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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. You can count me in on that too. Finally got a chance to give these a look and they are fantastic but indeed on the first spawn my screen locked up for a few seconds, probably 5 or more.


    Never had any freezes with UMA once i did the texture trick so Im assuming its probably the initial load up of the asset file. Also I have a potato, like the king of potatoes lol. But considering I modded RH on it including the custom zeds I made with no freezes like that I just wanted to mention it just in case other do report it.


    Running my game with no reflections, half texture quality and lowest UMA.


    Yeh I think this'll be an issue with this pack... it's not too bad when it FIRST happens, but when the garbage collector removes the textures from memory, a horde spawns around you in a poi and it does this, that'll suck.


    Will definitely have to play around and see.

  2. ...spent a bit trying to replicate your xythomatic in Unity, still couldn't figure out how you are adding the view to the new camera... I did end up hooking up a webcam to my scene and played around with Augmented Reality, although neither venture was particularly successful... =)


    At this point, I'm certain it's an Xui thingie, which means I'll never do it 'cause I hate those xml's.

  3. Where did Dust go, and how did you get his login, Sphereii? :)


    (Nice post, very polite)


    - - - Updated - - -


    @Dust2Death, here's one reason the game is spewing errors like crazy.:

    Problem: the 3 new blocks TFP have added are referencing new models that are not in the HD MODs assets file.


    <block name="cntFoodPileSmall">
    <property name="Extends" value="cntAmmoPileSmall"/>
    <property name="Model" value="Entities/LootContainers/foodClutterPileSmall"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
    <property name="LootList" value="111"/>
    <property name="DescriptionKey" value="cntFoodPileGroupDesc"/>
    <block name="cntFoodPileMedium">
    <property name="Extends" value="cntFoodPileSmall"/>
    <property name="Model" value="Entities/LootContainers/foodClutterPileMedium"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
    <property name="LootList" value="112"/>
    <block name="cntFoodPileLarge">
    <property name="Extends" value="cntFoodPileSmall"/>
    <property name="Model" value="Entities/LootContainers/foodClutterPileLarge"/>
    <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/>
    <property name="LootList" value="113"/>


    Only temporary solution for people on a playthrough with this mod is to revert to Alpha 17.0 via Steams beta opt. And reinstall mod over it :).


    You're good at bug finding. I'm going to steal you soon...

  4. we talked about it, khelldon fix and changing the textures is almost the same amount of work. we are making new tests but seems to be divided opinions on if it is or not too dark... so im waiting to see what to do.


    Yeh, they looked great to me in light, but in SOME shadows looked too dark. Mum sent me a few test cases but I'm in bed. :)

  5. Uma's also "pause" the game when loading their textures ... I think these do too, a bit. I get a decent pause when first encountering one, but it's fine after.


    It's technically the same technology the fun pimps use for their textures, so I don't know.


    I'd love to see screens of zombies and a screen of people's video settings, both from those who see them as dark and those who see them bright.

  6. Change


    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name=zombieScreamer]" >

    <entity name="zombieSkateboarderV2"/>





    <insertAfter xpath="/entitygroups/entitygroup/entity[@name=zombieScreamer]" >

    <entity name="zombieScreamerV2"/>





    ...in entitygroups

  7. Yeh, that definitely won't be naturally compatible.


    You have it right ... Remove the Xpath references from entityclasses and the other file.


    IF, however, you get the other mod to load first, then this mod would fail quietly trying to make the changes.


    I think.

  8. With that thinking, wouldn't sharing xml files or sharing user pois also be assets? Heck, Nintendo even thinks YouTube videos are a violation of its content use!


    Sharing assets to someone for another game with someone who does not own it would make it a violation, but not for mods for the game to another 7d2d owner, imho.


    They've made the game intentionally moddable so we can do what we do.


    I'm only going by what the devs have actually told me, not what you think is right or wrong. =)


    They do not like us sharing their asset files. Period. It's one of the reasons I wanted Xtra to switch to this method of editing textures; the reason Sphereii has been patching .asset files... the reason for a LOT of the modding changes you're only seeing the end result of.


    The time will come when they start shutting certain mods down.


    And you're comparing apples to orangutans. Sharing the model that the developers created and the game uses is entirely different than sharing the end result of the usage of those models.


    You can argue it, but I won't be participating. Take it up with the development team.


    Like you said, they're easy enough to extract, just go ahead and do it, or talk someone into giving them to you in PM.

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