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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Try looking at the NAMES of the traders. You don't have to go find the scout at all. She's right under your nose... if you READ.
  2. Haven't attempted to reproduce it because I don't use a chainsaw as a weapon. Put a potential fix in. That's vanilla localization. Not always, no. Some sleepers don't react to sight/noise events. It's just rare
  3. 1) Intended 2) Probably from all the zombies around. 3) Potentially fixed. I'll have to test again but it was definitely working for me.
  4. So am I. Look again 😛 I assume you mean the auger? Cos I know that's been working
  5. Bit too advanced. NVG's are a helmet mod now. Which is noted in the patch notes. Look at the titanium spear. It's just a vanilla model recoloured.
  6. If you mean the chicken coop, it's random. It does drop eggs. And why SHOULD you get something for every single quest? That's just silly. But every class gets something.
  7. Yeah. it clearly states it's for vanilla, not DF 😛 You need the DF specific version that's posted in the discord Same for you too. It's for vanilla, not DF. You need the DF one.
  8. 1) You don't need to. Wrench tyres. 2) Scrap recipes you don't need. 3) Not that I know of. 4) Yes.
  9. Use diffmerge. It's a free app and you can compare my files easily to highlight changes. I use it to update the mod XML files between alpha versions.
  10. Sometimes you can legit just get a bad zip download.
  11. Well I dont know what to tell you, but it sounds like something is NOT installed properly, or windows is screwing you on file access. ------------------------------------------------- Also, here's a surprise. I'm currently working on 4.02, and it's going to come with some class tweaks. As such, I thought i'd toss out the current DEV build to get feedback. V4.02-DEV-B1 - Wandering Horde modlet is now included in DF by default. HOWEVER, the hours min/max as set to 24/28 (similar to vanilla) and the random size is set between 10 and 30. This is user configurable in Mods\3-DarknessFalls-WanderingHordePatch\Config\blocks.xml - Changed all Survivors back to EntitySurvivor instead of EntityAliveSDX to fix the NRE inside traders. - Quicker Crafting now decreases scrapping times by 10%/lvl. - Clawhammer now has the craft speed increase from the wrench. - Wrench now grants 25% scrap speed increase when installed in the workbench. - Fixed House Door prices. - Increased spawn rate of some plants in the Forest and Desert around ore spawn nodes. - Redid the bunker sleepers so the demonic behemoth and incubus are present at GS400 or higher (but not lower). - Power Blow Mod should now work on deployed sledge turrets (thanks grumpybeard!) - Duplicate tools in Working Stiff boxes should now not be as bad. - Savage County boxes now have the correct loot lists. - End POI chest loot buffed slightly. - Localization fixed for the Titanium Hunting Knife (master scientist) and Titanium Machete (master survivalist). - Added Vehicle Stamina Usage Reduction to Athletics. (localization not added as this is for testing) - Mineral Water now has Efficient Digestion like it's supposed to. - Moved Pure Mineral Water off Wasteland Treasures 2 to The Survivor 4. - Moved Jerky off Survivalist Mastery to The Survivor 4. - Swapped over Wasteland Treasures 1 and 4 so the perk isn't front-loaded. Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jniy58mFNsM5TpcgOlPmXV3_RlD6uadu/view?usp=sharing IMPORTANT NOTE: Because I messed with perks, this could wipe your save. ONLY PLAY IF YOU HAVE A BACKUP!!!!!!!!
  12. Yeah, my thoughts are "you didnt." 😛 Because they work fine for me and other folks.
  13. Oh god. I forgot about that too. You need to give yourself admin perms on your server, just like you would in vanilla.
  14. Survivors are still WIP. They're using the NPC core, so yes, being unkillable (because they aren't hostile to you) is intended. The wandering horde modlet is on the DF discord. Why should it be a part of DF? The base experience of DF is bloodmoons, not large hordes.
  15. IF there was a rank 10 (which there isn't) then yes
  16. Given the amount of people playing on servers I see complaining about screamers, they're definitely working. I mean, there isn't even a rank 10. It stops at 5. 😛 So it doesn't matter.
  17. The only one i'm using is the one in Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config. I need to test and see if translation modlets work. Other languages were removed because the localization file got too big and broke servers.
  18. Oh, I just need to move the poles over. Eh, i'll do that later (or remove them) Nice
  19. Yeah, it's probably the autoreload.
  20. It wont work because vehicle effects can't take the same requirements that a player can
  21. As promised, it's here, it's uploaded, it's ready. Darkness Falls V4.01 is now out! To update, you need to make sure that your /Mods folder is TOTALLY deleted. No exceptions. A new save is very, very, very strongly recommended as your progress may be wiped. Patch notes as follows. V4.01 - Updated for A20.3b3. - Updated Sphereii-Core. - Included experimental C# patch and edited POI XML that allows RWG to work for DF. - Fixed localization on Mining tips. - Fixed unlockedby on Rechargeable Battery. - Fixed localization on gunpowder bundle. - Fixed localization on steel crafting saying level 50 instead of level 30. - Tweaked loot a little more. - Laser weapons no longer have recoil (the thing that moves the camera) but DO still have spread (the thing that makes the crosshair bigger on firing). - Removed the triple resource rocks from the wasteland, which I thought i'd already done. - Rebalanced stamina cost of scrap tools as it was lower than intended. - Rebalanced power attack stats of scrap iron fireaxe as it was higher than intended. - Rebalanced power attack stats of iron pickaxe as it was lower than intended. - Added bedrollArmyGreen since it was missing. - Fixed incorrect icon on player lockable cabinets. - Fixed a bug with Razor's quests not showing up if the player somehow managed to do the Scout "Next Trader" quest multiple times. - Fixed a bug with Eve spamming NRE's. - Fixed pagenation issue on the players window. - Changed the bunker portal to use the same spawner as the body bags to see if it works. - Increased the cost of Orange Tea as it was a little too cheap. - Chicken Coops should now be repairable. - Zombie AI should now work as intended. - Reload speed and rounds per minute should now work on bows/crossbows. - Iron Hoe should now have localization. - Tough Utility Worker now has localization. - Disabled eggs spawning chickens because I forgot to do that and people were breaking their games. - Dried oranges should no longer be spammable. - Resource rocks should now show different colours on the map to help players locate veins. - Excluded the chainsaw from bleed effects so the player won't bleed while using it. - Added a tag to JaWoodle Purple so it can be used on vehicles. - Flying vehicles should no longer be tiered to fix price issues. - Removed Gyro parts from loot since it's now craftable. - Fixed Diazepam taking too much water. - Removed duplicate Pipe Bomb recipe. - Fixed Minibike not being craftable after level 1 of Vehicles For Dumb@%$#s. - Changed the Dirt Bike to the same speed as the Motorcycle. - Changed the Dirt Bike to be made with Forged Iron instead of Forged Steel. - Dirt Bike now has slightly larger storage but still less than a Minibike. - Made reload speed of laser sniper a little faster. - Supply Crates should no longer drop two mastery books (but should still have a chance for 1). - Adjusted spawn rates of "full" bookshelves so there should be more of them since DF is very reliant on books. - All traders updated with walls not made of paper. - Reduced and moved spawn points on all maps so players should be sent to the proper traders. - Ghillie suit is now properly locked. - Added a low chance for super corn to drop in loot. - Increased the storage size of the box truck as discussed with the testers. - Fixed iron and potassium being in the wasteland when it shouldn't be. - Fixed the range and tick rate of the bunker portal. - Changed modXPNerf to be installable on anything and apply to all XP gained (this is a creative mode only item). - Crowbars now properly work on treasure chests. - Added missing Arc Gun recipe. - Added ammo to T3 and T4 buried supplies to make them a little more valuable. - Fixed the "Marksman Rifle" trader dialog localization. - Fixed missing localization on steel ammo bundles. - Backend code tidy up for better performance. - Small tweak that should resolve Eve quest issues. - Porkins Shotgun shouldn't degrade as quickly. - Drone should now heal when it has the healing mod and appropriate items (but not the paramedic kit for some reason). IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have the Vehicles For Dumb@%$#s perk, your save will likely be wiped as that perk had to be adjusted to fix a bug. You have been warned. Download Link: https://dev.azure.com/KhaineUK/_git/DarknessFallsA20 (click the 3 dots, select download as zip) Alt Download Link: https://gitlab.com/KhaineGB/darkness-falls-a20/-/tree/main (click the icon next to clone and then zip)
  22. It's not localization. I've double and triple checked it. I even went in-game and set the grow time to 3 seconds and it works as intended.
  23. Build a mech. (don't really do that since none exist atm)
  24. Yeah, it's the name you give your game that determines start point.
  25. World decoration atm. Ablative armor already does that, but you have to make it. Gyro has been removed from loot in 4.01.
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