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Posts posted by stallionsden

  1. 30 minutes ago, Sprocket66 said:

    Nothing on my computer would recognize it so didn't think to search for an unzipper for it.  Got it open now, sorry for the techno brain fert.  Non technical people shouldn't try to figure these things out when tired.  Thanks for the help.

    Good to hear 🙂

  2. 11 minutes ago, Sprocket66 said:

    I may be doing something wrong but whenever I use either download link I just get a small .rar file.  I'm not getting the bigger download that I got with previous versions and can't seem to do anything with the .rar file.  Is there a problem with the link or am I messing something up.  Any advise would be appreciated.

    did you open the .rar up

    it only has whats needed and not the extra stuff that was in previous versions

  3. 1 hour ago, Lumpus said:

    Loving CP46... but have a quick stupid question.

    In CP45Fix2 there was a great POI designed to be a late-stage horde defense base, and I haven't been able to find it so far in CP46.

    Square, three story all-concrete - round pillars & iron spikes on open ground floor, iron bar floored fighting area on 2nd floor, living area rooms on third, rooftop garden on top.  Wish I had a screenie to illustrate, but does anyone know what this POI is called?

    Nepa base got nerfed.  No longer a walk in. It is in the Pack tho

  4. 29 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    If they are changed to helper trees would that mess up the Biome placement in normal RWG?  Just trying to understand the downside, seems like a win/win if they are changed?

    It should be ok. Just need to redo prefab costs and imposters blocks

  5. 42 minutes ago, Vanish said:

    The problem is it's commented out and shouldn't be. It looks like this in the prefablist file for Nitrogen:

    //OLDWEST-POI'S: xcostum_deaddog_saloon(by_Libby),COMMERCIAL;  etc...

    It should be on it's own line. I think it was a mistake in the file.


    Will have to look

  6. 1 hour ago, Vanish said:

    I figured out why the saloon is never populating in my maps. In the Compo Pack prefablist for Nitrogen, the Saloon entry is on the line with the Old West POIs commnent, so it is effectively commented out. I added a line return before it and BAM it's on my maps again. Heh. Just thought you should know.

    Hmmm so it is a old West poi. So it does belong in the old west. Did you not choose old West pois or

  7. 13 minutes ago, Vanish said:

    ON the current map I don't have the Saloon. I generated 10 maps and it was on about half of them. There's a bunker that I either get 4 of or none of.


    I'll check the prefabs.txt file. Good idea. Before I forget again, thank you for all the hard work all of you have put in to this. My players and I love it! Has refreshed the game for us.

    glad to hear 🙂


  8. 43 minutes ago, Vanish said:

    I used the POI Teleporter to look up the names of some POIs that I'm familiar with and some aren't there. Some are there several times. I can't think of an easier or quicker way to check. Maybe that isn't as foolproof as I think it is.

    Check your prefabs.txt in your saved game folder. Or generated world folder (always forget which lol. One of em)


    Which ones dont you see.


    There are a few we had removed for cp46 to fix.  Most were mine tho lol. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Vanish said:

    Good point. I'll ask there. Just figured you guys know so much you might have some insight. Sorry.


    no all good. From my understanding of nitro it should spawn one of each before spawning multiples. have you checked the whole map.

  10. 1 hour ago, Vanish said:

    I didn't know you were a stripper...


    Say does anyone know how to get Nitrogen to be more balanced when selecting POIs? I often get 8 of one POI and completely none of some others. I'd like to see everything get included once before it starts duplicating POIs. Is that even possible?

    That would be a nitrogen thread question. 

  11. 10 minutes ago, SnowDog1942 said:

    There was an amazing Mall in this Pack.. not sure the name, but it had all kinds of stores in it.  I generated a bunch of maps and haven't seen it, has it been removed?

    No we just hid it on you lol 😛 .

    The DOD mall is there as with another one as well both spawn.
    any console errors on your side

  12. 21 minutes ago, arramus said:

    Just something for the future.


    xcostum_Villa (by Topminder) is looking superb but after being unable to initiate a fetch quest I took a peek in the editor. It didn't display any satchels or a rally marker although the game could at least set up the rally marker at ground level as it sometimes does.


    Almost a week with over 60 quests and also getting feedback from other server buddies and this is the only one we've been stumped on.

    Hey arramus


    Will take a look at the prefab and fix it for next release. 

  13. 1 hour ago, Gouki said:

    Hi Stallionsden and Wolfbain5


    Passing by to thank you from the bottom of my heart, for the great work you have done with this new version of the CompoPack, the performance is much better, the prefabs are better leveled in terms of objects, (about zombies I can't say the same, haha , sure is a Stallionsden thing) etc.
    I hope everything goes much better in the next CompoPacks and with respect to Magoli that everything is fine.

    Lol haha did you like it. I guess you visited one of my prefabs lol

  14. 5 minutes ago, Elastofu said:

    Tried to run this pack with the latest stable DF release and got naught but null reference errors in the console.  I take it this is normal or do they already use it in their own pack?

    DF use their own copy/version of the Compo Pack. and is completely seperate from the CP.

  15. 1 hour ago, Netwit2008 said:

    A quick question if you don't mind. I can't seem to get the sinks to give water. I've tried the mouse buttons, bare hands, and holding a jar in my hand. All I do is punch the sink and damage it. 

    I looked to see if I needed to craft the sinks, but don't see anything other than the old sink models. What do you 'spose I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance!

    did you type -



    Working Oven
    Granite Sink

    Cabinet Sink



    but you have to make it as valmar didnt want the vanilla ones affected -

    recipes are -

     <recipe name="workstationOven" count="1" scrapable="False" >
            <ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="20" />
            <ingredient name="toolCookingGrill" count="2" />
        <recipe name="workingCabinetSink" count="1" scrapable="False" >
            <ingredient name="resourceWood" count="15" />
            <ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="10"/>
            <ingredient name="resourceMetalPipe" count="5"/>
        <recipe name="workingGranitSink" count="1" scrapable="False" >
            <ingredient name="resourceWood" count="15" />
            <ingredient name="resourceCobblestones" count="5" />
            <ingredient name="resourceForgedIron" count="10"/>
            <ingredient name="resourceMetalPipe" count="5"/>

    and you hold a emptyjar in your hand and use RMB i think (if not it def LMB lol )

  16. 5 hours ago, canadianbluebeer said:

    Just curious as to which POI were considered to be gamebreakingly overpowered.


    there are a few that had insane amounts of loot, which I found hilarious.


    The library tower had a LOT of books, but it's a library, it should have a lot of books.

    (also had a lot of zombies, so had to work to get them)


    btw, I cleared 3 of those towers, never did get the workstation schematic I was looking for. (or a couple others)

    RNG is still RNG, so I hope that got left alone.


    I checked the changlog, and it doesn't say which ones got loot reductions.

    (I'd like to check them in 45 before going to 46+)

    Just for giggles.   :D


    There were a few of my pois lol. 

    The trader pois that are in there. 


    But there has to be a balance not over looted not no loot. To many boss chests for low level pois etc. Large prefabs will still have more loot then smaller pois. But to walk into a house and get 3 boss chests for a tier 1 is to much loot. Or walk into a tier 1 and get a locked boss chest locked doors etc isn't how tier 1s should work. 


    I am with you and rng is rng sometimes you get 100 crates and get 1 item. The next play thru you can get 100 items. Also the loot settings people play on to also have an effect and we need to have a balance with all this in mind. 

  17. 3 minutes ago, Adr said:

    Hi all,


    Firstly - thank you guys so much for the work. Compopack with Nitrogen and Darkness Falls is keeping this game alive for me and my crew :)


    Now - followed the instructions exactly for cp46 yet whenever I generate a map all the POIS are in 11 straight lines in the bottom left of the map...  Done th eusual delete everything and restart etc..


    Any ideas?




    Adr :)


    Turn off the ocd map lol last row of options in nitrogen map make it none



  18. 56 minutes ago, arramus said:

    Putting CP46 through its paces on Alpha 19.2 (b3) of all things for players on low-mid end gaming rigs who want to experience enhanced gameplay with custom features.




    World settings: 8K with CP46 supporting vanilla built in Nitro.


    PC setup (Quite dated)

    i7 4770 / 24gb ddr3 / SSD for primary apps but running 7D2D on HDD / rx 5600 xt (6gb)


    At first there was a spike of 10-11gb while loading out. This continued for a while as regions unlocked and things settled down. After checking again 30 minutes later things looked very decent at a low 3gb. This was with Snufkin Custom Zombies and a whole host of mods on the server side as well as the necessary client addition of Bdub's Vehicles being drawn on in the client.


    What can I say? There really is hope now for lower end rigs with 8gb RAM (but adequate virtual paging to accommodate any spikes) to join CP modded servers and participate in the fun.


    Optimising the CP was probably hell at times, but thank you as the difference will make all the difference.

    There is still more to come lol as well. Cp47 for myself has begun wolf is having a bit of a break and enjoying as he deserves. 

  19. 6 hours ago, q123 said:

     2 hours ago I downloaded both, the nitrogen version and the modlet and I noticed some prefab.xml s differ in the packs:



    - xcostum_powerplant(byKam)

    - xcostum_ShoppingCenter_Galleria(by_Laz_Man)

    - xcostum_strange_cornfield(by_magoli)


    TotalVertices + TotalTriangles:

    - xcostum_Courthouse(by_Stallionsden)



    xcostum_Courthouse(by_Stallionsden).xml.htmlFetching info...

    The rotations of the courthouse is fine. There is a difference between the rwgmodlet and the nitro but both still spawn the same rotation even tho having different rotations.
    Nitro reads them differently to the rwg>

    the galleria tho needs rotating correctly in nitro as was missed. but rotated correctly in modlet.As with the strange cornfield. No seperate copies are required once galleria and strange cornfield are rotated properly you should be able to use either prefab folder in either nitro or modlet.

    Will note down errors and have a fix for galleria and strange cornfield in cp47.

    NItro (first pic)

    RWGModlet (2nd Pic)

  20. 2 hours ago, JCrook1028 said:

    A19 I had to drastically lower my settings to stop from actually crashing out of the game as compared to vanilla. Even running a Nitrogen world without CP ran much better than with CP. My experimental A19 world had no CP, just Nitro with vanilla POI.s It was only when I added on the CP that I had to further lower my settings. Now I realize my machine is not beefy but I had much lower performance after adding CP as compared to non CP. Ymmv but that is my experience with it. It is WORTH the effort in tuning it in imo but I did have to do some adjusting of quality to run it.



    Have you tried cp46.  Cp45 and prior yes was taxing. 

  21. 3 minutes ago, Zyamaia said:

    Hey @stallionsden love your mods and want to use Invisible animals fix for my server but I'm not sure if I need to reload the server or not or can I just plunk it in.  And will I need to have the mod on both the client and server?  Also will this interfere with my server running WOTW?

    Thank you and as it doesnt have any custom icons you should not be required to have them on both server and client side. Just the server side should suffice.

    You may need to go to a new chunk but it should work on a existing game.

  22. So unfort found another nitro error in prefablist_compopack_46

    find xcostum_origamigallery(by topminder and pille) and remove the whole line. as there was a double up and we kept the gallery version of theirs (both exact same copies of each other)

    2nd error is xcostum_HellMart(by_ Riahsaurus Rex),none,3,-2,59,24,75,downtown should be xcostum_HellMart(by_Riahsaurus_Rex),none,3,-2,59,24,75,downtown


    Fix is also in the new dl for nitrogen

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