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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 8 hours ago, Thaledwyn said:

    Is there a sticky post with all the patch notes / change logs only?


    If not, would it be possible to create one?


    There is no changelog. It was a hotfix for twitch integration feature. 


    From the download update on Steam...



    Hello Survivors!

    This small hotfix addresses a change to the Twitch authentication, allowing users the continue using it after February is over.

    This build was supposed to go out Wednesday, but Twitch did a test run, which forces us to put it out early.

    There is no reason any of you should have to start over with this update.


    There was deadline imposed by Twitch for renewal of authentication by developers for their games that use it. That's all it was. All fixes and changes they've been working on since 20.2 were pushed to A20.4 which should go to experimental soon and then you will be able to read the changelog when Hated posts it for A20.4 experimental.

  2. You need to delete all mods and return the game its default version. You have a bunch of modded blocks as well as old A19 prefabs. Once you clean all your data and remove all mods and verify your files, try and connect with servers that are also running vanilla. If that works then if you want to join a modded server or add mods yourself, add them one at a time and test your connection before adding another.

  3. On 7/17/2021 at 1:32 PM, Darklegend222 said:

    But which one? Majora's Mask? Link's Awakening? Twilight Princess? Ocarina of Time (the best one), Skyward Sword?


    Well all of them eventually if they continue with all the reissues. Of course, is it worth paying $50 AGAIN to play these games I already replayed on the last few consoles when they re-released them?


    As for Steam deck, I have zero desire or temptation to early adopt the thing. Maybe at 3rd or 4th generation I'll jump in. If I can wait and see for VR which I was infinitely more excited about then I can definitely wait and see on the Deck.

  4. This is not the normal procedure. 20.3 was a hotfix for Twitch integration that also included credentials the game needed to continue the feature on Twitch and the deadline (on Twitch's end) caught them by surprise. The update had been planned for Wednesday with an announcement but because of Twitch's deadline they had to go experimental in the morning and then stable a few hours afterward.


    Why it took so long to post the changelog here in the forum, I don't know. The explanation was given in the patch notes link on Steam's download interface for the game.


    They hope to have 20.4 ready for experimental by the end of this week which you can opt into at your leisure and won't be automatically updated.


    We are sorry for any inconvenience the sudden update caused to servers and the general confusion it caused for everyone.

  5. Those removed POIs could also be making a return once they are updated.  If you give me the names of some of your favorites that are now gone @Drakner, I can inquire to see if they are cut for good or coming back with improvements. We were told that the POI team would be continuing to work on POI's and more would be added during Alpha 20 so some of those removed POI's may be back sooner than we think.


    As for the upgrade path, there is nothing to be done other than possibly mods that bring back a longer chain of upgrades.

  6. Horde night does not need to be removed or changed into something else. If you don't enjoy it any longer or just want to take a break for awhile, simply disable it in your options or change it so it only happens once every 20 days. There are many new players who are not burnt out on it and even some veterans who still enjoy it. 

  7. All POIs are ranked as t1, t2, t3, t4, and t5 but not all are flagged as questable. If you start taking quests from a different trader in a different city hopefully you would get a different mix of POI's from your first trader. @Laz Man would know whether any some or most of the POI's not currently tagged for quests will someday get those hooks. If the plan is to make more of the existing POI's part of the quest network then I'm sure we will see better diversity as time goes on.

  8. 2 hours ago, Fox said:

    if I ever decide to use dart traps.


    LMAO...that's me too!!!


    I've never once tried them since they were introduced. Keep telling myself I need to and even crafted a couple of them my last game but they just sat in the workbench output and we ended up restarting a new world with 20.2 so....still nope...lol

  9. On 2/16/2022 at 11:50 AM, Weazelsun said:

    I'm fine with them being re-designed. I just wonder why can't part of the idea be instead modifications for those items? So rather than it being like this armor set is the lucky set, instead have items mods that you can put on the armor/ clothing that does the same thing.


    Part of the reason for the redesign is to create outfits that are pre-layered artistically so that they look good being worn. Currently the separate articles of clothing and armor all layer over each other and causes problems with clipping and just look puffy. They want the outfits to look layered and outfitted with accessories so that they look epic and cool and they can also be form fitting without having actual layers. No clipping no puffiness.


    So a big part of this is visual rather than gameplay. 10 slots of separate layers overlapping each other is fun but looks bad. 4 slots of pre-rendered layered outfits is (possibly) less fun but looks much better. 

  10. 1 hour ago, theFlu said:

    I guess... it would be the only block of that type in the game though, wouldn't it?


    It wouldn't really become its own type. It would be a regular block with xml properties adjusted like bars. Bars are a block that have collision turned off vs projectiles and I believe there are values that can be added to any block to turn off collision vs other things--such as entities. So it would still remain a regular block but like bars would have a bit of xml modifying its collision values. Probably could even test it pretty easily by copying the line for bars that adjust their collision.


    As for causing problems elsewhere and for PvP it's possible but I'm not sure how. Turning off collision doesn't increase their defensive or offensive properties. Their singular purpose is to lay on top of asphalt blocks. Because they have collision they are able to be repurposed for other things. Without collision they would be useless except as a very flat overlay on other blocks.


    But I'm no programmer. Just spitballing. So you may be right and it could end up being a tricky fix that takes too much time in which case they probably shouldn't worry about it.

  11. Wouldn't removing collision from the paint lines do it? Without collision zombies would pass right through them and players couldn't stand on top of them. They don't need collision and in fact it is probably them having collision in the first place that makes everyone's bikes bounce off of nothing randomly when on roads. That might take care of both issues. Just a guess tho...

  12. On 2/14/2022 at 3:21 PM, JoeDaFrogman said:

    I want the developers to spend time adding content and fix GAME breaking bugs, not exploits that people use in solo play that won't hurt anyone but their own pride.


    This fix would take such a miniscule amount of time that doing so would not take the place of adding new content. I wouldn't want TFP to spend time hunting down stuff like this as that could take a long time but if they are gift wrapped for them and the fix is easy and fast-- why not?

  13. 19 hours ago, warmer said:

    it would be nice to hear a floor creaking sound when you place a block on a structure near the edge of collapse to give you the sense that it needs more supporting structure. that seem like an easy ask.


    when placing a yellow stability block,

    play a creaking floor sound,


    when placing an orange stability block

    play the floor breaking from under you sound. 


    much easier that going into debug mode if you are in the middle of gameplay.


    Some audible queue. structures creak like crazy before they actually collapse.



    That would be nice but also unhelpful in this particular case since he was subtracting a block instead of adding a block. How could the game cue the player that the block they are about to remove is the lynchpin of their entire base....?

  14. They provide the past versions so as to ensure that all Early Access customers have a version that they can play during development. Sometimes (for whatever reason) the current version may have issues with your configs and despite what you try you just can't get it to work. In such a case you could revert to the previous version or even an earlier version and be able to play 7 Days to Die while waiting to see if the next update will settle things for you and make the game playable.


    There has never been a promise that any of the current beta opt-in versions will be available once development is finished although I think it would be smart of them to keep some of them for nostalgia purposes.


    II believe that Hated said that there are a finite number of slots that Valve allows developers to use for betas and they are getting close to the limit now which means they may have to remove some to make room for the current and future branches they want to post. Finally, all of the past versions in the list are simply the latest in that series. They all had .1 and .2 and .3 etc posted in the beta opt in while that version was being worked on and then once development went on to the next alpha version only the last one in the series was kept. Alpha 20 will be no different.

  15. 6 hours ago, DOS1129 said:

    If anyone has any pointers to either increase frame rate or to somehow stem the flow of Z's from the streets, I am ALL ears (eyes in this case).


    Try using the killall command after killing all the zombies in a volume but before approaching the next volume so that the zombies don't spawn yet. That should kill all the zombies outside first.

  16. I'm pretty sure there is a "hate farming" thread or seven around here where you guys can post how to "fix" farming. Not sure why you are posting in a thread thats premise is that it doesn't need fixing because we like it the way it is....


    Back to topic:


    The new farming is great! It requires some investment and isn't just a free eternal food loop for people who haven't put any points into it. Happy farming!!!

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