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Everything posted by Roland

  1. I loved Tetris for a decade. No more.
  2. Well AI and pathing are pretty intermixed. The zombies HAVE been dumbed down quite a bit from where they were in A17. Technically, the long multiple pathways from them to the player still exist but faatal has made it so a lot of them "forget" the long paths and turn to destruction mode and some do random things that often make no sense at all. So most likely for pathing and knowledge of ways to get to the player the bandits will probably be closer to A17 than A19 on that spectrum and you could say that bandits and zombies share a common knowledge of pathways and how to get to the player. But then there are AI tasks and Bandits will have all new tasks completely different than zombies. So there is a little bit of truth to the urban legend if you include both pathing and tasks under the umbrella of "AI" which in the minds of the players is something everyone already does.
  3. faatal has stated in the past that bandits will not use the same AI. Pathing will probably be same but the AI tasks for bandits will include taking cover, flanking, using ranged weaponry, etc that zombies would not utilize at all. Other than edge cases that faatal continues to sand off the zombie AI is intended and designed for the zombies.
  4. This is subject to the wishes of the QA staff. If they turned off editing then they did it for a good reason. In the old bug reporting subforum you could edit your posts. In creating the new section the QA staff worked with our site admin to make it be the way that would work best for them. There is a proper forum entry. It is up by your name top right. It is a drop down menu button that says +Create from which you can select "Record in Bugs". The green bar no longer spams out in front of everything and it is simpy a direct link which is highly visible. I dunno, seems pretty simple and pretty proper. I guess think of it as a "stupid filter". If someone can't find the bug pool with what we've given them, then we probably don't want their report anyway... Joking aside, there are times when Hated likes to close the bug pool to all but the volunteers he has selected and make it only accessible by those members who are in the tester group. The current setup allows him to do this whenever warranted. What do you mean? They DO do this all the time. Just because they constantly remind people of the ideal proper way to submit bugs doesn't mean they completely discount reports that aren't to the letter in the format they ask for. Maybe they do some if the poster is also emotional and ranty. The QA staff even read the regular forums and the support forums looking for actionable clues just in case something comes from it. Our QA guys take action on all sorts of iffy reports and see if they can repro things. But they are also not going to just let the standards of reporting slide so you definitely will be told to submit bugs properly when you don't. Otherwise why even have a standard? If you say so... It will only happen so long as faatal sees value in it and perhaps a separate thread where you tag his name to draw his attention might not be a bad idea. In the A20 thread there really won't be call for such posts as you won't be able to play it and give feedback on things you notice. For now with the A19 thread and with a developer's obvious willing participation it is fine. Exactly...all this inconspicuously themed crud was in the actual Dev Diary before I moved it out. Here you are free to keep clog alive.
  5. Jay_ombie didn’t name or create this thread. I did. His just happened to be the cutoff post for my mass migration as I went back and cleaned house. I altered the name slightly so that it won’t be so close.
  6. Move it back over? It was never over there. You posted it here....
  7. Yeah, that is fine. Now go post it in the Dev Diary instead of here....
  8. I have read other people having a similar problem with saves showing in the save game folder in app data but not appearing in the continue game menu like their file type got corrupted somehow and the game doesn't recognize it as a saved game. Go to your saved games folders in windows and see if it is still there even though it isn't showing up anymore in the continue game menu. If it is, you should submit a bug report.
  9. Madmole is the perfect dev to ask about block shapes. Just tag his name like you did mine and ask him the question.
  10. No offense 😀 Congrats on 3k posts!
  11. Ive been cleaning it out once or twice per day. That might seem like soft mittens to someone who is checking the dev diary every 5 minutes but for those who check in every few days the dev diary will appear uncluttered and that is fine for me because I am really doing this for the benefit of the developers to be able to easily see the relevant posts for them and they are not checking every 5 minutes. Approving every post would be more work and also kill the freedom of posting. It is simple for me as I read to check and then mass move anything out. This way people can make their comments even their jokes without being stifled. They just need to know that it won’t be staying in the dev diary for long. Im not really worried about it Mech. It’s definitely something I’m not going to smite people over.
  12. No. The devs are fine with hearing feedback to their announcements. You’re trying to hard to make this some kind of actionable infraction. I certainly don’t want you to send ten reports if 10 people post their praise/worries/criticism of something revealed by Madmole. Best is to just ignore what others post and the mods will move them out if we feel it’s warranted. Everything will be moved here. I’m not going to take time to sort posts into different buckets. Here they can be read and commented upon and discussed further. The only posts that will be deleted are spam or that break the rules such as flaming, doom and gloom, or being abusive if others.
  13. It’s pretty simple. Direct conversations with the developers stay. The developers set the tone. If Madmole wants to talk about base design then base design posts stay. If you have a question for the devs then post it. If they answer and you want to answer back....great. Don’t worry about what others post. If the mods and devs feel it can stay then it will and if we want it moved we will. All you need to worry about is asking questions you want answers to and responding to them if they respond to you. Nobody is in trouble here and I don’t anticipate giving out infractions or bans for this. I’m simply letting people know that I’ll be cleaning out conversations that don’t involve the devs directly.
  14. Alpha 19.1 Stable is not a beta opt in branch. It is the main branch and the main branch is never in the beta opt in menu. The main branch is always an automatic download for anyone who hasn’t opted in to an alternate branch in the list. Therefore, you must opt out of all betas if you want the stable branch. The answer to your question is that TFP will add A19.1 to the beta opt-in menu once A19.2 stable releases. This is done as a courtesy to those who may not want to move on to the new main branch. It’s really only people who opt in to play experimental that are affected by this. Most players will just automatically update to A19.1 stable without any confusion because they haven’t opted in to experimental. For those who do, the onus is on them to figure out what they are choosing to do. The system is in place to cater to the developer’s needs and it works just fine and is quite easy to understand. It is not Steam who manages the beta menu list. It is TFP.
  15. You posted them in the dev diary and I moved them here. This is the second set I've moved here now. Dev Diary is for asking questions of the developers or responding to something they say. General Discussions is for sharing base designs and discussing strategies etc. Junior Moderating also doesn't belong there. Instead of discussing how wrong his post was you could have just reported it and let us handle it. But you clogged up the thread even more with your desire to enforce stuff on others. Forgiven sure. But please in the future just report or even just ignore and let us decide if it should remain or not.
  16. Nope! And thanks to you, there will continue to be posts generated that end up here.
  17. Fair is Fair. We can avoid the mentality as long as we get to keep the physics.
  18. Oh boy...encouraging AND has an androgynous avatar. Pure SnowDog bait.
  19. Awww....You were always the Shovel Man. End of an era.
  20. I could ban Madmole if I wanted to. But that would be THE END for me and I’m not talking about moderating the forums...
  21. He's working hard so that we might be able to open the A20 dev diary with some reportable content pretty soon....
  22. Thanks for your input. It has been received and taken under advisement. There is no further need to talk about this as the proper people who needed to see your feedback have seen it and will make their decision on the artistic representation of the zombies as well as the relative strengths and weaknesses between zombie types. Further discussion of how race, gender, ethnicity, sexual preference, religion, political persuasion, etc are represented or under-represented or over-represented in the game shall be considered political discussion and dealt with under that rule. Leave it and let TFP design what they will in this regard.
  23. You think I don’t know the rules for this thread let alone the whole forum and that I just go off assumptions based upon emotional outbursts by Madmole and never have direct conversations with him where he says, “Roland, let’s try and do a better job keeping the mod talk out of the dev diary”? When you say that sometimes a mod brings better balance, what you mean is that a mod sometimes makes the game feel better and more fun FOR YOU. But by all means keep bring up mods in this thread and see what happens...
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