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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 2 hours ago, NekoPawtato said:

    Wouldn't low forest values lead to more chances of "NO TRADER" when doing tutorial quests? Unless that's been resolved in A21 to search for traders in other biomes?


    You can already run into that by selecting no towns. I don't think its a big issue especially where the tutorial quest is concerned. Are new players going to remove all the forest on their first playthrough? By time they decide to try out an all desert world they won't really need the tutorial quest any longer. I cancel it as my first action after spawning.

  2. 1 hour ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

    Oooh, do I see biome values there?  Does that mean we can adjust them?


    Yes, and thanks to Kinyajuu's confirmation I updated the first page. This feature is in fact already in and I generated a map yesterday that had a teeny tiny speck of forest surrounded by all the other tougher biomes.

  3. 5 hours ago, Maharin said:


    Go ahead and brag about your wealth.  Sheesh!


    I was going to suggest spilling some soda into the key socket so it just sticks down all the time but didn't want to flaunt the fact that I have access to more than tap water  erm... collected rain gutter water in my household. 


    (wait...is it too pretentious to admit to having rain gutter upgrades on my house? Dangit! I have a house!!!!)

  4. 11 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    And how about party lines? That was annoying especially if the person you shared the line with was always using the phone for hours long conversations.


    In college, I stayed in the dorms my freshman year and they had party lines. One awesome prank you could pull was to call someone and when they said "Hello", immediately say "Sorry, could you hold on for a second?" and then put them on hold and call someone else on the party line. As soon as you heard the click of the connection you would take the first person off of hold and then listen in as both confused people said hello to each other and accuse each other of being the one who called them. Hilarious!

  5. 5 hours ago, Urban Blackbear said:

     If people find they're expected to pay for a new version you'll probably be able to hear the rage from space, even though it won't have been TFP's fault.


    Nah, we've learned from Electronic Arts that if you just put the current year in the title, console gamers are pleased to pay full price for a new version of the same game just one year later let alone 5+ years later. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Star69 said:

    Holy smokes......I never thought anyone would actually 'get' my user name! Most people think it's some sort of sexual innuendo lol. However, it does uncover your age a bit lol.


    Oh yeah! We would watch shows where someone was kidnapped and the kidnappers would call from landlines (because that's all that existed kids) and then hangup before the trace could go through and we would be screaming at the tv, "Star69 them! Star69 them!" but I guess television FBI didn't know about it. 😆



    46 minutes ago, Star69 said:

    This thread is hilarious.


    What's really funny is when this thread began I thought about how back in the day before caller id but when the *69 feature was a relatively new and unknown command and someone would prank call you, you could call them back with *69 and they would answer and then you'd figure out who called and they'd be amazed at how you got them...lol


    Now if only your name was also your super power and you could *69 Kuosimodo for us all. :)

  8. I can safely say that Kuosimodo is not a staff member of TFP or any of the moderation crew.


    IPs are dynamic now so there are many many people with common IPs listed under their post history in the admin panel. While it is plausible that Kuosimodo is a second account, I haven't found conclusive evidence of it and they could easily be someone's primary and only account. 5 years is a long time to maintain a second account and spend the time needed to re-read and react to all the posts that Kuosimodo does. I'm not sure I believe they are someone's second account.

  9. Let’s talk about this user, Maharin, who always inserts incredible one-liners into every thread. Who is this person? Do they do the same thing in real life simply walking around and listening in on conversations and then laying down a simple pun or pithy witticism and then walking away?

    Reactions are one thing but the 2001 obelisk that is Maha is full of humorous asides….

  10. 36 minutes ago, meganoth said:

    Even if they get the ability to loot player storage chests there are hundreds of possibilities to balance that and hundreds of possibilities for the player to make his storage chests safe.


    Our future debates will almost certainly revolve around which of those hundreds of possibilities are cheesy and which are legit... ;)

  11. 2 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    in my opinion, it would be better if they polished everything that is in the game now instead of developing bandits, drones and other content that does not make this game more replayable. Instead of this cumbersome wow content, dozens and hundreds of items, recipes, world settings, perks, etc. could be added.


    They are not going to abandon their roadmap just because some people want them to stop with what they have and increase the variety of existing things. They have just a few new features they want to include and then they will look at additional options, settings, items, recipes, etc that they desire. It never has been a choice of bandits or more existing stuff. We can have it all.

  12. 2 hours ago, Adam the Waster said:

    if they just kind of go. "ehh lets make them have zombie ai and call it a day" then thats not good


    Please go back and read what I wrote again. I didn't say that in any way, shape, or form. I don't know how far TFP is going to go with bandits but I do know that they are not going to stop at simply "ehh lets make them have zombie AI and call it a day". The entire point of my post was that that was the starting point. STARTING POINT.


    You took everything I said, flushed it, and decided that what I was saying is that TFP may just make that the ending point.


    My point about modders was that they will likely add even more to whatever TFP decides to do.


    Just in case there is just too much tldr in this post as well let me finish with this:


    TFP will not simply give bandits zombie AI and call it good enough. They will start with zombie AI and make them more sophisticated from there.

  13. On 3/27/2022 at 7:04 AM, Nevergrey said:

    Regarding bandits: As far as I understand they are Zombies with weapons, so they won't attack other Zombies. But what is the real difference between them and Zombies (aside from the weapons)? Can they drive cars? Will they enter your area and occupy it, so you need to recapture your base? If bandits are just Zombies with guns, what make them special?  


    "zombies with weapons" is just a phrase faatal used to mean that initially bandits will path and behave very similarly to the zombies except they will have weapons. Eventually they will have more sophisticated actions but the starting point will be pretty basic. He was not saying that they would be zombies and so not attack other zombies. Just as current zombies and hostile animals can and do attack each other, we can expect that zombies and bandits will attack each other.


    We do not know yet exactly how ambitious the developers will get with bandit behaviors, tactics, goals, and coordination. All we know right now is where faatal shared with us that they will start out at.


    Modders have already gotten pretty ambitious with the bandits that we already had from earlier versions so I am confident that at whatever point TFP decides to stop and say "good enough" where bandits are concerned, the community will be sure to take it farther. That is exactly the allure of mods-- that you can play a game that is beyond the scope of what the developers chose the default game to be.


    So there is no reason to worry about bandits simply being zombies with guns forever and amen. The devs are going to start with that and then expand to a certain point and then others will certainly expand even more.

  14. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:




    That's mean.... Roland is Kusimodo!!  why? Because N2N1 observe him but Roland mention this to avoid being sus . So roland in Kusimodo! 


    Exactly what someone would say who was trying to put suspicion on someone else. Matt is a werewolf!!!

  15. 3 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


    I think it is you actually.  Obviously trying to hide it now, since n2n1 responded before kuosimodo reacted to the posts in this thread.  Why else would you be giving out false information other than hiding the fact that you are indeed kuosimodo!  I'm watching you  🤔


    Seriously though, most interesting thread I have seen in awhile that has nothing to do with 7D2D.


    Ah...I missed that earlier post. Dang, I thought I had something on n2n1.

  16. It is interesting that Kuosimodo has exactly one follower and it is someone who responded to this thread only after Kuosimodo started reacting to all the posts here. I'm not sure if all of you can see other users' followers on their profile page or not but this could be more than coincidence...

  17. 2 hours ago, Nuketown2025 said:

    Why do players still leaving during PVP? Will developers do anything with that problem? Or its ok?


    You can set your server settings to "drop all on leave" forcing people to find a safe place before logging out or risk losing all their stuff. 

    7 hours ago, bachgaman said:

    "Adding content is honestly the easy part. The hard part is balancing it." so I guess all we'll see is new car/guns/npc's models that took another 1.5 years to complete


    Hopefully not. They keep striving for shorter and smaller updates and even though they keep failing at that, maybe they will succeed this time. :)

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