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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Plus pushing bandits back to "the next alpha" has been a TFP tradition since around Alpha 9....
  2. Everyone is playing! We broke all our records this past week with 39k concurrent players.
  3. Continuing the joke or you just can't help yourself...?
  4. The team just barely got back from vacation and today was their first meeting to discuss tasks going forward. The studio has been closed since just before Christmas. There is no use asking for dates of future streams as they don't want to give a date and then have to postpone. It will happen when it happens usually with a few day's notice.
  5. Difficulty has meant different things over the course of development. It used to control the pace at which player game stage would ramp up but now it no longer does. The reason it was decoupled from difficulty was that loot was tied to gamestage for the first time which meant that a multiplier to increase gamestage no longer made things purely more difficult. Currently, difficulty controls how much damage enemies can take and how often they go into rage mode. The rate of progression is fixed across all difficulties but can be effected for whatever difficulty you choose by adjusting xp gains and day length. 300% xp and 30 minute days will get the pace of your gamestage progression moving along quite rapidly.
  6. I just got word that there will be a 19.4.
  7. Rick is talking about a new product that will be created for new consoles. I was talking about the original product as was Madmole. If you read the full press release they say that the current version will get no further updates but that they hope to create a new version based upon the gold version. I highly doubt they will use any part of the one that was based off of Alpha 14 and somehow update that one into the PC Gold version on the new consoles. Any comments by Rick or Joel regarding future console versions are based on their press release and they are talking about hopes to create something new
  8. See how you had to use the word “somehow” in your sentence? Even you don’t fully believe it. The truth is that the full Gold PC version would never have been able to have been ported because there really was never going to be any somehow about it. They couldn’t even port A15 in its entirety and A16 was only going to be certain elements of it. Madmole did say they would try to make them as equal as possible but that is not the same thing as a promised delivery. The promised delivery was a standalone version of 7 Days to Die based on the Alpha 14 architecture period. Anything more was just gravy.
  9. How so when the product that was promised was a stand alone version of the game based on the Alpha 14 architecture and what was delivered was that PLUS elements of A15 as well. The truth is that console players got more than they were promised but just not as much as they erroneously expected (if they were expecting parity with the PC version for some reason) I guess that’s why you said many of them FELT shafted. They weren’t. But they felt that way. Unfortunately, there’s no helping what people are going to inexplicably feel.
  10. Sorry, I meant to move the entire conversation but missed some which made it confusing. It is all here now and you are welcome to carry it on. I am not going to dissallow messages that are not addressed to the developers but messages that are not addressed to the developers will be moved out.
  11. You must be one of those high maintenance trick-or-treaters... Kidding! That does sound sus...
  12. This is a known issue and has been brought up to the devs many times. They are working on it. If a post is not a direct question or response to a developer regarding Alpha 20 then it gets moved here. No posts have been deleted. Not even your reposting of the female construction worker picture got deleted....
  13. The website said that same thing for years before the console version was a twinkle in the eye of Telltale games. The Fun Pimps are dedicated group of highly experienced game and software developers for the PC. The console's development was outsourced on the publication side to Telltale and the coding side to Iron Galaxy. Throughout the console porting process The Fun Pimps continued to develop the PC version--only consulting and providing resources to Telltale and Iron Galaxy as was required. Even now, the Fun Pimps continue to labor from love within the sphere of their experience and knowledge which is the PC platform. You'll also notice that the statement uses the plural form of game even though TFP only has a single game as of now. A mission statement like the one you quoted doesn't always reflect the here and now but is an ideal the company strives for. Even with their future games, the platform on which they will strive for excellence is PC. The console version is complete and finished and is what it is. Your mileage with the console version may vary from someone else's but there are those who have had years of fun with that version. As for spending ungodly amounts of time opening a container only to get garbage-- well....perhaps the console and pc version do have something in common...
  14. I can tell you exactly what would happen! You w--
  15. WOW!........That’s low, mein bruder... 😂
  16. How on earth could I be responding to your posts if they were not allowed? What could I possibly be quoting from in my own posts and how would anyone understand what the heck I’m talking about if they couldn’t read what you wrote which still remains and will remain for as long as these forums exist...? If you don’t want to continue the discussion, that’s fine but it’s your choice to stop and nobody else is stopping you. You brought the heat to the devs on this issue because you said they’re big boys and can take it. Are you saying you can’t take on some challenges to your own viewpoint? I don’t think I’m being half as aggressive as you were. Personally, I enjoy playing a character that has strengths and weaknesses. It makes for more varied gameplay and role playing. I would never carry around multiple outfits just so I could make sure my character had max efficiency at all times no matter what I was doing. I would take the strength that I want and recognize that it would come with some downsides that I would have to deal with. See? No inventory management problems. Those problems only come into play when you are playing from a min/max philosophy. What I think would be cool would be to have a specialized container like a wardrobe that had all its slots organized by outfit set so we could with one click swap whole outfits when in our base. We could still do it piece by piece for mixing different outfits but for swapping whole sets it would be nice for a one click QOL solution at your base.
  17. It will be no different than now. Currently, to get the bonus you have to acquire a cigar. After the change, in order to get the bonus you have to acquire a ______. We don't know yet how it will work but what we do know is the following: Every piece of an outfit adds a bonus for the player (more than we have now) If all pieces match there is a significant bonus (more than we have now) There will be fewer overall mod slots available for wearables than there is now. (less than we have now) We really don't have enough specifics yet to be able to judge whether all of the new bonuses will end up being a good offset for losing the overall number of clothing/armor pieces in order to become fully kitted out as well as the loss of overal mod slots. I will say that in my opinion the armor mod slot situation has been grossly OP with no need for any decision making or variety of mod combos. With five armor pieces as well as clothing pieces all with mod slots it has never been any kind of game to managing and choosing what mods to use. There's plenty of slots for everything. So I think that going down to a total of four pieces will bring the number of mod slots into better alignment with weapons and tools. I absolutely hope they do NOT increase mod slots for the outfits so that it matches what we have had for the last few alphas. We need to be making choices about how to mod our gear-- not simply sticking every mod we get into an available slot because there are 20+ of them all functioning for armor.... Finally, you should never judge a new alpha by what you were or were not able to do before especially when balancing is part of what they are doing now. There are going to be many times during the coming year where something you just got for free will be changed to having to work for it or something that was never something to consider before suddenly becomes something to consider. Not that this change is even remotely one of those cases...
  18. @Pwn3dg4m3r There are currently almost no articles of clothing that grant bonuses. The letterman jacket, running shoes, and the face accessories are the only ones that come to mind. I can’t think of a single pair of pants or shirt or armor piece that grants 5% bonus to mining or chopping wood or farming. So why the certitude that we are going to lose bonuses that will have to be regained by wearing outfits? By getting rid of clothes and armor as separate entities which bonuses are you thinking we are losing? The answer is: none. There are no wood chopping and mining bonuses currently assigned to any outfits to lose. Those will be all gain. If you chop wood while wearing the miner gear you will mine better than now and chop wood the same as now.
  19. That is only true if you absolutely cannot stomach playing the game without all the bonuses you can possibly have at any given moment. If you refuse to chop a single tree without changing into some outfit that gives you a bonus for doing that and then refuse to harvest a single plant without changing into some outfit that gives you a bonus for doing that, then yes, there are going to be a lot of clothes changing and room taken up in your inventory for alternate outfits. One way to look at it is that you MUST change outfits before doing any different activity that isn't covered by the outfit you are wearing. Another way to look at it is that you are stronger in some areas and weaker in others and you just play the game with what you have and don't worry so much about whether you could have mined 5% more ore than you did if only you had changed outfits.
  20. I don’t hope for that. I hope that the risk matches the reward and that if someone wants to skip the primitive stage they can as long as they take the risks to do so. Going to a radiated POI in the wasteland BETTER have a significantly better reward. If not, then what’s the use of having a variety of locations with different game stages if they are going to be all largely the same just to protect linear progression? Quite a few people are putting up with the current primitive game only because of the promise of a better design to come that will ease the linearity of it. I don’t think very many are cheering for a rigid linear progression model.
  21. I can confirm that the pipe weapons are great fun to find and use. They are still WIP but even now their variety is exactly what the primitive era needs and they really have breathed new life into the early game. I don't think they will change the minds of those who are wanting the more powerful weaponry sooner but for those who enjoy the slower progression and finding primitive stuff of slowly building quality until the real weapons start appearing, they really make the game more engaging. I find myself excited to get ammo now and am using it up. These guns are pretty junky but they are fun. If you are the type who feels that using up ammo on poor weaponry is a waste then you'll probably have a hard time with these guns and may find yourself ignoring them in order to horde ammo for later when you can find good guns. But if you don't mind using whatever you've got in the present and letting tomorrow take care of itself, then they are great!
  22. Having the EXP never pop up whenever you make any kill anytime would be most nice....
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