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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. What do you mean "play in a generic world"?


    Navezgane won't/shouldn't load, so it HAS to be Random Gen, in which case the biome placement is coded in (Thanks StompyNZ!) to be at specific places, whereas the terrain is randomly generated. Hope this answers your question.

  2. 1 is intended, actually. It may change though.


    2 was also intended that version (timer) but we have since increased the timer to like 60 days or something in the upcoming version.


    Appreciate the feedback! Really looking for input on blight since very few steamers have even left the town. =)


    And what emu said... Feel free to join us on discord. Link should be on first or second post. =)

  3. Definitely have to play it differently... The peasants can't open doors or break blocks, and are understandably unhappy with you for breaking into their homes, so my recommendation is to either sneak thief into the houses, by breaking a window and hopping in (1 block crouch works with this mod) or leading them out and just closing the door on them. =)

  4. Biome placement is done via code, so you may want to try different options in the rwgmixer to accommodate your changed world size.


    I'll check with TormentedEmu about the horse issue.

  5. The waterskin in toolbelt remains empty, but you're adding beer skins to your inventory...


    ...there's not a nice way to remove the held item AND convert the barrel block, so we removed getting the skin back after drinking beer to prevent the dupe. Point is though, check you inventory. =)

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