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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 1 hour ago, magejosh said:

    Yeah, I really like FreakUK's beehive and chicken coop. But for this use, they won't function because they use new assets.

    Oh, i'm slow sometimes. You are suggesting retargeting that section of code to the treestump. That would be perfect. I will look into it.


    Also, on the animal snares. Is there a way to slow them down so they don't produce so fast?


    Yes just change the tickrate but highest you can go is 63.

  2. 3 hours ago, magejosh said:

    Hi @stallionsden

    I've been using 10 of these mods with minor edits to switch to all vanilla icons to make them server side only mods for my server and loving them.

    I was thinking, wouldn't it be possible to make a beehive work much the same way the chicken coop does in the animal snares mod? Except have it be a tree stump as the final form that you can loot like you do the bird's nest for the chicken coop. I tried to look at what's happening in the chicken coop but I think it's above my head atm. Can you point me in a direction of research to better understand that bit of code and how it works?


    Now that I've got that idea out, thank you for your work bringing these mods to a19. They have definitely added a major element of awesome to my server play experience. As have the 8 of your mods i'm also using on my server. 

    valmars mods in use.png

    stallionsden mods in use.png

    Hi magejosh


    I certainly appreciate the nice words. 


    There is actually a beehive mod on nexus you could see what that modder did and Integrate it maybe into the tree stump. 



  3. 1 hour ago, Slaan said:

    Cheers for keeping this going, been my first real look through since 17 and it's impressive to see the way it's grown and there are some real beauties in there now.  Especially happy to see those farm prefabs from 4 years ago and thumbs up to whoever updated them, but you have my permission to chop those abominations  😁


    and holy cow, Hernans mall 🤪

    Haha yeh she a beauty hey. 

  4. 2 hours ago, xeroendo said:

    Is this still working with 19.2 b4? I added it to the server and client and was able to finally build the generator and battery bank, but no electricity comes out. They're both turned on and look like they work


    Yeh I am looking into why it dont work on a server but works perfectly on sp. Any error logs on the server you could provide at all. 



    2 hours ago, Viriais said:

    Nope, not gravel.


    Are zeds able to dig on gravel w/ this mod, tho?


    (thank you very much!)

    Well code says no but they do occasionally I found on gravel. Will also look into this one. 

  5. 11 minutes ago, bLaze said:

    Update....I never got on discord so oh well. But was able to download and extract files using Firefox on Android phone....dunno why the phone let me download the file but eager to try out the combo pack after it finishes coping to lan drive.

    Thats good to hear

  6. 5 hours ago, Viriais said:



    got No Digging Zombies and no other mods. I feel like it's not working properly or is missing some zed's weapon/body part, cause it's the second blood moon horde in a row (i'm at day 21 now) that i'm finding the start of a hole in the ground (earth block) above my base. Only one block for now, i guess will be more progressing with the game. I can clearly see damaged earth blocks all around the hole.. can you check it out?

    Hi viriais 


    Is it gravel by chance above you by chance. 


    But will def check it out.

  7. Update on cp47.


    We been working hard again and hopefully looking roughly (no set time) at a release candidate at or after a19.3 stable hits. 


    Not seeing any big issues with a19.3 exp so far that would delay but who knows.  


    Will keep you all posted. 

  8. 47 minutes ago, EpicSpire said:

    i PMed VitaminE to let them know. i don't have any Download links for them, but they mentioned that they let a server use their prefabs so i know they have them available. hopefully they get ahold of you, i' would love for the compopak to get more prefabs.. especially since you all have begun incorporating them into the quest system. 

    Awesome look forward to seeing their work.



  9. 22 minutes ago, EpicSpire said:

    i'll send them a PM letting them know you are interested, but i think you were looking at the right person.. they do a lot of medieval Asian builds.. would be nice to make a Asian themed town with all of their prefabs. 

    They have a Thread on the Channels section, in case anyone else wants to take a look


    Any dl links. Magoli already has a asia town in the cp looking to add to it for sure .

  10. 4 hours ago, arramus said:

    Hi @stallionsden


    I've been using the Extended Traps Mod most pleasurably for some time.


    One thing that brings up regular comments from players is that even though the items connected to the 1 schematic unlock, the book image remains locked and doesn't toggle to the unlocked version even though the tags="learnable is present for each.


    For the sake of compliance, I removed all of the connected recipe items except for 1 single entry. And that works with the book image showing unlocked status.


    Would you recommend making a single schematic entry, which is easy enough to do simply using the stock icons for those particular traps, for each and every trap so it's one schematic to one trap rather than the one schematic to the batch of 6 traps, or is there a code entry which can batch them all together in a better way that allows the book to show unlocked status?


    Thank you as always for the Prefabs Packs, giant snakes, fixed zombie spawns, etc, etc, etc......

    Hi arramus


    Thanks for the kind words and yeh that bothered me bout the book not going to open status to show learned. 


    So it is because the schematic unlocks multiple things is that why or I misunderstand.


    I can make diff schematics no problems. I have added it to the list of things I need to do atm I am heads down getting cp47 ready and once that is good I be back on here and fixing everything everyone has mentioned. 

  11. 2 hours ago, EpicSpire said:

    There is an awesome content creator by the name of VitaminE, he posts in the Channel page, but they make very awesome POIs and i asked them if they ever tried to get their pois into the compopak and it sounded like they were interested but didnt want to ask.. so i am making a suggestion that those who have somepull and power, check out their builds and see if they are good enough for your vison of the pak. 


    can you send me the link for me to view them at all. or get them to send me their prefabs to have a gander at. I seen one channel i really like their medievil asian prefab and windmill. so yeh get them to send their prefabs thru.  will be happy to take a look and add them.

  12. 11 minutes ago, NazT_DragN said:

    I disregarded two lines of yellow text for almost a week now, until I came across the block in question while fortifying a POI for a 7-14 day base while I was building my main.

    They were [bunkBedMade1] and [bunkBedMessy1], both of which are over downgrade limit. The looping is making it so I can't get rid of it even with Dev Tools, and it's still giving exp for destroying each stage, regardless of how many times I've tried.


    I'm currently ignoring the bed and building around it, as it's currently only a temp base to get me through the first two hordes, but it's still a problem for others to run into a block that can't be removed.

    Destroy the block underneath it normally works. And will take a look when I can. Bit busy for the next couple days unfort. 

  13. 2 hours ago, arramus said:

    The animal fix did just what is says, and more.


    It seems the overall invisible animal count may have taken away slots away from other solo spawning zombies as well. The more days that passed, the more barren it became.

    Restarting the server with this mod was an instant change and felt like Day 1 all over again in that regard. 😜

    Thats great to hear your game is working as you like with more zs now to 🙂

  14. 2 hours ago, bLaze said:

    Hi, new member. Wanted to give this combo pack a try but I'm having the same issue as Cracko...tried firefox and edge to download. Using 7zip to open archive. I get not a valid archive error on both links (modlet and nitrogen).

    Try Chrome.  I dont know what's happening your end or the other persons end. Many others have been able to dl it.  Maybe try joining our discord (link in o.p and try dl from the latest cp download channel maybe)

  15. 2 hours ago, Captain_Cornball said:

    i GOT them to unlock,  BUT

    Getting weird pink things i wish There was better instructions on how to do stuff 


    that isnt one of the traps in the mod btw.

    maybe verify your game but the expanded traps work as intended.
    and no pink stuff after spawning one of each or building one of each.

  16. 1 hour ago, Psilocin said:

    Would you mind telling me where I can find the item in a list then?

    I've had no luck looking through the xmls for the mod.

    Loot.xml it be in. 


    Off top off me head if you remember what type a pallet you got it from should again narrow it down. 



    Eventually I will get to it and add new stuff as it comes in and remove these type a things from it.

  17. 32 minutes ago, Liesel Weppen said:

    I expected them to behave like a campfire. I woudln't have installed them if they worked without any fuel or power, because imho that is overpowered.

    But without any descripiton it's hard to see.


    Yeah, as stallion pointed out, i obviously downloaded a mod collection instead of just "workung ovens and sinks". I wouldn't install a mod that adds foods, because i'm fine with the vanilla things.

    I also recognized that seed crafting is changeg, guess that's also from this mod(-package). Instead of 5 vegetables to craft one seed, i now craft 3 seeds out of 1 vegetable...not overpowered at all... ;)

     in regards to the seed crafting they were the values used by valmar when he made the mods back in like a8 thru a15 or whenever he finished up. I didn't change them and simply made the modlets work for current alphas. I didn't compare them to vanilla values either. feel free tho to change them to suit your game play or wants.

    the description were vague because the old forum i simply linked the modlet to valmars thread he had done and i didn't exactly memorize his words lol as the old forum was deleted and we lost alot of stuff. so put a basic description in.


    and feedback is always good whether here or my other threads always welcomed. but nothing i do is unable to be edited by the user or downloader to suit their own game either.

  18. 2 hours ago, wolverine576 said:


    Ive been asking for help making a modlet, that spawns zombies on the location of the air drop. You have any ideas of how to accomplish this? Heres the Item XML for the rope


    <item name="ulmResourceRope">
        <property name="Extends" value="ulmResourceMaster"/><property name="RepairAmount" value="100"/>
        <property name="Group" value="Basics,Resources"/>
        <property name="CraftingIngredientTime" value="10"/>
        <property name="Material" value="matFiber"/><property name="Weight" value="10"/>
        <property name="EconomicValue" value="1"/><property name="CarryWeight" value="0.01"/>


    Heres what i came up with.


    <append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
    <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>
    <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>


    Do i need to make a separate Modlett for <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>   ?

    No you don't need to do a separate modlet for the economic value. 


    You could maybe add code to the supply box that spawns zs just a guess tho using mortelentus spawner

  19. 5 hours ago, wolverine576 said:

    I added your mostly sellable to trader modlet. worked great. What i need help with is added items that are added to the game from other modlets. A mod adds rope to items, and it does not have the sell to trader value. I tried:


    <append xpath="items/item[@name='ulmResourceRope']">
    <property name="SellableToTrader" value="true"/>


    I added it to your code, and it didnt load.

    did you add this line -

    <property name="EconomicValue" value="INPUTYOURPRICE"/>

    IE: <property name="EconomicValue" value="15"/>


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