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Posts posted by Roland

  1. I just want to mention that there are no emojis that give negative reputation. All emojis of a negative nature are neutral when it comes to forum reputation. All positive reactions give a +1 to your rep. So people really can just ignore dislikes and such since they don't downgrade you in the least.  

  2. 31 minutes ago, Data said:

     thats true and we all know that, but it would be best if TFP fixed broken/bugged things 1st before introducing new bugged broken things



    Well that would be best for players who only showed up to play a game and either don't understand or don't care that the game is being actively developed.


    For those of us who recognize that the game is unfinished and there are a lot of moving parts that are going to sometimes remain in an unfinished state from one update to the next or even across a few updates, what we see as best is for the developers to be allowed to move forward without having to pause and spend extra wasted time fixing every single thing because some people don't want to be confronted by anything broken or bugged during their playtime. In my opinion they spend too much time polishing up these alphas that are dead-end builds. Think about how much time they spent polishing and optimizing Alpha 15 (for example). Who plays that any longer?


    None of these alpha versions are the final game but you want them to put in the time and resources to make each one a finalized product before moving on to the next version. Do you know how many years that would add to development time? 


    No...the best is to keep moving forward and make each of these stepping stones we call Alpha 19 and Alpha 20 just play "good enough" so that they can get what they need from those of us who can forgive some buggy behavior and unfinished features and give feedback for those unknown issues and what we believe to be the intended design.



  3. 6 minutes ago, Scyris said:

    Kinda gonna be unfair in my eyes if zombies can walk thru 1 block holes but the player who should be easly able to do that as they are not a rotting corpse can't.


    I would love for us to be able to move through a 1-block hole horizontally once again. But I wouldn't see it as unfair. Zombies have so many disadvantages compared to us that I'm okay with them gaining an ability or two that we can't do. I don't think that player abilities and zombie abilities need to be symmetrical. If you think about it, when they add the "play as a zombie" feature, it would make it that much more fun to play in that mode to be able to slither through 1-block holes when you can't do it as a living human.

    2 minutes ago, Scyris said:

    i'd be silly if a rotting corpse can do it but the player cannot.


    faatal mentioned that it is a balance to being able to hold a jeep, 40 tons of concrete, a gyrocopter, and 30 trees worth of lumber in your backpack. Sure, you might get through normally but your backpack gets stuck :)

  4. Just now, Scyris said:

    How about letting players have 1 block crouch walking too?


    I don't think any entities currently have 1 block crouch walking. Can snakes even move through 1-block holes horizontally? Zombies crouch to move through greater than 1 block but less than 2 block holes now. Currently, I believe we can already crouch and move through any hole the zombies can and they can now as of A20 move through the same tight spaces we could always crouch through but which they previously could not.

  5. On 3/20/2022 at 12:38 AM, Scyris said:

    its just really starting to aggravate me to no end


    Please remember that you are playing an unfinished game. The crouching feature is still a work in progress. Part of playing a game while it is concurrently in development is that issues such as this will come up. Thanks for your feedback. It is a known issue and there are plans to continue development. If you understand that there are still features that are not completely done yet it should help you feel less aggravated. But if not, it might be best for your blood pressure to wait until all features are finalized.

  6. 8 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    Huh... I mean... there ARE a lot of things that I praised over the years :D


    I was only half joking. Madmole really is designing a new feature that I think will polarize the players. Should be a storm of opinions around here once he reveals it. I don't know whether you will like it or not. :)

  7. 3 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    He gives answers from a mod an upvote, even if they are factually wrong.


    5 minutes ago, Viktoriusiii said:

    He never posts, so it is pretty obvious, that it is a 2nd account of either a mod or Fun Pimp Staff.


    Possible but not probable. I did a joke second account a few years back and could only bear the inconvenience of maintaining it for a very short time. It sucked big time. I know for sure that Madmole does not care enough about criticisms to do something like this and he is extremely busy right now creating the newest feature that you will hate to be on here downvoting and upvoting all the posts that Kuosimodo does.


    I agree that it is probably a second account but that is just because I personally could not be as active and limit myself to emotes...lol.

  8. 1 hour ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Apologies if this has been asked before, but is A20.4 still going to happen or does this mean changes planned for 20.4 will go into A21 instead? :confused2:

    Do new alphas and bugfixes for current alphas happen in parallel?

    Bugfixes and optimizations and changes are all done for A21. Of those, the ones that are determined to be safe enough for Alpha 20 are updated to whatever the current experimental branch is. 

  9. Sorry you feel that way, Vik. I definitely miss some things from earlier alphas that got cut but I know that is part of game development. I don't think the game has gotten worse. To me, it feels largely the same as it always has when I don't think about trying to level up. The whole leveling up and character progression aspect of the game is what I feel really changed the way the game played. For myself, I recognize that I probably won't like the game as much if all I do is focus on character progression and so I don't. I strive to play it just like I did in the early alphas and ignore strategies to cheese the blood moon night or focus on gaining xp and dukes as quickly as I can. 


    In my solo game I played the first horde night on ground level in a house I boarded up and reinforced. I spent the night alternating between repairing and killing and it felt a lot like former days.


    It is definitely possible to get that old time feeling back as long as you play the game like you did in olden times. Don't do more than one quest a day. Don't worry about xp or skill points. Just set goals for yourself and then do things to accomplish them. As for scare factor, there are a lot of new players who express how scary the game is for them. Expecting a game to still be scary after 1000s of hours of play is a pretty high expectation, imo. I don't get scared very often either any longer but I sure did the first time I came out a building in the wasteland and heard that loud windstorm noise pick up all around me. I was spinning in circles and freaking out about what might be coming but....it was just the wind..lol


    I know you disagree with a lot of the decisions that were made and perhaps the game has changed irrevocably from what you once loved but I think it is still has a lot of those aspects you remember for brand new players.

  10. 2 hours ago, RyanX said:

    And the only confirmed features are graphics and loot related.  The water overhaul is only a maybe.  I ain't in charge but the water overhaul should be the priority over the other two

     This is an interesting perspective on a number of levels...


    1) While POI's do have loot they are also for exploration, quests, story elements, and base locations.


    2) Everything is always a maybe until it is implemented and working. Water is no less or greater a maybe than it ever was. It is on track for being completed for A21 and faatal even said it is looking very likely. The only reason it isn't on the list is Madmole wants the list to be features implemented rather than features planned this time around.


    3) The two features listed were obvious features since they are always creating and adding new POI's and the tweet already went out with the new vehicles. Yes, the vehicles are an art upgrade but what else are the art guys going to do? Everyone has their role on the team. It would be dumb for the guy in charge to assign the art guys to program water physics. Just because the artist who created the new vehicle models finished one of his tasks and decided to share it with us before the programmer who was hired to do the water overhaul has finished his task doesn't mean new trucks are prioritized higher than water physics. A lot of different guys are all working at the same time on a lot of different things and some things will finish sooner than others but nobody was waiting for those vans and trucks to be finished before they could start working on water.


     Water and bandits and armor are all on track but they aren't even close to being done yet and that is why they are not yet in the A21 list of confirmed and implemented features.

  11. For me, going through the opening tutorial quest hasn't been worth the four points it gives me for a long time now. I'd rather skip it and get to doing what I want in the order I want to do it and find the trader on  my own (not really difficult any more) and start with zero skill points than go through that sequence ever again just to start with four skill points and a waypoint to the trader.


    Canceling the initial quest is my initial quest.

  12. 1 hour ago, dcsobral said:

    Next time maybe just say POSTPONED instead of presuming a specific alpha?




    Thing is that those items very probably WILL be done in A21. But that doesn't mean I'm going to add them right now in the first 24 hrs of starting the thread that will stretch out for months to come.


    This time maybe just show PATIENCE instead of presuming a specific outcome? (just because I haven't listed them....yet.)

  13. 14 minutes ago, Morloc said:


    There are also people...(mind you, these are generally intelligent, charismatic, rather attractive paragons of virtue who occasionally share their wisdom with our community 🤠😎😇:angel:),

    who will raise the corpse :ghost: of LBD as a joke 🤡 from time to time.
    A tribute to the many fallen in that awesome, bloody battle of yore.



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc


    And the reward for displaying humor of that magnitude is to attain the vaunted position of being the first post removed from dev diary ushering in the ever popular overflow thread.


    Bask in the prestige!



  14. 8 hours ago, danielspoa said:

    oh, you are removing anything regarding "that" question? cool. At least be open with the community that we are free to give input .. as long as its to agree 🥲


    Don't feel persecuted. :)


    Anything that is off-topic to Alpha 21 development is going to get moved here. LBD is definitely NOT going to be an aspect of Alpha 21 (or any future alpha) for this game. I think we have been extremely open about that with the community. Most people get it but there are a few who turn a blind eye to the many statements that LBD is gone for good and keep bringing it up as if there is a chance of changing someone's mind who can do anything about it. There are LBD mods so that is your option.


    To be clear, you are welcome to keep bringing it up here in general discussions but the Alpha 21 thread is a focused thread for A21 features, of which, LBD is not one. I felt I was really open and clear that off-topic subjects would  be moved to this thread. I'm really not sure how much more open with the community I can be in this regard. Nobody said you had to agree with TFP in order to post. Feel free to post away your undying love for LBD as long as it isn't in the Alpha 21 Dev Diary thread. LBD is off topic there. Period.

  15. 5 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    @Roland - new armor system pushed into A21 so could you add this to the list because it was in A20 road map as " 20) Character Overhaul - Pushed to A21"


    Not until it is actually confirmed as clinched for A21 by a developer. If it ends up getting punted again then I'd rather not add it at all. Patience. The features of A21 will be added when the developers reveal them. Until then, nothing is being transfered from the old list to the new list and if it hurts to read the old list because it says something got pushed to A21 and it isn't showing up here....well.....the solution is to stop reading the old list.

    4 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    The rusty/chipped paint look on cars makes me wonder lore-wise how much time has passed since the apocalypse for it to get into this condition

    Also Texas license plates! Interesting, they must be visiting Arizona :) (unless RWG maps aren't necessarily in Arizona? I'm probably looking too much into it)


    The Fun Pimps are headquartered in Texas. It's a reference to them.

  16. 28 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    then consider it confirmed by The Chief Big MM Joel himself:

    The big chief MM Joel approved this thread the way it is currently worded before I unhid it. :) I'm positive bandits will be added to the list before too long but not yet. They released video and screenshots of the drone before A18 and then delayed it to A19 so regardless of the twitter post I'm going to wait.

  17. 17 minutes ago, meilodasreh said:

    Do I have to be concerned that bandits, water overhaul, armor/clothing upgrade and stuff isn't listed,

    and therefore - following Rolands statement - maybe not being implemented or at least postponed further to A22+?


    Anything is possible regarding punting features to a future alpha so those particular items that got punted from A20 won't get a listing until a developer comes on and says they are definitely in. Given that we already have three bandit models shown we can feel pretty confident about that but I'm not going to add it until a dev comments and confirms. :)


    I don't want to edit the first page of the A20 dev diary because if I do make it a more nebulous statement and remove the statement that they were pushed to A21, a whole bunch of people will read into that a whole bunch of meaning I'm not intending to convey. It is true that those features did get delayed to A21 and if they get finished in time they will be in A21 but if they don't then it will be A22. So we will leave that A20 list as it is and only add those items once a dev confirms that they are finished to a point that their inclusion in A21 is assured.

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