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Everything posted by Star69

  1. I didn’t see anything in the first log. In the second log, the connection to EOS is not being allowed. Try to exclude your 7 Days folder from your antivirus software as it is most likely blocking that connection.
  2. Okay, looks like EOS(Epic Online Services is not connecting. EOS is new in A20 and is a service that allows cross platform playing. It is there to support in the future xbox, playstation and pc folks all playing together. The error you are getting is usually caused by your antivirus/antimalware software blocking the connection. Whatever antivirus you are using (including Windows Defendor), open the software and there should be a section in there where you can exclude your 7 Days game folder from being scanned. If you are having trouble doing this, another pinned thread, about halfway through, SylvenThunder gives instructions for doing this with some of the common antivirus software. Once the exclusion is in place, hopefully your game will play. Of note, it is not good enough to just turn off your antivirus. Many antivirus still do some work while turned off so you must use the exclusion. Here's the link for the antivirus exclusion steps: SUPPORT FAQ: Information and Common Solutions - General Support - 7 Days to Die
  3. In the General Support forum there is a pinned topic explaining how to do this stuff. The only way to figure out what is wrong with your situation is to get a look at your output log file. That log records every step the the game performs from start to finish and also records errors that make the game not run as expected. From the errors, someone can usually tell you why your game is not working correctly. Here is a link to that pinned thread: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/
  4. Frustrating, something is definitely messed up. Maybe try to start at the beginning again….use the games launcher to clean out all files then uninstall/reinstall the game. Not sure what else to suggest. Definitely an odd case here.
  5. Voice chat continues to work on our server but for my group of friends we usually use Steam chat/voip. I’m sure you have looked, but have you checked the games Audio settings to make sure the update didn’t turn off in-game chat or lowered your mic output settings? Also check your controls to be sure the default key “v” wasn’t changed? These are the only things that I can think of to look at.
  6. Early in your log there’s an error that occurs frequently: [NM] Data received bad! Now this message can be from several things and one of them is a reported bug that’s being worked on. You can try a few things before deciding it’s the reported bug though. Be sure the 7 Days folder is excluded from your antivirus/antimalware. It is not enough to just turn it off as in the casw of Windows Defender, it doesn’t completely turn off so create an exclusion. Secondly, make sure all the ports needed to host a server are properly open/forwarded. Check with an online port scanner to double check that they are indeed forwarded. We’ve seen instances where the ISP block the forwarding of ports and also seen routers that say a port is open but the scanner finds them still closed. If you still see that error after doing these two things, then you may need to wait for the bug to be fixed. If someone else has any other ideas, I’m sure they’ll chime in.
  7. Can you post your log using pastebin? Instructions for finding your log and posting it using pastebin are in the pinned topic above about how to report an issue. Here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/ The reason that you can’t start the game is most likely in the log file.
  8. Is it a rented server or are you running it on a separate pc at your house? I’ve just never seen a game server port in that range before. If you’re hosting a pc server, the game port should be 26900 and you need to open/forward a bunch of ports on your router. The game port is set in your serverconfig.xml file, sometimes it’s set in the command line to start the server. The ports that you need to forward are in this informational topic in the pinned topic in this forum. Here’s the link: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3998-support-faq-information-and-common-solutions/ If it’s a rented server, then you need to contact the rentals support to find out why it isn’t working correctly.
  9. Definitely a network problem, not sure if it’s corrupt player data or not. Why are you using such a drastic change in server ports? Default is 26900 and yours is 41321. Could you have not forwarded all the correct ports?
  10. When I said I experience a delay I should clarify….the delay is around 10 seconds, nowhere near what you are experiencing. I haven’t read a report about anyone having a minute long delay like you, of course it doesn’t mean it isn’t occurring.
  11. Aha….there might be your issue. A20 requires Microsoft Visual C (2022). Go grab a copy and install it. Whatever you do, DO NOT UNINSTALL other versions of Visual C. Versions are not cumulative so each game you have installed may require a different version so if you delete other versions, other games may not work.
  12. The drone under bedrock bug is known and being worked on. Unfortunately there is no workaround so we’ll need to wait until the bug is fixed.
  13. As an aside, I have Spectrum Business at my office and use their modem/router. They won’t give you access to router settings. Setting up my security system and cameras on the network, I have to call support to have them forward the ports that I need…such a pain. At home I have Spectrum as well but I have my own modem/router so don’t have the same issue.
  14. The Steam updates that are small and relatively often are from updating shaders if I’m remembering correctly so it isn’t actually 7 Days updating. I’m glad it’s working better and I also agree that building environment takes longer than previous alphas but I have no idea why. My rig is almost a year old and I plan to do the “health check” of my system like you did. I’m not ready to load Windows 11 but I might reinstall Windows 10 at some point. I like how smooth the os runs when first installed.
  15. https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/25103-7-days-to-die-console-edition-happenings/
  16. Fatal recently posted that it is a default Unity setting that he turned on in A20.1 that’s causing the error. He will be turning this setting off in the next update and work with someone from Unity to resolve the problem. The setting is supposed to offer some optimization but isn’t working as expected.
  17. You have a few things going on. I agree with Unholy Joe and BFT2020. Your access violations are likely due to your antivirus so create an exclusion for your 7 Days folder in your antivirus software. Also check that in your list of installed software, that you have Microsoft Visual C Distributable (2022) installed. You may have multiple versions installed but you need the 2022 version to play 7 Days. So if you do the antivirus and Visual C things and you’re still having issues, post another log file.
  18. I don’t see any errors in your log file and no indication that 7 Days is having any problems, the log just abruptly ends. That usually points to something outside of the game, like hardware or operating system, that fails due to the resource demands of 7 Days. So I would consider doing some diagnostics. First check that all components are connected properly to the motherboard. Ram can get loosened up if you move your box around. Check to see if anything is recorded in the Event Viewer at the time of the crash. Make sure your bios, chipset drivers and videocard drivers are up to date. Run Memtest or Windows Memory Diagnostic Tool several times to look for ram errors, check hard drive for system errors by running sfc /scannow from command prompt(as administrator). Lastly, stress your cpu by running Prime95 if all else fails. Someone else might chime in with other suggestions as well.
  19. I am no expert on port forwarding for hosting a server but shouldn't you be using your external IP address?? You are forwarding your internal IP address. Correct me if I'm wrong. Also, even though you are showing the ports forwarded it's always good to use a port checker to be sure the ports are actually being forwarded.
  20. I just finished reading up on the current known issues and the player position issue is a bug that is being looked into by TFP. Hopefully a fix is coming.
  21. Your data for the game on your friends server is saved on his computer, not yours. The only thing affected by reinstalling the game is you would have to redownload the map. It stinks you have to do this anyways. I was hoping for a quicker fix for you.
  22. Asus Prime B350 plus is the motherboard if this is your machine: http://www.powerspec.com/systems/system_specs.phtml?selection=G500 You can go to Asus website to find the latest bios and chipset.
  23. A question for you…..did you play A19 then update to A20 or is A20 the first version that you played? You could first try to verify your game files to see if some bad file(s) were installed. If you did play A19 first, then I would click the blue banner and follow the instructions for cleaning your game files. Lastly, if you’ve installed any mods, you just might have to reinstall the game as some mods change files and just removing the mods doesn’t always fix the changes. Obviously this is the most involved so I’d try the other 2 solutions first.
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