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Posts posted by Roland

  1. 1 hour ago, Blake_ said:

    Clear bandit POI is still clear, right?

    Can you confirm that by "quests" you meant singular, original and different standalone quests that add to the actual pool of quests or are we talking about other types of Clear,Fetch, Restore Power, Buried, or any combination in between? (Like how a "clear bandits and retrieve satchel" would be a basic new quest that is actually not new, as we are getting the same quest with different entities).




    Other than tantalizing you with the existence of two new quests, I need to wait to add any details or experiences of my own until a developer decides to spill the beans. I will say that they are distinct and not just variations of existing quests although they do involve mixing it up with zombies so in that regard they are similar to what we have. Speculate away and I'll poke Prime to see if after the weekend he'll come on and dish a bit or perhaps do a tell-all in his next stream. I'll bet he'll like that and then we can update the thread here and talk more about it. :)

  2. Just curious. Anyone part of one of those groups and if so how is it? I've played PvP, PvE, and solo but I've never played on a server where each participant has to behave and play in a particular role. I've heard of these types of servers being created for Rust and wondered if anyone has done anything like that for 7 Days to Die.

  3. Some Development highlights from the last few days from a quick glance at the workflow log:


    * Work on player animations

    * Several new shapes added to the shape menu

    * Updates to Trader Joel compound

    * Work on Bandit AI and animations

    * Improvements to various POIs

    * Work on one of the new Quest types

    * Lots of bug fixing

  4. 2 hours ago, Jugginator said:

    I have 3900 zombies spawned all the time in my world that I fight back and forth riding across my zipline that's attached to my blimp which I have 43 of my friends firing mounted 50-cals on, dunno what the issue is for your end.


    43 of your friends playing with ziplines. That's cold man. I guess my invite got "lost in the mail"....

  5. Welcome to the forums Gav! Hope you will share some of the stories that emerge as you play. You will have crazy and amazing near deaths and hilarious deaths. Feel free to share them when they happen!

  6. 2 hours ago, Victor.19 said:

    In the question of armor, will there be any changes in damage calculation, damage rate and status or will it be just new HD models of the armor on the A21? Thank you.


    As of now the changes to armor are just visual. How the properties might change depends on the new outfit feature which has not yet been implemented. I'm not sure where it will end up.

  7. 24 minutes ago, Brunik Rokbyter said:

    *WAS* the game breaking point.  Then they super softened it... then they added canned water, and then they tightened it again.  Long iterations ago expectations... trying to make sure I understand the intent so I can look better forward to what I expect to see 🙂


    Gotcha! The forge is one of the early workstations so it doesn't take very many magazines to unlock it. I think most teams will easily have it the first day or two if they funnel every Forge Ahead mag they find to one person.


    A single player should have it in any case within the first week.

  8. 1 hour ago, Brunik Rokbyter said:

    Like, surviving until day 3 without a forge was difficult.


    If you feel you MUST have a forge before Day 3 you might be setting yourself up for disappointment. I feel that it is safe to say nobody will go 30 days without a forge but if 3 days is your breaking point I'm not sure whether you make it.

  9. 25 minutes ago, Matt115 said:

    You wrote "Change is part of development" so my point was that big  overhaul happens even after released of  completed game.  



    Since April 10, 2018, an update has been made to the game to revamp the Divisions and related core systems of the multiplayer. The attachments and abilities for the divisions, such as the Submachine Gun Suppressor and the Rifle Bayonet, is now available without having to equip its division, Sniper Sharpshooter & LMG bipod are standard on all divisions As part of this update, all divisions up to Resistance had their specific-class attachments replaced with other abilities, followed by changes on some of the remaining three abilities. Divisions added after this update, such as Cavalry and Commando, had already been implemented with 4 integral divisions skills.


    Divisions | Call of Duty Wiki | Fandom

    And more other thing were changed

    Nope.  My point was that games get big changes even after game offical released and it was not connected with 7DTD but only with this  "Change is part of development". 




    Okay, Matt, change and overhauls can happen to games after they are released-- particularly if they follow a Season Pass or Subscription model. That doesn't mean that my statement that "Change is part of development" is inaccurate. Regardless of examples of released games that underwent a major overhaul at the start of a new season, that has no bearing on the fact that during development existing features and mechanics and systems often undergo changes as a matter of course until the development team feels that what they have is the final product they want to ship. During development change is a regularity. After development is over it is rare-- which is probably why it was such a big deal for that game.


    Once 7 Days to Die is released, the systems, mechanisms, and features will be set in place. The developers will never return to the game and overhaul how crafting is done, or how farming is done, or how progression is done as they have during the last 9 years of developing their game. There won't ever be a new season of 7 Days to Die that totally overhauls how the game is played.


    They will still do updates but it will be to add a new quest type, or a new book set, or some new POI's-- basically more of what we already have. But, regardless of what other titles may have done post release, I can tell you that TFP will not be overhauling the game once it ships complete. That will be solely the domain of modders.


    If your goal was to make me restate that phrase to "Change is part of development. It can also occur at times in select cases after a game releases."


    Fine. Happy to make the change.

  10. 1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    Not for sequels. CoD WW2 was a name of game.


    Matt, I don't know how many of the games you got in Poland, but in the USA CoD WW2 was the thirteenth sequel to the original. Call of Duty released in 2003 as a fully released and finished game. Fourteen years later in 2017 CoD WW2 was released as a separate game in the Call of Duty franchise. It most definitely is a sequel and most definitely not an overhaul of the original main game.


    1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    It was like...  what if TFP would Add LBD, food spoiling, zombie children, reduce bullets by 90% in next update. It was soo big - big changes in guns, perks, classes , guns modifications , respawn system ,eq so totaly new game. and was obligatory. Most tactics etc was not actual + small but important changes in maps.


    No. It would be like 7 Days to Die the basic first game releases in 2023 and then in fourteen years after a dozen other 7 Days to Die games (all of which must be purchased as full separate games) THEN a fourteenth 7 Days to Die game releases with big changes in guns, perks, classes, gun mods, respawn system, etc.


    That's the whole point. The devs are trying to put out the first 7 Days to Die game not having even released a full game yet. You and others are wanting them to pretend they've already released the base version and to start building on that put out what amounts to a sequel or a large expansion of new content to satisfy you because you are basically done with the basic game.



    1 hour ago, Matt115 said:

    MP had rly big overhaul in one of the seasons.


    Okay, I didn't catch this at first. You mean to say that CoD WW2 was released and then it underwent a huge overhaul in one of its seasons. That still does not apply to 7 Days to Die now which has not even been released yet and once it does get released will not be following a Season Pass model.

  11. 2 hours ago, Matt115 said:

    Well even games after complete get big overhauls - cod  WW2 ,  mount and blade with fire and swrod

    Yes, for sequels.  They didn’t change COD 1 into a WW2 game after it was released and force an update on everyone who owned it. They brought it in as a brand new game and charged a premium price for the new version. 

    A21 7 Days to Die is not a sequel to A20 7 Days to Die.  A21 isn’t a DLC or an expansion to A20. It is the next public development iteration which means that any and all systems and features are subject to changes. 

  12. 1 hour ago, Walder said:

    This just goes to show that the devs have absolutely no definitive vision for the game, they keep changing/experimenting, as they have done for almost 1 decade... the next update will make it 10 (!) years. Is there any other game that wants to go for 2 decades before it is released? I can imagine some of the original team will get retired before this happens, by the way this is looking.

    This just goes to show you are not well suited to play a game that is still in development. The devs have always had an overall vision for what they want to do with the details being subject to experimentation and iterative development. For example, they always knew they would have characters progress in skills and abilities like an RPG. Did they know exactly how they would implement that goal? Not exactly which is why it has undergone several iterations.  Some people have a hard time seeing the evolution and so they think one whole system was completely replaced by another whole system but that is not true. Everything the game is today is because of evolving systems through experimenting and problem solving. But, again, some people look at something like LBD and think that 7 Days to Die was always envisioned as an LBD game but then the devs abandoned that and changed their game.


    No. This was never an LBD game. It was always a game about character progression and LBD was the method used during one part of the evolution. 

    There are plenty of games that use early access to crowd fund their already practically finished game after having done most of the development work behind closed doors. This studio actually began early access with their game at an extremely early stage and have come a long way. 

    It is finally at the stage at which most other studios start thinking about putting their offerings out for early access. Maybe it was a mistake for them to have opened up their development versions from such an early stage but I’m glad they did. It has been very interesting to witness the journey. If A1-A19 had all been done privately and A20 was the first time it came to early access you would have no knowledge of all the changes that happened.


    1 hour ago, Walder said:

    It's kinda mindboggling that modders can do a better job to keep players entertained than the actually developers of the game.

    No it’s not. When developers do what the modders are doing it is called scope creep. The developers have very specific goals they are sticking to whereas modders have no restrictions. The devs have a standard of quality they have to maintain so that a wide range of configurations can access the game at a reasonable level of performance whereas modders are forgiven if not everything works 100%  


    The devs are trying to finish the basic version of the game that will be what brand new players purchase once it is released. Modders can cater to veterans who are bored with the fundamental version and want more challenges and more content beyond the scope of the base game. 

    It really shouldn’t be difficult to understand this unless you don’t understand the overall model of playing a game early while it is still in full development mode. 

    Your comments reveal that you really don’t get that this game is unfinished and the devs are working to get the 1.0 version finished. It shows that you emotionally consider this game fully released and the devs should be working on expansion and dlc content to extend the gameplay so that those of us who have played everything can have more to do. 

    Hope that clears up your confusion so that what is happening no longer boggles your mind. With the correct view of what development means it is pretty simple to understand. 

  13. Change is part of development. The game won’t get pure add-ons until it’s done. While in development you should expect change and replacement features as devs experiment and iterate on their design. 

    Once the game is declared finished and complete, you won’t see any more overhauls, cuts, and reimplementations. But until then, anything is fair game to be changed. 

  14. 2 hours ago, BFT2020 said:

    So is Roland stating that we are going to have named NPCs, one of them Slick Willy. 😉

    I think Slick Willy is one of the authors of one of the notes you find or he was at one time. 

  15. You would want to start over with A21 even if it were compatible so you could experience the new crafting feature. If you could import your high level character or just continue your save you would already be past most of the new gameplay that is coming. Plus you would already be more powerful than the bandits and so miss out on that struggle as well. 

    Moot point though as A20 will not be compatible at all with A21. 

  16. Bandits could be a goldmine of new quests. The trader has a bounty on Slick Willy who robbed him and defiled his sister but the only one who knows where he is, is the trader’s brother who is being held captive at the warehouse downtown by some of the Duke’s men. You have to rescue the brother who will then give you the location of Slick Willy and then you have to go get him. 2000 dukes dead or 3000 alive (“killing blow” must be a naked fisted punch) plus a 1000 bonus for freeing the brother alive.   Maybe a chance for a wandering horde to show up at an inconvenient moment with either the brother or Slick Willy as their primary target and you could have a nice challenge. 

  17. It's the curse of being an expert of Arizona. Gun experts have a similar curse as do Romero experts as they play this game.  ;) Just thank the devs they didn't include the sounds that radiators make. The fridge hum is plenty...


    19 hours ago, enkephalin07 said:

    Other things I never saw in Arizona:



    Now your credibility is tarnished a bit. I'll just assume you're city folk...

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