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Everything posted by Melange

  1. Ah, @SnowBee. Was hoping you had a solution. I have one non-ergonomic unused mouse on the shelf. Will change it out. Lots of 'copy' peripherals here....maybe its a driver issue. I'll get back with an update. Dankie ou maat 😊
  2. So, I have this minor mouse click issue. Since I am using the AN mod, figured it would be best to post here. I open my inventory. Click on an item. The game responds audibly, but sometimes I have to click again in order to examine an item, or to 'grab' it so that I can move it. Seems that sometimes (I've not found the phenomenon to be predictable) my mouse click on an inventory item doesn't 'take hold'. Is it because of the increased inventory matrix, in that I haven't clicked the sweet spot within the UI? Or is my mouse timing off? It happens when dealing with the contents of lootables also. I will add that the mouse was marketed as wireless, but it came with a cord. So I don't use the wireless option. It's annoying, that's all. Hasn't gotten me killed. Yet. Any ideas? Great mod though. Lots of fun.
  3. My take on this: the infected do no have to bite. Merely exhale in your general area. We inhale the active virus, then its us that become the infected. The first wave of SARS...we were lucky. Don't know much about the the transmission of it, but if you managed to keep people from close contact, it went away. Or did it? SARS version 2 (Oh, its more soft now...change the wording, we'll call it COVID) is with us today. It's been attributed to more than a million deaths in the USA alone. Its a virus. Whether it makes one apparently rabid isn't the real issue. It's if its going to kill you. Zombie movies are great, 7DtD is great. But it isn't the real world. We're living a viral attack on our health, our existence now. But yeah, biting, brain-eating 'zombies' are a nice diversion to reality. Survival of the least affected. Bring out your dead.
  4. Nice post. Great pics too. Would love to learn how to do this type of world creativity, kudos.
  5. I hope your endeavors will be a bit more positive and less dark in theme than your initial subject,@FafnirGrimson. It's not just you. Its weird based on the initial post imo. Shudder
  6. Or frenzy. We've all been there...too focused on the the glue to be able to stick another option...yeah, craft it. It's not like we have (mostly) a picture perfect view of our inventory. The game allows us to mess up. And we pay for it. I still miss stuff (opportunities) and have been involved for longer than A16. This isn't a chess game, its a 'do what ya think is best at the time' game. Then go, "Oh well that wasn't what I wanted'. Lesson hopefully learned. Keeps us awake - or imo it should
  7. Yeah, I'm not a fan of having to switch to creative for some 'logical' items either. Then again I enjoy some mods too, so the purists can curl their toes in their steel boots... I kinda like being able to store fuel in the actual gas pumps myself. But barrels would do nicely as well. Don't know how to get TFP to consider a select number of additional items we can pull into the game. Would be nice though, I agree. Oh, I said 'logical' because they make sense to me. But we know logic is relative in the gaming community. I hear a potential hail storm...hitting the metal barrels we can someday craft, but alas, only for decoration. Make them unrestricted containers while you're at it. Not a big deal...or maybe it is?
  8. Lol. And I'm in downtown Tianjin city. I share your concern. Folk here are generally not into any type of preparedness. Just go out in the morning, buy what you need for the day. Do it again tomorrow. Have experienced enough with mandated virus lockdowns to know that survivors will be your worst enemy. Chaos will ensue quickly once the few area staples are depleted, water and other utilities cease to function. Only authorities are permitted firearms. See where this is going? One might say our goose is cooked, but they prefer duck here. 🦆
  9. I get it. Can't compare a shark to a woodlouse. It wastes your time and annoys the shark.
  10. Had to look that one up. Quite interesting...sure, bring it on if its free-use by now, why not?
  11. It did present itself as a potential opportunity 😁. But I do have a good line on some bitcoin (still big numbers though...lol).
  12. Bravo! And thanks for pulling all of this together into a single post. We must not lose sight of the fact that we as 'early' adopters/adapters of the game entered with risk, as there was no court-of-law ruling that said development had to happen in a prescribed way. No argument from me on this one 🙂
  13. Nice. But I'm not looking forward to the changes as much as I need to change how I can craft. We'll be here. May be a helluva lot better than we anticipate. It's the waiting that's palpable....come on TFP. Open up the sluice and let us have something real to she-dog about!
  14. You said it well. And I don't disagree. But, reluctant at first to use mods, I embrace them now. So that I can create the play environment that suits me. Now, its human nature to push back against change. Many a company spends big money on how to change corporate culture. Gaming culture is a free for all. We don't like it? We will let the world know our feelings. I can complain all I want. But with some savvy and a bit of experimentation, I can create the game environment I want. So complaining isn't useful, but modding is effective. I have found a work around so that the base game still shines. Thankful that modding is still an option.
  15. Was a time I'd never pay 3k for a computer. But I did. Many times over for decades. 8k for a nice big screen? well, I'd consider it. If I didn't have to upgrade every three years. Priorities. QoL. Oh, and a good comfortable relaxing gaming chair. Still not found one to suit my desires. But sitting on orange crates with an awesome view of the game world...perhaps priceless 🙂
  16. Me too. Actually walked away from some 'alpha upgrades' because the were not imo player friendly. And I don't suspect A21 is gonna be any more friendly. Livable? Sure, but even using that term indicates TFP messed up on our interpretation of player enjoyment, agreed? And as 'for the better', we'll have to see. Better for whom? But, its all moot. They gonna do what they gonna do, that's been proven. Now, if they'll just release the damned thing....
  17. Meh, if you can't take the extra seconds to parse long (large) numbers into groups of three (should have learned this ability before junior school), and understand what the hell it is that you are looking at, then well, don't try to count your money. I can help. For a small fee.
  18. True, we don't know. But it isn't going to be the environment we've all become acustomed to. Come back @Kalex when its released, and tell us how much you like the change. We'll chat again.
  19. That has to be the most macabre thing I've come across on these forums....
  20. Actually, I for one like the concept of having a skin for the drone. That opens up so many fun possibilities.
  21. We have chili dogs, no tamale dogs yet. Oh, you said tameable? My bad. No tamale dogs for you, their pathing doesn't let them fly...at least before you eat them. It's been mentioned recently. Woud be nice to have a Rin Tin Tin, but I wouldn't want to be tripping over the mutt all of the time...🐕‍🦺
  22. Having a great time with this mod. A20.6 (b9) and Mod 3.0.6 Stable. No other mods loaded. But I did not include the DisableTraderProtection part because well, why not? Now I'm at lvl 91, gamestage 405 - and I have yet to find any titanium within the forest and snow biomes. Playing the 6k map number 2 included in the download. Is this normal? Well, to put it another way, where's the titanium? How do I get it? It may be clear to those who have access to Discord or YT, but I do not because of the Region I play from. So I'm askin'.
  23. Just tried out this mod a few days ago A20.6. First time through I was killed by a random/wandering horde. So, not too far into the game I just restarted. Keep the zeds at a distance, and don't be too proud to run away. This second time around I've taken a lot of hits, but managed to live through it. Oh, 6K map number 2, reduced zombie damage, increased loot too. And, a biggie here: as I'm SP, screw the zeds hurting my Trader...I didn't load that part of the mod. Maybe on a subsequent play through with some help from the team... Now, I have noticed some discrepancies in the item files (notebook) vs what I actually experience, Is this really cool mod going to be maintained? Who knows what A21 will affect for any modders, but If Apocalypse Now still has some intended life in it, I'd be willing to record (on paper) and report what's goofy. Or I'll play it as is...nice work!
  24. It probably had a big influence on the creation of Twister. And what subsequently happened after the lights went out. Just sayin'
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