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Posts posted by Guppycur

  1. The gitlab is updated, the github is not. If the light mod is throwing errors, I'd be happy to look at a log.


    Yeh the lack of accessory files on the cart single modlet (and non sdx version) is intentional, as I dropped support for it a while back; like everything that's NOT the SDX overhaul mod, they're only still there because I was asked to leave them for other modders or server admins or end users to use and implement how they want, since I only consider the overhaul mod "complete" so to speak (even though I'm not finished yet), and have focused all updates and whatnot on it. Ragsy took the time to update the modlet version to include the accessory files, but from my PoV, they're just "there" for people to implement how /they/ want. The damn vanilla spawner sucks too much for my taste. =)


    The auto workbench in particular is aggressively high in vertices, so I'd be surprised if anyone used it except me. =)

  2. Hi, I'm getting a lot of questions about my vehicles that have some of these same issues, and I build mine in an entirely different way than Manux and Dust, so I think it's safe to say that either:


    1 - Vanilla be bugged

    2 - Mod support for custom vehicles has bugs


    ...not a lot to be done from us on either front, I'm afraid.


    I'd be interested in the FULL log you see those errors in though, so I can stand a better chance of finding out, thanks!

  3. ...this stands out...



    2019-03-30T09:16:07 35.610 INF Parsing server configfile: D:\7D2D\Alpha17\Darkness_Falls\Darkness_Falls\SaveConfig.xml

    2019-03-30T09:16:07 35.726 ERR Error parsing configfile: GameName is empty or contains invalid characters

    2019-03-30T09:16:07 35.726 INF Allowed characters: A-Z, a-z, 0-9, dot (.), underscore (_), dash (-) and space ( )


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    ...as does this...


    2019-03-30T09:15:32 0.603 INF [EAC] Not loading, not started from launcher

    Could not open file D:/7D2D/Alpha17/Darkness_Falls/Darkness_Falls/7DaysToDie_Data/resources.assets for read


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    ...and a few other things.

  4. Is it possible to extract something like a GameObject and get any useful information from it? In Notepad++ it's mostly NUL. Can the Unity Editor open it?


    Yeh unity opens them; think of the assets as zip files and uabe as an extractor.

  5. I'm nearly a photoshop wiz... I've been trying out Krita this past week as per your suggestion on another thread and i hate it because it keeps crashing.


    So for a 4k world, make a 4096x4096 .raw file that's a medium to dark grey, then gradients up to a white on the borders. Start a 4k world, exit the game, delete the region files you were just in, copy the dtm.raw file you just made to the worlds folder of the world you just made, and voila. Flat world with slopes at the borders.


    Kritta is old news, for back when we didn't know why biomes.png was crashing (we now do). BeatKidz has a .PSD file with the biome and road presets already set up, available for download.

  6. I can't speak for png, those are compressed, but for .raw files, yes. I think it's the compression that kills it, either going from 16 to 8 bit, or straight up using a compressed file like a .png.


    The game supports/supported .tga's, which had an option to NOT be compressed, but I don't know crap about file formats but I don't think .png is lossless.


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    Looking at your pics, you're doing biomes, which CAN be compressed, so the "steps" should have nothing to do with that. Only the dtm.raw (the actual height map) would cause that as far as I know.


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    You're in uncharted territory, my friend; I think you're on your own. =)

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