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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I mean, the animals don't usually attack the guards either, so why would they shoot them? It's like "Hey! I'm gonna shoot that bear for absolutely no reason at all OH GOD ITS EATING MY FACE!!!!!!!" And yes, use low quality guns to repair others, or sell them. And the storage is WAY bigger. It's 120 slot (12 by 10). If that isn't "noticably bigger" then I dread to think what mods you've got running.
  2. Depends on the crash. If it's the unity error, try increasing virtual memory.
  3. Gitlab doesn't care on size. I've got 3GB uploaded. But it's also a more permanent link that GDrive, which can be better for content distribution. You be patient. I only just released the POI lists to patreons for testing and feedback today. If they're happy, i'll be looking at releasing them when 19.5 goes stable.
  4. Might be better to use git for your heightmaps as long as they aren't more than 100mb in size (for github, gitlab doesn't care but can be.... iffy on connections at times)
  5. Sounds like you have it set to 24 hours of daylight. I think I have that as an option for players.
  6. Most wont work. Pretty sure creature pack does with some edits. If you have that, log out and back in. If that doesn't work, kill the trader, log out and back in.
  7. 1) Guards are already planned to be removed. 2) That's intended since the parts are made from steel. 3) Actually already done it for the next major version. 4) All vehicles do. That's the way the game works. Not a lot I can do about it. 5) Look up lockable storage.
  8. Sorry, let me rephrase... At least 1 of all 4. So even on a 6k map, all 4 spawn, and all once each. On larger maps, you get all 4, and usually more than 1.
  9. So far... 40 maps generated (10 of each of the following - 6k, 8k, 10k, 12k). ALL maps have at least 1 DF POI, and all in the correct biomes from what I can see. So I think it should work fine.
  10. Woke up late. Will be testing DF compatibility tonight.
  11. Never used the world editor, but you're better off making it in the prefab editor and then adding it to RWG or adding it to the map you want to edit.
  12. In my case it was bad windows drivers and severe latency. So I reinstalled a ton of drivers and messed around with power profiles until it stopped happening.
  13. You need to upload ALL the folders contained in the zip file. So yes, that means you need 7DaysToDieServer_Data/Managed I did, but that was a general system issue rather than DF specific.
  14. Basically folks were putting a block of water down and then just using that to keep constantly refilling their farms instead of using the rain catcher. I believe it was also being used to make huge bases full of water for anti-demon stuff. You can sort-of still do that with the working sink, just takes more effort.
  15. I would absolutely abuse you with the twitch integration.
  16. Bucket only works on naturally spawning water and the sink. So it wont work on rain catcher water or water you already placed to stop the infinite water bug folks were abusing the crap out of.
  17. You owe me a new laptop cos it's covered in coffee now...
  18. They're random Biome deco, but need a lot of space. They only spawn in the wasteland.
  19. I know Krunch was trying to get hold of him to buy the source code too, but no luck.
  20. It does not. The ones that spawn out in the wilderness do though (and spawn tougher enemies!) He's done something similiar in the War of the Walkers thread too. Haven't checked RH, but I can't see Jax standing for that tbh.
  21. My assumption was always Alien Virus that humans mutated by trying to nuke the aliens (hence the radiation and wasteland biomes). AKA - We made it worse cos monke brain. But for DF, I went with Demonic Possession/Control. Hence why they are dead, can still move and can also bleed.
  22. The same way people sit and watch the TV for hours with other folks playing sports ball
  23. No, that was just screenshots of prelimiary testing so people don't think i'm being lazy. If it were released, there would be patch notes posted.
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