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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 22 minutes ago, Guardianskalk said:

    I saw this mod advertised or recommended with the inclusion of hidden doors, are hidden doors still an aspect of this mod? and if so do you know what modlet includes them?

    It did have them. Can look for the code and add it. 

  2. 14 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    The link in the OP just leads me to another endless modlist i still have to search for "oven".

    And it just tells "where you can cook". It doesn't tell anything about how it works. It does also not tell that it is supposed to work exactly like a camp fire.


    I also just downloaded the mod from the link and i now have bowls and additional cooking receips. Not "just" an working oven.



    I still don't see a description. At least nothing better than the title already says.



    oh you clicked the github link which is all vals modlets.

    you still dont need to add all to use a individual modlet lol. It is the reason i changed the files to one drive so people could just dl a single modlet rather then github which only allows to dl all modlets at once. even when a single modlet has been updated.

    try the actual download under each modlet name (says "download") lol

    i have removed the github link because i wont be keeping that one upto date from now on in anyway.

  3. 10 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    Don't know how this is supposed to work. Neither the "description" link here is working, nor that in the OP.

    There simply is no description.


    Now the bowls (and according receips) are removed from the "working oven" mod?

    Can i update, if i had the mod previously and already have bowls in my inventory or storage?


    A list with dozens of mods is surely nice. But what the hell are you expecting from "customers"? Installing random mods nobody telling about what they do or how they work?


    I tend to remove the mod, because it doesn't/didn't work and no description was given. Can i do that or will this break the game?

    The  mod description link does work you just click on it with your  mouse and it will take you to the descriptions. Which you can do also if you scroll to the next post to.


    The bowls was never in the oven mods tho so I am thinking you may be using someone else's mod 


    The reusable bowls mods and the working ovens mods work together or separate. But they are not 1 mod.


    Tbh your the first one whom hasnt seen the description of the mod.  


    If you remove the mod make sure you don't have any of the bowls or plates or food made or anything in your inventory or containers.


    happy to help tho to see if we can together get yours working like many others have it working.


    I just tested both mods and they do work tho.

  4. 56 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I would really aprreciate a description of the mods.


    From "working stoves" i expected a stove to behave just like the campfire, not adding additional (overpowered) cooking receips, nor other items like the bowl.


    I understood that this mod was not inital made by you, but... yeah.



    Edit: Just a quick idea: Does it perhaps need power?


    This should be mentioned somewhere.



    click on mod description and it will take you to another section which has all you need to know - no bowls required to cook with



    now the bowls one is a completely seperate modlet to the working stoves one -




    which if you click on the mod description it will take you to the description of this mod and only  this mod you require bowls to cook with




  5. @Liesel Weppen i just tested it with the fuel off and it worked still.

    where did you get the bowl of beef stew from that is not in any of the mods or vanilla

    also there isnt any over powered recipes in vals as i simply copied his work and updated what i needed to to get it to work and upto date.


    and unfortunately all of vals work was in the old forum which has been deleted in which all vals mods were linked to.

    and you dont need to add the bowl if you have the working stove mod. as that is a seperate mod to the working ovens one

  6. 47 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I would really aprreciate a description of the mods.


    From "working stoves" i expected a stove to behave just like the campfire, not adding additional (overpowered) cooking receips, nor other items like the bowl.


    I understood that this mod was not inital made by you, but... yeah.



    Edit: Just a quick idea: Does it perhaps need power?


    This should be mentioned somewhere.

    No power just what a normal campfire needs to run. no bowl needed either unless you have vals reuseable cooking bowls modlet to.

  7. 57 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I HAVE ab oven (and bowls). I can't cook anything in there! Do i need receips or what is missing?


    Is this also this oven mod that changes the crafting receips for seeds to return 3 instead of 1 seed?


    You really should tell what your mods do and how they work.

    do you have the campfire items like grill etc in the slots


    ok all you need is the grill beaker etc for the oven mod. same as vanilla to craft the recipes (+ingredients and any book or schemetic required)

    the bowl is a seperate mod -
    can you screenshot the pick you have when trying to make the food with the bowl. cause from the files you need all the beaker, cookinggrill etc a regular campfire has, then you need the bowl/dinnerplate plus a ingredient or 2 maybe require 2 of the same ingredient and it should cook for you

  8. 43 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I HAVE ab oven (and bowls). I can't cook anything in there! Do i need receips or what is missing?


    Is this also this oven mod that changes the crafting receips for seeds to return 3 instead of 1 seed?


    You really should tell what your mods do and how they work.

    argh these are vals mods lol i just updated them for him.

    and tbh i havent looked at this one for ages lol.


    you said you couldnt craft any bowl. Maybe you meant craft any food lol i read it as you couldnt craft the bowl.  either way will get back to you once i look over the code.

  9. 34 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I added the working oven mod, and got some bowls. Built an oven, put grill, cooking pot and grill into it.

    Still can't craft any bowl. What's missing?

    you need the campfire lol to make the bowl not the oven

  10. 3 minutes ago, GneX said:

    Is there a rough estimate for CP47 btw?

    No set release date but roughly after 19.4 (if there a 19.4) or when it is ready. Still a  while away yet. Personally don't like updating often. Rather people play their game and enjoy rather then having to reset often.  

  11. 7 hours ago, SteamM0nkey said:

    Firstly, thanks for this. It's pretty amazing as far as raw content. 

    I installed it for the first time today, I'm relatively new to 7DTD so any feedback here should probably be taken with a grain of salt. Not that it'll stop me. 

    The one thing i noticed right off the bat is a LOT of the POIs seem to be absolutely stacked with loot. I'm used to finding a few crates, maybe a hardened box, gun bags, etc, in any POI, going up as you go up in scale, but even some of the really small prefabs seem to have a ton of crates, right out in the open. Like, walk in, kill a few zombs, walk out with a backpack+ full of loot. 

    I understand with gamestage gating that it shouldn't be 'that' unbalancing but at least a few that I checked in my quick fly around test felt kind of excessive on the crates. 

    There are some really amazing looking POIs in there though, I'm honestly impressed with the work that must have gone into these but I'm hesitant to use it in a playthrough with how much loot there is in all the new stuff. I feel like I'd be skipping ahead quick on progression... which is tempting, but I also know it'll get me bored faster. 


    Hi steammonkey.


    Thank you for giving feedback. Got to factor in the randomness of the loot also. One game you can play and get  tonne of loot, the next you can and get very little depending which way the random gods are favouring lol.  Also you are free to remove POI's you feel dont suit your gameplay. Not everyone the same. Some love the lots a loot others don't like much. 


    What loot abundance is your game set at. Lowering this will also reduce the amount of loot you get even with lots of loot in a poi


    The freedom of the creator should be paramount and their pois should be based on your playstyle etc as well. So selecting pois you like is also fine and not using others is also fine.


    We mostly fix old pois that mags has updated thru the alphas and kept em going. 


    Whilst I understand your feedback The compo pack is a archive of prefab  built since early alphas. Magoli himself took over the pack since a9.


    In saying that a few people have stated pois are over looted and altho the cp is a archive/keepsake of prefabs of yesteryear and a pack that has over 330 pois there bound to be ones you dont like or dont feel fits your game play. there are several pois we have full control over in which the creators are  not around anymore etc to and have updated to modern times whilst maintaining it at magolis wish also.


    The pack however is mostly to keep all prefabs in a pack and maintained thru out the alphas so none get lost.


    Wolf is going thru and doing somewhat of a loot rebal tho and looking at round 25% above vanilla.


    The cp is also a pack that is above vanilla standards.  More zs, more challenge etc. Our zombie numbers for each tier also are higher.


    If there is  particular poi you feel is inadequate of zs or over looted fee free to remove it or type dm in console, press f3 and take a screenshot of it and post either here or on our discord and we will take a look. Remembering bigger or difficult pois are normally higher in loot reward.


    Welcome to 7D2D and the cp. 


    Mainly we go thru check volumes, quests and any issue that causes lag, fps and texture streaming and high memory usage and fix gullies and replace blocks that have the base colours (ie: [player made blocks] so like  a wood block painted the concreteblock texture we replace with the concreteblock)


    Cp47 will have some super new prefabs also and a loot rebal has been done on near half so far. But cp47 will see the introduction of a new system where there wil be 2 dl of nitrogen and 2 dl of the modlet.  One will have all prefabs ready to go and drop into your game the other will have all pois commented out and the user can go thru and uncomment the pois they like and want in their game.


    Cp47 will also have more optimisations and fixes. Some pretty scary pois coming to.. 





  12. 4 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @stallionsden Well i guess i should have waited until i made a POI before asking this. Sounds like i just need to copy it in the prefabs folder i guess? 


    And btw that POI you made. The cafe it´s called i think. The one with the "surprise" in the basements. Now that was fun. :D Just glad i still had grenades on me from hordenight. 

    Yeh you can do that to. Just remember to add to rwgmixer  or you can make a modlet lol and put in mods folder does it all for you.


    If notro tho you will have to add to the compopack_46 prefablist.txt to tho

  13. 4 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Is there a possibilty to add my own POI into the compopack? Not as a submission to be in the actual mod, only for our private use on our server.

    You can lol.  You can even have your poi as a modlet and run it and the cp modlet together.  Or can add it to nitro depending your play choice. 



  14. 4 hours ago, Truckerwil said:

    Just to up date you, I restored my save game from the day before and completed the quest again, and this time it produced the Trader to go and finish complete it.  So all is now well.  Thanks.

    Argh good to hear 

  15. 4 minutes ago, Truckerwil said:

    Hi there, I've downloaded and playing the starter class mod, which I'm enjoying a lot and have just finished the archery quest, where I now need to go and visit the trader - quest title "Hunter Quest Trader 3".  Unfortunately it doesn't provide me with details of which trader I need to go and visit.  I have visited 3 of the 5 that I have found on my map, but still not able to finish the quest.  Is this a bug or can anyone provide some advice on how I complete it.  Many thanks.

    Hi truckers


    Will look at it tomorrow to see if I can find something  and fix. Should be the trader you got the quest from tho. 

  16. 55 minutes ago, [email protected] said:

    I downloaded the Animal Snares mod stand alone and It loads on the server w/o errors but i can not find it in the craftable menu anywhere to make them. 

    How do I get the mod to work?

    Check the xml name and search. But should be chicken or rabbit should work also. Also make sure you have the requested items needed to craft and the perk/book

  17. On 10/17/2020 at 11:32 AM, kwag said:

    I think that my issues involves this specific POI, which looks like a fishing boat or some kind of dredge, and the dock.
    You can see the outline of the lake it is on and where one chunk ends loading, and then fails to load further.

    I was able to backtrack my character out far enough from it to go around, and even go to other unexplored areas without issue.

    [EDIT] The POI is xcostum_research_vessel(by_Pille) , I have the same issue in a new single player world, god/invisible mode let me fly there without falling through.  And clipping into the ground you do go under water.   I'll see if there is any difference in the most recent compopack.


    Yes there is issues with water rotations and metas.  The research vessel was omitted from the cp46 to fix and should be back in cp47. 

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