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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Great! Hope things are well with you too!
  2. @sillls I believe there is a known bug that can happen with treasure quests. I'm not sure whether there is a workaround or whether your save game is toast. Maybe the QA guys will be able to help which is why I moved this post from the dev diary to the support forum. They may want more info from you.
  3. “Modders shouldn’t be relied upon to....” simply means that you think your idea is so critical and fundamental to the success of the vanilla version of the game that the developers should do it themselves, and to just leave it for the modders to do is a huge dereliction of their duty. To that I’d say that if it really is hot stuff the devs already thought of it, discussed it, and rejected it. Most likely, it isn’t very hot at all... I haven’t read anything new or groundbreaking as far as ideas that weren’t already suggested by someone six years ago. Everything cycles in these forums...
  4. Absolutely. I cleared out my inbox. Sorry about that. Send me a private message with your key and I will convert it for you.
  5. Pretty close though......Dave....I'm sorry you can't see that.
  6. Part of the block upgrade overhaul has been to look closely at the SI calculations to make sure upgrading a block does not cause an entire base to crumble. There are a lot of improvements to building that have not specifically been mentioned but should definitely improve quality of life for builders. I'm sure once it is all ready to be shown in a future dev stream most fears and concerns will be allayed.
  7. There are always exceptions to rule of course and even TFP took a lot of player feedback earlier in the development cycle. But the game is nearly done now and they have their list of tasks needed to get it done and they are not looking to add to that list. If you wanted to add a revolutionary idea and have it take fire in the minds of the developers your a few years too late. Get on the ground floor for their next game.
  8. Its true at every level and in every industry. Established companies have their own list of features that they already have planned to include into a game and aren't really looking for outside help to add to that list or bump items that are already in the list. Stepping back a level, they also already have game ideas queued up that they plan to work on and aren't looking to be pitched new game ideas. This is the way it has always been and it is this frustration that has made crowdfunding become the huge industry that it is--as well as YouTube. Thanks to Kickstarter anyone can pitch an idea to the masses and have a better chance to get funding to see their project come to light than they ever had by trying to pitch their idea to an existing publisher or studio. It's how this game came to be. YouTube has done the same thing for fame. It used to be that you could only become famous by first securing an agent and then breaking into the business and hoping for a breakout hit that would put your name and face into the public consciousness. Now, people bypass that old model thanks to YouTube. For this particular game, the best way to get your great idea implemented is through modding because, honestly, the developers have already picked and planned all the good ideas they are going to use for this game. Now, we can all see thanks to Early Access, Kickstarter, and YouTube that most "good ideas" are actually trash and you do have to sift through a lot of @%$# BUT when you find a gem or some amazing talent that never would have become reality under the traditional models it does make you glad.
  9. In regards to what is in the new shape menu, here is a reference that comes close... Kudos to @schwanz9000 for the many hours of work. You guys are all going to be blown away. Trust me.
  10. FYI, that model was the fulfillment of a Kickstarter pledge. Someone pledged quite a bit more than the price of the game to have their likeness included as a zombie. So it wasn't low effort by a long shot and it can't be redesigned to something so mutated that the skinny dude who paid for that model isn't getting what he paid for.
  11. Yeah sure. Reveal your browsing history and THEN we'll believe you. Well, since that is filtered and the other isn't, maybe that is really what cp stands for...
  12. I just want to add that there can be rules and mechanics that make a game feel too restrictive and I understand that. Each player is going to have their own sense of how far is too far with restrictions. Obviously, @Liesel Weppens line is drawn in a different place than mine. I didn't like the level gates that TFP previously had implemented as that felt way too restrictive to me. But there were others who liked having level gates as a goal to work towards. So I'm not saying that Liesel probably wants the game completely unrestrictive, its just that the current mechanic feels to restrictive to them but not to me. But I also wouldn't be angry if they made it less restrictive towards some of the suggestions that Liesel made such as having attribute bonuses affect all weapons. Something like that wouldn't go to far in permissiveness and freedom as far as I can tell-- for me.
  13. All I can read is: child porn child porn child porn child porn. child porn. And that makes YOU the deviant! (NSA is probably alerted to me because of how many times I've typed "child porn". But at least I didn't abbreviate it because that would be truly heinous)
  14. Not what I would have expected from a Canadian...
  15. It didn't come through. But if it had you would have gotten the same suggestions: Unplug other peripherals, remove any mods, update Windows, update Steam and try again.
  16. Because it stands for checkpoint. Lathan said that you can even type #checkpoint instead of the abbreviation if it is of concern. Plus, I really don't think the connection between cp and child porn is as universally known as you think it is. Finally, there is intrinsically nothing wrong with typing out the full phrase: "child porn" so why would there be anything wrong with an abbreviation for it? Context is king. #cp stands for checkpoint in the context of the game period. Any other meanings are irrelevant. Its like when the Minister says the words "hell" or "ass" aloud when quoting scripture. Sure, some little kids will titter because of hearing those words out loud in church but most intelligent people understand the context and let it slide. It will be interesting to see if they change it though since, apparently, political correctness is the reverse of child porn....
  17. Yeah, this is clearly problematic (cp) for my career plan (cp)
  18. It is ridiculous given the context of its use. #cp does not always stand for child porn... I'd be more suspicious of people who get triggered by two letters that actually stand for checkpoint within the context of the game than by the abbreviation itself. However, I let Lathan know there is chatter about this and the powers that be will make their decision. I guess as a math teacher I should probably never use the numbers 69 or 666. Ooh I know! I'll just teach my kids to use the number 42 and then they'll have the answer to everything all the time... smh
  19. This right here is most likely the problem rather than any lack of understanding. We just have different philosophies about game design. In my mind, restrictions ARE a feature related to player choice and balance. If you don’t want restrictions then give yourself skillpoint through the console, turn on god mode, and/or enable the creative menu. No more restrictions. it may seem counter intuitive but giving the player full freedom actually reduces tough choices and options to challenge themselves. Sorry that our perspectives are too different to be able to have this discussion.
  20. It’s modded. So...? I doubt he knows about it but good thing it’s there for him if he decides to use it. Whew! Of course it is but Bach has to frame such things as either/or in order to strengthen his speculations about what will be in A20 and what will not. So what if Latham would have had nothing to do with AI changes and did the twitch integration on his own time. It helps fan the flames to say “We got twitch integration instead of AI changes”. Especially, since there are those who view streamers as natural punching bags anyway.
  21. huh, what? Sorry, I was watching Shroud on Twitch. Just one of 20,000+ viewers...
  22. Go record yourself harvesting a mine with your wrench. Meme city.
  23. None taken. What exactly was it that you got that you wanted? What prize fish did you catch?
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