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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. You probably meant Sylen as I have only circumstantial knowledge from reading support cases. A missing redistributable should normally lead to a message in the logfiles, but even a reinstall seems to have fixed errors on occasion!? Lets say it wouldn't hurt to reinstall "Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022" and check if that helps And just to be sure, OP should ask the player with the problem if he did clean his settings like it is described in the blue banner link above
  2. Only playing pregen but I also noticed that farms are maybe too plentiful in small towns. And same POIs used for quests is less than in A19 but still very common. The interesting thing to find out is whether this is because there are just those few houses of a specfic quest-tier in such cities or if there is a real bug or a suboptimal algorithm at work here
  3. The value for GameMode is wrong. It should be GameModeSurvival, but it seems 4players added "MP" at the end. I'm not sure this has any consequences as there is only one valid value for this option, but its worth a try to remove "MP" there.
  4. If you have recurring bugs like hitting invisible things then it is likely that either your PC is too slow or you have configuration artefacts from A19 still plaguing you. I would advise following the blue link above and doing a complete clean-up of your settings and worlds if you haven't done already. You will have to start a completely new game and world then. I play with 3 friends on a server and one single player game and we had not one missing vehicle yet. Those bugs do not happen to everyone.
  5. Nice insult with the irony mixed in, but where are the actual arguments? The alternative to having random progression gates is something like a level gate. You just wait for it to fall into your lap, automatically and dependably. Is that really how you want to play the game, every run the same way? There are some players who seem to be happy playing the same thing again and again without variation, but I'm relatively sure most players need variance in a healthy dose to keep playing the same game again and again. If everything can be built immedaitely from basic resources then looting will be just for getting stuff to scrap so you can craft the things you need, similar to items that you just sell to the trader to convert them to useful stuff. The same complaint about traders being to powerful because of their large selection can then be applied to crafting.
  6. This is because normal players can't be trusted to visit the forum and notice a blue banner. Neither can they be trusted to read the changelog. TFP should put some more effort on automatical clean-up or robustness against old files. For example why is it necessary to clean out A19 worlds when those worlds clearly have versioning information in them? Mmmh, maybe I should make a bug report for this.
  7. T Which is quite ironic as the mechanic that you can't craft pump shotguns or combat shotguns (or steel tools) without recipes has not been changed from A19 at all. (As a side note, the weapon crafting mechanic might change in A21 according to Madmole, but thats a long way off) Many survival games operate with RNG, I don't see a conflict here. 7D2D has multiple ways to get specific important things to make RNG less random. Please tell us your level, whether you play with mods or changed options. And please tell us your loot stage (you can see your loot stage when you press "B" and switch to the middle tab, it is the last line). Just for comparison. There is, many items have multiple sources and all items that depend on RNG are optional. If you feel you need an item why change xml? Just get it from Creative Menue.
  8. I don't know why kill corridors for example are so often listed as cheese. The developers themselves made the changes so that you can do that, it is also how tower defense games work in general. While there were changes to combat zombies endlessly running in circles they never tried to make kill corridors fail. Blocks being misclassified and the zombies doing the wrong thing with them is a bug and Faatal has mentioned at the start of experimental that he expects many new cases of this happening in A20 because so many more blocks became available to players I can think of 2 changes that together will make the bike exploit much harder to use: A bike standing around or being inside should make normal zombies spawn. And the vulture spawning should never go on for more than say one or two minutes at a time even if the player is on a bike. This game is not finished and they still have time to fix many of the things they see as exploits. But it is also very likely that there will be a lot of cases where the AI doesn't work well even at release of the final version. That is unfortunate but most players will know of those exploits only if they look for them on the internet or watch a streamer who specializes in finding exploits. Thats okay, no one will object to what they do in their back yard.
  9. Please do, but I'm seeing 4 in my games with LotL1 as well.
  10. People seem to have wildly different experiences with stealth, so I'm far from sure. But what I witnessed was that even drawing the string of a bow in the vicinity of a standard zombie with stealth perk at 2 or 3 at night (with night vision on) causes that zombie to run wildly around. I tried it multiple times with the same result. I was up in the rafters, so I don't know if the zombie actually knows where I was or if he was merely "active". But this seems to me an indication that the stealth perk does not have enough value to really perk into it. I have two parallel games running, a SP and a MP game. In the SP i play AGI, in the other a PER build. I don't feel any difference when I stealth in both games.
  11. A lot of players had this problem changing from A19 to A20. The solution is probably this: Start the game launcher, switch to the Tools-tab, select the last option in that list, the "clear configuration" option. Check all boxes and start it. This will delete all settings, all generated worlds on the local machine, all save games. If you wanna keep a world or savegame, make a backup before doing this.
  12. Yes, that is far too close to the trader. Your game and my game work differently. Like I said you have two choices now, post the logfile (follow that link above) or try to get a clean install (see the 5 steps I posted above) and see if it solves the problem already. If it doesn't, post the logfile
  13. In RPG games a lot of people save before combat or important decisions and if they don't like the result they just reload that save. A practice I have done as well a long time ago. It is called save scumming. Often there are also ways to manipulate the save game to give you better stats. Which I have never done. Now if I find a game too easy after doing extensive save scumming or even save game manipulation I would be very wrong if I complained to the developers. Because the developer has balanced the game for people not doing save-scumming or similar out-of-game manipulations. But if I find an overpowered sword for 10 copper at the first trader I visit then I would have all rights to complain. Because the balance is broken, obviously. I can also tell you that creative menue, even though it is built into the game is far outside of any balancing. Get an M60 from CM and forget about talking about balance. Get an M60 from the trader on day 1 and you probably have found a balancing problem that TFP will want to fix. The developers and many players discussing here are very interested in having a clear boundary so that they know they can do anything **in vanilla** and it will be balanced as much as possible. Anything else, like what happens after you used creative menue, installed a mod, changed an option, reloaded a backup save, ... is just between you and you.
  14. You did not change the password, instead you changed the name of the variable to your password. <property name="Pelican@%$#" value=""/> And once you corrected that problem I hope you change that password immediately since you have published it here. 😉 If you have further problems, be sure to first look into the logfile of the server because there surely will be a line in there complained about this.
  15. My statement was only about the pipe pistol, not pistols in general. When playing AGI I usually have a pistol with me for the whole game (for the times I want to do less perfect but faster stealth cleaning). With the current stealth balance I would say this might not be the case anymore but I also think the current stealth balance will probably get some adjustments.
  16. Stone sledge is very very slow, which works 4 times out of 5 much easier and faster than the spear. But that 5th time it doesn't work as you miss the zombie and the zombie is enraged and runnning at you. Remember I am talking about novice players who don't have learned the timing and distances yet. While the spear not hitting a zombie means that you can do the next attack almost immediately while correcting your mistake (either too far away or not hitting in the right spot). If the novice user is foolish enough to think he can powerattack with the spear while he is still swimming in unknown waters and having no alternative to switch to then yes, he's got new problems on his hand. Bow as secondary weapon isn't a bad idea but the ammo usage should not be underestimated. The early game method of finding nests is not going to supply a novice with enough feathers to use the bow consistently as a substitute melee weapon to keep zombies consistently out of range and the club as secondary. An experienced user would know ways but it takes a lot of time. Are you talking about the general case. Sure, I agree. Surprising that bow and spear use the same mechanic but work differently, good to know. From a balance standpoint this is a positive thing i think, but the players should probably be made aware of it.
  17. Silly me, am I nobody? I don't want Learn-by-Doing in ANY of my games, I always prefer to directly decide what abilities my character has. Many people don't like it, many like it. Thats a fact and thats a fact of any game out there. I built my first underground base in the first game after zombies started digging. Before that it was simply an unbalanced and unfinished part of the game that I had to avoid because I would run into an exploit. The relevant quote from the OPs post is "being forced into a certain play or build style". No, he is not forced. He might not like the circumstances of building underground, but nobody promised him a deal with all advantages and no disadvantages. No one promised him he could play in the "scaffolding"
  18. Comparing spike traps to demos is a bit off as you pit beginner traps against professional end-game boss. The advanced traps need battery or generator and work even against a demolisher. I remember doing a spike pit with blade traps.
  19. AHHHH, YOU SUMMONED ME! Too bad that the developers want to make the game they themselves want to play. Too bad that they have to decide on exactly one game that is vanilla, not a hundred, and leave the hundred games to modders. They are as stubborn as you, but they own the game and you just want to get your perfect game without programming it yourself. I don't like zombies giving XP as you do but I know I won't get my perfect game if I don't mod myself. And I know that I might not even know exactly what game I really want, fun is a very ephemeral thing. So I won't rail against decisions where I clearly see the developers have made up their mind. Obviously me having still fun with the vanilla game means I can live with that. I'm sure there are a lot of players who can't but this game can't be the perfect game for everyone. They really look at how games are played and adjust things when they see some blocks being too powerful as zombie shields for example. This is how beta balancing for other games work as well. Those beta players are not getting invited for their fun as you perfectly know, they are there as guinee pigs doing extended balancing testing. And that goes double for us alpha players. To the original poster @Desmondbratcat: Now this "let me play how I want to play" style is commonly know as a sandbox. Probably minecraft is a relatively pure sandbox, 7D2D is not. It has big elements of survival and RPG in it and both these elements demand balance for your game play options and what you get from what effort. This is best illustrated by underground building. If zombies have no way at all to reach you then there is a balancing problem in the game, it would work as a sandbox, but not as an RPG or survival game. Since the developers want an RPG and a survival game this will not change, simple as that. In reality you can just reduce block damage on zombies to the lowest available value or turn off zombies at horde night and at other times (and turn them on again if you want to smack some) without even mods and be safe if you build sufficiently deep, i.e. on rock bottom. Do either that, look for a fitting mod, or yes, look for a game that says it is just a sandbox.
  20. Well the part you quoted is wrong on its own. The whole sentence tells in what circumstances that sub-sentence holds. My guess is that novice players biggest problems ATM are food and infections. Combined with them having to learn what is the best distance to a zombie and how to move in melee. Especially if they have problems holding a correct distance to the zombies they are most likely not to get hit with a spear, no matter that they need more hits to kill him. And the spear works very well against zombies suddenly speeding up because you initially have a greater distance to the zombie so more reaction time
  21. I'm still testing the spear, so not sure as well. It at least takes some getting used to, but so does "meleeing" with a bow as well, I'm just not used to automatically shooting them without aiming. In fact the spear power attack should be very effective if you are directly in front of the zombie and do the power attack without aim then immediately klick on the zombie to get back the spear. This way you get the high damage power attack without having to change the weapon or run to retrieve the spear. And aiming is easier.
  22. Me too. My friends are mostly working with computers and don't even carry a knife with them 😁 Seriously, if you don't find enough honey in the early game or are not good at fencing with zombies the spear is surely the best melee weapon in the game You can break off throwing if you change to another belt slot. Same for bows
  23. The loot system got an overhaul and it is to be expected that there need to be made some adjustments in the weeks ahead. This forum is where such things can be reported, though the developers probably would like the reports without insults mixed in. Seen the same, I seem to find too many q6 pipe machine guns as well. Whether it is just coincidence is still up for debate as people tend to be sensitive for noticing coincidences. If you had said you find to many q6 anything, someone else might have chimed in and agreed. This is simply wrong. I don't know what mistake you made, but my guess is you forgot to turn some of the produce to seeds again. And yes, even when you do this you still have gained some produce for cooking on average. Make the test with 10 seeds at the start and always generate enough seeds so you can replant 10 seeds. After 4 seasons you should have about 45 produce left as profit with LotL1, and 125 produce with LotL3. I did the math multiple times, I played two games by now with just Living of the Land 1 in which the farm showed the expected profit. ...
  24. Ok. If everyone is sharing his opinion, I will share ours: We (the people who don't much care about realism) don't care much about realism. 😁
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