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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 2 hours ago, zootal said:

    Is there any way to adjust biome size and distribution with RWG? It seems that there is not a lot of variation with different seeds, you get a half dozen large biomes and that is it. Rwgmixer.xml no longer has biome distribution adjustment like older versions did. I'm looking for a way to control what percentage of the map is this or that biome, and maybe the sizes of said biomes.


    There will be more adjustability in this department for A21. Nothing too fancy but you'll be able to define percentage of the map for each biome. It always adds up to 100% so by making one or more smaller you make the others bigger.

  2. 4 hours ago, Gamida said:


    lol should we be concerned that you never commented on it such as it seems better or makes the game more enjoyable. That you think it is an improvement over the old system.


    That was on purpose. I'll share my feelings about the feature once it is revealed. Its enough to say that it is different than what we had and different than any game I've played that has crafting and so is quite unique. Maybe others who have played more games than I, will find some parallels to other games they've played but to me this is going to be one of those features that makes 7 Days to Die different in the vast field of survival crafting games. Madmole will give all the details this coming week. I'm excited to discuss once its revealed and everyone starts speculating on whether it is an improvement or not. 

  3. 7 hours ago, Morloc said:


    Somebody stuck this in my mailbox!



    Thomas Jefferson quote: What we learn to do, we learn by doing.



    Damn kids.



    -Arch Necromancer Morloc


    I saw Hamilton and that's not Thomas Jefferson!! 😎


    5 hours ago, Laz Man said:

    Edit: Joking aside, please contain your negativity until you hear what the change is first....


    haha..Khaine doesn't have to hear what the change is to know that a major system change of any kind is going to bring him a ton of work for Darkness Falls. Cut him some slack until he works through the five stages of grief...lol


    ❤️ for Darkness Falls!!!

  4. Just now, Subquake said:

    I don't mind core systems being reworked as long as it will bring a major improvement to the game instead of being just different, but it would be lovely if you guys wouldn't keep mod makers into the dark, I would very much appreciate that. :)

    And I agree with Khaine on the information part, just saying that it's gonna have a major impact on gameplay is not enough information, more details on what's actually being changed would be lovely.


    Again, it isn't my job to give the details-- just to stir the waters that the details are coming next week. The change isn't coming next week. You won't see the change until A21 later this year. But the details are coming next week. Today I am letting you know that details are coming next week so that you won't be in the dark about changes coming later this year.

    1 minute ago, KhaineGB said:

    So it's a notice of the forthcoming notice? ;)


    Its an ad for forum goers to tune in next week for the announcement of what the new system will be. The new system won't hit until A21

  5. 1 minute ago, KhaineGB said:

    In fairness, most of the "advanced warnings" seem to be things designed to prolong the development of the game for seemingly no viable reason. 😛

    Again, not trying to be argumentative or anything, but I feel like announcements such as this MUST come with actual information about what's changing and why, because it just feeds into the "TFP are rudderless" arguments i've seen in every other dev post.

    This is why people get annoyed. Because there's just massive changes done with seemingly no reason, no information and it will just drag out the development process even longer while bugs get fixed... because of the new system.


    These ponderings and more will be answered next week when Madmole gives more detailed advanced notice of exactly what will be coming with actual information about what's changing and why. My message was simply advance notice about the true advance notice which will be full of details-- while my advance notice is ambiguous purposely in order to avoid Madmole....displeasure.

  6. 7 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    I mean this with all respect...

    Can we please STOP re-writing core systems when TFP have said, several times, they'd like to get the game to gold? Because stuff like this is just going to make it take longer, introduce more bugs, which then need fixing, etc.


    See? This is what giving advanced warning gets us... ;)


  7. Just spoke to Madmole and he plans to give us an update on the new crafting system next week! I've played with the new system and it is definitely a different animal than anything we've had in the past and will have a major impact on gameplay. Hold onto your butts because when you hear what it entails you will most likely yourself utter those infamous words....



    "It's a whole new game!"

                              --Joel Huenink


  8. The purpose of the territory name is to obfuscate the seed so that people can't replicate your world on their SP game and fly around finding all the best stuff and then exploit that on your map. Of course, if they look at their output log after a session in your world I believe they can find the seed anyway...

  9. 23 minutes ago, Howlune said:


    Telling you now, I don't think anyone i've come to know during the course of my server hosting and playing cares about graphics to the extent that this "consolization" is a threat. The fact they will have to optimize for consoles and PC players inevitably gaining from it does at least give me some hope. Now, the concern goes back to what kind of optimization. Can only pray some netcode improvements push their way into that.
    As for right this moment, I don't think theres any space in which players used to more populated servers can really go and get an experience they've been used to. It's been thoroughly neutered by this latest patch. People can mention "oh just revert to previous alphas!" but it shouldn't take much thought at all to see why it doesn't work this way, and that it'll lead to new players never even seeing said server.

    I guess my biggest wonder at this point, with how busy the pimps are and how uncertain any future with larger scale multiplayer is, is finding how the modding community can perhaps remove features or ways the game is slowed down so much in more populated multiplayer servers. Whether we can be given the freedom to stop the game from sending out certain netpackages, etc serverside. I think if we were given the choice between a lot of game features or relatively decent multiplayer performance. wed likely pick the second option.


    Okay, but come on... you MUST realize that the purpose of the latest patch was not to neuter the larger populated servers. It may have happened but it wasn't the intended outcome and with the QA guys actively asking for server owners who are having issues to please post their logs and descriptions of their problems, they are obviously intent upon stabilizing things with the next patch.


    You can't look at setbacks and bugs associated with first release alpha features as intentional warfare against you personally from the developers. They aren't against people who push the limits of the officially supported number of players. The changes that most recently came are the first go and will bear some polishing and refining. These changes were things that had to be done under time constraints in order to meet the deadline of when Microsoft wanted to launch 7 Days on Game Pass.


    People who advise you to go back to the previous patch aren't telling you to do that permanently because this is the new normal. They are telling you to do it as a temporary measure until the problems are fixed. They may not get fixed to the level you want them, true, but the issues caused by the 20.4 patch are definitely side effects that the devs didn't intend and that they want to get sorted-- hopefully in a 20.5 patch.

  10. 1 hour ago, SylenThunder said:

    Controller support is already in the PC version. It is planned for it to be cross-play on all the platforms, but there aren't any considerations for the console being taken that I am aware of. Well, outside of the possibility of the @%$#ed-up server list changes being to meet some shady Microshaft criteria for being in their store. That is literally the only reason I can think of that a change that large was rolled out so suddenly without more testing.


    One positive aspect of cross platform play is that TFP will be forced to optimize the game to the point that it is able to be played on the consoles. The level of optimization they will need to do in order to come in under the console limitations is most likely more than they would have done to make the game playable for just the PC. 


    On the downside, I blame the loss of ziplines on the consoles, damn them...

  11. 1 minute ago, Fanatical_Meat said:

    Fine to me is the game runs with minimal stutter and rare instances where a player drops for whatever reason. I expect to frequently see zombies, I expect a large world 10k minimum, I expect good sized hordes, I expect to have fun playing.

    I do not expect 60+ fps, I do not expect any game to be bug or trouble free, I do not expect (however I’d love to have it) hundreds of zombies on the screen at once.

    Maybe you simply have higher expectations than I do and that’s okay. Look for something else to play if 7D2D isn’t meeting your expectations. There are plenty of other things to do.



    I think this may be an important point but not exactly regarding expectations. It could be that PvP gameplay demands higher standards than PvE. If you are trying to take aim at another human player, that is a lot different than aiming at zombies and probably is much more adversely affected by a poor frame rate or lost packets and imbalances in connectivity. Who cares about look around under ground for PvE but with PvP that is game breaking. Even dupe cheats are much more significant when you are competing vs cooperating. 


    So someone playing with 5 players cooperatively might be having a super fun experience while 5 players who are competing against each other and trying to locate hidden bases and get ahead in the arms race and defensive items faster might find things much more frustrating and unplayable because they can't hit the other player due to net performance, people can look around underground and see hidden bases, and figure out dupe cheats that will help them rocket up the progression ladder faster than the other players. Bugs like these can sit around almost unnoticed or at least ignored by the solo and co-op players for years.


    TFP is aware of these bugs but I think they are content to leave things as "good enough" for solo and PvE players for the time being. I know they aren't trying to compete with other more dedicated PvP offerings out there.

  12. Whether the feedback is given in official bug reports or critical rants here is largely immaterial. The bugs are all already known issues. Posting more of either (reports or rants) isn't going to make it more or less known. The devs have their priorities and that is all there is to it.


    We could take bets on whether it will be the PvP crowd or the console crowd that will get what they want out of TFP first...

  13. 1 hour ago, Shredder Gaming said:

    Usually I'm silent on forums or don't even sign up to comment, as I'm playing the game daily and use this forum only to gather information.

    I'm experienced in manual installations and modding as I modded Rimworld a while ago.
    But that change made me come out of my lil' hideout to comment here,
    as I'm pretty sure that most players will not be able to workaround the problem with having multiple versions to play different mods.
    The offered solutions to fix this involve a lot work.
    I think this change should be considered to be reverted, %APPDATA% is not a folder you want mods to be saved in.
    Local storage of mods within the game directory is superb - easy access to as many copies as you like.
    The documents folder as a mod storage is a close 2nd, but still doesn't help with having multiple game copies to run different Alphas of Vanilla.
    At least it's not hidden and doesn't need to be on your system directory.
    (My old PC had a C:/ drive of literally just 60GB - Hence why I know of that struggle)

    In short:

    Current system:

    - Easy access
    - Fast vanilla version switching
    - Fast mod switching

    New system:

    - Hidden folder within folders within folders nobody ever bothers to take a look. Talking about casual players here.
    - No mod switching without having to pin down every single file within both game and mod directories (See Undead legacy to understand)
    - Base game version switching needs a reinstall/updating via steam, as you cannot use your separate version-specific mod directory but have to use the global %APPDATA%

    Just my opinion based on what i read on the Discord channels on a daily basis - lots of people struggle with basic IT knowledge
    and don't want to bother with pure & raw Tedium


    Not to worry. Unlike those Discord channels, our community got to work right away talking to one of the developers and realizing that there is a pretty easy fix for those who are concerned about this. Most mod authors will likely include the instructions of what to do along with their mod. Pretty soon every casual player will be able to have a desktop shortcut icon they can click to be able to select the modded version they want to play all without needing to have multiple copies of the game itself loaded onto their computers and the mod folders with their various configuration can be reassigned to a different directory. Pretty much anyone who is tech savvy enough to download and set up a mod in the current system will be able to follow directions on how to do the workaround and for the rest Sphereii's mod launcher will continue to work.


    The whole scandal is basically over and discord simply hasn't caught up yet. :)

  14. 10 minutes ago, Gamida said:

    I found all my favorite servers and server history is still in the steam server list.


    Well, there have been plenty of reports of people having problems as well. I've been arguing that the mod folder change has been okay because they didn't force the change so I have to acknowledge the fact that they did force the server search change without any warning which has caused confusion and inconvenience to many if not all players.

  15. 1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @SylenThunder @Roland What i mainly meant when talking about a warning is the server search changings that needed a warning before the change, no matter if this is the final form or not. A bit off topic here, i know, but you guys abandon the topics about that a bit. About the mod change it would have been a good idea that they maybe could have talked to modders before the change to see the obvious flaw that C is not ideal for many people before the change is done. 




    Yes, I know. I agree with you about the server search changes. There was no warning about that and it was forced and it has been a huge inconvenience for people to try and recover their favorites and histories and find the server they were playing on before. I daresay you are correct that some people will probably not be able to find their server and easily connect with their friends and that is definitely not the ideal way for a transition like this to have occurred.

  16. @Howlune Sorry your expectations for the game have not yet materialized. I can't say for sure or not if they will or won't materialize in the future. I can confirm that someone was hired to work on the netcode specifically though I don't know the progress on that. If your whole love of 7 Days to Die is a large server of people playing competitively against each other/ teams then it probably is best at this point to wait and see. Since you do have a love for the game or at least a love for what you always hoped the game could be, why not wait to see if it ever reaches that expectation and if it does you can come back to it at that point. As far as I know, the devs still plan to polish up issues that plague PvP gameplay at some point.



    20 minutes ago, TheHensch said:

    I honestly don't remember worse updates than the entire a20 series.  I feel like the game is going back in time implementing such useless things as the "new" server browser.  What a joke.


    The opportunity came up for the developers to get their game included in Microsoft Game Pass and that has complicated some things and because of the additional platform caused some issues and bugs and setbacks with allowing all the new players on Game Pass to be included in the server lists with everyone else. Just like anything, since the game is a work in progress, the first iteration isn't always the best. I'm sure they will improve the server lists but they needed to get something implemented initially that would allow them to include all the new players accessing the game through Game Pass rather than Steam.

  17. 12 minutes ago, grendelwolf said:

    Forget it Matt. Critical questions aren't allowed here. TFP fuels this critical questions and speculations with their release notes, but that's ok. BUT if you start asking critical questions, you are forced to shut up. That's what I call censorship.


    Mods, Please delete my account. I didn't find any button to delete it by myself.




    Nobody has forced anyone to shutup. Nobody has told anyone to stop asking critical questions. I haven't seen a lot of critical questions tbh. I've seen a lot of critical claims and predictions and statements and pronouncements. Some critical questions would be a nice change of pace actually.


    2 minutes ago, Rotor said:


    Take it or leave is not sweat off my back.  Some times perception is reality.  All I wanted was a new SSD :P.


    If wishes were SSDs...

  18. 1 minute ago, Rotor said:


    My only question, as a non-modder, non-mod user (ATM), was the announcement in a patch note deemed the best way to annouce such changes?  Or was it just more fun to do it that way and watch the popcorn fly?


    While A,B,C,D are quite true, it is also an excellent job of PR on your part :).  However, it amazes me that it had to be that way....or just plain evil genius.  Just my .01 observer.


    There is no official mod support yet. Modding is completely on your own. TFP are not concerned right now making sure that everyone knows how to mod and how to download a mod. They have not included any kind of mod interface in their options menu to help people get started modding nor have they provided any instruction. All of that comes from the community and even the way that modding is done now with Xpath and Harmony largely were community led with some input and coordination with the developers but pretty minimal. The devs announced the change how they announce all their changes and expect those that choose to mod before official mod support is implemented to do things exactly how they have been doing it for almost a decade now with this game--- the "get off your ass" and figure it out methodology.


    As well get mad at the lack of help the Devs gave Khaine to make Darkness Falls itself as at the lack of help they gave Khaine in figuring out the best way to make things work well with this change. There are people in this world who do and there are people who just talk about it. Well...Khaine did a bit of both-- but the point is he got right to work figuring this out because he saw the announcement and started making the necessary adjustments. I'm sure things will continue to get refined as we go.


    Like it or not, the whole modding scene is outside the scope of what the developers are currently focused on. They have promised that they will turn their attention officially to modding and making sure anyone who wants to can easily load the mod they want but that time is still a future day. Everyone who is modding the game right now are pioneers out on the plain. They are breaking new ground for sure but they are also very much on their own. The mod launcher, random world generators, custom huds, POI packs, overhaul mods, xpath, harmony, and now figuring out this change have all been accomplished by people who feel passionate about their own vision for this game and so have jumped the gun on having TFP support in order to get their vision out there before the game is fully released. That's their choice and we benefit from getting to play those alternate versions but they know that the environment they are working in is not one where the developers provide all the tools and support and menus and hooks needed to make modding a point and click affair.

  19. 15 hours ago, SylenThunder said:

    It has not happened now with no warning. Which is exactly what pApA^LeGBa is trying to push in his narriative.


    I think these guys wanted a warning about the warning. But of course then they would have ranted about that and demanded a warning about the warning for the warning. Man, TFP just should have included a warning about this back in 2013 as one of the kickstarter stretch goals....


    Edit:  lol…this joke is catching so many thumbs down. Too soon I guess? The crisis is over guys. Relax. :)

  20. 36 minutes ago, grendelwolf said:

    Because it will happen in a future build.


    Yes. It will. And before it happens and people are forced to the new way Khaine will have a tutorial video made, most mods will have the instructions posted for what users need to do, and it really won't be that big of a deal. Why?


    Because TFP warned everyone months before hand and gave the community time to adapt and sort things out and the solution turns out to be very simple and allows for multiple mods to be switched to without even having to have multiple full copies of the game loaded which means even more space saved on drives everywhere.


    While some ranted and whined, others got busy doing what TFP gave us the time to do-- which was to come up with solutions. So the reasons why it is dense to keep stating and restating that this horrible change has been forced upon us are:


    A) Nobody is currently being forced

    B) This is the grace period given for coming up with solutions (which some people got to work doing while others just sat around raging)

    C) By time the change actually happens everyone will be ready

    D) Turns out the change isn't nearly as horrible as people initially thought and even carries new advantages,


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