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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. What was that mountain of food made of? Even without recipes you have a few basic recipes you can cook.
  2. The intention expressed by the developers is that hunger and thirst should only be a problem in the first days. Would you like it if you still had to fight hunger and thirst on day 30? Play a 100% survival game if you want that A new alpha always starts tough in my experience. I remember how A17 was so much harder initially. Then, after a few rounds of balancing it was back at the usual difficulty again where veterans were complaining it is too easy. Yes, the nerf was too far. Next patch will surely be a boost again. PS: If it is too much for you, just play something else until the game is in a more balanced state.
  3. So if you use a shotgun, investing in the shotgun perk that will make the shotgun eventually twice as effective (+50% damage + 50% faster fire rate +30% faster reload, shots to legs slow them) is useless? 😧🤔 Please explain. "The better the perk the bigger impact" . That is already how it works.
  4. Madmole said something about INFINITE duct tape. 500 is, by my calculation, an infinite amount away from infinite. Now MM wasn't too exact either, even before you needed bones and so infinite duct tape never was not possible 😉. But the water change adds some costs to the production. You want 500 duct tape per week? Then find and pay for ~10 filters and collect water every day. Duct tape just got a little bit more expensive and time consuming to craft. And what you fail to mention was that this was just one reason of at least three why they made the change
  5. All zombies in POIs spawn in only after you cross a threshold line. If it is done correctly you will just not see it happen because you have no view into the room at the moment. But I know what you are talking about, the "trigger rooms". In theory every zombie makes a stealth skill check the moment you cross the line and if distance and stealth is high enough the zombie will spawn but not detect you. Also in theory any such situation can be "stealthed" even if you are detected by some zombies. Just run back a distance, hide behind a corner and wait for the zombies losing your scent (which happens faster with higher stealth). That you can't go undetected as a stealther all the time is AFAIK intended. But it is surely possible that the POI designers are overusing the trigger effect.
  6. When are you getting what error message exactly? Where is your logfile? Since you seem to be starting a brand new dedicated server you should not have ANY messages about players or users. Are you using the same world names and seeds like in a previous alpha so the server tries to start an old savegame?
  7. In our group we did 8 quests and I got the magazine bundle 4 times while another player got exactly 0. Don't know about the other 2 players, I forgot to ask them, but they didn't sound as if they had as many as I did. It definitely seems the chance is lower than 50/50 now to get the bundle. Since Faatal said it would be 50/50 though it might actually be a bug. Better would be to nerf magazine amount a bit more (as it still is the best choice most of the time) and make it turn up in say 75% of cases. On your luck in looting: That can happen and it isn't even very improbable. The buff from perks is very small. You will only notice it in the long run or after reaching max perk level. But a longer stone age is intented and all the crafting is optional (even though not finding "Forge ahead" books can really really slow you down). Anything can still be found in loot or bought at the trader as well. Just because the magazines are in everyone's mind at the moment crafting is just one alternative. What you can do is hit hardware stores for "forge ahead" and loot newspaper stands for any magazines. And get some money to buy what you need at the trader. You could wait for the bicycle as the tier1 quest reward, then branch out to nearby traders, as your choices broaden with every further trader you have access to. A point in Daring Adventurer will also give you a slightly better selection. Ah, and on the price of the filter. A tier1 clear quest seems to gives 800 dukes. So previously you needed 2 such quests for a filter that practically solves drinking water (if you upgrade water to tea). Now you need 3, so at least the normal player will have to endure the full first day without a dew collector. Sounds still ok to me.
  8. The rationale is different: You always have lots of bottles with you or available, they are just not represented in the game, just like you have as many gas cans to fill up gasoline whenever you need to. So you find water in a toilet. You bottle it up and voila you have a water jar. You drink it and the water jar is somewhere not shown again. If you looted a petrol station in previous alphas, the same happened. You seem to have empty gas cans with you, or you find them there. But they are not shown, just the bottled up gasoline is shown. It is implied that you never have a problem finding containers for any of the fluids in the game. It is even the same with food: You don't ever see or have an empty container for cakes, but you surely won't try to stuff a cheese cake or a meat stew in your backpack without using a container. Yet you never see or need to take an empty container with you for meat stew in the game.
  9. There is a general support section in the forum, good for problems you are not sure about. And the error message means that no "Other" folder was found. And A21 seems to have no "Other" folder at that location, if it is gone it might be just right.
  10. With the way magazines are set up they would probably just decrease the number of magazines you need to reach every milestone. But no matter which method they would employ it would also change the balance for the whole game, because players who play it normally would get the workstations in no time if those drop more in loot and can be bought more often at the trader. I can think of one solution that would specifically address the ungrouped SP miner/builder (who is the only one with a problem really) without changing overall balance too much: If you perk into AdvancedEngineering you always have a very small chance to find a diamond while digging below ground (i.e. whenever destroying a dirt block). And you can trade in diamonds for specific magazines like forge ahead at the trader.
  11. Yes, it is, and it is also almost finished. They have a plan, a small team, and it would probably be a bad move changing course so late in the development. Much better to add additional stuff on top as an expansion, DLC, or second iteration. This also helps modders, as they want a stable base game eventually so they don't need to adapt their mods all the time. Per definition TFP is definitely indie, as they don't belong to one of the big publishers. But sure, they are definitely not a 1- or 2-man team that makes the game with money lent from their grandma 😁, they have slowly expanded and now their size might be comparable to developers like Obsidian was before their buyout (I say this without actually comparing numbers, so could be way off, it is just a guess) Do you mean DLC? I am just a player, not employed by TFP. I don't know their further plans and they have kept mostly silent about them, but I think they don't like DLCs very much. So I would bet my money on some free patches to supply stuff that is still promised from the kickstarter but missing and then 7D2D 2. They are going to finish the game. I would say many of us players would like them to continue indefinitely, but they need new sources of income and for the sake of the future console version there needs to be an end as well. No need. Forums are and should be free sources of information
  12. The devs are fans of a lean game where every item is unique. So each family of weapons has unique characteristics and the family only exists so there is a progression from weak to powerful. The company making this game is small. They could add more but not enough to really make it look like no zombies repeat. So it seems they put their efforts elsewhere The casino is probably just the main base of the bandits with the Duke being head honcho. TFP want to finish the game so apart from zombies and a few other things the game is almost complete. Further expansion of the game will likely happen in 7D2D 2. Or an expansion/DLC. If you get bored you might increase the frequency of the horde night and/or increase difficulty. The gameplay loop is normally about preparing for the horde night which will increase in severity. Have you seen demolishers yet on horde night? No pets expected. The drone was chosen as companion because they avoided a lot of pathing issues with it The story they plan to add won't be big. NPCs will not fill the world, though possibly they have plans for a few specific NPCs (?), I don't know. Mostly they will add bandits together with new player characters. You can find a short list of what is still planned for the game on the first page of this thread. Sounds very much like fallout. I don't think the devs are fans of just copying stuff from other games. And they definitely don't have the manpower to mimic the much larger game.
  13. You are doing something wrong. One possible hitch: steam changed steamcmd a while ago so you first have to change the directory it downloads to and then login. Did you see steam downloading something? If yes, it probably has updated something, just not in the location you were hoping.
  14. If that's the case shouldn't you have been able to buy/loot a motorbike or its parts by now? Did you try to loot car-centric POIs? It is actually still quite random. In our game I can already craft a quality 5 turret while I haven't looted or been able to buy even a quality 1. But there are other magazine types where we are behind our finds.
  15. You are sure you didn't start this game in B313? Sorry I am asking, but I have seen floating trees in my game **because** of the update to B317.
  16. You are sure you didn't start this game in B313? Sorry I am asking, but I have seen floating trees in my game **because** of the update to B317.
  17. Possibly. I have experienced such a situation once or twice in my SP agility game as well where zombies seemed to come from nowhere. If it is an exception it is ok. But if POI designers have switched to making all new POIs full with such surprises then this might eventually make stealth unplayable or at least undesireable. On the other hand: I had a fight in a warehouse that was difficult but perfectly stealthable. A zombie did drop on my head, but I had heard him before so he had obviously spawned. I just couldn't locate him because I couldn't see over a balcony. And then I got careless while trying to climb the balcony. I survived, narrowly. Please remember that the zombie spawning is done this way because of performance. It is not what anyone wants, least of all TFP themselves, but they need to keep FPS up and there is no easy solution. Many many compromises in the game are only there for performance reasons. A voxel game with a fully destructible world can not use many of the tricks used by games with a static world.
  18. No, I won't change how you **feel**, that is very clear. If someone plays this game just for its crafting aspect, he could actually, from his viewpoint, argue that his progression is almost fully governed by Learn-by-Reading. The difficulty for such a player (in all alphas) was to make a main occupation out of something that was designed as one of many small side jobs.
  19. Weapons and food can easily be found in loot. The joke would be on the one who can read but gets eaten by zombies while reading a magazine 😁
  20. Regarding the trader I am fully on your side. I think they need to tone down the rewards and distribute that money into the loot boxes of the POIs. I don't know if they will listen to the argument that a no-trader game isn't possible anymore. But I am pretty sure that the balance between SP and up to 8 players MP is important to them and I think that is currently very far from a balanced state. And the solution could be to place more loot inside POIs instead of into the quest reward But I need more playtesting myself to make sure I have a good case to bring forward. I don't expect them to listen to someone who is just on day 5 or 6 in his first game with a group.
  21. Wasn't that always the case? I remember that I had to do tricks in the bear den for years to get the bears to spawn. The mechanism works well when the threshold is horizontal, but when you have to drop down it always was a problem triggering it without losing stealth. Just for completeness sake, what I did was put a ladder so I could go down slowly and even when I fall off could exit again. I did do this on all occasion when I had to drop down somewhere, not only in the bear den
  22. Check FPS on the clients and the server. Server should always be well above 20 and clients above 50.
  23. Sorry, it is still LBP. The only difference now is that instead of finding complete schematics you find them "in pieces". And the alternative of getting them via perks was removed.
  24. I think water consumption depends on activity just like food. If am correct, you should not run distances in heavy armor for example or start digging through the night in your first nights. What you can do is invest in iron gut and rule 1 cardio. What you definitely always should do is not drink water. Drink tea. Especially Red Tea as it also reduces food consumption when you are doing something. Teas give you 25 water while the water only gives you 20. Charred meat is normally only needed on the first day as emergency food if at all. Make grilled meat, needs no water and has no penalty. I think the balance is meant to be one dew collector is enough to supply one player. Additionally you can add further collectors for glue OR buy that stuff regularily at the trader and loot it. I find lots of glue in loot but you will see only half of that, so I think dew collectors are your best bet. If you have loot at 50% and you play as a group you definitely need to buy food and water at the trader in the first days. Dew collectors reacting to rain would pose implementation problems and lower FPS. The problem is that areas where no player is are not loaded and not simulated. So either they load areas with dew collectors anyway (FPS draw) or dew collectors only collect rain when you are standing beside them
  25. The perks main function is to boost your powers. The small buff to magazine finding is just a safeguard for single players mainly for bad luck and could actually be removed. Would make the game harder for novice players though and vanilla has to be a good starting point for new players. Remember that crafting of weapons and armor in the last alphas was practically nonexistent. You almost always found better weapons before you could craft them. Crafting was inconsequential. Now you make it sound like the ultimate goal of progression in A21 is the crafting and anything else does not matter and the new system is simply Learn by Reading. For me it is still a perk system. Only recipe learning is handled by some magazines. It isn't. A16 to A17 with the complete perk overhaul was a much bigger change than this. A17 to A18 was also changing the perk system and waswhere the weapon system overhaul was (or was that A17 too?). The difference is that only this change now seems to have affected **your** game-play loop. For me not much has changed compared to A20, I don't care much whether I find or craft my weapons.
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