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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. Running into a slight headache. Anyone know WHY im getting that extra </item> tag at the end of this code?


    <lootcontainer id="36" count="0,2" size="4,3" sound_open="UseActions/open_suitcase" sound_close="UseActions/close_suitcase" loot_quality_template="baseTemplate">
       <item name="drinkJarBoiledWater" count="1" prob="0.15"><!--Attribute "count" replaced by: "JaxTeller718_LessWaterInLoot"--></item>
       <item group="cannedfood" prob="0.5" />
       <item group="junk" />
       <item name="meleeToolFlashlight02" prob="0.1" />
       <item group="medicine" prob="0.1" />
       <item group="weaponsBasicGuns+ammo" prob="0.03" />
       <item group="weaponsMelee" prob="0.03" />
       <item group="ammo" />


    here is the xpath im using for that


    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='36']/item[@name='drinkJarBoiledWater']/@count">1</set>


    Compare it to these two examples:

    <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='62']/@size">7,6</set>
    <set xpath="/items/item/property[@class='Action0']/property[@name='Magazine_items'][@value='9mmBullet']/@value">9mmBullet,NoAmmo</set>


    I'm guessing the /item, either needs to be removed or named @item, but I don't really know this stuff yet.

  2. No, we purposely left that to discovery because it's just more fun that way... I will say that crafting options will not even show up unless you're in the specific workbench. So just go with what makes sense.


    Adreden has by far the most YouTube videos on the mod, as well as tutorial vids, if that helps... Well, English videos; there are several Japanese streamers who are killing it in this mod...

  3. Travel, and get your gamestage up. The southern biome (spooky forest) is guaranteed to spawn goblin shaman, which have the "Slow blight". Go to ANY border (what one used to call the radiation zone) and you'll be in Blighted Lands, where the necromancers will carry the "Fast blight".


    The likeliest way to get blight to your base is to get your gamestage sufficient enough to get shaman and necro's in your wandering hordes.

  4. The orc biome is 6 K to the north, the spooky Forest is 8 K to the South, the crystal biomes are on the east and west edges, and the towns people are attacking you because you keep breaking into their houses and stealing their ♥♥♥♥.


    Blight will come when you least want it to. =)

  5. Most of us get assets from the unity asset store or other sources, which is what game developers do in the early stages of their development (pimps did too), so you'll see a lot of the same assets in a few places.

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