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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. I'm glad they aren't a replacement but are variant additions. The default guys are fine, but we just need more variety in their appearance, which this adds.


    Can you put together a set of downloadable models and skins so they can be applied in 3d applications like zbrush easily, textures and/or displacement maps redone, and exported back out? I know there are tools to do this already but since you've already done that legwork, that would speed up other artists adding to the horde variants.


    That would mean directly sharing tfp assets, something their staff has made plain would be... Bad.

  2. Neat, I'll play around and see what it doesn't like about the harvest.


    - - - Updated - - -


    @mum, you using the xmls I sent or do I need to grab yours? If yours, is the drive updated with the new unity package?

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