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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I notice you didn't say which level you are on day 20, but I would guess pretty high-level since you have lots of end-game gear. For a shooter-experienced player it is easy to speed-run the game, normal players do NOT have a blue machete on day 20. Far from it. If you only need 15 bullets per POI even when using guns then you must be able to make headshots every single time. "Normal" players hope to get body shots in and I would estimate use from 3-5 bullets per single zombie (though what is normal in this case? I'm using this word since I couldn't think of a better one).
  2. What if all INT turret/drones kept their place in inventory but grayed out when you place them ? I think this would be a general improvement of drone/turret handling because: 1) You would not reuse that slot and then have to search for the drone in inventory. Happens with turrets all the time. 2) You then could still access the menue of the drone with holding R and that would be the signal for the drone to approach you !
  3. I don't think there are tier1 restore power quests. If you don't see an acceptable quest on your level just select one from the 5 tier1 quests offered. Not speaking for TFP, but restore-power quests actually have buffed loot in them because it is night and often in the town center. I actually got stuff out that looked better than the stuff out of normal POIs. TFP could reason that it is a choice like going to the wasteland for the higher loot gamestage. I think an easy fix to the trader loot would be to have tier3 restore-power quests use tier2 POIs, tier4 use tier3 POIs, and so on. This would make the quest overall easier at a specific tier while keeping the higher trader reward of that tier
  4. This gets the Meganoth Royal Seal of Approval 😉. As long as ammo is not really scarce the scrap machine gun will always own the other scrap weapons, especially the pistol. The "normal" use for guns in the first days is as a oh-@%$# weapon and for that task ammo usage is secondary anyway, only magazine size and damage count. By changing ammo types for scrap pistol to .44 and scrap machine gun to 9mm players would have valid alternatives to choose from. And I think it would add a little depth to the early gun crafting
  5. The casino of tomorrow will be outdoors: https://www.theenergymix.com/2021/10/12/crop-failures-nearly-5-times-more-likely-by-2030/ This is a simulation after all 😁
  6. Let say I can sleep soundly with the knowledge that it will always be possible with minimal developer effort to add some more oomph to the stealth perk so that moving around, shooting at closets and zombies won't wake up further zombies. So TFP might be just peachy with the current run&gun shooter game park situation, but repairing stealth will always be possible without any side effects on the run&gun. No painting themselves into a corner.
  7. I did not say you should bring more facts or invest more time, but without the drama the facts you did provide would probably have more effect, would not be so easily dismissed. Most people ranting seem to be amplifying anything they say, their feedback is often untrustworthy, their arguments immature. If you want to be pigeonholed into belonging to that group, go ahead. This only works if the listener subscribes to this philosophy as well 😉. The standard philosphy is more like "You reap what you sow" or in German "Wie du in den Wald hineinrufst, so schallt es heraus". I don't think the developers have any desire to act as psychotherapists of their players, venting will likely get your arguments ignored. Well, I interpret it as "Unbudging towards feedback once a final decision was made", and that is a sound strategy if you develop any game that is supposed to be eventually released. No approach is ever without up- and downsides , and there are always fans and naysayers about any decision. You can't make it right for everyone and something like the action skills is to a large part a subjective preference. I don't find it very surprising that a mechanism that got changed needs a few rounds of balancing again. It is only human to subconsciously favor the own playstyle if you design a game, so that is quite possible. It is absolutely against any logic though to suppose that a developer puts hundreds of hours of work into features with the **intention** to make them unplayable or have players not use those features. A developer wants his game to be played and wants everything used and played. He may try to prevent the player from using a feature in a specific way he sees as bad for the game but he always will want the players use the feature.
  8. If his point were that you must be able to go through a POI without a single hitch and stealth killing every single zombie, then yes, you would be correct. But his account talks about a majority of rooms failing and zombies waking even with stealth shots that are supposed to be silent. And that is something I've seen myself though without a throrough test. If stealth allows you to shoot 4 of the 20 zombies in a POI and the rest all have to be killed conventionally in combat, how can you justify spending 15 perk points for stealth and bow perks? I don't understand why VicIII always adds unneccessary drama in his reports accusations, but there seems to be a balance issue here and he is right to call it out. @Viktoriusiii, if they hated stealth they simply would not have added it to the game. You just devalue your own reports and make readers suspect the factual evidence you bring is imagined or grossly exaggerated. Are you surprised nobody is listening to you? I'm not.
  9. If it is too long, remove some unimportant parts in the middle, not at the start of the file and not where the error happens. Then use pastebin. Are the mods already updated to A20? I would say your inventory is bugged and needs to be deleted if you can't access it. This means deleting your player in your savegame and creating a copy with the help of the giveselfxp command and creative menue, Since most other people can play with turrets just fine and it happened in A19 as well a problem with your specific installation is the most probable cause, not a game bug. Since you played with mods you might think about deleting your old games directory once and completely redownloading from steam to make sure no extraneous files are left from past modding. Even better, to make sure you have a clean install you could follow these steps: 1) Install Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022 if you don't have it already, maybe even reinstall it(?) even if you do 2) Look at your virus scanner. Are the directories where your savegames are stored and the games directory inside steam excluded from scanning? (I'm on a different OS and don't need to do this so I'm a bit unsure which dir is the important one to exclude, so my advice is to do both). You don't want to exclude all of steam as you still want games to be checked by your scanner. And once 7D2D is out of EA you should remove the exception on the game directory again. 3) Start the game launcher, switch to the Tools-tab, select the last option in that list, check all boxes and start it. This will delete all settings, all generated world on the local machine, all save games. If you wanna keep a world and savegame, make a backup before doing this. 4) Delete the game's directory by hand, i.e. not through steam but with Windows Explorer. Revalidate the game through steam. The current version should now be A20 b233. If you have a separate dedicated server, delete and revalidate that one too. 5) Now that everything is clean, add the serverconfig.xml to the dedicated server if you have one. Make sure there is a line with "ZombieFeralSense" in it, otherwise you used a 19.5 serverconfig.xml as basis, that would not be good. 6) Whatever world you are creating or starting, it should have a unique name so it never can interfer with any worlds reloaded from backup. The easiest way to insure that is to have the string "A20" in all world names you create for A20.
  10. The long streets running through a town should be safe.
  11. It shouldn't be a problem for the objective of influencing TFP (except if a dev from TFP himself is calling it a rant). AFAIK Devs have no time to read longer discussions or lengthy arguments who is right, who is irrational and who says someone else is ranting. They'll read feedback that interests them and probably the shorter the better the chances to be read. This was the reason Roland moved all the discussions into the parallel discussion thread at the end of A19, so just the feedback and questions directed at Madmole/TPF was left and could be skimmed or read in acceptable time.
  12. Small correction. Nobody needs to wait for 10 seeds to pile up before starting. Immediately plant away and save all produce for seed production until you are at least at 10 seeds and you have a large time advantage and exactly the same chances as long as you eventually find 10 seeds.
  13. I don't see much difference to my experience though. Sure, there are lulls around my base especially, but if we are talking about rabbits for example I just need to drive into a random direction, stop and crouch for a few seconds and most of the time I see 1 or 2 of them highlighted in green around me. The difficult question is: Are we seeing the same thing and interpret it differently or is there an actual objective difference? Even if I did now restart the game every hour and noticed more zombies (which I wouldn't be surprised if it happened) this would still not tell us much, because from my viewpoint the game works as expected even if I don't restart. Here is a test maybe if you are playing on a pregen world: Play the game for 2 hours, don't restart. Drive to the center of 2 towns you haven't been before and 2 you already have been, but not in the last 3 in-game days. Write down the coordinates, the time and the number of zombies you saw after standing there, shooting with a shotgun 3 times (once per minute) and waiting for 5 minutes. Also tell us which pregen world, your player level and what armor you have on you. I then do the same and count as well. This way we will see if our games are fundamentally different and we also see what number of zombies to expect in visted areas after respawn and new areas.
  14. What can't you use? There is a detailed explanation in there how to post your logfiles. If you don't want to make that effort, nobody here can help you. Because I don't know your problem, BFT doesn't know it, Sylen doesn't, nobody does. I play the game with 3 friends and have 40 FPS on blood moon with a relatively midlevel machine and a rented server. Seems fixed to me.
  15. There, corrected it for you. 😁 My adivce; Play stable.
  16. There is a simple option that allows you to be 100% safe down there without any effort: Turn the BlockDamage of AI to the lowest possible value. The client only allows you to go down to 25%. If that isn't enough, use a dedicated server and change it in serverconfig.xml. I wouldn't set it to 0, as that possibly wasn't tested, but set it to 1 and zombies would need 100 times longer to dig down meaning they would take in-game weeks for any noticable distance.
  17. Follow the link SylenThunder posted, read!
  18. Once the upper block is destroyed and zombies hit on the lower block that distinction is strictly academic to the soon-to-be-dead survivor. 😁 Both blocks being bars is obviously more sturdy than bar+plate. Red Eagle surely posted that picture just for comparison of the two types This is called "fan service" 😉
  19. Very true, complaining is necessary. But rants are not. Rants are only necessary if there is a shouting match going on where nobody is listening to reason anymore. Loot was changed from A19 because people had given valid reasons for their dislike beside some people ranting. Other things like digging zombies were not changed even though people posted rants about it. Maybe you equate complaints with rants, I see a difference there.
  20. Bars can be doubled up as well, taking up exactly the same space as doubled up plates.
  21. If you want help post your problem in the "General Support" section. Follow the advice in the pinned thread on how to report an issue.
  22. In my humble opinion going back to 19.5 is not the solution. As a checklist here some stuff you should have done or do now: 1) Install Microsoft Visual C Redistributables 2022 if you don't have it already, maybe even reinstall it(?) even if you do 2) Look at your virus scanner. Are the directories where your savegames are stored and the games directory inside steam excluded from scanning? (I'm on a different OS and don't need to do this so I'm a bit unsure which dir is the important one to exclude, so my advice is to do both). You don't want to exclude all of steam as you still want games to be checked by your scanner. And once 7D2D is out of EA you should remove the exception on the game directory again. 3) Start the game launcher, switch to the Tools-tab, select the last option in that list, check all boxes and start it. This will delete all settings, all generated world on the local machine, all save games. If you wanna keep a world and savegame, make a backup before doing this. 4) Delete the game's directory by hand, i.e. not through steam but with Windows Explorer. Revalidate the game through steam, it will take some time. The current version should now be A20 b233. If you have a separate dedicated server, revalidate that one too. 5) Now that everything is clean, add the serverconfig.xml to the dedicated server if you have one. Make sure there is a line with "ZombieFeralSense" in it, otherwise you used a 19.5 serverconfig.xml as basis, that would not be good. 6) Whatever world you are creating or starting, it should have a unique name so it never can interfer with any worlds reloaded from backup. The easiest way to insure that is to have the string "A20" in all world names you create for A20. 7) Play the game. If it still doesn't work, come back here, make a new thread, read https://community.7daystodie.com/topic/3956-how-to-report-an-issue-please-read-before-creating-new-threads/?do=getNewComment and follow iits advice how to post your logfile.
  23. There are multiple ways: You can make the game server start at boot time with systemd. Alternatively with crontab you can start and stop the server at specific times. Stopping just when your friends are finished is a little more complicated if you don't want your friends have an account on that server or easy if that is no problem. Alternatively stopping can be done with crontab again at specific times when you are sure nobody is playing (for example on my server I let the stop-script run every night at 3 am) Turning on a machine from phone is possible as well, I just don't know if there is an android app that does it. And you would have to find out if you can do it from anywhere with the help of your router and some port-forwarding. Search for "wake-on-lan". If wake-on-lan isn't working that way and you can't find another way to wake up the machine you might have to let the machine run and only have the server running on request. Or turn on the machine regularily at specific times, like every night at 9. So I would start by finding out if the wake-on-lan thingy works.
  24. What does "close it every hour" mean? And I was saying that I would not expect you to do it unpaid. Since I have no beef with zombie spawns I definitely won't. 😉 There is a big difference between subjectively noticing fewer zombies and providing hard facts. How do you show zombies "backing up" ? How do you show it isn't just randomness or a group of zombies not noticing you?
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