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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 2 minutes ago, LULZ said:

    Awesome! You done great job optimizing and improving CP looking foward for next updates! Thanks!

    Thank you it def runs a hell alot smoother.  And FPS on ultra, max view of field and max view distance i get 50 plus fps.  

  2. 1 hour ago, GDMoor said:

    Hey, so i have noted that playing CP46, it seems the zeds in every POI do not even come to attack me, they just stand there and act as statues and only hit when im close by. Also the link for the discord for this modpack was expired. Is there still a working link?

    Did you start a new world. Maybe require deleting your old files, verifying game to. 


    Some have been set to passive, active attack. 


    Will check i set the link to never run out grrrr.


    Ok try again on the discord link should be good .

  3. On 9/29/2020 at 3:49 AM, JCrook1028 said:

    Most likely it's due to Compopack POI's They can be huge FPS eaters.

    not anymore lol. The new cp is way less tax heavy on the fps

    5 hours ago, AshKai12 said:

    Is there an update to the A19 version? I generate a map and many of the buildings have glitches where the black marble stone is filling some buildings, I can walk through them and its only a visual glitch, but it is a pain, great work over all.  would love if possible a sewer/ underground tunnels added (if possible I have no idea how difficult this all is)


    A19.1 (b8) is the current build at time of posting this.

    simply log off and back into game normally fixes this glitch. TFP know about it. the issue is it is hard to reproduce easily.

    On 9/28/2020 at 10:29 PM, candrey said:

    Naive newbie question: If I get Nitrogen with compopack, do I get Compopack POIs PLUS the vanilla ones, or INSTEAD of them?

    I only found answers to this question for older versions. So I'm not sure what applies right now. 


    I ask because I love RWG worlds but don't want to miss some vanilla POIs. 

    yes you do. When you dl the cp (Nitrogen method) it has its own prefablist.xml just overwrite the nitrogen one and run.

  4. 8 hours ago, Tkullberg said:

    One fast question, how do I install this combopack 46 on my g-portal server RWG.
    Just drop it into mods folder server and client? No need to copy and replace files in config/prefab?

    no dont need to replace vanilla xmls at all. Just simply put modlet folder into mods folder then run game you get both vanilla and compo prefabs then 🙂. Should only require it on server side unsure tho if error put on client side to. Maybe someone whom jas set a server up recently can solve this also

  5. 3 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    What prefab list do u select in Nitrogen.   I renamed the CP46 list to prefablist.txt and chose Vanilla.  That works, right?

    Yes if you replaced the original prefablist.txt nitro comes with then it should be vanilla

    1 hour ago, Tkullberg said:

    does it need to have the name of rwg?

    How do you mean

    5 hours ago, Tkullberg said:

    Thanks, gonna try sort it out. 

    Instructions come with each variant of the download lol.


    Simply drop the modlet into your mods folder located where the game exe is. Then play. 


    You have to open the first folder to get to the modlet you drop in tho dont drop the first folder in. 

  6. On 10/1/2020 at 11:35 PM, ogmogul said:

    Thanks for the head's up!

    Is there a way for the Nitro files to include an addition for the ConfigPrefablists.txt file? If you're familiar with Nitro it's not that big of a deal, but in an event you have to add the prefab list to that file so that it is available from the nitro drop down.

    there is all the necessary files you need are in the nitrogen dl. SImply move the .txts to the resource folder of nitrogen and overwrite where asked. it contains all vanilla pois to.

  7. There you go guys

    On behalf of Magoli Creator and devoted maintainer of the Compo Pack, Wolfbain5 And myself, as well as all the contributors to the Compo Pack Compo Pack 46 is live.

    NItrogen and rwg modlet in O.P

    As well as the Compo Pack Discord Channel

  8. 1 minute ago, dhyde79 said:

    ok.... thanks.... guess it's back to the drawing board for me....I need to avoid client side mods, it's more of a pain than I care to deal with....

    you can simply change the icons used to vanilla icons.

    Will require a little bit of editing and searching in the game xml files but then you can remove the iconatlas folder and should be good

  9. 9 minutes ago, dhyde79 said:

    so, I'm sure this has been asked millions of times, but, nuke mod, server side only or server and clients?

    because of the icons added it will require both the server to have it and the client of all players.

  10. 4 minutes ago, arramus said:

    Sorry to be a pain, but just gearing up for CP46.


    How does this part of the prefablist work? Is Nitro pulling from this area for trader placement? I didn't know if // is commenting out or commenting in a command.


    At first I used this default list and it certainly spawned in a lot of psuedo traders but I'm not sure if it was just cosmetic or at the expense of other traders.


    //TRADER'S :


    I changed it to this to see if Sparrow's Multi Trader joined the traders placed and removed the psuedo trader. It did place Sparrow's Multi Trader and I can't find any pseudo ones. Did I just get lucky or is it like a cvar setting?


    //TRADER'S :


    If there is a cvar element, is it possible to have Sparrow's in there by default just like War3zuk's? The pseudo trader is cool but I hope it doesn't replace the real traders and take a precious slot? I hope you can share some insight on how it works, thx.

    No the compo trader ones wont replace the vanilla ones at all.

  11. 16 minutes ago, arramus said:

    I wonder if the Bunker by Pille could be released with a clear or fetch/clear attribute? Just asking because it is a real challenge with a group, offers a nice supply of potentially replaceable coal, and simply adds more variety. In a 10K map I'm on now it appears about 8 times that I know of but there are still huge chunks of unexplored land and it appears to be a regular feature when a Nitro World compiles.

    If pille set his to be questable it is questable. If not then no wont be questable.  A poi even at tier 5 requires a certain time frame to complete it in and if you fail you get errors



    2 minutes ago, Tehnomaag said:

    If you are already going over most POI's please take a look also at the sleeper volume flags. It seems to me using the latest compopack45 that few POI's have heavily overused the attack-upon-entering flags in their volumes. 

    Such an event should be more of an exception than a rule. 


    And it is a special kind of problem if the  POI designer has added also lions/direwolves and zombie bears into the population that can spawn in their POI for some bizarre reason. I mean OK - it could be an extra challenge, but really? - getting attacked by a zombie-bear-sleeper or even a dire wolf upon entering for a tier 1 clear quest might be a bit overdoing it?


    If possible maybe just change the auto-attack volumes into normal sleeper volume which wakes the zombies up (if a flag exists for it maybe just turn them into a random walker mode)  in POI's where it seems to have been overused or if random walker is not possible flag just turn on their senses, instead of just beelining the whole small tier 1 quest POI down your throat, with lions, radioactive mother pigs, wolves and snakes and the rest of the carneval. 


    Because as it currently stands some of the buildings in compopack45 seem to be just done for the purpose of trolling players using the pack. Stuff like that, for example, (good luck stepping into THAT volume without taking note of the residents):


    We have gone thru every poi and wolfbain5 has handled the zombie amounts and tags and triggers part and fixed them up. More will be listed as to what has been the focus and work done on cp46 when release is upon us. 


    Dont believe much longer just rwgmixer  nitro stuff being done and tidy ups etc. Still also testing for any last minute problems.. bit all looking good so far. 


  12. 5 minutes ago, ogmogul said:

    Are links available for previous versions of the pack, say from an archival perspective? I realize you're working on a new release but I'd like a recent pack to do some testing with.

    In the original thread the cp45 link is still there. For dl. 


    This one will be for cp 46 upwards or until magoli returns. 

  13. 3 hours ago, Netwit2008 said:

    OMG!! Nobody plays 7 Days with me and I just gotta tell somebody, so you lucky dog Stallion, I'm telling you because it happened after I installed a bunch of your mods, roflmao!

    I am a bad girl. I don't install one mod at a time, I pick what I want and then activate them all. I know better, but so far I've been blessed to not have errors or problems.

    So I gets about five of yours that I've always wanted, and one other from Nexus. I install and log in to see if I can find my new items. I get no error messages upon load in. 


    Well when I spawn in I'm no longer a level 16 with my primo tools and military armor I just made yesterday. I'm brand freakin new, level 0 in just my underwear! I panicked, lol I instantly shut down the game and restarted thinking that maybe I hit "new game" instead of continue. Nope, still naked and being given the starting quest line. I started to run back to my house I just started remodeling yesterday since I got Guppy's mods to work. When I got home, thanks be that all my stuff was still there. Nothing was amiss or lost. All I could do was say, if losing your levels and stuff today is the worst thing that happens, it's not a bad day 😆


    So what did we learn today little impatient, over zealous girl? Well I will stop activating six mods at once. I also learned how to use console commands to right myself back to my former self. That was too much progress to lose. So now I'm right as rain, but man what a trip!


    Thank you for listening 😜

    Haha nothing wrong with a bad girl lol 🤪😉. Urgh never had that happen before lol. But what guppy mods you have. 


    And which of mine did you grab. Try to work oit where it went wrong lol

  14. 13 minutes ago, ogmogul said:

    I've been trying to follow the multiple threads so forgive me if I've overlooked the answer, but... how about that download link?

    No dl link for cp46 as yet. Its coming.


    Will say there wont be any new pois in this version but your pretty much getting new pois as cp46 will be a whole new experience for you to enjoy. 



    So welcome to the Compopack.




    The Compopack is an ever growing and expanding collection of custom-made prefabs for the zombie sandbox game 7 Days to Die. The poi pack/poi archive and mod was first compiled by Magoli in the early Alphas of the game and has continued to grow over the years. Prefabs are balanced, optimised and many hours spent ensuring all volumes are correct to the pack and to work together in a vanilla setting. The Compopack is also a museum and archive to keep every poi ever made alive and not forgotten. 



    CP49 is in the works. 
    Main page here will be updated with a fresh new look as well 
    Infinity V2 is in the works as well. 


    Compo Pack has its own Discord server FoundHERE


    - Feel free to join. On the Compopack Discord channel you can

    - Submit new prefabs to be added to the Compopack,

    - Report any errors or problems you may find

    - Discuss any thoughts and ideas

    - As well as general talk



    This will require a new world to be generated, not just a new save game because several prefabs have changed size which can cause severe errors in existing world when they are reset by questing.


    Prefabs are REQUIRED on client side as well as server side, any issues that occur when you have not followed this information will be at your own risk.



    CP 48 Proudly brought to you by:
    MAGOLI - A legend whom kept everyone entertained with his updating of the Compo Pack for all of us to enjoy




    Plus all the many Great and amazing prefabbers out there whom have contributed to the CP over the years and all those whom will be adding more in the future..



  16. 1 hour ago, Life_For_Dead said:

    You can do it just by add/change this:


    - a stack size required to sell

    <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="xxx"/>


    - the price of the stack

    <property name="EconomicValue" value="xxx"/>


    But that can don't work because maybe hardcoded for some items/blocks like "resourceTestosteroneExtract", default value is:

           <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

           <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="10"/>

    I mod to be:

           <property name="EconomicValue" value="10"/>

           <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="1"/>

    But in a fresh game, I can sell now just one item but the price is 2 & not 10...


    But the true problem if you want to change/add for each, there's so many items/blocks that will be borring to do LOL

    Yeh i understand.  Thank you 

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