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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. I dunno what was going on tried about 10 different names for the seed before finally getting one to spawn me in town..


    Can you give me some sample seed names you tried that failed, or better yet, the output log? Thanks!

  2. Hey Guppy, trying to play the game but everytime I start a new game it drops me right in the middle of a ton of goblins and die before I can even move...i thought it was supposed to spawn us near a town when we just started the game??


    Chances are very good you're using a seed name for a game you've had a save game before using. Try a new totally random seed name. If that's not the case, please send me the output_log.

  3. Yes, I sure did. Then gronk told me about the gimp plugin. Lol.


    Yeh I use unity to stretch and combine objects, but the early versions do not allow you to edit meshes. I'm told 2018 does though.


    - - - Updated - - -


    But yes, you can re texture in unity, with offset and size, on each face. I think it requires a Seperate mesh renderer for each face though, I have never tried.

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