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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. Lol good one; I'm out of ideas, except maybe some more pickups and sedans. I thought about doing a Segway, but fuggit.


    I might start making weird ones like my shopping basket cart, otherwise I'm tapped for ideas.

  2. I picked Gaia up for like 5 bucks on a humble bundle deal once; suits my needs and I'm not great with change. :)


    But I find it only good for the initial random generation of terrain plus the stamps, after that I'm using straight unity to flatten, raise and lower terrain.


    The workflow from start to finish is intense, and is a driving force behind me waiting til gold to do another tut.


    I got tired of free apps for photos so uh, acquired Photoshop just for this purpose... It's just easier.

  3. I think the raw files are 16bit; I got Minecraft blocks when doing 8bit.


    But yeh pretty much.


    I use http://terrain.party to grab a file, and edit THAT file, doing a save-as in Photoshop... Always editing the open file, never the saved file... Delete .rg files, test, repeat.


    Also, Gaia (a unity app) also exports height maps, and it's kind of nice for terrain terraforming, AND it's close if not the same to what madmole says they're going to use.

  4. Hey, I don't seem to have a dtm.tga file in any of my generated worlds? Just the raw file.


    Yeah they changed a lot of how this works over the past few versions which is why I'm not updating my video until they settle on a method, but you can just edit the raw file directly in Photoshop.

  5. Thank you for your quick response!


    So if I understand you correctly i shall

    1. add a new texture to resources.assets

    2. Copy/paste a zombie in entityclasses.xml

    3. replace skin in entityclasses.xml with <property name="ReplaceMaterial0" value="entities/zombies/materials???/NewSkin"/>


    then i have a few questions.

    When i add a new material does the id need to be unique and what is mono class id?

    Also what is the path i shall refere to in entityclasses.xml to get zombie texture2d?


    You extract the textures with uabe, edit them with whatever, import them into unity, build .unity3d files with them, then reference those with XML, like you would custom blocks, sounds, entities, items, etc.

  6. So... 2.1 is going to be delayed.


    I realised I HATE the A17 progression system. Absolutely hate it.


    So I downloaded A16 and I'm converting that over as a base to start with, then adding in A17 perks that I like, mod specific stuff, etc.


    - - - Updated - - -




    That's the vanilla trader spawning block I think.


    Which means either people are moving traders around... which I do NOT recommend because the block constantly spawns traders, or something else is messing with it.


    You're not using the one shot trader spawn? Want it, if you don't already have it?

  7. Well he helped me get the modlets installed by deleting the GitLab folder and re downloading. Unfortunately I could not get the game to start with the launcher. I even deleted all and started over. I may have been trying to install conflicting mods or something but the first attempt ended at generating map (everytime) and the second attempt at using the launcher to run HDHQ would end directly after Fun Pimps splash screen. Same mods installed each time.


    Anyway I'm working on installing manually right now, but I really want to try Guppy's vehicle overhaul so I'll have to figure something out there as I don't compile SDX. Got a couple of ideas, we'll see.


    Okay let's forget the launcher and git. Well, sort of. On the git, download the zip of the entire mod, and unzip it into the game folder, making sure the files replace the ones that are already there... I don't know his file struct, so you may need to look for the files to overwrite.


    All of the XML ones (including mine) simply go into a gamefolder/mods folder. So mine would look like gamefolder/mods/guppymobiles and his would look like gamefolder/mods/hdhq2k or whatever his mod name is.

  8. Just the HDHQ prefix to the name, its ok if it would be a conflict as Dust2death mentioned.

    Was just hoping for cotton instead of HDHQ_Cotton.

    Immersion stuff ya know? granted, it's his mod and games break it anyway... well unless you guys get visual popups to things you look at. :) I'd probably need some strong psychedelics for that. Well.. usually.


    Oh, okay. That would be a localization issue, and I'm not sure if this mod has one, but if it does (likely) you'll have to manually install it into the data/configs folder because the pimps in their infinite wisdom, don't push that particular file.

  9. I have the localization file! I installed per the instructions given. I'm NOT stupid!


    Never said you were. I gave you a concise answer; at the very least, you knew where to look, to solve it on your own. So there no need to continue pm'ing me accusing me of not being helpful. Have a good day.

  10. haha yeh the physics is ... a challenge. Finding the right balance is more of an accident than an experiment for me. =)


    I've a few vehicles left to go for a physics pass, and I'm not looking forward to it.

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