible routs. It is still possible but I would have expected to see different approaches taken if that is what they had in mind. Bah, expensive items just means they are trivial to get later. I HATE the fact that there are items located behind walls like the trader. I am forced as a player to max my intel AND use traders because one of my favorite areas to explore in the game is setting up complex electrical designs/traps and solar is the pinnacle of that. I want to use solar on my base and that necessitates all kinds of other crap that I may not want to get into. This is not an area of '10% more efficient' either. It is locking me out of any contact with solar. I hope the remove anything that is trader specific, solar should be hard to get and rare but it should not necessitate use of the trader. Ah, the problems with complaining about alpha. Sometimes us players forget that features 'suck' because they are not realized yet and there is nothing that the devs can do to fix that aside from not having open alpha.
  10. I would prefer a system where you actually could steal the items (and they should be good ones) at the expense of keeping the trader happy or even trading with you. Perhaps not being able to trade with that trader for a week or increasing the cost of future purchases until the money is made back by the trader + some percentage. Just think there is more you could do there. You get in a tight spot and think, well I *could* use that ak the trader is having me deliver but it is gona cost me.
  11. Point taken. Roads would be a pretty big improvement as what we have now are not really roads 😛
  12. Not to mention how much you can do with such a system like faction reputation and/or opposing missions. But that is all a pipe dream, game is to close for something that involved. Likely to close for traders to shift significantly as well tbh though I am confident the pimps will balance them in the end one way or another.
  13. ... Nothing particularly special about that street corner. No reason the RWG Cannot spawn a 4 way when 2 roads intersect at the correct angle. The street lights do look rather good though lol. Nice addition.
  14. Artificial limits are bad, yes. But limits do not have to be artificial. Should the trader be mobile, you are likely to only get one completed a day anyway by the time you locate the trader, acquire the quest and complete it. Time is also a barrier and it is one that is in play right now, just a little more liberal because the trader is always at the same place safe and sound waiting for you to return.
  15. True or not, the game incentivizes play around the trader by both the mechanics of the trader itself and the fact that the game gives very little direction except the trader where it is telling you where to go. IOW, from the very first quest you get when you start a new character, the game is pushing you to the trader. You can avoid it and have good reasons to as you understand the game mechanics. In general though, I think most players are just going to go along with the flow of the game.
  16. Point taken and I agree. I do not want to see quests removed but they are not in a good place atm either. It seems the devs are working on that though with changes to dig quests and the new restore power quests. I cant wait to see how they expand the quest experience.
  17. I despise fast travel in every game that has it. It is nothing more than a band aid to cover where well designed content should be.
  18. That no one is forced to use them in no way address the reality that they are unbalanced. He can ignore the trader but what he is asking for is not removing them but bringing them in line with other means to progress. Right now, the trader is the most powerful asset on the map by massive amounts. I could easily survive with a trader and nothing else on the map at all save for one building that you can quest at. There is no other resource that comes close. I like the idea of nerfing the inventory and randomly spawning them each day, that makes the trader both mobile so it is less a major concern in where you set up, requires more searching to locate them and ultimately makes running into it a nice surprise. It is really nice to see them expanding the quest system, now just need to balance the trader as a world asset to something less than an entire major city but more than any POI would be. Now it feels more like a fetch quest random generator.
  19. It does but you only know that because you are here, playing and seeing the progress. There are a few other games I have played in EA with where a few skins get updated in a year and they are basically milking the alpha tag as an excuse to not deal with the bugs or finish the game. I would prefer this game to stay alpha forever, as long as it is there I can always go back and find a different game that was better than the last. Does not work well for the devs though 😛
  20. Variety is good. Gives more life to the world. It is, however at the very bottom of the list of things I would like to see. About the only think I think needs to be done with zed models to finish the game is have them all one resolution. I would not really care if they went back to the old models in truth, though the new ones are better, rather than finishing all the high res models. It just does not matter.
  21. Basically same here. I reset on my first death - forces me to actually survive. Normally I die sometime before the world completely bores me but when I manage to basically 'win' then it is time to wait for the next alpha or go to pvp land.
  22. Make a MOD? Typically, official translation are not simply doing the labor. There are contracts involved, laws and, most importantly, liability issues. Accuracy is one thing but you would not want some random person doing the translation and hiding vulgar, hate or violent messages in there. The real world is never that simple.
  23. LMAO. Yes a lot of people say that. I actually like 17 a LOT more than 16. tried to go back and see why I was so wrong according to the forums and.... ya 17 was still a big improvement even with all the things that were objectively worse.
  24. Boo to outfit slots going to 4. I always like more slots for more customization and tweaking my character. but I have a whole alpha to home that changes 😛 Yay to everything else. The game is going along really well. Every alpha has been better than the last (including 17) so cant wait for 20
  25. A 'bit?' He would have to have been outright lying and using tricks to cover it up in those vids. It pretty clearly shows that all spawns are blocked. Dev statements are high on the reliability meter but quite as high as actual hard tests. Perhaps something is not working properly because that bedroll was blocking all spawns of any type. That makes sense too otherwise things would be spawning inside your base - like screamer spawns. afaik, they are biome spawns. Anything that spawns not connected to something else (like screamers or a POI) is going to be a biome spawn. You will note that those spawns are effected by the biome you are in, animals are different and the zeds walking around are different depending on being in the wasteland or in the forest.
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