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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. I took the fall a few times in testing just now and it's rough... =)


    I'm on the fence on it... I like what you're saying, but insta-deaths do suck. But I bet you are prepared next time you get one. ;-)


    Meh, stompy probably wouldn't let me nerf it anyway... he's far more hardcore than I.

  2. Book II will have a few more elements, so we'll look into a hub redesign then. I kinda like how TFP is doing a17's (with the elements behind other elements), but that'll be up to someone a HELL of a lot smarter than me... the xui files are greek to me.

  3. So... those quests and how they're /supposed/ to work...


    You find the chest, but then fall to a pit below into a dungeon, possibly breaking your leg, and have to find your way out.


    Did you have low health when you fell? I may have to add some hay to compensate. Hm, will look into quest completion, thanks!

  4. One central town, period. Finding s God seed is up to the admin. I recommend using the seed previewer in single player to find one you like then setting the server to that.


    Might help to read the mod description to get an idea of how the world works, I've added a few tips. =)

  5. one thing i feel you need to change guppy is the aggressive villagers as i had to whack my entire village as they got pissed at me for no reason


    Well, remember a few things: One, you just got out of jail, so they already don't like you.


    But more importantly, two, you're breaking into their homes stealing their ♥♥♥♥. Peasants inside houses are the ONLY "hostiles" outside of bandits (they have knives) and guards at two prefabs (their base). Beyond that, they'll ignore you or run away.


    And, out of the ones in the houses, only a percent of THOSE will fight you.

  6. @Linda: I have no clue what Bluefang allows, so couldn't help you I'm afraid. This mod changes a lot, and I'm not sure if bluefang allows those particular files to be changed.


    Hopefully someone with bluefang experience will chime in.

  7. Purposeful; she fits the motif, so ended up making it in.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Been testing b11 for a few hours, adding bits and pieces, making things a little more organized... should be updated soon.

  8. 3 things guppy first awesome mod i love it second you forced me to murder the entire 0,0 city as they all attacked me and third and bloody dragon horde?!?!?! oh and fourth there isnt much to do atm and i cant find the trader at all even flyign around


    Traders are in those little vendor booths, but they're not always working (they gotta sleep too).


    ...and YOU CAN PLAY IT? Nice!


    Do the quests, it'll lead you around the map. Plenty to do.


    - - - Updated - - -


    oh forgot something i went down into a cave guys and ran into some weird crimson red block thats insanely op what is it called?


    That's the "bedrock". Supposed to look like lava, will look like lava in a17.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Sounds like an ochre jelly.

    Be careful, they have 6 hit dice.


    ...you gonna try this man?

  9. Ah yes, we believe we have the hand item bug sorted. Cool beans.


    - - - Updated - - -


    Guppy, you never came back. I got scared and logged out...:). Not really but those dogs are brutal. I realized that early game once they are on my ass I can't outrun them. I am not going to say much about my gameplay as don't want any spoilers for other but will let you know other sorts of feedback. See ya on again soon I hope.



    Sorry homie, I got caught up in some other crap. Doh!

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