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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. My blog is all in Japanese, but maybe you can google translate it. I translate and write about 7 days to die vanilla and some mods for it. I hope google does an okay job at translating it. Here's the link to the page that I wrote about your mod. https://ameblo.jp/chikorina0529/entry-12422820994.html
  2. I installed and tried all the vehicles out. They're all amazing, thank you for sharing! I loved them so much, I introduced them on my blog. I now get about 3000 to 5000 views a day on my blog. I hope you don't mind me writing about your modlet.
  3. That's soooooo beautiful! I've never seen flowers that pretty in this game:applause: I'd love to see it in a video:popcorn:
  4. For forged iron, Step 1 - Collect 200 raw iron to complete a quest that unlocks the forged iron recipe. Step 2 - Collect 400 scrap iron to complete a quest that unlocks the anvil recipe. Step 3 - Make bellows and an anvil (in the furnace) to complete a quest that unlocks the ingot press recipe. This quest also gives you the items you need to craft an ingot press. Step 4 - Use the ingot press to make forged iron with smelted iron made in the furnace.
  5. I saw that you can't merge items in the workbench. Any plans on it being able to do so in the future? Or, is there another way to merge things together? If not, is it possible to craft quality 600 items?
  6. Amazing job sorting out the fps issue! Thank you thank you! Looking forward to playing and making a video on this mod:love_heart:
  7. Goblins and orcs and dragons, oh my:love-struck: Reading all this is making me more and more hyped up every day:excitement: If I knew anything about modding I would have loved to be a part of it. All I can do is try to let as many people know about this mod as I can. As far as I can tell from the videos, this mod deserves attention!
  8. Thank you and the whole team, really thank you for all the hard work you're doing. I'm silently cheering you all on reading the conversation in the discord:cheer2:
  9. Yay! Almost there? I'm so excited! Thank you for all the sneak preview videos on Youtube.
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