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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. So you get the same problem in vanilla. Interesting, it may be a real bug. Clearing out old configuration can be done with a tool in the launcher. Click on the blue banner link that is displayed on every page here in the forum to find a howto. If you have worlds or savegames from previous alphas you want to keep, copy them to a backup location before you do this.
  2. Probably 90% of the forum posters are the same 50 people all year through. If they don't shout "great idea" the first 3 times you post something it is likely they will not react with enthusiasm the next 10 times as well. Sometimes you just have to accept that a wonderful idea you have is just not the right idea for a specific crowd. I posted an idea in the dev diary 2 weeks ago to see how it would be received. I got 8 likes, 1 dislike and 2-3 people posting to say they don't like the idea and why. I would translate that to a mixed reaction. I won't ask again since I'm sure to get much the same reaction again if I did. I might make a mod for it eventually but I don't think this idea will be adopted by TFP because of forum support.
  3. About one thing you are right, the night time generator missions are much more difficult than other missions of the same tier. Usually those difficulty spikes happen at the start of every new major alpha version and get smoothed out over the next months through player feedback. In this case they could for example move those quests one or two tiers higher or they could make the warning more obvious that this is a difficult quest. PS: In my first generator mission I survived because I went up on a ladder going to the next room and shot zombies in the head who tried to follow me up the ladder. And yes, I had a pistol as well 😉
  4. Doesn't seem to have helped in a similar case. I assume the drone file just has some information about mods installed, but the most important data is directly stored in the player data. Probably the player data tells the game there is a drone with id x, but there is no drone file with id x. Which would mean you can't get rid of it without deleting the player itself
  5. "Fear of Dying" may not be the best word for it. But when you watch playthroughs over and over it is the helplessness that makes you fear any surprise contact as it means you are fodder for an horificly deformed monster (there is often disgust mixed into the horror to make it more effective). It isn't the unknown, you know very well what to expect. I may be relatively blunted and don't feel much horror, so read my dry analysis with a grain of salt 😉
  6. I got both L4D in my steam library but don't seem to have even installed them at any time. Most of the games you usually mention I don't even own. In my mind I usually have to substitute those parts of your posts with "mumble mumble horror shooter mumble" 😁
  7. So then why did YOU bring up "child zombies" again? It was you who talked about them in the post I quoted. Most likely they will still add the new clothes system if they have time, but if enough people protest after trying it out that they can't individualize their toon anymore they will then adapt the feature. Maybe add mods that change the outfit, ... In theory they might listen if 100 players said the same thing 1 time, I doubt they will listen when 1 player says the same thing 100 times. And clearly if they were agreeing with you that there was something wrong about 7D2D then they would probably change it in 7D2D as well, not only in the next game. Just as an example, removing the drone is absolutely trivial to do. If they were agreeing with you they would not wait for 7D2D 2 to implement that change they would do it immediately.
  8. Sorry for the cheap shot 😉. But I also explained why I think the horror of the unknown can't happen to you anymore, not even with the music. I may be wrong but the music just added to your fear of getting into a dangerous situation and getting killed. A big hint is that the music runs in loops. If the music were sooo important why don't you fear again and again whenever it plays? Ok, I'll just say that I started in A15 and my first hours in my first playthrough had a high level of horror. But the next 5 playthroughs it was a lot of fun but not much horror. It wasn't an intrinsic characteristic of A15, it was just that the first time everything was new. I think your ability to feel horror in a game you played for hours depends largely on whether you find a specific difficulty setting that generates the right amount of danger without making the game too frustratingly difficult. And new features might give you some horific surprise from time to time. Nothing specififc to A15 or A16. Just my opinion, but thinking back at A16 the most horror I had was when I ran the minibike into a lake, 😉 Well, ask me. Apart from when I first played the game, nope. I get exactly the same fear whenever I feel that an unlucky spawn of zombies could end my life any second, no matter the alpha. The best moment I had in a long time was when I did my first generator-turn-on-at-night quest in A20. Because it was unknown what would happen and actually a lot happened. But already the second time doing a night-quest was much much less fear-inducing. I didn't expect the feeling to last. Yes, that is a problem A15/A16 didn't have. Not the music, not some horror feel, it is that early game is over too fast now.
  9. This "I saw some video by random guy on the internet and it suggested X and then came Y" happens a lot here because this game was developed in public view from the start and the developer themselves were experimenting with what they wanted from the game. If you don't want a game to change under your feet, don't buy Early-Access games. If you want to have specific things in a game and it isn't written in large letters on the steam front page, don't buy Early-Access games. And yes, there is the word "horror" printed on the steam front page, but there are many forms of horror. Foul-looking Zombies who attack you may not be enough for you, but it is clearly enough for a checkmark on that label and enough for first-time players and sometimes even veterans to feal fear. Accept that you made a mistake buying into this EA game and play the "real" dark horror game with child zombies and lots of guns that best fills your need, whatever that is. Accept that posting your desires into almost every new topic will still not change the style the developers intend for their game. I'll go out on a limb and predict that 7D2D will surely never be a "dark horror" game in its vanilla form.
  10. "Unknown opponent" says the 1000 hours player without seeing a problem as big as an aircraft hangar I had my most fear-inducing moments happen when I played my first few hours in the game along time ago. And since I always turn off music in games I don't think this fear of the unknown has much to do with the quality of any horror-music. After that first game the typical "fear" I got was mostly at the start of a game when I'm frightfully underpowered and for example going out at night could be my end in seconds. So fear in a horror game like this is fear of the unknown combined with the fear to meet enemies that will likely end your life. Fear of the unknown can only really happen for an extended time in a first playthrough (or when going into completely new POIs or new situations, mainly in a new alpha). I get that you want to play this game again as if it was the first time, but recognize that a game can only give you fear of the unknown as long as there is something unknown left to fear. What is left is fear for your life and that depends on your reflexes and shooter skills and knowledge of the game and whether you really fear death in the game. Due to the endless possibilities of putting or destroying blocks in the game, the open world and the need to make it work for new players you also can't have a situation identical to a linear horror shooter where you might feel that fear for your life nearly every time playing it.
  11. There is no rule how a mod would work if it doesn't work correctly. There is no strict rule how the game works if it is really f* up. Is that bag pack mod adapted for A20? You could ask the mod author or read recent posts on his thread to see if others with his mod had similar problems You can simply make a test game with underground blades, use stuff from creative menue to get underground fast and test it on a blood moon. If there is no problem, try the same setup with the mod installed on the next blood moon. If one or both show the error we know much more. And if both show no error a likely scenario is that your savegame is broken. Always possible is a bug that is very elusive or one of the players not having deleted old configuration that makes the game misbehave.
  12. No change to traps AFAIK. If you don't already know: The spike traps and barbed wire are supposed to be dug into the ground so their top is level with the ground. If you just place them on level ground they will be seen as a block that is in the way, so the zombies will see a faster path circling around them. Put them into the ground and the zombies will happily walk over them and as a bonus even avoid those holes where a trap has been destroyed since a hole would slow them down as well.
  13. Please do not double post in this forum. I deleted your bug report as you would just have been asked to make a proper bug report anyway. No matter where you post you need to post your logfile as well. Wihtout logfile people here can only make broad guesses what it can be and you wil probably just get generic advice. So please read the pinned thread on how to post a logfile and then post that logfile: https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?tab=comments#comment-3956
  14. Give a lvl0 character an M60 and an unlimited supply of AP ammo and he can play on insane difficulty without a care in the world. Which doesn't sound clumsy to me. Sure, shooting depends a lot on player skill instead of some values in the game but it shows how that "pathetic" label breaks down with shooting already I actually can't see how a lot of the perks can be compared to reality. How is better barter 0 or better barter 3 compared to my real skill at bargaining? In my country you don't haggle in the shops (like they would do in Turkey or arabian countries for example). If you haggle (usually when buying cars) it usually is about a discount that already is built into the price so you feel better after having spent a fortune. Another example: Playing miner. The few times I helped friends or relatives with building their house I didn't even last a day shipping sand. How can that be compared to someone who is able to dig to bedrock in a single day at level 0 ?
  15. You are using a modded game. Are you sure the problem isn't coming from the mods or a combination of two incompatible mods? 1) Make a new game, without any mods. If the issue is gone, make a new game with half the mods included. If the issue is still gone make a new game after adding a few more, if not make a new game with less. Find the exact mod that does it and talk to the mod author. Be aware that it might be a problem of two mods interacting badly. 2) If the issue is not gone in vanilla, come back here and post your logfile of that vanilla game with the issue. Read the pinned thread in this forum that tells you to read it, it will tell you how to post the logfile correctly
  16. Finding AP ammo may just be the part of the loot balance that isn't there yet as they restructured the loot system in A20 again (clearly they are still not satisfied with it and have been at it the last alphas). In my MP game I play perception and through buying and finding I had about 80 bullets AP ammo in the third blood moon which was enough as the blood moon was still short. The interesting part is yet to come, will I find enough of that ammo to buy and loot at higher levels. At least I expect more AP ammo to drop the higher my loot gamestage gets. But I don't expect to use AP ammo on POI raiding and keep it strictly for horde nights You will not hear the "better barter" song from me. Unless I specialize in INT those two levels of better barter that you can get somewhat cheaply save you 15% (10% buying and 10% selling which might be half your income =~ 15%) but do NOT change what the trader has to offer. Even if you get the third point and a better secret stash this probably will not suddenly give you heaps of the right AP ammo. Me personally, I just like how RNG sometimes just doesn't provide the right stuff and gives you unexpected problems. If you don't find that book you can continue to search for it and use that ammo sparingly (in SP day 50 is mid game for me), depend more on demolition or even melee on horde nights, or use rifles just for the high damage value (i.e. concentrate on head shots instead). Just for completness sakes I could mention forgetin elixier but in all my games I have not used that even once.
  17. Above is the link we show posters here in General Support so they post a logfile. We see a lot of different symptoms for any bug or corrupted game, many times only the logfile gives us the neccessary information to find out what could be happening. Even though that thread above is trying everything to be conspicuous, only about 1 in 4 posters adds a logfile to his initial posting. Really sad that all the volunteers here trying to help have to waste a lot of their time reminding people to read before posting
  18. But you also have 2 crops that you should save and then ... And the 8 plus the 2 crops from before get you another chance of planting 2 seeds. It isn't over yet and there are about 5 more seasons of total failure before you would have to call a defeat. The question is what is it that you risk? If your potato farm fails you either have to switch to pies or a meat diet, the latter is the fallback you can always do. Now if potatoes are important to you, then yes, plant more. 10 in a row is almost nuclear reactor level safety.
  19. To recover immediately from one total failure with 3 seeds you need exactly 3 spare crops. Naturally now you can ask what if there are two such failures in a row. 0 seeds from 3 seeds isn't exactly seldom, the chance is 1/8. Once you have such a failure, the chance for a second one immediately afterwards is 1/8. But the thing is, you could still recover from two total failures in a row if you just turn all crops now to seeds and use nothing for cooking until you are back at 3 seeds. This is about a 50/50 chance it seems. It is likely that you will find a seed or some crops in the meantime and simply get back by "external infusion". The more seeds you start with the less likely that total failure gets naturally.
  20. It is even easier to simply ignore worlds and save files with an old version number than automatically deleting it. Where is the improvement ticket pool to be found ? Don't tell me you meant Pimp dreams 😉
  21. They have told him this was one way to have practically the same result as zombies not digging on horde night. And I thought that "have underground base" was the way he wanted to play and nobody told him not to do that. Naturally in a strict nitpicky way you are absolutely correct: A: "I want to shoot zombies in the head but I always hit the torso" B: "Point the gun a little higher" A: "Don't tell me how to play the game" 😉
  22. Lets say this: If you want to stand in a 7x5x3 melee cage at insane difficulty then yes, this definitely won't fly in A20 unless you turned down block damage to 5%. But I don't know how you built in A16, what your self-imposed limitations are exactly (like "I want to fight on the ground") and what you wanted to do. In general, if you want to melee, especially after demos turn up, you can't do that without redundancy and a way to either cut off access ways or leading them elsewhere. In A18 I had a SP game where I used to knife them in melee (vanilla, difficulty 2). Naturally I was breached sometimes when I forgot to repair in time, but then I would go to my other position and melee from there. The secondary position was a different design and there were multiple positions for meleeing. But the zombies likewise tried to breach at different spots. If that position was breached I still had a building with roof (no melee from there). The base worked quite well and it was a very dynamic way of fighting. I didn't play the game long enough for demos to turn up in numbers. But sure, demos would have meant at least more redundancy and upgrades if not a change of plan. But if you want a shooter base, I don't see the problem. You just present them with lots of stuff to break and they will break it. If there is no direct path to you they will break random spots. Your repair bill will be big, just like in A16. If there is a direct path you can lead most of them away from blocks you want them not to hit anymore. Strange, that happens to me a lot since A17 😉. Mostly in SP. Well, you want it harder, right? Otherwise why turn up difficulty? And if you turn down block damage to get it back to the block damage at a normal difficulty melee is definitely possible. On one hand you say it is boring (which can only mean the zombies have no chance and there are no breaches), on the other hand you say it would be too difficult to defend a base with less than the optimal strategy. Doesn't it make sense that there is a sweat spot between those two poles? MY zombies hit walls. Though current A20 zombies have some bugs in the AI because of all the new shapes.
  23. Naturally I meant steel in end-game. Concrete or even cobblestone will work for first horde(s). If it doesn't on higher difficulties, setting block damage of zombies a bit lower might work. If we are talking game theory or what TFP should do you may be right to argue like that. But speaking about you personally, if you have specific likes that can only be satisfied if the zombies attack from all sides then make them. Its your own fault if you play a boring horde night but can't be bothered to adjust game play to your liking. So turn down zombie block damage, build a blocky castle and defend that. "Predictable is not horror". Yes. But the A16 zombies were predictable as well. At least I was never thinking "Oh my god, now they come from the south, when I expected them to still come from the north-west. Oh the horror, they now will hit pristine new defenses instead of the worn down blocks on the north-west side". Especially bad was that just by moving to stand before a different block you could make them ignore a block they had nearly run down and hit on new blocks. Where is the horror in that? And since you bring the efficiency argument against building a full 360 degree base in A20, why didn't you always build a stilt base in A16 and complain that it was unfun? Since this AI bug was never fixed in A16 you would be forced to use a stilt base and let them run around below. When you say perimeter defenses are dead I simply get the impression you are stuck in your routine of building always the same 7x5x3 bunker and working from there. I still use a lot of perimeter defense to slow zombies down. My suggestion is simply to build the horde base that gives you fun defending it, even if it isn't the most efficient design. I still have fun designing varied horde bases and trying them out, they are seldom perfect or really efficient, but this is probably not your thing,
  24. Maybe you had lots of old-west towns? Also it depends what you call town versus city. Many of the thingies I would still call towns have a very small central town district.
  25. In A15/A16 players used separate horde bases as well (at least we did and that suggestions was widely floating around). And basically you only need a separate horde base if you think your base could be breached, a measure of how safe you feel about the danger the zombies represent. So using your crafting base as horde base is not exactly a compliment to the games survival or horror part. And you still can have your base be horde base as well, you just need to make sure you have redundant and/or layered defenses to manage the risk. Naturally if you want your containers and the fight on ground level that is hardly manageable, but having the living rooms high above on thick pillars is very safe. I know of numerous occasions of us getting killed and demo breaches on horde night, but our base collapsing? I can't think of a single collapse in all of A17 to A20 What is stopping you from building simple steel blocks with concentric rings of (submerged, so they are level with the ground) traps in all directions? Lots more work but the zombies will not have any distinct way they prefer.
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