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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. haha yeh the physics is ... a challenge. Finding the right balance is more of an accident than an experiment for me. =)


    I've a few vehicles left to go for a physics pass, and I'm not looking forward to it.

  2. You are > < close to doing a total conversion mod...


    ...you just need a little nudge.






    (Set you up with a prefab server, get some guys on building, you continue to bring in blocks for decor, build a sand only map, the pyramids...)


    Think about it. This thing started off as an odd little prefab, and now it's a glorious mini-game.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Really, all of the hard work is done. You've learned to do what you need and have most of the blocks/entities you would need. Horde nights could be scarabs. :)

  3. I ended up going a different route; the vanilla wheels are total wheels, the ones you find on the ground are tires, and the broken wheels are rims. So:


    broken wheel (rim) + tire = wheel


    - - - Updated - - -


    ...but yeh, as discussed, tires all over the place with no use towards actual wheels is a waste. :)

  4. To answer #3, no, it was before I updated last night... I was coming hom then updated the launcher and it all screwed up when I was synching. Then the launcher deleted all of my mods, and I installed them again, pressed play and again deleted ALL mods, installed again... this was taking around 45 minutes, and the launcher froze a lot. After the game started it was full of red error messages, and I couldn't create a game. Afterwards, I closed the launcher and started the game manually over steam, but with the same mods and it worked finding no errors... I think if I delete the game and mods and the launcher and re-install all, there won't be any new problems, but I'm so tired after work, it'll have to wait until the weekend. I'll let you know how it goes.


    PS: When I started modding, it became like a new drug to me after work, all day, and I only sleep 3 hours a day... I sleep so little I am a zombie. =)

  5. Hi all, recently i joined a dedicated server that was running with this mod. I didn't have to manually download and install the mod, it was uploaded by said server. I love the additional variation that these skins bring and I want to install them on my Dedicated server.


    In short, is there any way I can deploy this mod so that it is automatically uploaded to whoever joins the server?




    I tested this, it did not work. You are sure to have it installed on your local machine already. .unity3d files aren't pushing yet.

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