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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 7 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    Yet, the responses I got from both you and Roland seem to kinda boil down to (imo): No because muh RPG. Ironically, here I am, arguing for more freedom in roleplaying.


    Hmmm...no. I use roleplaying as a way to self limit and impose rules on myself based on what I want my character to be. But that is definitely not the reason I gave for not wanting the weapons to be equalized. I enjoy asymmetrical design and feel that it allows for a much different feeling upon subsequent playthroughs. I don't want the weapons to all be equal and I don't personally need them to be equal in order to use them. I use weapons based on what I'm in the mood for and am unconcerned about whether I could be killing zombies faster with a "better" weapon.

  2. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    Have you played a bit with the new system?


    A bit. I've had to start over a few times due to incompatible builds so I haven't gone super deep. Even though the change only affects crafting recipes it was really hard to wrap my brain around it. I kept going to the perk menu and then realized that that wasn't where I was going to be able to upgrade my tools lol.  I felt like a bit of a noob. It isn't hard to understand at all-- its quite intuitive and you feel like you are finding bits of information here and there and piecing it together to learn how to make something new or something better. It emphasizes the gap between the old world and the present apocalyptic world. The old world has all the secrets and you have to find them in order to learn how to increase your tech level.


    1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    What can you tell us about magazine finding? To you, Is it engaging or a bother (can it be a daunting task or does it just reward you as you take risks )?


    Its fun honestly. But, then, I'm apparently one of the few who actually enjoys scavenging in the game. You know how TFP operates: when they introduce something new they plaster the game with it so magazines are plentiful. You find them everywhere. That might, of course, get nerfed a bit as people play and report back but it is fun because the magazines feel valuable and you get them at a consistent rate. It is engaging from the sense of atmosphere that I mentioned in the last section but in practice it is the same as finding books. You click to read and move on. It can be a bother I guess if you have to click on ten or so at a time to read them all but then again not so much of a bother that I'm not going to click ;)


    As for finding what I've perked into, it is definitely a subtle boost. I seem to be finding a wide variety of magazines even though I perked into spears. I'm not frustrated for a lack of Sharp Sticks in loot but I wouldn't mind finding more so I really think that the boost is not going to cause us to only find certain magazines at the expense of others. It is simply going to help us not feel the frustration of never finding what we need. 


    1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    Do you find crafting superior or equal than looting the same item/weapon?


    I can't say yet for the whole game but at least in the early game I have been mostly crafting above what I find most of the time. I did find an orange level iron pick in a car on day one but as we all know it would be stamina and hunger suicide to use it anyway at this point so it is in a chest for later. I think this will depend on how much looting someone does. If they are playing with the purpose to grind magazines as quickly as possible I think they will always probably craft well ahead of what they loot except for occasional lucky finds. If they don't loot at all and go up in level doing other things then for sure they won't be able to craft things better than they can find.


    2 hours ago, Blake_ said:

    What's your credit card number?


    I've already said that until something is implemented in the game we aren't going to reveal details. So just like I can say that there is a new workstation and a new quest type I can tell you that there is a number.

  3. 2 hours ago, LordCorellon said:


    And one thing I know, YOUR group doesnt play the same as every other group in the game. To assume the way YOUR group plays is how every other group plays is quite disconnected from your player base.


    I never claimed my group is representative of everyone. I just stated that it appears people play together differently and offered my own feedback that my group at least isn't going to argue with each other and be completely destroyed by the change.  What's funny is that you are the one claiming that everyone is going to be as upset as you are so it is actually you assuming that your group is representative of the player base.


    2 hours ago, LordCorellon said:

    Remember the hell that A16-A17 caused? That fiasco is going to pale to what A21 is going to do.


    I do remember all the salt from that change and yet here we are on the other side of that with a game that is way more popular and way more played than ever before (yes even more than A16). This change may generate a huge backlash or it may not. I'm not sure because so far the feedback based only on the description has been mixed but with most of the negative posters saying that they'll be willing to give it a play before making final judgement. Very very few are at the point of "the sky is falling!"


    I really doubt it will be as big as the A17 change. People have been wanting the crafting recipes separated from the perks for a long time and have been complaining about the hardship of finding the correct parts for crafting and of typically finding a better version of their perked weapon than they can even craft. This system goes a long way towards granting those long-standing community wishes. This is just a guess but I think most people who play this game do enjoy looting and since this makes looting even more rewarding I think it will be seen as a positive. The one big possible downside is how certain team dynamics might be affected but we just don't know yet whether teams will be able to adjust and settle into a new homeostasis with the new system or if the organ will be rejected and the teamwork will die. That's what early access testing will show us.


    Part of the problem feeding your fear is that people are imagining perking into something and suddenly those are the only magazines they ever find. That is not true. It is a slight boost to the probability. You are going to still find a wide variety of magazines. In fact, I suspect that some people will complain that their supposed boost doesn't seem to be working. @Paiper Zombee amirite? lol


    2 hours ago, LordCorellon said:

    You either cannot see this, or are unwilling to see this. Your player base is telling you this is going to be BAD, and you wont listen.


    I think I demonstrated an ability to see and you are not the player base. There have been some concerns voiced and some posts outright rejecting the idea and angry that a change "we didn't ask for" was made without permission. But there have also been a lot of excited and hopeful posts and measured responses from people willing to give it a try and happy to get an update about A21. So who isn't listening to what's going on with the players who have posted so far. I have acknowledged the critics and the proponents and those inbetween. You seem to only see the negative posts. Wait! Let me guess! ALL of the people who posted something positive are just fanboy sheep who blindly clap at whatever the developers release but you and the people who are against changing anything are the only intelligent far-thinking people in tune with the player base and the pulse of how most people play the game...


    Relax. :)  We know some people don't want the change and we know some people are worried about how it will affect multiplayer. These things will be considered but the change is going to happen (already happened actually) and the devs want to see the player base try it on for size. I have to believe that of those people who signed on for Early Access for the purpose of witnessing the development of the game, they'd like to try it out too and render their own feedback based on their play of it.

  4. 3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4zpFq2N1jA (TF2 random bullet spread example)


    I don't think this proves your point. Spread over distance and giving a bunch of pellets different vectors is not the same as a random chance to miss even if you are perfectly aiming at your target.


    3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:


    This is a good example and proves my blanket statement wrong. Dang! I will say though that there was some discussion in the comments about how random factors in a skill based game kind of suck. I don't like it but it does look like full on fps games do make you miss even if you are spot on in your aim.


    3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yyvTH_6gLUo (CS:GO and CS1.6 inaccuracy example)


    Another compelling example. Seems counter-intuitive to me but I can't deny that you are correct and I'm wrong. :)

  5. 23 minutes ago, Telly G said:

    the Pimps have a bad problem of totally remaking systems that ultimately pigeonhole ppl more into having to play the game how they feel it should be played at that time rather than expanding upon the sandbox and have been doing so since like a14 or 15.

    The explanation for this is simple: TFP has always intended to make an actual game with rules and constraints and not a pure sandbox that allows for all player choices. Pre A14 the game was extremely unfinished with placeholders and basic framework in place but very few of the rules that make a game a game. Post A14 has been the back half of the game where placeholders have been replaced with the actual features that will be active upon release and the rules of the game are being enforced. The sandbox experience is still there. You simply enable the creative menu and voila, you can build and mine to your heart's content and never have to loot a single container. Just open that creative menu and take all the needed magazines and you have freedom to do whatever you want. But that isn't a game and TFP is most definitely designing a game. So the short answer is that yes, people are going to get pigeonholed into doing some things if they expect the rewards that come from following those rules. Loot and you will expand upon your crafting abilities and library of recipes. Don't loot and you will have to rely on what others bring you and what you can purchase at the trader. Maybe some people bought this game to play it like Minecraft and chill. They can easily do so if they enable the creative menu. With the creative menu enabled this is a super chill building game. God mode makes it even more so.


    The developers view scavenging and looting as a major core essential part of the gameplay and they have been filling it out and giving it more depth over the last couple years. Its not a bad problem. Its their intentional design. Honestly, I remember running around the world in A6 looting looting looting. If you want a game that de-emphasizes the role of scavenging then you will have to mod this one. Luckily, the devs are also committed to allowing that to happen.


    39 minutes ago, Telly G said:

    They constantly try and counteract builds youtubers make or hammer down on bizarre niche strategies/playstyles when it's like trying to kill the ocean with a sword.


    Myth. They don't do that at all. They simply fix bugs that affect zombie pathing and collision on blocks. Sometimes that results in someone's use of certain blocks or reliance upon certain zombie behaviors to have to change but the devs aren't gunning for youtubers. lol.


  6. 1 hour ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    Do we live in some different realities? A vast majority of FPS game's I've played have some amount of inaccuracy. Even some multiplayer titles centered around realism and skill have it. I'm not arguing about how big the inaccuracy is between titles, I'm arguing that it's there. Maybe we just don't play the same games, I dunno.
    Admittedly, my CSGO argument might have not been the best since I haven't played it in like 5 years, but I know for sure that randomness was there last time I played.

    With all due respect, I think you just missed. A percent random chance to miss no matter how well you aimed would be horrible for dedicated FPS games—particularly if they are competitive PvP centric games. 

  7. 2 hours ago, Hazitru said:

    That would just be weird in a game like this where there's so many things you'd want to be good at instead of just for example be one thing like bows and have to find magazines.


    You still get good at using bows (and other weapons) by spending skill points for perks. The magazines only determine what you can personally craft but what you can be good at is not controlled by rng at all.

  8. 2 hours ago, JamesKirk said:

    I dont't know if my question was answered yet.

    What about Multiplayer Team games? Will one party member still be able to find magazines that another member lacks?


    Yes. All magazines drop randomly for every player. When you take a perk that corresponds to a particular magazine then you will tend to find more of that magazine but you still find a wide variety. It is a subtle change. A lot of people fearing that people who hate to loot will have a huge disadvantage but I think their teammates will still be bringing home magazines they can use-- especially if they go to a location known to have those types of magazines.

  9. 3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    Yes, that's how the majority of FPS games work, I think.


    No it isn't. If you aim at a target in a dedicated FPS and your aim is pixel perfect dead on then you will hit your target. In RPG/FPS hybrids there is a probability but not guaranteed success even if your target is dead center in your crosshairs. This game allows you to stop and aim in order to shrink the crosshairs and reduce the area of probability but where the bullet goes is still random within that area. There is no code to make a hit random in first person shooters with no elements of RPG mixed in. Those are purely motor skill, hand eye coordination, and reflexes. Some will have aim assist software that makes it so players who are not skilled can feel skilled but there is no probability test to see if your bullet missed by a pixel when you are aimed straight at the target. Games like KOTOR are very blatant that your fired shot is completely dependent on a to hit die roll while this game is a lot more subtle about it. Player skill in aiming with your mouse/controller definitely has a large contribution for success in this game but it isn't everything.


    3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    Nobody is going to kidnap your RPG, I like RPGs myself. Combat perks would still be worth investing into even without the +dmg, or are you saying that those other bonuses don't matter?


    To a lot of people they don't really matter as much as damage buffing attachments. If they had to choose between one mod that adds dps and another that improves accuracy, they would always choose the dps booster. If the accuracy booster also is a dps booster then they are happy to add the accuracy booster.


    3 hours ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    My point is that with perks as they are now, there is no point in using anything off-attribute (except bombs and stun baton). Yes you CAN use weapons outside of your build as I'm sure someone will cleverly point out, but what's the point? You're just short changing yourself for no reason.


    Let me cleverly point out that in many other RPG genre games once you perk into a weapon class others are completely grayed out and cannot be selected at all. This game allows you to "short change" yourself by using any weapon in the game even if you are not specialized into it. Also, I use off-attribute guns all the time and never feel short changed. Might I have to shoot a zombie one or two extra times than I would with my perked weapon? Yes, but honestly so what? I have plenty of ammo. There is nothing wrong with asymmetry with respect to weapons and how much damage they do. It is a game design that adds variety to multiple playthroughs and challenge to the game. Its not just for roleplaying reasons. Its also for challenge reasons. I've had a lot of fun clearing out a poi using an off-attribute weapon on purpose just for the challenge knowing I could have easily wiped it clean with my perked up weapon.


    The problem comes from obsessing over optimal gameplay and the apparent anxiety some people experience when they kill a zombie with two bullets knowing that they could have done it with only one if they had taken the optimal path. Its perfectly fine to play with a less than the best weapon it does the job.  Now, if you are playing PvP then, of course, you MUST be as optimal as possible and avoid every disadvantage. But in SP and Cooperative play, the only thing you do when playing suboptimally is to slow down a bit in your rate of progression. But does it really matter whether you reach the point where you feel like you won and succeeded by day 60 rather than day 80 or day 120?


    I understand why it is frustrating for you. It doesn't feel realistic and you feel like you are sandbagging yourself. Not everyone feels those things when they are playing and some of us appreciate the challenges associated with weapons that are not all equal.

  10. 1 hour ago, Grandpa Minion said:

    I have to disagree with you on this one. Anyone who plays multiplayer knows doing Quests is mandatory to stay competitive. The party share and xp players get from doing quests is OP and gives a huge advantage compared to those who "completely voluntary choose not to do them." Power level by party is a main stay in the multiplayer game and definately needs to be addressed.  Example a party of 5 sharing quests, clearing quests, turning in quests for xp and rewards will advance 10x faster or more than someone not doing quest. It really does create a huge advantage for those in a party vs those who are solo.


    I later qualified my point that in PvP it does matter and you do need to quest hard to stay competitive. You probably haven't read that far yet. I agree with your point completely (for PVP).

  11. @pApA^LeGBa More like I’m using your post to get my point across that I’m okay with Khaine being right about the perception people have about our forum than thinking that you want those people here or approve of their behavior. 

    3 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

    That guy was tame compared to the insults I get on the Dead by Daylight forums when users refuse to listen that their system is the problem and not the game ;)

    One of the other moderators (a friend of mine) has had straight up death threats on the forum, in her inbox and then via twitter after they got banned. Had to get authorities involved.

    I don’t doubt it. I will have had cancer 20 times over and family that will have died in a house fire about as many times if personal messages came true…lol

  12. Weapons and tools should have a finite lifespan. I don’t think they should degrade to lower quality tiers. They just should become unrepairable. Maybe you can repair something twice but after that the repair kit doesn’t work and the item is only good for parts. This would be a significant change to improve both crafting and looting. I did a play through where I immediately scrapped repair kits and it was great. I’ll probably start that up again. Repairs for primitive stuff is fine but anything that needs a repair kit should be limited.  Think about the diamond edge mod that extends durability. Who the heck cares how long durability lasts when a single repair kit restores it to full again? 

  13. 6 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    @Roland It´s not only steam where this happens and it´s not only toxic people. This is a wide spread opinion. Wrong or not doesn´t matter. It´s a reason people don´t come here.

    I understand that. My point is that the only way to “fix” that is to allow the toxic people to be toxic with no consequences. They are the ones who get banned and then lie about why they get banned. I’m not willing to do that and let this place turn into a cesspool where every debate is raunchy, insulting, and the overall slant of the forum is negative. 

    So I accept our wide spread reputation and that it keeps some people from posting here. Like I said, this forum isn’t the only place the devs collect feedback from and I honestly believe that if anyone lurked here they would see how tame it is here and how often people “get away with” posting negative feedback.

    So if they want to believe some rando who got banned for bad behavior who lies and says they got banned for telling the truth about how bad the game has become and people should just stay away rather than coming here themselves to see what it’s like, that’s their choice. 

    And if they’re happy posting on Facebook that the devs are lazy for taking 15 years to finish this game because they’ll get a lot of +1s instead of corrections then I’m glad they have a place that validates them. 

    I know Khaine gets it. Not long ago a guy was mad about something he wanted changed with Darkness Falls and was being disruptive and insulting against Khaine and his crew even in personal messages. I banned the guy and cleaned up his abusive posts on the DF thread. Do you think that guy is going to go to the subreddit and admit he was out of line or is he going to badmouth the forum and Khaine’s unwillingness to accept criticism?  Is Khaines thread better or worse with those posts gone? Are there folks who may listen to that guy elsewhere and choose never to come here or to download DF? 

  14. 1 hour ago, Gamida said:

    I wish there was a lesser loot chance option, like 5%. That's true survival struggling.


    I believe the number is rounded down to the nearest whole number after the modifier is applied so at 5% every container would be empty. Just simulate the setting by never opening anything. ;) 

  15. 3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    Roland We will see. There is a few. Project Zomboid for example let´s people stay at home and build, farm and cook without any disadvantages if others go out looting. That also works for Conan Exiles. Or Sons of the Forest once it´s released (Assuming it didn´t change too much from the first part). Also Subsistence, but that one still lacks content, but it´s early access also. And surely a few others i haven´t discovered yet.


    Well then its good that you'll have options available to you if you can't stomach the change.


    3 hours ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


    @Jost Amman You know very well that what @KhaineGB says about the forums is true. You are very active in the steam forums and you have seen exactly that argument a lot of times. People don´t come exactly for that reason and you know it.


    I don't feel a bit of sympathy for those people, frankly. If they feel more comfortable posting on Steam then they have an outlet for what they want to say in the way they want to say it and the devs monitor steam so their criticism will still likely get heard.


    Honestly, is there anyone who wants this forum to allow the same tone and toxicity level as Steam? Like I said, people post negative reactions to the game all the time here. Just had a few more pop up on the dev diary in fact. You, yourself, posted criticism against how the servers have been divided into regions and your misgivings about the new system. How is it you can post what you do and not get destroyed by all the fanboys or banned by the power mad super moderator? It is because you aren't insulting and toxic in your posting-- even when you are angry-- like whenever you perceived the game was becoming soft on survival elements over the years. If Khaine was 100% right you would never have posted such critical feedback but obviously you've felt safe enough posting your true opinion.


    The people who get banned for their toxic behavior and then go to Steam to say this forum doesn't allow any criticism are exactly the people we don't want here and I will continue to get rid of them even if it means their tales make others too nervous to post here. We get new accounts all the time who run the range of praising to ranting and as long as they aren't jerks to other people or completely toxic and libeling the devs they get along just fine.


    Khaine's point was that it is too bad that more people don't feel comfortable coming here to post criticism because the devs are only getting one-sided feedback from blindly supportive fans who immediately pounce on and suppress the criticism. He felt this way because he assumed the devs weren't monitoring other social media. But the truth is the devs are getting the praise and the criticism and so Steam and Reddit can continue to be bastions of those who want to post their dislikes in the rudest way possible and castigate anyone they view as a fanboi and this place can be a place where people can post positive or negative reactions to what the devs do while watching the rudeness.

  16. 3 hours ago, LordCorellon said:

    This will turn your game into a single player sandbox game. You are removing alot, if not most of the "teamwork" aspect your game got its greatest strength from.

    You are erasing this. You are erasing the "working together" and frankly I would not be surprised AT ALL that the old comments that you want 7 days to die to be just a "loot and shoot" and remove building from it entirely.


    One thing I'm learning in a big way is that not all teams work together in the same way. The change is barely going to register as a disruption in how my group functions.




  17. 3 hours ago, Red Eagle LXIX said:

    I'm going to comment.

    I don't like that I have to learn to build a robotic sledge to upgrade from a Pipe Baton to a Stun Baton (seriously, what?).   Stun Baton should come before Robotic Sledge from a logical progression perspective.  I gather it is likely just one of those gameplay choices but since everything is being redone, worth mentioning.


    Also, Robotics adds up to 144 out of 100. 

    Sorry couldn't help point out the bug in the screenshot.  To Be Fair I didn't notice it, someone mentioned it on Steam. 


    You don't have to use the robotic sledge. Its just that you will learn how to craft them. I'm betting the reason is that Madmole wanted something in between a pipe baton and the stun baton that will make it obsolete. This grants you time to play with the pipe baton at the highest level before you cast it aside and start playing with the stun baton. 


    I don't think the order of the recipes is supposed to reflect one recipe leading to the next logical invention derived from the work done on the previous one.

  18. 1 hour ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    I'm just saying that mods should probably make some sense.

    I understand your POV now, thanks. I’m not so married to reality as you. 

    1 hour ago, No_Name_Idea said:

    As for the overall "why", I figure a change like that would make weapons more equal and would let people mix and match weapons some more, plus "backup" weapons would be more viable.

    This is something I am personally against. I don’t want the weapons to be equal and I think any of the weapons is already good enough to be a backup or to use instead of the one you perked into. 

  19. 1 minute ago, Matt115 said:

    Only bins -  gutters will be added in "You will get  newsstand as inheritance " dlc.  ^^ . You can sell cigarets toys too! just remember that without fresh news what happened in your neightborgood you will lose rep point with "old mamas" faction


    So essentially I'm REQUIRED to deal with the news or I get PUNISHED. That sounds like very poor design forcing me to play a portion of the game I don't enjoy or be gimped.

  20. Just now, Matt115 said:

    Newsstand owner simulator XD

    From the look of your avatar, that game is way too confining. Plus, I don't like to deal with the news. Do the developers of that newsstand game force me to deal with the news when I what I find fun to do is to search the nearby gutters for bottlecaps?

  21. 12 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

    By the looks of what was posted about the LBL system it just seems like certain playstyles will be punished if you don´t go out of your way and do things that are your least favorite part of the game for builders/miners. If that changes i am all in. Restricting the way how to play and i am out and hoping for mods. If mods can´t solve this, it´s time for a new game we can play together that let´s us play however we want.


    So...what holy grail game are we talking about...?

  22. 8 hours ago, ArmoredStone said:

    Games heavily influenced by communities and mod-makers (taken just from a glance at my steam library and wishlist):

    Rust, Scum, Satisfactory, Space Engineers, Eco, Rimworld, Don't Starve, Battlebit, Raft, Project Zomboid, Stranded Deep, Ravenfield, probably hundreds more I don't care to keep writing down to prove a point. 


    I assure you that if those games made changes that the majority voted for it was because the community desires aligned with their own. If the devs had felt strongly against whatever popular opinion had won, they would have done what they felt best anyway. Developers have that title because they are the decision makers end of story. If you want to fall for the public relations stunt of an opinion poll that supposedly directs development of the game that's up to you. But I don't believe it for a second.


    Besides, it would still result in the same. You feel angry and marginalized because you weren't part of the decision making process. Well if you voted in a poll and didn't gain the majority, you would still feel angry and marginalized. People whose wishes didn't get chosen don't just sit back and say, "I'm glad the democratic process has resulted in a better game. I guess what I wanted wasn't best"


    No, they complain that the devs listened to the loud screams of idiots and sold out their vision for the lure of money trying to appeal to the mainstream and fill their pockets with cash and thus ruined their game. Devs can't win with people who are unwilling to go with change. If they listen to their own team then they are horrible people who hate their customers. If they listen to a majority then they are sell outs who just want to attract the majority to their game for cash. lol

  23. 14 hours ago, KhaineGB said:

    Want my opinion then? ;)

    He's unfortunately right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP. This is their primary method of communcation, so that's what they see. Any criticism that is actually well constructed is often shouted down by most folks on the forum, so it can be ignored (it's not ALWAYS ignored, I want to make that clear, but it often is, because TFP will just do whatever they want and folks here just stand around and clap).

    Other social media, like twitter, discord, facebook, reddit, twitch, youtube... there's often a lot of criticism. I know they obviously cannot monitor all of these


    Perhaps I did assume too much from your words but here is the controversial part of your original post. You were NOT quoting someone else who said the forum was full of blindly supporting people. That is clearly you stating what you believe. Maybe you were intending to convey a quote but when you say "He is right. The forum is mostly full of people who blindly support TFP" that is different than saying "I hear from a lot of people who say that..."


    If you want to step back from that statement and now say that you don't really believe it but you were just informing us what other people are saying, that would be nice to hear.


    Secondly, this direct quote from you really sends the message that criticism here gets shouted down and so the blind support here is all that TFP sees. You did not follow this up with a statement that you don't expect them to read everything posted on other social media sites, you said they obviously cannot moniter them. My response to you was that they do monitor all the ones you listed. Of course, they don't read every single post ever typed but they are not only listening to what they read here. They read lots of criticism from many sources. They are an international team with programmers and testers that live in different countries and so they often post what they see on their more local social media in our team meetings.


    I admit they do not have a team of readers combing the internet for all the feedback they can get. But you were obviously implying that their only exposure to feedback is here where everyone just claps and nothing critical can be read because of all the blind support. That was you sharing your opinion and not quoting anyone else. Then, in follow up posts when people responded negatively to you calling them blind supporters you hedged saying you were only quoting perspectives you read in other social media sites. When I pointed out that they DO monitor social media and read plenty of criticism thats when you took things to the extreme and moved from "they can't monitor other sites" to "they can't possibly read the entire internet". I never said they could read the entire internet and neither did you originally. 



  24. 7 minutes ago, NukemDed said:

    what?!?! how dare madmole tell me how to play the game!!!!



    pffft, nearly typed that with a straight face.... 😉

    I remembered another. He wanted to change things so that you would be more likely to get the parts you need for crafting. 

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