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Everything posted by stallionsden

  1. Most the prefabbers update their pois . Maybe got to their threads and update to the new pois they have done. If you talking bout your own then there is more that is needed
  2. Hey ya junkyard cat Yes I got your message forgot to reply I am sorry. Unfort I am really bad with ui lol 😆 pretty much my nemesis and yeh stuck on getting that fixed. But as soon as I get it going I will let you know apologies for this.
  3. No not at all. There is a ul cp edition dl in our discord.
  4. Ravenhearst would most likely have its own rwgmixer which the cp would clash with.
  5. are you using any other mods anything that changes the rwg any overhauls
  6. Hey ya snow dog. It still depends on your system. But infinity let's you chose the prefabs you want all or only some. For me having the prefabs in the game prefab folder and the modlet part seperate in which infinity does this for you seems to run better then using the cp48 complete modlet. But also use the dynamic Resolution mode to auto and fps to what you feel are what I play with. I get a constant 40 to 60 fps thru cities no issues.
  7. No they are client and server side due to the assets anything with custom icons and/or assets client side is required
  8. Welcome to join the cp discord and I can help you with map generating. Editing the rwgmixer.xml and making the cities and countrytowns spawn more tiles and can increase few, default and max amount of cities and wilderness spawning more wilderness pois helps to
  9. I will check it out when i in game and go to it next.
  10. Unfortunately not I would love vanilla to add this option hopefully our wishes are 1 day answered. I would have all cp pois unique. Possibly when teragon comes for now we may have a external way of doing that but at this stage no.
  11. the remove textures doesnt remove any textures between block and terrain. the brick and flagstone texture was what i was talking bout lol . Oh ok good to know bout the opening containers stuff ty
  12. extra info that may help with testing. When i mentioned resetting i didnt reset the poi i was more saying to you if you wanted to jump on tfp 4 and reset it and try it with same game stage as i. (sorry for not being more clearer)
  13. If the control of the tiles were a possibility and we could control which way a tile spawned the design of said uni across multiple tiles would be a great outcome
  14. This happenned on tfp 4 maybe resetting the poi using the twitch on there. I am only low level still doing t1 quests
  15. argh am so sorry i didnt get a response indicator for this. Possibly it could a been only in godmode
  16. Pois need to be on client side as well as server side
  17. Use the world editor lol. Been in for a while to be able to do this
  18. Open a vanilla trader and copy 3 lines will have traderprotect area etc and copy those 3 lines into your pois xml and change trader to true. In prefab editor go to the first tab on right hand section hit trader protection. A purplish box will appear adjust size to poi and save.
  19. Argh the evilness of pille lol. The respawning is deliberate tho in cp49 this will be changed.
  20. You can use a paint program to repaint the biomes the way you want. Or watch the video by tallman Brad using maptools
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