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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 2 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    I agree with that sentiment. I am just a fan of making large changes optional. Many people are not going to like it and others (Me) will be thrilled.


    I don’t know how they would make this change optional. There are quite a few changes to the UI, the perks, the loot tables, items, etc. This isn’t something an on/off switch or a slider can handle. 

  2. The reasons for the change that I have gotten from Madmole:


    He wants the design have players move through each tech stage and not so easily skip over one or have one barely be significant.


    He wants the crafting progression to be longer and to not double or triple up. No longer will being able to craft a blue stone tool mean you can automatically craft a blue iron or steel tool. The player has to learn how to craft every item separately and improve their crafting for that item separately. 

    He wants more rewarding loot and the magazines fill out the containers. They are an exciting reward to get and there are so many varieties and duplicates that you need that it keeps looting exciting for a long time. 

    It encourages more scavenging. Containers that used to quickly become boring and irrelevant boxes of worthless junk now often have a magazine.


    He heard a lot of feedback about people not liking crafting recipes tied to the attributes and he agreed so he wanted to decouple crafting from the attribute trees. 

    Those are what I’ve heard him say specifically. 


  3. 1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    Therefore my "assumption" is correct.

    Your assumption might be based on your observation of them actively posting but it is still not correct. The developers mostly lurk and read. Responding is what they don’t have time for but reading is easy. I read all the time many things while on the go. A lot of what they do involves waiting for builds to compile and load and they read. They just don’t comment very often outside of the forums. Your assumption that they aren’t seeing the criticism of other sites is simply wrong. As I said, they often bring up the critical posts they read from many different sources. Lurking. That’s the piece you were missing in your calculation. 


    1 hour ago, KhaineGB said:

    Not strictly true. I know a lot of well mannered people, who could offer constrcutive, non-toxic criticism, but won't because they don't want to be attacked by other forum users due to the aforementioned issue above.

    I’ll grant you that the perception is real for those who have that. But plenty of people come and give their criticism and are not attacked or mocked. The unmoderated boards and forums are great for people to vent their dislike of the developers. I don’t deny that this forum has a friendly bias towards the developers. It is their house. 

    What’s interesting is that I lurk in those other places and see how people treat each other there and it is way way beyond any mean treatment anyone gets around here. This forum is extremely tame. We challenge people on the things they claim and disagree with how they wish the game was different and sometimes people are snarky and witty in how they reply but it is sunshine and rainbows compared to the treatment a TFP supportive statement can produce there. That’s a straight fact. 

  4. On 5/17/2022 at 12:08 PM, No_Name_Idea said:

    Well, since we're now arguing about weapons and perks let me pitch my idea for like the 3rd time. I'd appreciate hearing what you guys think about it.

    What do you think about a change that would remove damage bonuses from combat perks and some weapon mods (things like scopes, extended mags, etc)? Instead, perks would only increase/provide things like reload speed, rate of fire, crits, etc. Basically just removing the +damage% from perks and keeping the rest as is.

    To be honest, I really like the fact that my gun gets a bit stronger no matter what I add. I think that without the dps bonus some mods would just be ignored. 

    What is your reasoning for wanting a change like this? If it happened I’d adapt just fine but I can’t say that it is a change I would push for. 

    The change in weapons I would push for would be diminishing health from repairs until the weapon is only good for scrap. I think eternal guns harm the game and diminish the crafting and looting game. 

    I don’t see a small dps bump from a mod having a very big impact which is why it wouldn’t necessarily bug me if they took it away. But why?

  5. 4 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    You guys are aware that after the release of A20 back in December, you've lost nearly 50% of your players, correct?

    No. Not even close. Players always drop off after the new smell of an update wears off. But each new update we break records of returning players so the player base is still growing.  The fact that we’ve settled to 30k which was a number we could only reach at an update spike shows we aren’t losing as many as we are gaining and retaining. 

    5 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    I understand it's your game, but WE are the ones that have been giving you your paychecks.

    Really? Did this game start up a subscription model when I wasn’t looking?  You paid to be able to play the game and you have. Nowhere was it stated that your one time payment of $25 (or less on sale) would put you on the decision making team. 

    4 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    If you guys truly think that is wrong, then why was there a massive uproar about No Man's Sky?

    Because the developers did not deliver on what they had advertised their game would have. It had nothing to do with customer polls or community consensus and feedback about what they wanted. You’re trying to rewrite history here to try and prove your point. The creator of NMS has always pursued his vision of the game. He just under delivered on what he shared at launch. He delivered later but that was him admittedly striving to do the right thing and not because he got the community involved to help him finish his game. 

    4 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    But hey, if you guys like paying for a game with developers that don't care about your opinion, more power to ya :D

    heheh…each and every game in my Steam library, PlayStation, Xbox, and Switch collection going back to Atari and Coleco was one I bought and played without one single developer asking me for my opinion. Thousands of dollars spent in my lifetime on video game entertainment from developers who never cared to ask me my opinion. Is that just me?  

    3 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    I even have a super-moderator implying I don't have friends when I complain about balancing for multiplayer servers.

    I said you should find new people to play with that are less abusive. I never implied or stated that you have no friends. You were the one complaining that your friends yell at you when you open a container. I pointed out that they are not being friendly and that not all groups treat each other like that. Don’t try to spin that into me dissing you as a friendless person because you dared to criticize the lack of community polls for development. 

    To be clear, I think you probably have lots of friends and probably a nice family. But your own description of the people you play the game with is something I would never put up with. I would take the passion you are using to criticize TFP and stand up for yourself in your gamer group or go find a new group who won’t yell at you. 

    My point was the game doesn’t make people act that way. They’re just jerks. You deserve better. Anyone does. 

  6. 8 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    It just feels insulting.

    The problem is that they are still adding features that eat up performance. So they make performance gains and then use it up again for city centers that have huge POI densities (for example). There will come a day when they will be done adding and every performance gain they find will be a pure boost that remains for the existing game. 

    As far as lag due to net code they are working on it but within the context of 8 or fewer players. My group is three or four and we suffer very minimal lag problems only sometimes. 


  7. 36 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    Roland... how many times i was thinking about worst case scenario and i was right about that?

    What's wrong with that? Honestly as you say "Most of the paper drops in book shelves and piles have been replaced by mags so they are much more satisfying.". For logical point of view paper drops are.... just pages from not neccesary books --> your character don't need romance, fantasy novel or scifi book right? 

    Honestly Matt, I don’t doubt that your worst case scenario fantasies have come to life. But your worst cases are pretty unique to you. Also, don’t take what I said to extreme. There is still paper mixed in but you will never again loot an entire bookstore and end up with a team of paper and very little actual books. What I am saying is that looting a bookstore will feel rewarding. You will not come even close to finishing one of your skill trees after raiding a bookstore but you will feel it was time worth spent. It’s not raining magazines. I’m sure there will be some tweaking of the balance once everyone gets their hands on it. 

  8. 17 minutes ago, P3rf3ctVZer0 said:

    There is nothing wrong with the current system and I agree we should focus on simply boosting performance by any means necessary.

    Right. There are people working on that. TFP is actually quite a bit larger than it used to be. Joel Huenink designing the change to the current system isn’t stealing away resources from the programmers who are working on boosting performance. That is always an ongoing project and something that faatal actually devotes a significant portion of his time to doing. 

    I just want to say that I’m not defending blindly. I actually can see the work logs posted by the TFP team and I’m telling you that believing that it must be one feature or another is a false assumption. They have a big team and people tasked  to enable them to do this and that rather than simply this or that. 

  9. 17 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    Story needs to be done before gold as I believe it's a KS promise. I need to double check that.

    The Kickstarter did have a disclaimer that some features might not be added until after official release. The features they thought at the time might come later was smoothed terrain but obviously they solved that ages ago. Point is they have some wiggle room to shift a few things to post release if needed.  I’m betting the story will be so. 

    20 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    He's unfortunately right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP.

    “Blindly support” is such a condescending phrase to say that those who criticize are aware of all the information while those who support are ignorant sheep. It’s true that we insist on a friendly atmosphere here and have zero tolerance for people being insulting to the developers— accusing them of being liars and cheats and lazy and inept. That doesn’t make us blind or unaware that some people aren’t going to enjoy all changes. Making a blanket statement that those who like and support TFP are blind is a pretty shallow  and baseless jibe. There have been lots of decisions I haven’t agreed with over the years and wasn’t silent about them but was able to discuss them without raging and ranting in a toxic manner. 

    28 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    Other social media, like twitter, discord, facebook, reddit, twitch, youtube... there's often a lot of criticism.

    Yes, and they read through it a lot. Someone on the team is always posting a criticism they read on those other sites. Your assumption that they only pay attention to the forums where they always get patted on the head by sycophants is so off it’s almost like you are….well…blind. 

    Those users don’t like to come here not because their opinions won’t be considered but because the level of toxicity of their language and tone that they like to use is not welcome. I’ve monitored those other sites as well and I see how terrible they are to any “fanboy” who speaks up. Here, people challenge their points and don’t tolerate their insults so it’s no wonder they stay away. But there are still people who come and give contrary opinions with respect and who are willing to discuss their criticisms civilly and their opinions remain. 

  10. I know it is human nature to fear the worst case scenario but you guys can relax a bit. Your fears are unfounded. You find a wide variety of magazines all the time. What you perk into shows up a bit more often but it isn’t overwhelming. 

    There is nothing that I have witnessed to make me think that I’m getting other mags less because I perked into archery. If someone is the primary looter they will bring home plenty of mags outside of their perks. 

    Most of the paper drops in book shelves and piles have been replaced by mags so they are much more satisfying. Book stores will definitely be treasure troves of lost knowledge but….what’s wrong with that?  Seems logical. I would even say that when a book store is found, the entire team could gather to go through and split up the book shelves. I can’t imagine anyone hating looting so fiercely that they wouldn’t share in the spoils of a bookstore.


    This change won’t be everyone’s cup of tea obviously but I think a good number of people will find it fun and fresh. 

  11. 30 minutes ago, Code6 said:


    Thanks for letting me know that it was moved and why.

    I wasn't even sure if it was bug.  I assumed it was the intended behavior.  I was hoping that bringing attention to it might get it changed for A21 as it is too late for A20.
    I see many posts here that are wishes for the next version.

    No problem. Even if you aren’t sure something is a bug, post it in the bug forum that it doesn’t behave like you think it should. The QA guys will let you know it is intended and then you can come here and post a request that it be changed for A21. If it is a bug it will get a ticket to be fixed. You’re right that people often post here what they hope to be changed in A21 and it often gets lost in the chatter or moved to the overflow thread after kicking off a big off topic conversation. Since you are currently playing A20.5 Input it there and it isn’t necessarily “too late”. There could still be an A20.6. 

  12. 9 minutes ago, BenZ0 said:

    I am kinda worried about the crafting changes but I like the general idea here. I do have a question about that though, so as far as I understand you keep finding lets say shotgun books, they dont have a vol numbers so you just keep learning more and more of the same books to increase your quality and later unlock the next tier weapon. 


    So if I want to craft better shotguns you keep looting gun stores or book stores to keep getting more and more of these books.


    If I am wrong or if I misunderstood this would be nice if anyone can correct me here.

    Spot on!

  13. 54 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Also, why do you support gameplay that makes you feel like you're REQUIRED to invest points in something in order for you to do it at all??? (Such as Salvage Operations)

    I support it because I’m okay playing the game at a lower ability level for a time and then after spending the points seeing that ability raised. I never feel like I can’t play the game until after I’ve perked up a particular skill. It isn’t the game making you feel required to wait. It’s something inside of you that compels you to do so. 


    54 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Gathering/looting perks should only be for harvesting speed and calorie efficiency. Not for amount harvested. That just results in people feeling like they can't even play the game until they invest points.

    Not all people. I like the perks that allow you to get more. To me, it feels that I’m more skilled and can get more out of my harvesting than an unskilled character. I’m not just faster but I actually have better success. But I never feel like I can’t start playing using my base abilities. 


    54 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Have you ever played with friends? Have you ever experienced the fruatration of one person being specced into Lucky Looter and when ANYONE else loots, they get yelled at because the containers they open magically have worse gear than the lucky looter? LOGIC! Now imagine that but only even worse with this new system they want to implement.

     I wouldn’t  call those people friends. In our group everyone opens their own containers. Whoever shares the quest gets to open the treasure room loot and everyone loots cupboards and containers along the way. Opening a container is one of the most rewarding parts of the game and to try to optimize gameplay by denying that fun action to anyone of a lower loot gamestage is outrageous. So our group might take an extra week or two of game time to get all the best loot. So what? Why is it so important to your group that you get all the best stuff as quickly as possible to the point that someone gets yelled at for daring to open a container and get a yellow pipe machine gun instead of a blue pipe machine gun or even a green AK47?  Eventually, yes, that person will be pulling AK 47s and in the meantime can play with the gun they found or sell it to get something else. All this is, is choosing min/max crap over friendship. And the really sad part is that as a team, together, you are way more than a match for the difficulty curve of the game even with suboptimal weapons so all the bullying over who opens a container is just pointless. Nobody is going to fail at survival by letting anyone open whatever box they want. 

    As to the new system. The opposite is actually the case. You have the best chance of getting the loot you need by opening a box yourself since you are the one who perked into your own skills. Even Mister Top Lootstage isn’t going to be able to supply you with the mags you want better than you can so hopefully this will change the meta somewhat so that people are more likely to open their own boxes instead of having a designated looter. 

    54 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Or just don't have the perk at all

    But you can’t control whether the game is going to have perks and skills and levels. (It is). You can, however, control who you play with…


    23 minutes ago, Code6 said:

    I am nearly positive that I posted a comment about the behavior of writeable storage boxes yesterday and now I cannot find it.  Did it get moderated/deleted or am I going crazy?  (I just want to understand before I repost it.)

    I moved it to the Alpha 20.5 thread where it should have been posted. The A21 thread is not for posting bugs. Better yet would be for you to post in the bug report forum. 

  14. 53 minutes ago, Paiper Zombee said:

    For whatever reason I ALWAYS have horrible RNG in games.

    We try to extend a broad reach across as many demographics as we can so that the game has wide appeal but Cursed People aren’t really our target market. ;)

  15. 58 minutes ago, ArmoredStone said:

    (and people without it in the group get yelled at for looting}


    (That's not the game's fault. You need new friends who care more about comaradie than they do min/maxing loot rewards.)


    1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    Sure you can. Everyone can guess. An educated guess is harder as you may need more info (as you probably have).

    An accurate guess is way harder.

    But yes, you can guess. You just won't lol.


    It’s not that “I won’t”.


    It’s that “Hell no, I won’t!”


  17. 1 minute ago, Victor.19 said:

    I know it has nothing to do with the current subject, but could you remove the gun sight when using the iron one?


    All I can say is that there has been a lot of feedback about the crosshaires and gun sights and the devs are aware. What they plan to do about it and what priority they are giving it is something I can't guess. 

  18. 6 hours ago, LordMiG said:


    I've always played the game on 25% loot abundance with no traders (removed by a modlet) and no loot respawn/no airdrops, because the game is soooo much better (and harder) that way. It really forces you to travel and loot. And I fricking love looting.


    Will it even be possible to find enough skillbooks in loot with these settings to complete a skilltree in A21? 😅


    I thinks so if you are playing SP and generating the largest world possible. Since you do mod, you could change loot respawn to a larger number like 40 or 50 or 60 days instead of never if you are worried. One of the impacts this change has is that you really do tend to spend a good amount of time in each of the tech levels. People are less likely to skip iron and go straight to steel. The trader and default looting amounts will still allow skipping to some degree but with your settings I think you will become intimately familiar with each tech level.

  19. On 5/20/2022 at 4:25 AM, SnowDog1942 said:


    Hey @Roland, do you know if designed restrictions are on their radar or being talked about?   Like you I try to limit myself but my coop partner wants to keep questing over and over.  Would be nice to say... sorry.. we can't.  


    How about a "length of time between quests" with an eventual slider in the options? 

    I haven’t heard anything. I don’t think it’s something they are currently planning to do. It’s been brought up in the past but hasn’t really caught any traction as something that needs to be done. 

  20. 59 minutes ago, POCKET951 said:

    so with this new skill manual system, will the books  always add +1


    Yes. I can't answer whether the devs will want to include ways to speed through the progression though I highly suspect what they would say...

  21. 17 minutes ago, ArchonMal said:

    How will the new system work to prevent this from coming back to the game? 


    Perks. Perk into what you really want to find and you'll have a greater chance of those things showing up. Also go loot containers in Working Stiffs and Gas Stations for a better chance at finding the magazines for workstations. I felt that I was able to get a forge up and running in a decent amount of time by scavenging in more industrial and hardware/mechanics oriented buildings and I wasn't even perked into Workstations. Even the new workstation was no problem. ;)


    What's interesting is that I find myself choosing to explore POIs without a quest because the quest takes me to a random POIs that isn't necessarily going to have the types of magazines I want to find. You do get a random bundle of magazines as a quest reward if you choose that but I feel compelled to go into POIs now if I think they will have more of what I am specifically looking for. It's tough to choose sometimes.... "Do I go loot that Police Station where there is sure to be mags that I want or do a quest?" The new quest type also makes it a tough decision the other way. Man, A21 is full of new tough decisions....haha

  22. 24 minutes ago, dcsobral said:

    What does the Workstations unlock look like? Is Chemistry Station there or on Medical? And how do you unlock the Crucible?

    Also, interesting that "repair tools" have their own 50-points crafting skill. Since stone axe is unlocked from the start, does that mean claw hammer at 25 and nailgun at 50? If so, that's harsh!


    Chemistry station, crucible, and the new workstation are all unlocked through the Workstations skill tree.


    I'm not sure about the exact unlock levels for the nailgun and claw hammer but remember that it is simply for crafting your own. I had to start a fresh game due to changes in a recent build and I had two claw hammer that I had found within the first few days. So just because you may not be able to craft a nailgun yourself until later, it doesn't necessarily mean you won't have access to a nailgun at all.

  23. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:


    Learn by Doing is not coming back.


    The quest system is basically Learn by Doing. That's why people spam quests obsessively. It touches all the same gamerogenous zones.


    1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    TFP next game will be more seriousness


    If you would spell out their name fully instead of using their initials, you wouldn't be prone to false expectations and inevitable disappointment like this...

  24. 2 hours ago, Lord Morphleyes said:

    Maybe I am not understanding "loot probability".  Are you saying that once my Shotgun crafting skill reaches 100% My chances to find shotguns and shotgun parts drops off? 


    drops back down to normal levels not drops off to zero.


    I'm not sure if that just applies to just the magazines or if it also applies to parts and shotguns as well.

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