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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Helicopters aren't mine, so no idea. And the elevator is constantly iffy. Also not my mod. You could just COOK the food. It makes absolute sense that canned food can and will go off in the apocalypse. Cooking it is supposed to simulate breaking it open and scraping all the bad crap out so it's safe.
  2. 1) Because you need to make items for them, which you unlock at tech crafting 3/5. 2) Yes 3) It's in the lab. 4) Mining Action Skill. It's because it makes it very hard to verify bugs and other such things if you've been messing around with stuff you shouldn't be. That's why I get irritated. I get a lot of bug reports and crashes that are often caused by other mods, and then people get narky with ME when I say "Take all your mods out and just run DF". So my position stands.
  3. Or you could NOT modify an overhaul? That's what vanilla is for.
  4. Not in DF. I patched it so it can go higher
  5. For titainium, look for the 3x3 random piles of crap in the wasteland and dig down. I did 3, one of them had a massive vein under it.
  6. No idea. It's working for other people. I am NOT a server guy, and I do not test the mod beyond "It boots and works on a server."
  7. No, it's not. Also learn inventory management 😛
  8. Not easily. Just adjust the UI scale in options to fix it. If you get hit in the face, yes. They should be scary, no matter how awesome you think you are. Mess with field of view in your video options. That helps with motion sickness.
  9. That's literally what I said 😛 People are worrying it WONT work like that though. I think it will just because of the sheer amount of work it would be otherwise.
  10. My assumption is the same magazine will level the same skill. Because making 100 magazines (or however many) per skill is just an insane amount of work. Also, vol1-100 and finding them in order, and making them work with the perks to increase the chances of finding each one in the right order would be a pain for both the devs and plauers.
  11. No known issues with drones. I do recall my wife complaining about that in vanilla though
  12. Fingers crossed it plays nice. I mean, i've got loads of videos on my channel of me playing the mod. Otherwise i'd look at SnowBee as his videos are often quite short (around 10 mins) and he's got several on various aspects of the mod.
  13. Wish it had been nice out here. I've got gardening and car work to do but it's just been chucking it down and cold all day.
  14. Yeah, it's very easily fixed. With XML. Like I said. You don't need to mess with C# or anything like that. If you don't want smaller icons, then move the window to the left and make it bigger so you don't need to mess with the icons. You can do ALL of this with XML. I'm not being funny, but stop inventing issues that can be easily fixed by you.
  15. 1) Known but haven't found an elegant way to deal with it yet that doesn't screw with the player re-accepting the quest if they accidentally or intentionally delete it. 2) Because some of them may need extra rebalancing. More to the point, WHY do you want to remove them? And yes, it does. Try getting a fresh download of the game and see if that helps. If not, try reinstalling various visual C# redistributables and see if that helps. Did you clear old data? Because you may need to. That one definitely works.
  16. You can just add more columns to the window for the perk icons to stop the crash. Doesn't need harmony. It's a simple XML edit. HOWEVER, you may also need to make the icons smaller (like I do in DF), which is another XML edit.
  17. Are you SURE it's not cat related? Try increasing virtual memory.
  18. Yes, yes I would believe that because i've woken up to about 300GB of empty video file thanks to my cats
  19. Regarding the UI, it's the bit in red i've included on this edited screenshot madmole posted earlier. I'm working off the assumption that the crafting section may be using a different UI controller to perks. If we could use THAT bit in perks (just from a modding standpoint, not expecting TFP to use it), that would honestly be amazing. Like, the grid up top to show what items get unlocked, then the name/perk description/etc like it currently is, for example. Also, build 69... nice
  20. This is why I suggested it might be better to have lower levels in the skills, AND the ability to purchase with skill points. That way, players have options. But I guess we'll wait and see how it plays out. ATM, I don't like it, but I DO like the UI change. Can we get that for perks as well please? That would be amazing for us modders who have perks unlock recipes. I can have the icons be displayed.
  21. That's a shame. I was hoping unity and slipped in some secret sauce you folks could use. I've noticed the editor seems to load WAY faster on 2021.3 vs 2020.3.
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