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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Are the NPCs supposed to lose health when they patrol a set rout? I gave them food, and they eat it, but their healths don't recover. Is there a way that I can recover them?
  2. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thank you for the jars! Running nicely now.
  3. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Oh good, it wasn't something I did! Thank you, thank you, I'll be looking forward to the fix.
  4. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The NPCs look great:tickled_pink: But, my empty jars have quality and don't stack... If it's only me that's having this problem, I'll go find out what I might have done:cower:
  5. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Very excited to try this out!
  6. Thank you for a great mod. I asked a question about sap from trees in DF, but got it solved.
  7. Truly enjoying your mod:clap2: I was reading your wiki and noticed a section for mounts! Brooms? brooms? Are we getting brooms? A Nimbus 2019 for me please:tickled_pink:
  8. Nails can be found easily by breaking things made of wood, like chairs. There's different mods for different people, I hope you find the perfect one for you.
  9. Thank you Devrix! Japanese version of the update all translated, tested, and released:tickled_pink: Now I can go play it:peace:
  10. Same here:clap2: Cant wait to go supernova:flame:
  11. Thank you! And congratulations on the promotion:applause:
  12. Thank you for a beautiful Mod! And I like how you did the install. I was wondering if I could do Japanese translations for it, so that I can distribute it to my Japanese friends for them to play. I wouldn't be changing anything else, just translating all the words in the game to Japanese so that they can understand how to play it.
  13. Wow... I'd love to see how that looks in 3rd person.
  14. Crispy critters sounds like a cereal:hungry: That quest line opening looks exciting, can't wait to start it:dance:
  15. That's just amazing! I love that creepy voice that the conjure makes:tickled_pink: Can't wait to throw fireballs at those nasty zombie dogs:flame:
  16. Thank you for the EmuGui Khaine! I just started distributing the JP localization for 2.03.
  17. Very pretty! Imagine what a multiplayer bm horde would look like with these:biggrin-new:
  18. Thank you for the update! I tried it out with just the main files. I'm going to wait for the modlets to be in the launcher before I test those out.
  19. I can't wait for the update either. You've got a lot of fans, DUST2DEATH!
  20. I've never had the pleasure of meeting those trees! Are those the new trees you were talking about?
  21. Thank you for an amazing mod! I compared the localizations txt and didn't see any changes from vanilla, so I replaced it with my vanilla Japanese translated version of the localizations txt. There weren't any big problems with it that I could see, but there were some small things, like, there were two torches, one had the Japanese name one it, and the other said something else. There were also a bunch of tree seeds that I couldn't find in the localization txt. Is there another way that I should be putting in the translations? Other than just replacing the existing localization and localization-quest? I recommended your Mod to a few streamers in Japan, and they fell in love with it. I have a feeling a lot of Japanese players are going to be installing it now. It's very nice for the FPS, but when you replant the seeds you get from cutting down trees, the frame rate drops drastically, because the replanted trees grow up to be vanilla trees.
  22. No, no, 7 Days to Die is the one has a lot of Japanese fans, not me:playful: Yesterday, a Japanese youtuber who has 64000 subs said that he saw my article and was very interested in your vehicles. He said that he is planning on installing and playing it sometime. He and a lot of other people are looking forward to your other vehicles, like the boat. I hope A17 stable comes soon:welcoming:
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