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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Depends if you used the launcher or not. Not reproducable.
  2. No, you just need secret stash skills and to get lucky. Ablative armor has been working for other people. Yes, power armor has a better version included already. The localization needs updating but power armor has better mobility, stamina usage, built in fire resistance and built in rad protection for slightly less protection. Fireballs aren't fixable. It's that simple. I've done my best to try and reduce it (which players have reported is the case), but you should go in prepared. Spider was cos I felt like it.
  3. Sort of. There are no "parts" anymore.
  4. Probably for eves next two, yes. givequest Eve_Quest3 and then... givequest Eve_Meeting_Anna
  5. Pretty sure that's a vanilla thing. Because it doesn't obey biome restrictions properly. Huh. He shouldn't give you that quest again. May need to fix that later. You can try forcing the second quest with givequest Eve_Quest2
  6. How much RAM have you got? Cos I've only had that when i'm running on high RAM usage. You need to give him admin access, and then he needs to use givequest quest_classtrainingscientistX Where X is a number between 1 and 6. So if his last quest was 3, it'd be givequest quest_classtrainingscientist4
  7. Because they can't be sold, they don't show a price. I haven't found a way to fix that yet. Is she the server? If so, that's why. It's a vanilla bug.
  8. Pretty sure it works, or was for me. No, the old A19 maps don't work.
  9. 1) If you find and read them, it saves you a skill point and money. If you buy from the trader, it costs money instead of looking for the book or spending skill points. 2) Pretty much. Left click is mostly disassemble. Right click for repair/upgrade. That's because you installed a mod that quite clearly says it's for Vanilla. It won't work for DF. You need the DF specific version that was posted in the discord. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/724696325714739220/924389053162455040/3-DarknessFalls-WanderingHordePatch.zip
  10. Since people are talking about horde night bases, I can confirm the killing corridor works. Even just a normal cobblestone one works. Also, zombies like doors, so you can use it to funnel zombies. It's in the Snow and Desert biomes. I was able to get it to take off. Landing though? Not so much. It is NOT in loot. I will be adding it for 4.01. They need water.
  11. They already have level gating. Turn up the UI opacity. I use 90% as that makes it look more like A19. AR-15 is more like a side-grade to the AK, excpet it uses 9mm ammo. M60 and M4A1 are both similar. M60 has higher mag capacity and I think higher RPM, but also slows you down a bit. The M4A1 has lower mag capacity, lower firing rate, but can take more mods so you could technically use it in a variety of situations (like as a sniper rifle with a scope if you wanted)
  12. I actually dont know tbh. I need to check. I did try to attach a particle effect to the forge. For some reason it just didn't want to show. Still not sure why. Dirt block has been known for a while. Decided I didn't want to mess with it if people really wanna get free clay.
  13. Already known and no idea why it does it. I even put the vanilla bandages back to test and had the same issue. I need to retest as I think it might be related to the NPC mod. Will change that later. I've noticed i'm getting quite a few myself. May need to look into the drop rate. Yep. Laborer refunds those perks so you get the skill points back and can purchase hammer and forge/advanced engineering to get back to exactly where you were. 1) Yes because snow biome has a gamestage bonus (and also a loot bonus) 2) No.
  14. Was fixed in the release version. Time to be less picky about your start trader then. And it's the name you use that determines your start point. That's vanilla code I haven't changed.
  15. You can't. Sounds like either a bad install OR you have additional mods that add more skills.
  16. If you're not at one of the "Normal" traders, you're in the wrong place. I'm gonna be looking at adjusting spawn points so players should be sent to one of those, not Razor/Eve/Anna.
  17. The scout sends you approx 200-500 meters away to kill zombies, UNLESS you're on a dedicated server due to a bug in how dedicated servers select areas for buried supplies. So yes, it is. Don't take them if you can't kill zombies. Check the mining tips of the journal because I updated it. And as per the patch notes, no. Because the localization was getting too big and crashing servers. It's a bug TFP need to fix.
  18. Vanilla POI issue. I've put a fix in for 4.01 (testers just got it) but you can ignore it. 1) You have to be at the main menu to do it. 2) There's no burnt biome on A20.
  19. The maps were literally made 1-2 days before I released. So you're talking nonsense. RWG doesn't work. Stop telling people to use it.
  20. Just want to pop my head in and say I am reading stuff in here. I've been taking a few days off to refresh the brain.
  21. Dont threaten her with a good time
  22. The moldy bread is right. You get more mold by leaving something moldy near bread with water. I literally googled it to find out. Also, it makes 3
  23. Just make a copy of the game You failed to follow the instructions of DELETING the Mods folder before installing the release version
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